
No Pockets in a Shroud de Horace McCoy

de Horace McCoy - Género: English
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In this ingenious novel, a passionate journalist takes on his city's rampant corruption

Mike Dolan is a widely read columnist, but he's intensely frustrated by his newspaper's attitude toward the truth. All the articles he's most keen to run—about a rich youth escaping punishment in a drunk-driving accident, a supremacist group called the Crusaders, or a pennant-winning baseball team found to be throwing games—are precisely the ones his editor wants to shelve, caring only to keep lucrative advertising relationships intact. Dolan finally has had enough, and borrows money from friends to launch a magazine of his own. Although he's now free to boldly speak truth to power and pursue his most important scoops, the move comes with grave consequences for his love life—and his life, period. As Dolan steps on toes and dodges fists, No Pockets in a Shroud showcases McCoy's fast-paced, suspenseful style. This ebook features an extended biography...

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IÂ’ve read one McCoy, They Shoot Horses, Don't They?, and been meaning to read more from him for a while, though I must accept that I chose the wrong one.

Frustrated by the politics of the press room, Mike Dolan quits his job as a journalist and sets up his own magazine, hoping to lift the lid on the same corruption and malpractice rife in the city. In his naivety though, he attracts the attention of the criminal underworld that the bosses in his former job had protected him from.
Specifically, he goes after a murderous abortionist and a KKK influenced racist group, then loses his longtime girl-friend and marries a senatorÂ’s daughter on the rebound. His fate is predictable, even the manner of it, and no spoiler as the title has already done that job.

It may sound an interesting premise, but quite a bit of the content is dated and confusing. Those who criticise pulp fiction for attitudes to women, and the sort of roles they play are usually inaccurate when it comes to the best of the writing. But here McCoyÂ’s protagonist, and indeed hero, is a flawed and unpleasant character, an unconvincing paragon of liberal virtues. What materialises is a cliche-ridden patronage of his ostentatious macho attitude.
By way of his hero Dolan, McCoy also includes insensitive passages that come over as homophobic and racist. A small amount can be accounted for by the fact that it was published in 1937, but a reissue as recently as 2013 is difficult to believe.
One to avoid.american-literature crime mystery ...more7 s Daniel203

The stereotypical characterizations of blacks and homosexuals, at least by contemporary standards, are hard to take, but the promiscuity, swearing and over-the-top violence in the hard-bitten "No Pockets in a Shroud" help make the book more palatable. The prejudice isn't particularly surprising for a novel published in 1937, but the rest is.

The book's biggest weakness, though, is its self-righteous main character Mike Dolan, who won't stop talking about how amoral everyone else is and how he's the only one who wants to do the right thing. "No Pockets in a Shroud" also isn't helped by Horace McCoy's reliance on dialog almost to the total exclusion of description as a narrative tool; characters end up telling each other things they would already know or the reader has learned just a couple pages before.

"No Pockets in a Shroud" isn't as popular or well-regarded as McCoy's excellent "They Shoot Horses, Don't They?" from 1935. (McCoy's novels had great titles, didn't they?) "No Pockets in a Shroud"'s relative lack of renown is for good reason, but it's still worth a read, especially for its then-relevant depiction of communist witch hunts as well as its shocking conclusion.2009 books-about-writers7 s Gibson647

Martiri lo si diventa a furia di scavare

Considerando l'anno di uscita, 1937, il romanzo mostra tutto il suo coraggio con una sanguigna determinazione, affidata a Mike Dolan, un brillante reporter che, stanco di essere zittito dai direttori di giornale al solo tentativo di svelare altarini imbarazzanti, decide di provare con una testata tutta sua, il Cosmopolite.

Mike diventa un personaggio scomodo, perché vuole stanare il marcio nel Potere, la corruzione e il razzismo che circolano a Colton, cittadina rappresentativa di quell'America paladina della Libertà.

Il suo spirito di intraprendenza, aiutato da un sentimento viscerale che lo guida ad attaccare tutto e tutti, lo fa apparire sopra le righe, forse, ma mi ha scaldato il cuore, poco importa se i suoi sono slanci che la Società trasformerà in utopie.

