
-Jamie de Hoffmann, Kate

de Hoffmann, Kate - Género: English
libro gratis -Jamie


This wolf is seeing red...

At first, Regan Macintosh was certain that the hot—and shirtless—stranger in the woods was harmless. That is, until he sweet-talks his way into her grandmother’s lodge in the woods and gets her to sell him cherished family land. Yes, now Regan sees past Jamie Quinn’s roguish charm to the wicked wolf she knows he really is.

Jamie has no idea what he’s done to earn Regan’s suspicion, or her efforts to block his project. His motives are purely altruistic—well, aside from wanting to kiss her until she’s breathless with want. But Jamie never expected to experience the intensity of desire he feels for Regan. And if they’re not careful, their hungry passion could make them both lose control...

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

Excelente libro que invita a la reflexión y a pensamiento crítico acerca del fenómeno OVNI que a tanta gente cautiva y del que muchos se aprovechan con el único objetivo de lucrar con la ignorancia o la inocencia de muchos.

En este libro se hace mención de algunos casos reportados, en Europa y principalmente en España (que es de donde viene el autor), y se aclaran algunos puntos y desmienten ademas los supuestos avistamientos de OVNIS ocurridos desde los años 60, incluso se hace mención de los ocurrido en Roswell y, si bien, no se hace mención de algunos eventos mucho mas extraños que hasta ahora no han tenido una explicación oficial, como por ejemplo las luces de Phoenix la noche del 13 de Marzo de 1997, si hace mención de muchos otros que han pasado como fenómenos inexplicables cuando en realidad se trataban de eventos de lo mas triviales o de bromas perpetradas por personas que solo querían darle a los Ufólogos lo que querían ver, luces en el cielo.

Me parece genial que existan libros como estos que invitan al pensamiento critico y evita, al menos en cierta medida, que uno ande por ahí siendo presa facil de cualquier mamarracho que nos venga con una historia y caigamos en sus garras. El primer contacto que tuve con esta serie de ¡Vaya Timo! fue El Psicoanálisis ¡vaya timo! que me gustó muchísimo y que, para ser honestos, falta un poco a la realidad actual del Psicoanálisis, pero aún así sirve para despertar y no dejarnos engañar por cualquier tonto o cualquier vivo que nos venga con un cuento chino. 1 —kyu?357 22

Soy creyente.
En criptozoología, fantasmas y cualquier cosa que se les pase por la cabeza y no tenga el menor sentido.
No lo parezco porque soy muy escéptica sobre lo que me dicen otras personas y cualquier video manipulado de internet, que ahora todos pueden utilizar el Photoshop y subir algo a YouTube.
Es por esa razón llego a este tipo de obras. Porque aunque me encanta la ufología, quiero otros puntos de vista. La vida sabe que la información completa no se da casi nunca.
(Y no olvidemos a History Channel inventando todo en sus programas, lmao)
No voy a hacer esta crítica basada en lo que piensa y ha investigado el autor, porque siento que todos somos libres de creer lo que queramos mientras eso no afecte de forma negativa a otras personas. Y debo decir que en cuanto a la vida extraterrestre pensamos prácticamente igual. Me voy a centrar en lo que me hizo bajar la nota de la historia y esto solo porque me molestó. A mí. No significa que para los demás sea igual.
•Arturo. No sé si es una persona real y gracias a quien le vino la idea de la obra o un recurso del autor para que nos sintiéramos cercanos. Pero odié que se refiese a mí como Arturo. De ahí que en cada actualización de lectura colocará "Lex, gracias".
•Los enlaces en medio de la lectura. Qué molesto. Podría haber colocado los enlaces al final y no en medio de un párrafo porque me entorpecían la lectura. No iba a ir en ese momento a ver lo que me estaba diciendo. Algunas veces ni siquiera tenía internet. Si a alguien le llama la atención algo que cuentas, lo investiga por si mismo. Gracias por los enlaces, pero al final del libro quedaban mejor. El editor debió decir algo acerca de eso.
Es un libro un poco aburrido porque se repite demasiado, pero supongo que es para dejar el punto claro.
Por lo demás, creo que está bien. No soy de España, no tenía idea sobre muchos avistamientos de allí (de ninguno, en realidad) pero ya que en algún punto creo que llegaré a ellos, está genial tener una base. Leonardo A. González67 2

Good book and the last of this trio of Quinn brothers. Jamie is the youngest of the brothers and the last to find love. In the prologue, we see how Jamie's childhood influenced his desire to help the homeless. I d the way that his brothers were impressed with his plan and how their approval made him feel good.

Years later, Jamie was searching for a place to build one of his model "tiny" homes so that he would have something concrete to show his prospective investors. He happened on an elderly lady who was intrigued by his plans and offered him a lease on part of her property. A few weeks later, as he had the paperwork ready to sign, he was introduced to Ceci's granddaughter, Regan - a young lady he'd met the first day he was in town. There were sparks between them then, though they didn't exchange names. This most recent encounter put them on opposite sides, as Jamie needed Ceci's land, and Regan suspected that Jamie was some kind of con man, preying on gullible older women.

Regan was somewhat cynical about men since her fiancé left her standing at the altar. She was suspicious of Jamie and his plans and was determined to stop him. Jamie didn't have time to look for different property and was determined to convince Regan that he was an honest man. Meanwhile, Ceci seems intent on throwing the two together at every opportunity.

