
Rucked de Heidi Stark

de Heidi Stark - Género: English
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Heidi Stark Publisher: anonymous, Year: 2024

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I received an electronic ARC of this book in exchange for a review, and yikes.

I was so excited for this book because I love a sports romance, I love a why choose, and rugby guys, yes please! However, I ended up not being able to make it further than 12% before I couldn’t do it anymore.

a few of the ARC posted already, I want to say that this book needs heavy editing. I ended up leaving notes on every page. It reads a first draft and not a book ready to be ARC’d let alone published.

Just to start, the first 5 chapters are completely superfluous to the story, and in them, we learn little to nothing about the main character other than that she plays rugby, can’t function without caffeine, and has a cat. There’s a whole scene with her dealing with a Karen at the airport and her getting moved to first class because the Karen pitched a fit about her cat. I thought, oh maybe she’ll meet one of the guys in first class and that’ll make the cringey, self-indulgent scene make some sense. But nope. She goes about her flight and nothing else happens.

Though, if we got rid of the first 5 chapters, we would miss out on the main character stating that “adulting is hard.” As a millennial myself, I beg millennial authors to please stop.

Then the FMC shows up to her new apartment where she’s going to live with some unknown roommates that she was paired with. For some reason, there is a policy that she can’t know the names of her roommates beforehand even though she is supposed to be rooming with fellow women’s rugby team members, which makes no sense.

After a lot of clues that go over her head, she realizes that she’s been placed with male roommates, but then subsequently immediately forgets this because when two of the male roommates walk in, she thinks “What the hell?” And only after they state that they live there does she overcome her brief amnesia and once again come to the realization that there was a roommate gender mix up.

This is basically as far as I could go with the less than 2-dimensional characters, cringey writing, and confusing/stagnant plot.

No hate, but this really needs a proper editing pass through, especially because others have noted typos and other errors throughout. 5 s2 comments Carly Hatch39

I received this as an arc. Finally, adding a sports romance that is not hockey or football was very intriguing to me. Add that it's a why choose, and I was sold!

However, I felt the story was missing..alot. There seemed to be very little character development at all. Not only on a personal level for all 5 of the characters, but their relationships in general.

It seemed that the men became interested in Dylan because she was their new roommate and played rugby as well. The interactions with each of the men include a previous one night stand, a late night midnight snack, a grocery store run in, and just existing. A new character wasn't really brought into the fold 80% of the way through with no indication he was aware of the potential situation between the 4 of them but magically knew all of it when his chapter came to be.

I think if you're going to write a why choose romance, you have to have more in-depth conversations happening with all parties involved. It should be more than a 3 minute conversation with the mmc without even including the fmc.

A few other things that really stood out, they never really mentioned what happened with Dylan's last team. It only kept stating "politics." Dylan's best friend and former roommate was talked about in the first 10% and barely mentioned again. It seemed she dropped off the face of the earth after Dylan even talked to her roommates for the first time.

I also didn't understand how Dylan could go to a new team, automatically becoming an assistant captain without even meeting the team. Captaincy is earned by being more than a good player. Plus, they also had a chapter where she seemed to be more than even a captain and coaching. It was just very off-putting for anyone who is well known to sports.

Even with the inconsistencies and lack of real world building, I did eat it up. It was cute even with the lack of plot. I am assuming the grammatical and formatting issues were corrected prior to release. There was also a chapter where her name was Devin? I feel Devin would have also been a suiting name for our fmc.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review3 s Kim Krohne33 4

I had the opportunity to join Heidi’s ARC team for this book. Glad I took the chance!! As an avid reader of sports romance I was really excited to take on Rugby (you don’t need to understand rugby to enjoy this book)! I have to say Dylan, girl you don’t need to buy a lotto ticket with the hotness jackpot you stumbled into!
Loved everything about these characters and hope to see where they end up if we get another book! 3 s Emylee Beougher2

I agree with the rest of these 1 star . This book needs heavy heavy editing before official release. I don’t know if these higher star ratings were reading a different book or what. I DNF’d and I can’t remember ever doing that. 3 s Gemma Croft61

This was my first book based around a sport, it was really good a reverse harem, the story line had Pov from all characters as they discovered and adjusted to their new relationship situation, I really enjoyed this book there was constant mention of rugby and you saw how Dylan battled her personal life and working carer I'm glad that rugby was a constant mention and that it wasnt just first chapter then no more mention of it again the book was wrapped up nicely :)2 s Kay violet6

I got the opportunity to read this as an arc read. This was my first ever Arc and it didn't disappoint.
Firstly one girl and four incredibly hot rugby men what was not to ?
I normally love a slow burn the pace in this book was so good and the spice was amazing.
The book was written really well and I loved the main characters they were all different in their own way but very likable. I can't wait to read more of Heidi Starks books.2 s Rosie Woody15