Romanzo dinamico, cinematografico, molto dialogato e dal titolo intelligente di un autore da leggere.noir4 s Mana.Fa78 1 follower

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Deeply critical view of racism, sexism, political corruption, and capitalism. McCoy's books are genius and his protagonists will turn your stomach, essential to the best of noir. The ending of this novel is hair-raising.3 s Guy SalvidgeAuthor 14 books36

This is about a guy who decides to take on all the corruption in his city (in the US in the thirties) by publishing his own magazine to blow a lid on everything. The guy, Mike Dolan, is apparently also the world's greatest lover. He has women throwing themselves at him throughout the book. The biggest problem I had with this, other than the fact that Dolan isn't a very sympathetic character, is that McCoy includes virtually no descriptive writing at all. I'm no fan of verbose description, but surely some physical detail here and there is a must. Consequently I found myself bored and disaffected. 2 s Stephen Rowland1,252 56

McCoy's weakest novel. Tired, hackneyed one-man-takes-on-the-SYSTEM plot, with predictable results. Ah, the good ol' days, when all one had to do to shut up some broad was punch her with his fists until she was unconscious. Then you'd just have your boy drag her body home (if he wasn't out chasing some high yaller, that is). This is the sort of protagonist McCoy gives us to take on the INJUSTICE and UNFAIRNESS of the world. There are homophobic and pro-Communist (?!) subtexts thrown into the mess to make it even more confusing. In no way does it work in 2022 and I imagine even in 1937 it was impossible for any thinking person to take it seriously. 1 Olga323 4 Read

??????? ????????? ? ???????????????? ??????? 30?. ?? ????? ?? ???????? ??? ????. ???-?????? ???????.dropped1 Rita Grilo1 review

The first time I read something from Horace McCoy was "They shoot horses, don't they?" and I can say that's ly the book that impressed me the most in 2019. So when "No pockets in a shroud" came to my hands I was quite curious to know if Horace McCoy could get my interest again and...he did! The book tells a story about a reporter from a small town that is tired of being held back in his investigations by economical and political interests. The most impressive thing is that the book focus on different themes that are so actual to us: press freedom and fake news, women rights, xenophobia, sports corruption. This is a book written in 1937, but it's style and the story it tells definitely don't show it's age.1 Davethorson31 2

I enjoyed this book less than others by Horace McCoy. I read four of his novels that were collected in one omnibus volume and this was my least favorite. (The others in the collection were They Shoot Horses, Don't They?, Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye and I Should Have Stayed Home.)

"Shroud" contains many more characters than his other novels and more closely resembles "Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye" than it does "They Shoot Horses" and "Stayed Home" which were both really novellas, and to my mind at least, "Stayed Home" could have been a prequel to "They Shoot Horses." I think McCoy's true genius lay in the shorter forms. Although I greatly enjoyed "Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye," in "Shroud" I think there are just too many characters, too many plot twists, and too relentless of the same one note samba that makes it a little tiresome to wade through.

The plot concerns a raffish, demanding former sports writer who decides to go into the magazine publishing business to expose the corruption and scandals in the town he lives in. One problem is that the main character just never seems likable enough. Don't make the mistake of thinking this is because he's not a sympathetic character. I loved the criminal who was the main character in "Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye". The lead character in "Shroud" is, at least on the surface, a do gooder and a crusader, but he just somehow comes off as petulant and spoiled.

McCoy is still a pleasure to read, for the details he brings to certain situations. One of the things that's fun about reading him is the way the characters treat firearms and near deadly potential violence so casually. These are the more "noir" aspects of McCoy's writing but he does it with such deadpan offhandedness that it's almost humorous at times, and fun to read.

Where I think McCoy falls a little short in this book is there are just too many characters, and the ending seems almost tacked on, as if McCoy wasn't sure how to end the book. To me, it also had signs of being written quickly as I could swear a few times characters misrepresented earlier events or related something as if it had already happened when it hadn't. Perhaps I was just losing interest and not paying as much attention.

