
A Wartime Welcome at Rookery House de Hendry, Rosie

de Hendry, Rosie - Género: English
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Hendry, Rosie Publisher: Rookery House Press, Year: 2022 ISBN: 9781914443145

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I absolutely loved the author's Mother's Day Club series and so I was thrilled to discover that A WARTIME WELCOME AT ROOKERY HOUSE was taking us back to Great Plumstead and to all the residents we have come to know and love there. Despite this book being the first in a whole new series, it was coming home to be back in Norfolk once again at Rookery House. In fact, it seemed this series just picked up where the other one left off. I've not read her East End Angels series but I believe some of the characters feature briefly in this one on a visit to London. I love how authors combine their series so the characters flow from one to the other.

I thoroughly enjoyed A WARTIME WELCOME AT ROOKERY HOUSE, having visited Rookery House in previous books and meeting the occupants there, I knew the welcome Evie would receive upon her arrival. It's one of the things I love about sagas - they are set during the war without being about the war, but more about the families and loved ones left behind to keep the home fires burning. It's a glimpse into what life was for the women and children throughout what would have been a terrifying time.

London 1940: Genevieve Hamilton-Jones is a VAD nurse at a busy military hospital in London. Every day when she completes her shift, she changes out of her uniform and into civvies, carrying it home in a suitcase...an act which confounds those upon learning of her occupation. But Evie (the name she goes by at the hospital) has her reasons. One one such afternoon she is on her way home seated next to a chatty young woman on the bus who is excited about joining up to the WAAFs the following day in the hope that she had her fiance, who is in the RAF, may be stationed together sometime. When the air raid siren sounds, all the passengers flee the bus to seeks shelter in the underground. But Evie left her suitcase on the bus and went back to fit. An act which saved her life but claimed that of another in a direct hit, leaving nothing but a handbag. Suddenly, an idea comes to her. This is her chance to disappear and start afresh...leaving the Blitz and her past behind.

Norfolk 1940: A week later, Evie steps off the train at Great Plumstead and is greeted by the smiling face of Marianne and her baby Emily who takes her to Rookery House where she is billeted. The following day she begins work at the Great Plumstead Hall Hospital, the stately home now a military convalescing hospital, under the watchful eye of Matron Reed. She befriends Hazel on her first day and the two become firm friends. But no matter how comfortable Evie feels in her new home, she cannot let her guard down for a minute lest others uncover her past and who she really is.

Life continues as it always has in Great Plumstead with another bout of mother and children evacuees fleeing the bomb-Blitzed London, with the women shocked to discover that their new evacuees arrive with only the clothes on their backs, having lost everything in the bombings. Prue takes up the cause for a clothing drive to collect much-needed clothing, toys, books and shoes for both mothers and children. Thea continues to work the land at Rookery House with the help of Alice, Marianne and Reuben with Hettie still at the helm in the kitchen.

It isn't long before Thea suspects that there is more to Evie than she has shared with them yet knowing that she will when she feels comfortable enough to do so. But still she sees a shadow of a sadness on her face and often wonders what secrets she may be keeping that haunt her so much.

Evie is thoroughly enjoying her work at the hospital despite the week long introduction to the job in the sluice room scrubbing out bedpans and cleaning cupboards. It isn't long before she proves her worth and Matron enlists her help with the patients and bandaging their wounds. Everything is going well in her new life until a new patient arrives with injuries to his eyes that could potentially blind him for life. She recognises him. And Evie knows without a doubt that he will recognise her once his bandages come off should his sight be restored. Of course she hopes his sight is restored but she also hopes he doesn't recognise her but she knows that he will. Suddenly, all her carefully laid plans may be for nothing and Evie doesn't know what to do.

Will he recognise her? What harm could he do her? What is her secret? And from what past is she running?

A WARTIME WELCOME AT ROOKERY HOUSE is a delightful introduction to a new series whilst being a welcome continuation of the previous one in that we reconnect with Thea, Prue, Marianne, Reuben, Alice and even Gloria and the rest of Great Plumstead. It is a heartwarming read and though the story is somewhat predictable, it matters not because it is so well told, well researched and basically just a delightful tale all round. The author states she was not ready to leave Thea and Prue and Great Plumstead behind and I'm so glad she didn't because it is such a welcome place to be. I could climb into the pages and just live there myself.