I enjoyed the development of the relationship between Jamie and Regan. There was no doubt about the attraction that flared between them from the beginning, but there was also a deeper connection that both were wary of. I loved the push and pull between Jamie and Regan as they faced off over the land, and seeing Jamie slowly win Regan over to his side. The more time they spent together, the deeper the connection grew, but each dealt with it differently. Though he has no real experience of romantic love, he found himself wanting more. Regan, on the other hand, refused to consider their time together as anything other than a fling. She was convinced that love doesn't last, and every time that Jamie tried to bring up feelings or the future, she would shut him down. I ached for him because he was more and more certain of how he felt, but he couldn't get Regan to even talk about it. I loved that Jamie cared enough to give her the space she needed, and wanted to shake Regan until her teeth rattled. She let the fear win and continued to push him away, fighting her feelings all the way. I loved that Jamie didn't give up on her and that he laid his feelings out there for her. I also d that he made sure she had the time to consider everything he told her. I loved their big moment at the end, as Regan finally let go of those fears and embraced the future with Jamie.

I loved the premise of Jamie's project. The idea of having tiny house kits that were fast and easy to assemble is a subject that is important in real life. I loved how passionate Jamie was about it and how he drew in the people around him. There was one point where I became a bit frustrated with him because he let his own ideas of how things should work overpower the end goal. I d how it was Regan who showed him where he went wrong. I enjoyed the way that Ceci took both Jamie and the project to heart and became so deeply involved in helping. There was an unexpected twist at the end that was the icing on the cake that was the project.

Ceci was a fantastic secondary character. I loved the close relationship she had with Regan and how they supported each other. I loved how Jamie's presence helped Ceci move past her grief and start living again. There were some sweet scenes with her and both Regan and Jamie. I enjoyed seeing the playful side of her emerge and laughed out loud at some of the scenes that had to do with Cal.

The epilogue, with the meeting between Thom, Tristan, and Jamie on Valentine's Day, was great. I loved seeing them all happy with their lives, and how they explained the relationships they had with their ladies. 2019-books-read category-romance ebook ...more2 s Joy Boutwell1,503 15

The Mighty Quinns: Jamie by Kate Hoffman is a must read. Its a book you can't put down.1 MarshaAuthor 2 books34

We’re dealing once more with a family of brothers, each one getting wedded to the woman they love. This one deals with the youngest in the family, Jamie Quinn.

Jamie gets infatuated with the lovely Regan Macintosh. She’s a little gun shy about love and marriage. Getting left at the altar by your drunken, would-be husband will do that to you.

The book deals with the two as they attempt to negotiate lust, domesticity, house-building and the gentle machinations of the loving, shrewd Ceci. Ceci is Regan’s grandmother and, in a genial twist on the romantic genre, she is rediscovering love again after losing her husband years ago. The book takes time to outline Regan’s attachment to this wonderful woman who is having fun again, dying her hair and taking trips (although it comes about because she’s getting involved with a man again—sigh). Some of their conversations aren’t about Jamie—another surprise—but about what’s to be done with Maple Point, a lovely bit of land that Jamie wants to use to build one of his Habikit houses on.

Jamie’s idea of houses for the homeless that can be erected by one person to live in temporarily before going on to more permanent abode is one that appealed to this reader. It occupied my thoughts even when they weren’t focusing on the romance.

Jamie’s attempts to win Regan to his side, confessing his love and letting her decide if she wants him enough to try, were very touching. Theirs is a whirlwind romance—they’re involved less than a month before deeper feelings start to arise—but, un the majority of such romances in Harlequin novels, I could see this one working. Neither of them wants the other to give up their lifestyles, even though they will keep them apart very often. They respect and are willing to make room for the other person.

The novel doesn’t end with the expected HEA and that, too, won my respect and my wholehearted approval. For a romance that seems more grounded in reality and is refreshingly contemporary in tone, this is one you should try.harlequin literature-fiction romance ...more1 Doris361 4

The last book in yet another Quinn trilogy by Kate Hoffmann. This one is based near Minneapolis where the three boys - Thom, Tristan and James aka Jamie - used to live when they were young boys. It is, in part at least, a trip down memory lane with some rather unorthodox happenings in the present.
When a man and a woman first get together, it is usually the female forming a stronger attachment, wanting and planning a future. Not in this tale. Here, the male has to fight hard to even spark and get the idea of a relationship going. And this is just the main plot.
Secondary storylines include being jilted at the altar, feeling empty and lonely, only living for a few special occasions and growing up without a home. And thus the author explores all subjects - countermanding latter with the idea of manufacturing and building simple cabins for the homeless that can easily be disassembled again once they are no longer needed. An idea that might come in very handy in real life, too, and is definitely a much needed necessity.
So much for the 'dreaded' Harlequin romance stories being cheap fluff - I have personally read a good many novels that made me think and wonder, what if the story idea was applied in real life, could it improve life or even save one? Intriguing thought ... Belinda1,006 1 follower

Jamie had it rough growing up! He and his brothers barely scraped by. Jamie is looking to build a house that will help the homeless when he runs into Ceci. She brings him to her land to show it to him! He meets her granddaughter Regan and she is dead set against him doing this. Regan is one jaded lady. Can Jamie open her mind and heart? A good sweet read. Seeing people rise from the ashes and make something out of their lives. Terri Hebert485 6

Just love this series. All the family members that were introduced in all of them were so sensational and the storylines so hot & sexy. Keeping my fingers crossed that this is not the last one. Kate Hoffmann did an A++++ job !!!' Highly recommend it !!!! Harlequin Books17.1k 2,749 Read

Miniseries: The Mighty Quinns2014-17 past_series-imprints Geraldine Sadiku1,508 49

Hot sexy story that was a pleasure to read. Farrah Johnson242 1 follower

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