I wanted to love this book so bad - a why choose sports romance? What's not to want but this book's writing style was just so unenjoyable that it made it extremely hard to finish. The book was essentially made up of superficial scenes that were not cohesive at all. Each scene itself was enjoyable but didn't mesh with the one before or after at all. There was one chapter that ended after a night out the next chapter was the next morning - that's fine but the next chapter was also that same morning except both couldn't have been the same time because they were completely different scenes. I also felt I missed something when characters would reference something that happened previously Noah and Dylan talking about Jayden's kitchen utensils. Also there was really no talking or relationship building between characters - mostly just insta lust then "I love yous" on dates especially Kai. They'd just had one previous ONS then half a conversation then a date and I love you. I just couldn't love this the way I wanted. The basic plot was good but it definitely needs to be fleshed out with some heavy editing in my opinion.2 s Sherrie Kirkland15 1 follower

I didn't really this book..... I FLIPPING LOVED IT! This book had me right from the start. This was the very first time I have read a reverse heram, and I ain't even mad about it! I am here for it!
Ms. Heidi Stark, we're gonna need a second book now! I need to know what becomes of Dylan and the crew. I'm not going to say too much more for fear of ruining it for everyone. When I say RUN!!! Don't walk... this was an absolute must read and I would recommend this to anyone that s this genre. Heidi Stark, you ma'am are an amazing author and I can't wait to see more of your work!!2 s Kandace Wade42

I received an ARC of this book. I ended up DNFing it. It didn’t have any character development or tension between the characters. In a why choose I feel you need that development. The plot fell off in a lot of the chapters. It was just rambling. I feel there wasn’t any real relationship built between characters. It was a lot of run in type relations. Now I love sports romance especially why choose but this just wasn’t it. It didn’t hook me in my usual reads. 2 s Misty Horsley15

This was my first ARC for Heidi and I will definitely be signing up for more. This was a really good book. I d that she started the book off with explaining the sport itself and the different positions. I had no idea these were the types of names used for rugby. All I knew about the sport was that the players were tough, had lots of injuries, had sexy legs and bums, and it’s dangerous. I Dylan because she was not afraid to go after what she wanted. She has her tough side and her girly side. The guys all had their different personalities of course and I that we got to see all of their differences on their date nights. We got to see a side of the guys that I was not expecting from a couple of them especially Killian. I was not a huge fan of Kai from the beginning but by the end I was warming up to him a little. I was not ready for the book to end. I wanted more about all of them and to see how they all navigated their new relationship status. I also wanted more spicy scenes as a group. Hopefully there will be more. I’m looking forward to seeing what she decides to do with these characters. Thank you for adding me to your ARC group Heidi. It was truly a pleasure reading your work and I look forward to reading more.1 chesirern301 13

Rucked by Heidi Stark is a why choose sports romance novel. I am thankful that the author took the time to explain rugby, the terms and how it is played. It really helped in making the novel flow smoother. The character development was done well. Dylan gets the chance to be a tough and rugged rugby player but also a very feminine female. I d the guys (Noah, Killian, and Jayden). They end up all being roommates. The banter was between them was entertaining as well the spicy situations they found themselves in.
Overall this was a fun and entertaining read. I think Heidi Stark did a great job with a sports romance. I can’t wait to see what she has in store for us next. 1 Kayla W. 107 3

This is the first book I read by this author and definitely won’t be the last one. Rugby is new to me but the author does a great job explaining the positions and necessary terms. I loved seeing the multi POV between the characters in the different chapters. I enjoy a good why choose book with spice and this book definitely delivered the spice. Dylan is a great main character who isn’t afraid to get what she wants.

Favorite quote: “She’s become so much more than just a teammate. More than a conquest or a prize to be won. She’s…everything.”1 Devon Duffy124 1 follower

That was not what I was expecting at all!! From intense rugby matches to intense date nights, this book was a page turner!! It kept me wanting more and I fell in love with every character. I was worried about the clash of egos with such strong male characters but was pleasantly surprised to see each of their sensitive sides and their level of care. I definitely need to know what happens next as they start their adventure as a group.1 MissPenelopewrites34 4

I have to say it was adorable. My favorite had to have been Noah. It was very fluffy and it was a nice pallet cleanser. I’m not gonna lie. on the blurb though however, they said groveling. I was expecting some drama to happen and they would have to you know fight to get her back. But I was presently surprised with Jayden. I mean, he did have some hangups with his ex that I thought would’ve been flushed out a little bit more. This is a solid you know 3.5 stars. The spice is very light. I was very surprised, however with Kai. That’s a dark horse. #Yes. It would be great if there was a bonus scene, though with the group, all of them together. ( when they go on vacation to visit Kai‘s hometown) But then again that’s me being a smut whore. lol You did a really great job!1 Lindsey Kennedy1 review

I loved this book so much. I didn’t think I would a rugby romance but oooh did I! I enjoyed a lot, I hope you can all enjoy when the book comes out. Heidi Stark thank you so much. This book was beautifully written1 Halie Becerra23

ARC review: I ended up DNFing at 33%. I feel I’m easy to please, giving most books 4 or 5 stars, but this was just painful. It felt a rough draft and not a book only weeks away from release.1 Kimberly Cook12

I am honored to be an ARC for this author. Excellent read by Miss Stark with the right amount of spice. I also appreciate the respect the male characters in this book show her in reference to the sport she so dominates in. That is so rarely seen in todays athletics. I honestly can't wait to read her next book
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