Although this is the first in a new series, it does follow on from the two-book Mother's Day Club series and readers would most definitely benefit from reading those two first before delving into this one, though it can suffice without them. The previous two books will give you a much better background as the events often referred to, whilst they are briefly explained here, you can appreciate them more when seeing them play out first hand.

I cannot wait for the promised novella "First Christmas at Rookery House" nor the subsequent books which will follow the residents through the duration of the war. I have read many WW2 sagas and this one set in Great Plumstead is one of my favourites. It's just a delight to read and I devoured it in a day.

A WARTIME WELCOME AT ROOKERY HOUSE is a thoroughly enjoyable saga read and recommended for those who love wartime fiction and sagas.

I would to thank #RosieHendry and #RachelsRandomResources for an ARC of #AWartimeWelcomeAtRookeryHouse in exchange for an honest review.

This review appears on my blog at https://stinathebookaholic.blogspot.com/.
2022 blog-tours british ...more3 s Carol Anne241 13

Repetitive food related adjective’s grr.. Resulting in this disappointing & humdrum book!
Especially after loving .. this Author’s
East End Angel’s Series about the Ambulance drivers experience’s during the War.
That four book series was full of fabulous characters & stories!
3 s Julia2,695 82

A Wartime Welcome At Rookery House by Rosie Hendry is the first book in a new historical series which promises to be fabulous.
The novel is set in 1940 and 1941 at the height of the Blitz as we travel from London to Great Plumstead in Norfolk.
Rosie Hendry has perfectly captured the fear and the fragility of life. As the bombs fell, life could be stuffed out in an instance. Even the countryside did not escape the rogue bomber.
Great Plumstead is a small community united by evacuees and a hospital for the wounded soldiers. We witness the residents pulling together as they open homes and lives to strangers who become family.
As the evacuees – mothers and children – arrive, some literally have nothing as their homes were bombed. Generosity abounds.
The war is awful beyond words, but for some, their lives were living nightmares before the war. War has given opportunities and opened up lives.
There were those for whom motherhood has been denied. A whole generation of women lost their menfolk on the battlefields of World War I. As the evacuees arrive, there is the opportunity to give love and care to the young.
At the heart of the community is the hospital – an old family home opened up and re-purposed for the care of the injured. The reader sees the care and dedication of the nursing staff, and the tough love and strong stomachs that are sometimes needed. As attachments inevitably form, there will be heartbreak.
I thoroughly enjoyed A Wartime Welcome At Rookery House and cannot wait for the subsequent books to follow the lives of characters whom I now view as friends.
I received a free copy from Rachel’s Random Resources for a blog tour. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.1 Booklover BEV1,478 24

London 1940 and Genevieve Hamilton-Jones a dedicated nurse with secrets of the past, WW2 is raging and she needs to move on, life is far to precious to waste and she needs to break away sooner rather than later. Faking her death during the bomb raids, now known as Evie Jones she heads for Great Plumstead Norfolk as a VAD nurse at the Plumstead Hall hospital and the owner lady Campbell-Gryce makes arrangements for Thea Thornton to take her in as a lodger she will arrive on Monday to the peaceful quiet countryside and this is her new start.
Evacuees and mothers are arriving up from London the village setting up the mothers day club they all safe away from the horrible scenes of London some only turning up in the clothes they stand in as homes are been bombed out.
The people in the village all do their bit and Evie loves it and her job she doesn't ever want to leave.
Oh this is such a full heartwarming read throughout, that has been wrote with so much loving care as the author brings together previous and new characters that blend in so well.
It's a new series and a perfect read and once again will look forward to more to come in the Rookery house sagas. I can't give anymore ratings but if I could I would double it to a big TEN.1 J.B (Debbie)403 9

As the book description says, this book follows the characters from Rosie Hendry's previous series, The Mother's Day Club. While A Wartime Welcome at Rookery House can be read as a standalone I do feel it would be beneficial to have read her previous books in order to fully get to know the characters and their stories. That being said, not having read her previous books, Rosie Hendry has written the book in such a way that we do get some snippets into back stories and this was a book I thoroughly enjoyed.