Still, McCoy is always worth reading. I just don't think this book is his masterpiece. As I mentioned earlier, I believe his true vehicle was the novella. I understand he wrote a number of short stories for Black Mask magazine, and I'm anxious to read those as I have a feeling that with McCoy, the less words he used, the more expressive and the more compelling a writer he truly was.1 Alessandro Giuliani311 1 follower

Opera del 1937, racconta un’America terribile, corrotta e violenta e Mike Dolan, giornalista tutto di un pezzo che non si vuole piegare alle logiche di omertà che dominano tutti i quotidiani cittadini.
Conclusione inevitabile e scontata per un libro duro, che non lascia al lettore nemmeno uno spiraglio per credere in una società migliore.
Se avete bisogno di qualcosa di consolatorio, questo ottimo libro non fa per voi This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 J1,387 181

It took me sixteen years to get back to reading another Horace McCoy novel after the scorcher of They Shoot Horses, Don’t They and I wish I hadn’t. He doesn’t write great literature but he does write great books. 1 Robin RayAuthor 5 books18

And I thought James M. Cain was dark. . . A head-spinning trawl through the sewers of small-city political/police corruption, media capitulation, sexual opportunism, and Jim-Crow "justice" -- but good!1 Mehdi Zandpoor42 11

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Buena dentro de su género, tiene un ritmo frenético y una estructura que le acerca más al guión de cine que a una novela, aunque tiene las carencias literarias típicas de este tipo de obras 1 Talita Koycheva35 3

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In short, this is a novel about a man, Mike Dolan, who gets fired for arguing with his editor and decides to start his own magazine so he can report on all the seedy, corrupt goings-on in his town. In the process, he makes enemies, treats friends poorly, and sleeps around a lot.

This book had so much promise. The dialogue is snappy and generally pretty good, McCoy clearly has no problem writing about things that were clearly taboo in 1937 (incest, involuntary castration, fornication, etc.), and the political leanings are generally pretty progressive!

However, our lead, Dolan, is insufferable. He's whiny, mercurial, impulsive, and too lucky. He has convenient mishap one after another, he apparently knows every person in his city, he's good friends with both the chief of police and county sheriff, and women throw themselves at him left and right (including the mother of one of his paramours, who gives him thousands of dollars—this is 1937—in gratitude). Dolan is a perfect example of a Mary Sue.

We also see a level of casual racism, sexism, and homophobia that I know was normal for the time, but given that the big antagonists of this story are the Crusaders, a group similar to the KKK, I expected black people to be treated better by the author. And the violence against women. Oh boy! Dolan knocks out one of his lovers and when she wakes up she's merely amused that he sucker punched her. He constantly makes jokes about hitting—or threatens to!—women he talks with. And when he's not being violent or threatening it, he's being emotionally abusive (not just to women, but also the men). Why would anyone, in real life, this person?

The ending, however, was perfect. Many reviewers feel it was tacked on, but it was foreshadowed throughout the entire book.

2.5 stars, only because the writing and plot were compelling.noir Dario Andrade573 19

Do McCoy já havia lido há muitos anos o “Mas não se mata cavalos?” em uma edição bem antiga da Abril, acho do que início dos anos 80. Estória bem marcante, sobre a Grande Depressão e os concursos de dança típicos daquela época: não vencia quem eram os melhores dançarinos, mas aqueles que permaneciam dançando por mais tempo. Drama daqueles, cujo cenário lembra um tipo de competição que apareceu por aqui há alguns anos, com aspectos grotescos. Virou um filme, com a Jane Fonda. Vale a pena.
Esse “Mortalha não tem bolso” é também obra da década de 1930, em que os jornalistas eram heróis – havia jornalistas naquele tempo. Mike Dolan é um jovem idealista, que se demite de um jornal na cidade de Colton porque não consegue publicar as matérias de gostaria e que iriam demolir a sociedade local.
Graças – também – a uma coincidência é incentivado a criar uma revista, que vai publicar as tais matérias. Sempre endividado, vai usar também de certas artimanhas, moralmente duvidosas para conseguir dinheiro.
Publica a sua revista, mas as suas reportagens têm consequências para a sociedade, para as pessoas que o cercam e para ele próprio.
Não é um grande livro, daqueles que ficam na memória, mas tem coisas interessantes sobre a obsessão e sobre o preço que se paga para ser bem-sucedido. Nota para os diálogos – McCoy foi roteirista de cinema.
Tem uma reflexão interessante a respeito de coincidências. Como a cadeia de acontecimentos seria diferente se uma pessoa resolvesse beber um café a mais e demorasse mais 10 minutos para sair de casa?


Half-way through and still nothing about fascism, and very little about corruption. I'm tired of hearing of Dolan's loveless sex life and his constant threats of domestic violence towards the many women (who for some very mysterious reason seem to find him irrestisble). This attitude is framed as inconsequiential, almost endearing.
He's also really horrible about money, honestly, and that's not something I usually cringe about but damn everyone is so nice and generous with him and he's such an asshole. He constantly sees poeple as a means to an end, which makes it very hard to believe that he would be so shocked by corruption? Let's not even talk about the portrayal of blacks and gays, which is just baffling, but somehow not even as bad as the one of women as horny pawns. Sorry, I did give it a try but it doesn't work. I kept telling myself again and again "calm down, it was written a long time ago, there were different values" but if that was true then no classic would be enjoyable and that's obviously not the case. To me it's just too disingenuine. It claims to be against racism but then proceeds to be racist, claims to oppose corruption but then Dolan acts the way he does... I know we don't have to love every protagonist we read about but it's clear when we read this book that the author expects the reader to root for Dolan, depite his antics. I think his attitude counts as dark humor or something. It's not condemned anyway, definitely not. And at some point you have to stop. I'm DNF ing this. Baris Balcioglu342 8

Après finissant un amour de Swann j'ai voulu lire un livre très facile et j'ai choisi Un linceul. C'est un des livres qui appartenaient à sa défunte mère que Yasemin m'a donné. C'appartient au genre de Pulp Fiction peut-être ? Mac Coy l'a publié en 1937. C'est intéressant de lire sur Hitler dans un livre de cette époque. Ou le héros a des relations avec les femmes riches et sa secrétaire communiste dit que c'est à cause de le fait qu'il veux monter dans à les échelles de la haute société ou il peut partager le lit de son colocataire nu sans avoir souci d'avoir été étiqueté as gay. Les temps étaient différents. En fait, Horaca Mac Coy avait été traduit en turc aussi. Il est déjà oubli mais son ouvre atlari da vururlar est connu même si seulement comme un titre et une pièce du théâtre. les-français Niloufar arbabian129

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One reader, Dr. Tealove, says" Horace McCoy rocks my socks right off!" I second that.
To criticize any of his four novels is frankly irreverent.
After his expose' of The Avengers, one knows disaster is on the way, but at least Dolan married Myra before it happened. To provide physical descriptions of the characters would have slowed down the narrative for the dialogue is clearly the main mover. I've read all his four novels and they each leave an unforgettable impression of uniqueness. I still think "I Should Have Stayed Home" is his best! So sad he never wrote more than four novels. My error: he also wrote "Scalpel" though not perhaps of the same ilk as the four. Someone should publish a collection of his short stories - surprised this has yet to happen, as far as I know. Kenneth McMahon71 4

Idealistic journalist quits the newspaper after having a story quashed by his boss for financial and political reasons and decides to set up his own magazine to expose the dark underbelly of his city. There are essentially three short stories told in quick succession in the novel - baseball players on the take, a murderous abortionist and a Ku Klux Klan group. The latter leads to the finale but feels it gets short shrift, only beginning with about 30 pages remaining.

A solid entertaining read, though one which may end up being fairly forgettable. Giuseppe Aversano70

More 3,5 Konstantinos Papapanagiotou19 12

? Horace McCoy ????? ??? ?????????? ??????????? ??????? ??? ???????????. ???????? ??? ??????????????? ?? ??????? ????? ?????????, ?????? ??? Black Mask, ?? ????? ???????????? ??? ????? ???????? ??? ???????? ?? ???????? hardboiled ????????. ??? ???? ????????? ??????? ??? ????? ??????? ?????????, ???? ? Dashiel Hammet ??? ? Raymond Chandler. ???? ??? ?? ????????? ??? ??? ??? ???????? ?????????????? ?? ??????? ???? noir ???????????, ?????? ??? ?? ???? ??? ???????????? ??? ???? ??????????????? ?????, ??? ???????????? ????? ?? ??????? ??? ??? ?????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ???? ??????????? ?????????????. ?????? ????? ??????? ??? ?? They Shoot Horses, Don't they (1935). ???? ?????? ??????? ???? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ??? ????????? ??? ????????????? ?? ?? ?????????? ????? ??? ??????????. A????? ??? ????? ??????? ???? ???????????, ???? ??? ??? ??? ????????? ?? ????????? ???????? ????? ??? ?????????? ??? ???? ??????? ?????? ??? ??????????? ?????????? ??? ???? ????? ?????????.