Evie, a nurse finds a way to escape her life in London. Unfortunately she must take extreme measures to do this but finding a home at Rookery House while she works in the hospital that has been set up at Great Plumstead Hall make it all worthwhile. Initially quiet and withdrawn, she soon comes to trust those at Rookery House and open up more, particularly during a sad and emotional scene in the book which I have to say had me turn into a blubbering mess. The imagery that Rosie Hendry created left me with a lump in my throat. I won't give too much away for fear of any spoilers but suffice to say, given the context of this book and the historical accuracy depicted in it, I defy any reader not to be moved. However, it will only be a matter of time before Evie's new life is threatened.

The way wartime village life has been depicted in the novel really shows how a massive amount of research has been done in order to fully transport the reader back to this era, from the fashion, food, games and even songs. The characters, even the not very nice ones, all play a huge part in this character driven story and add something important to each scene. Even Thea's cow Primrose, who by the way I loved!

This story is very much driven by the sacrifices made by many during the war but particularly by women who are a driving force in this book. They get things done. They support one another. They make sure that nobody goes without, particularly the women and children evacuated from London. They are the backbone of the village and with such strong characters as Hettie and Thea making sure that the war effort carries on, it's not difficult to be impressed by them. The wartime resilience and camaraderie are very clearly depicted in this wonderful novel. While the war made lives difficult for many it unexpectedly opened up opportunities for others, particularly women.

A Wartime Welcome at Rookery House is told beautifully in a pace that is perfect for the story. It's a story of friendship, love and above all highlighted for me that sometimes we need to make a family for ourselves and one unexpected thing that the war did was to bring people together who might not necessarily have become family had circumstances been different. There is no doubt that the book depicts the difficulties and hardships of war but it also depicts strength, pride and a sense of togetherness. Loved it!
Amanda2,026 51

I have been a fan of Rosie's work for a few years now. I have read and loved each and every book that she has released to date. I must admit that I have a special fondness for the series featuring the residents of Rookery House and of Great Plumstead. When I heard that Rosie was due to release the first book in a new series featuring Rookery House and Great Plumstead, I knew that I had to grab a copy and read it as soon as I could. I adored reading 'A Wartime Welcome At Rookery House' but more about that in a bit.

I felt as though I had reunited with old friends as soon as I started reading this book. It didn't take me long to remind myself of which character was which and how they were connected. As soon as I started reading, I knew that this was a book that would remain in my hands until I had read the very last word on the very last page. I just couldn't put the book down. The book wasn't exactly glued to my hand but it might as well have been because it travelled everywhere with me. I couldn't bear to miss a single second of the story. I had my own theories as to what was going to happen and of course I had to see if I was on the right track or if I had wandered in the opposite direction. I became so wrapped up in the story that I lost all track of time and just how quickly I was getting through the story. All too soon I reached the end of 'A Wartime Welcome At Rookery House' and I had to say goodbye to the residents of Great Plumstead. I found 'A Wartime Welcome At Rookery House' to be a gripping and at times emotional read.

'A Wartime Welcome At Rookery House' is superbly written and then some. Rosie has an easy going writing style that is easy to get used to and easy to get along with. In fact reading one of her books feels more a chat between friends rather than reading a book. I hope that makes sense. Rosie clearly cares about her characters and this shines through in the very vivid and realistic way in which she describes them. She makes her characters seem just as real as you and I. Rosie has clearly done an awful lot of research into the period in which the story takes place and this helps to make the story seem that bit more authentic. I love the way in which Rosie makes the reader feel as though they are part of the story and at the heart of the action. I always find that the sign of a good book is when I find myself becoming way too involved in the story to the extent that I 'interact' with the characters as if they can hear me. That's exactly what happened with 'A Wartime Welcome At Rookery House'.

In short, I absolutely ADORED reading 'A Wartime Welcome At Rookery House' and I would definitely recommend this book to other readers. I will definitely be reading more of Rosie's work in the future. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is a very well deserved 5* out of 5*. KarenAuthor 41 books65

A Wartime Welcome at Rookery House by Rosie Hendry
I read another of Rosie Hendry’s novels earlier this year (The Mother’s Day Victory) and enjoyed it, so I was keen to read more of hers. A Wartime Welcome at Rookery House is the start of a new series, but features some characters from her previous books, so it was good to catch up with them, but can definitely be read as a standalone.
The book begins in London in October 1940. Genevieve Hamilton-Jones is 22 years old and works as a nurse, though secretly. The novel begins with a shocking reminder of what life was in the Blitz and Genevieve’s narrow escape leads her to vow to live how she wants to, instead of only doing what others want her to do. She decides to continue her life as Evie Jones, moving on from the restrictions of living as Genevieve.
In Norfolk, Great Plumstead Hall is being made into a new Red Cross Military Hospital for injured servicemen. We meet Thea Thornton, who is 43 and works with the WVS. She has an older brother Reuben (51) and married younger sister Prue (39). When Evie arrives to work as a VAD nurse, she is billeted with the Thea at Rookery House. Hettie also lives there, plus Marianne and her baby daughter Emily.
There are a lot of characters introduced, but it’s easy enough to keep track of them all. Besides the wonderful Evie, I really loved Prue too, especially as she has found the courage to stand up to her horrible husband Victor. Life changes even more for Prue as evacuees Nancy and her daughters (Marie aged 8 and Joan aged 6) move in with them.
The novel is great for portraying a real feel for the 1940s, without it being a book “about the war.” The setting of the village of Great Plumstead is lovely too and the grand Hall. Mothers and children are evacuated from London and arrive in the Norfolk village to be welcomed by the women there. I find these kind of “home fires” WWII stories always show how strong the women of this time were. While they weren’t fighting on the front line, the work they did at home was essential.
The book hooked me from the first chapter - you’re straight into the action, with a scary reminder of what life was in London in WWII. Genevieve’s story is intriguing too, you want to know why she is hiding working as a nurse. All this makes you eager to read on!
Overall, this book has everything I’m looking for – an interesting setting, a good story to tell and a host of believable characters you care about.
Julie2,316 35

Award-winning author Rosie Hendry welcomes us back to Great Plumstead with an emotional and enjoyable new saga, A Wartime Welcome at Rookery House.

After a very close brush with death during the blitz, VAD nurse Evie decides that enough is enough. The time has come for her to move out of London for greener pastures and with life in the city not exactly filling her with joy, decides to head off to the Norfolk countryside to take up a job at the Great Plumstead Hall Hospital. With a fresh start and a beautiful new home at Rookery House, Evie cannot wait to leave London behind once and for all. However, she is about to discover that regardless of where life takes you, your past will always find you…

From the moment she sets foot in Norfolk, Evie thinks that she has finally found somewhere she belongs. She loves her new home and her job at the hospital – even if it means having to put up with Matron Reed, who isn’t the most genial of colleagues. Everything seems to be going swimmingly for Evie – until a patient arrives who brings a whole surfeit of emotions and fears she had hoped never to experience ever again.

With her freedom and independence in jeopardy, Evie wonders whether she will ever be free of her past or whether old secrets will end up putting paid to a future that has come to mean everything to her.

Rosie Hendy always writes with such warmth and charm and in A Wartime Welcome at Rookery House, she has once again written an engrossing saga of friendship, community and romance that will keep readers gripped. A Wartime Welcome at Rookery House is a tender, touching and highly immersive tale about finding the courage to start again, leaving the past behind and the indomitable strength of women in times of adversity that will strike a chord with readers everywhere and touch their hearts.

A wonderful saga best read with a cup of tea and a great big slice of cake, A Warm Welcome at Rookery House is the latest delightful novel by Rosie Hendry.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Jaffareadstoo2,714

Those who have read The Mother's Day Club will be delighted to see the return of old friends who reappear in this new WW2 saga which features characters, both old and new, who call Rookery House in Great Plumstead home.

A Wartime Welcome at Rookery House highlights this fictional village who welcome people who are in need of respite from the cares and worries of the war, especially for those evacuees who have been living in London, facing the ever present danger of falling bombs. Evie Jones is a nurse with a mysterious past who escapes to Great Plumstead by taking up a VAD nursing position at the newly opened Great Plumstead Hall hospital and finding a billet with Thea, Marianne, Reuben and Hettie at Rookery Hall is a dream come true for her.