?? No pockets in a shroud ????? ???????? ?? 1937 ??? ????? ??? ?? ????? ??? ???????? ?????????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ??? ??????? ??? ??????????. ? Mike Dolan ????? ???? ?????????, ???????????????? ?????????????. ??????????? ??? ??? ????????? ??? ???????? ????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????? ???????? (?? ???????? ????????? ???? ?????????, ??? ???????????? ??????? ???? ??????????? ???????, ??? ??????????? ????????? ??? ????????? ??????????? ??? ?u klux Klan ???.) ??? ?????? ??? ??????????? ?????????? ???????? ??? ???? ??? ??? ???????? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ?????????? ???? ??????????? ??????????. ? Mike Dolan ??????? ???? ???????????? ???????? ??? ?????????? ??? ??????????? ???? ??? ??????? ??????? ??? ????????? ??? ??????? ??? ??? ??????????? ??? ????????? ?? ??? ??????? ?? ???? ?????.

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Escrita el 1935 no va poder ser publicada als Estats Units fins al 1948, tot i que a Anglaterra ho va ser el 1937, i això ja diu molt a favor d'ella.
Com tota bona novel·la negra fa crítica social, té personatges durs, tan bons com dolents, i un embolic policíac. En aquest cas el protagonista és un periodista de dubtosa moral, però ferms principis ètics que edita una revista per deixar al descobert als corruptes de la ciutat. Però la novel·la va molt més enllà.
Les opinions polítiques de l'autor, l'Horace McCoy, marxista convençut, la crítica als moviments polítics europeus encapçalats per Hitler i Mussolini, i als ideals feixistes de la burgesia nord-americana. La visió descarnada de la corrupció dels mitjans de comunicació, de la policia, els jutges, les màfies... no dona treva al llarg de la història.
Però el més sorprenent de tot són els personatges femenins. El protagonista és un pocavergonya que s'aprofita de les dones per obtenir plaer i diners, i l'opinió que tenen d'elles els personatges masculins no passa de ser d'unes nimfòmanes poc assenyades. Per contra, l'autor les descriu com dones intel·ligents, conscients de la seva sexualitat i que saben el que fan en tot moment. En especial la Myra, decidida, forta, capaç de lluitar per obtenir allò que vol sigui feina o l'home que s'estima, alhora que és capaç de renunciar quan cal, sense por.
I, com si no hi hagués prou, el ritme narratiu i una intel·ligent mesura en les descripcions, t'aboca a un paràgraf final que és com un cop de puny a la boca de l'estómac.
Tot un clàssic del gènere que cal tenir molt en compte. ?????? ??????2,315 1,572

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http://knigolandia.info/book-review/u... Andrew46 105

This is a trashy detective novel with a thin plot and somewhat hackneyed characterization. That being said, it is an excellent trashy detective novel with a thin plot and somewhat hackneyed characterization. McCoy's style bounces around a little, but he gets a hold of it in the first fifty pages and just hits the reader with shot after gritty shot of the grim world of a newspaper reporter who is in over his head, an idealist who gets fired from his town's major paper for telling the truth. He has a couple of dames on the side, and a plan for a brand new kind of paper that holds to the tradition of brutal, bald journalistic integrity, the kind of reporting that rips the cover off of the veil of society's more evil machinations for the public good. Unfortunately, the powers that be don't see it the same way...

I'll let you read the rest if you want to know what happens. Viktor369

The worst written book that I've ever finished.

It's about a guy from the wrong side of the tracks who quits his job at a local newspaper and from the local community theater -- yes, that's right! -- so he can publish his own weekly magazine that will expose the truth.

It's basic a book that follows the instructions on a shampoo bottle: Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

There's a lot of "No! Don't do it, Mike!"
Followed by, "You can't stop me! Someone's gotta go out there and tell the truth!!"
Then he goes and tells the truth -- HIS way!
Then he hears about some dirt that needs to be cleaned, someone tries to stop him....

There's a theme of pro-Communism tossed in. Lots of Hitler references -- as in, the rich folks in town were all Hitlers and Mussolinis.

Long story short, it's a really bad book.

JeffAuthor 14 books32

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