As always the villagers are keeping the home fires burning, getting involved in knitting groups and social activities, recycling waste and planting vegetables but it is their warm welcome to troubled strangers where the story finds its heart. Soldiers who have been wounded in the war find comfort and solace in Great Plumstead Hall Hospital and this part of the story, especially Evie's role there makes for interesting reading. Mothers and their children from London also make their way to the peace of Great Plumstead, but country life is not for everyone and even though some of the mothers have really difficult decisions to make they are always supported by Thea at Rookery House.

A Wartime Welcome at Rookery House is a lovely introduction to this new WW2 series. The characters are beautifully described, quickly becoming as familiar as old friends and there is a genuine wartime authenticity which makes the story such a delightful read. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next for the people who live at Rookery House.

Pam Robertson1,200 8

I was delighted to see that the stories about life in Great Plumstead were to continue and that a new series was to be centred around the wonderful Rookery House. Thea and her sister, Prue, are such strongly drawn characters and show such empathy for the evacuees who are billeted in the village. It was great to glimpse how life continues in the village or elsewhere for the Mother's Day Club and with new characters added through the newly established hospital for wounded soldiers, you feel that you are seeing a whole range of aspects of life on the Home Front.
With well researched period detail, you see that not everyone takes to life as an evacuee. Some return to Blitz torn London. Fighting intrudes on life in the village from the skies and you can sense the unease as the villagers run for cover at times. This promises to be a great series which includes familiar characters and newer ones. You can see that the women of the village are its backbone as they 'make do and mend' and try to take on all aspects of life. Community, comradeship and courage are all hallmarks of this wartime read.

In short: Life on the Home Front enthrals
Thanks to the author for a copy of the book

This is the first book in a new series by Rosie Hendry. In this series we are reacquainted with characters from The Mothers Day series. For anyone me who hasn’t yet read that series, this book can easily be read as a standalone. Did I enjoy this book ? No I didn’t enjoy it I absolutely and utterly loved it. Oh my word I was totally engrossed in this book from the very first chapter. I’ve read previous books by this author and one of my favourite series is The East End Ángels . In this book there were also references made to characters from this series and it was coming home to old friends. A Wartime Welcome at Rookery house is such a wonderful read for fans of historical saga books. The author has such a wonderful way with words ans describes the characters in her books so well. There were times I felt I was actually sitting in Thea’s kitchen drinking cups of cocoa with them all. Whilst this book is an easy read it’s also one that kept my interest the whole way through and I just wanted to keep on reading until the very last page. A massive 5?? read for me.
Leanne1,600 22

This was a delightful book to read, in fact it is now one of my favorite books. It set during wartime but un other books in this setting it focuses more on the positives of everyone getting together and helping each other out. I adore Thea and Hettie as they have the most kindest hearts but if you hurt someone they care about, watch out. I truly love the writing style of this one and I didn't want the story to end, I was left wanting more, not because it was left unfinished but simply because I was enjoying it so much. I also d the children Betty and George and there parts in the book. If you're after a book with an immensely engaging storyline and loveable characters to make you smile, then this is for you! It is the third book in the series but can be read as a standalone. I'm really really hoping there will be more. Extremely Recommend this in fact I can recommend the whole series. Niki186 4

Another great story from Rosie Hendry. She writes with a beautiful flare that brings her characters to life brilliantly well. I am always drawn into her books as she creates emotional situations with an honesty that at times you can really feel it within yourself. Whether its laughter or sadness it all becomes so real. Definitely my kind of book. One that leaves you thinking about it for quite some time after you’ve finished reading.

An enthralling Wartime saga that tackles some heart breaking and difficult issues. Evacuated children, losing loved ones to the war, heart break, love, friendship and secrets. I never reveal spoilers in a review, so all that is left to say is I would highly recommend A Wartime Welcome at Rookery House if you enjoy good strong female characters , a strong sense of community and an all round great read, this is one for you.family fiction saga ...more Karen479 4

A Wartime Welcome at Rookery House is the first book in the brand new series and I really loved it. This book features the cast of the Mothers Day series by Rosie Hendry, and it was wonderful to see how the village of Great Plumstead are still coming together to support each other and help the war effort. Evie has arrived in the village under an assumed name ……. It appears she is a strong woman, determined to help but she had a secret….. will she be able to lead her life keeping the secret? Prue is still not letting on that she knows about her husbands affair, can she keep it up? Thea is doing all she can but can she also take on evacuated children? I can’t wait to hear more about Rookery House and Great Plumstead. Grace Power695 15

Genevieve Hamilton Jones is the real name of Evie Jones a nurse working in a busy hospital in London. Evie is on the bus and gets caught up in a bombing and she realises this is the chance for her to disappear.
Evie takes up a position in Great Plumstead as a VAD nurse and is billeted at Rookery House by kindly Thea.Working under Matron Reed Thea settles into life in the countryside.
Everything is going well for Evie until a new patient is brought in and she recognises him but will he recognise her? What is her secret?
Full of details about wartime events this book is a story of hope, community and is an uplifting read. Pat Fairbairn34


It was fantastic reading about the further adventures of the mothers day club. Rosie as as always writes fantastic books that draws you in and want to learn more about each character. Th way Rosie writes has you smiling crying and feeling blue all wrapped up in the lovely character s that she writes about. I loved the way this story included one of her other books when station 75 was brought into it absolute loved this book and roll on the follow up. Thank you Rosie as always with all of your books I get involved with all the character Brilliant my written, fantastic story line

Inspiredbypmdd Fiona80 1 follower

I really enjoyed this book, I read it in an afternoon.
I fully enjoyed getting to know the mysterious Evie, who ends up at Rookery House a detached Victorian House as she tries to shake shadows of her past.
Set in Great Plumstead we encounter familiar characters and new ones.
Women were able to support the war effort doing things and jobs they never would have otherwise. It reminds us that the atrocities changed lives in uncountable ways. Some parts I read in a Cockney Accent. You can see why Rosie is an Award Winning Author, the detail and care in her writing is beautifully. Mrs Bookworm Quinn 26 2

Rosie Hendry has had me hooked on her books for a long time. Reading her books takes me to my happy place snuggled up on the sofa I feel as if I'm transported to Rookery House with all the characters and am in the midst of the action thats going on with each character. Reading for me is an escape as I suffer from anxiety, and when I read a Rosie Hendry book It helps to give me respite. Thank you Rosie! Sheila Ramie17 Read

Great start for a long read

This is a great book introducing the main characters for a series. This is an easy read for everyone how enjoys historical fiction about life in England during WW2. The author paints a clear picture of the community coming together to support the War effort, the people impacted and the relationships that develop. Susanne Baker627 20

Another wonderful visit to North Norfolk during the war, this time we are following Evie’s move from bomb blitzed London as she starts a new career at the local hospital.
As always, Rosie describes beautifully the area and emotions of the characters, so you are quickly drawn into the story.
Evie has secrets, and I was intrigued to discover them!
This is a fascinating story and one that I could not put down easily! I’m already looking forward to the next book in this series. Ruth Joint7

Lovely story of those brave woman

Those lonely women left to cope on their own bringing up children being evacuated from friends and family. It letting their children go away alone to the country to escape the bombing. Clare Anderson10

I really enjoyed this book a great follow on from the Mother’s Day club! Can’t wait for the next one Mandy Wright6

fabulous read

It was great to follow the story and a reminder of station 75 thoroughly enjoyed the story just a shame I finished it I wanted it to carry on Joanna Warrens454 10

This book is a cup of tea by the fire on a rainy day. Enjoy!july-2022 Sian520 32


My review of A Wartime Welcome at Rookery House can be found on my blog...

https://quirkybookreads.wordpress.com...book-tour british historical-fiction ...more Rosie Lee668 2

October 1940 VAD nurse Evie Jones joins the community of Great Plumstead escaping an abusive marriage refusing to ever return to London a great story and brilliant characters c m bolton195 3

Great book

Thank you Rosie. I've loved finding out about the war and what happened with the new mothers and young children. I would Love to visit Rookery House. ?? Rosemarie Swayze30

A wartime welcome at Rookery House

A very enjoyable book to read, I haven't read this author before but will definitely be reading more of her work Pat Langhelt896 9

Love this book Evie's adventure brings her to Rookery House and a new life in the hospital. But her past starts to catch up with her. Denise Bonham175

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