
Chissà dove de Heidi Cullinan

de Heidi Cullinan - Género: Italian
libro gratis Chissà dove


L'amore cresce nelle crepe rimaste aperte.Se c'è una cosa che a Roe Davis, bracciante e figlio di fattori, proprio non va a genio, è mischiare il lavoro col piacere. Peccato che poi si imbatta nel suo capo, Travis Loving, nell'unico locale gay nel raggio di duecento miglia.Cominciare una relazione col proprietario del ranch sembra una pessima idea, ma i gusti sessuali di Roe e Travis si allineano come due assi della stessa staccionata. Forse, in fondo, possono trovare un accordo... a patto che sia chiaro a entrambi che si tratta solo di sesso e che non deve interferire col lavoro.Cacciato di casa anni addietro, Roe è sopravvissuto spostandosi da un luogo all'altro e rifiutandosi di mettere radici. Quando la storia con Travis comincia a travalicare i confini del puro e semplice sesso, il giovane dovrà fare i conti col passato che minaccia quel flebile raggio di felicità, ricordandogli che è tempo di tagliare i ponti e andarsene per la sua strada.Ma anche il più solitario dei lupi può patire la solitudine, e ormai Roe incomincia a capire che non serve darsi alla fuga: la vergogna e il dolore per quello che ha perduto lo seguiranno ovunque, finché non sarà pronto ad ammettere che anche l'amore può essere una casa...

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**4.5 stars**

"I don't want a partner. I don't want a husband. I want a boy. I want a little slut I can order what to do. I want you in boots and spurs and chaps and nothing else, sucking on my cock with a tail hanging out of your ass."

Heidi Cullinan, you are a bad, bad girl.

This book was S to the M-O-K-I-N-G hot. my kindle burst into little flames and the ashes melted away- kind of hot. DAMN. I was not prepared for this level of heat. This is not for the beginner M/M reader. Hell, this isn't for even a beginner erotica reader. This is an F-ing master class. It isn't that the kinks in this book are so extreme (or maybe I'm just desensitized!) but the way that Heidi Cullinan writes this book is so erotic that even the innocent stuff feels eons dirtier than it has any right to. And then the content just gets filthier and filthier...

Okay, let me clear my head and get to the writing. I actually thought that I was going to hate this book when I started. This is one of those books that is narrated through the main character and the way he talks is very... gruff. I wasn't really connecting with him at first and I found the little short sentences to be jarring. However, once I got going, I get more and more engrossed in the story. Admittingly, what pulled me at first was the sex. The chemistry between Roe and Travis is off the charts. The first 50% of this book is very very heavy on the sex. I was willing to just chalk this book up to be great erotica but then a plot sort of snuck in. The feelings between Roe and Travis grew more complicated and deeper and I went along for the ride with them. The story that grew out of this one was both beautiful and hopeful.

I can see how some people would not love the change in tone of this book in the last 25% or so. It really does transition from erotica to a more romantic-focused story. I didn't mind it so much. I tend to be pretty gushy so when the story became ooey-gooey, I just changed my mindset and enjoyed Heidi's writing. And the writing is gooood. It is tricky how the author gets you so engrossed in the story that by the time it ends, you don't feel ready to let the characters go. All in all, a fabulous surprisingly steamy read.

**Find this review and others it at myfictionnook.com**contemporary cowboys-ranchers-farmers full-of-angst ...more167 s1 comment ~?~D?ni(ela) ? ?? love & semi-colons~?~3,089 638

I am just a little giddy over this book, and this won't be a coherent review, more a reaction. I didn't know it was possible for something to be so raunchy and so sweet at the same time.

I giggled and blushed and even cried a little. I'm not a Mid-Westerner, nor do I have a particular interest in ranches, but I sort of want to herd some sheep now.

Roe and Travis and Haley are such wonderful, real characters, and the book tackles some serious issues, including the hatemongering and homophobia that have sadly become a mainstream staple of American Christianity.

And the steam factor. Good lord, this was all kinds of kinky, dirty fun. Get out the saddle and say giddy up!

Reread 3/2014, and I loved it just a little bit more this time; remains a favorite and a must read. age-gap best-hea dom-sub-bdsm ...more111 s Judith724 2,812

***Dirty,Kinky but surprisingly sweet!!***

Well,this was a Hot one

Roe is 20 when his parents find out he's gay.They are highly religious and very judgmental so he basically has a choice...change the person he is or leave.
He leaves and drifts around for years,even with a time in prison.
He's a loner.Not interested in making friends or a relationship.He feels he's not worth love.He finds some stability getting a job at Nowhere Ranch and this is where he meets Travis.

Travis is 42.Although he has been married he's always known he was gay.

They don't communicate much until,one night they find themselves in a gay bar.
They both have extreme sexual desires.Travis s to dominate and Roe is happy to be submissive and s his sex rough and dirty and is pretty much up for anything

Now,let's get onto the sex...

Well all I can say is Giddyup,the 'pony play' scene in the barn had me blushing.I would never have thought something that would turn me on,but I had such a hot mental image going on here.

There is a lot of dirty sex in the first half of the book but in the second half it's much more emotional.

The story is narrated by Roe and I really enjoyed the writing.He's honest and doesn't hold back on his thoughts
Great secondary character in Hayley ( God,you'd want her on your side..)

I just loved the relationship that developed between Roe and Travis,these 2 where perfect together.

So if you your M/M books very dirty but with a sweet side I would definitely recommend this one......92 s Optimist ?King's Wench?1,785 3,907

**Audiobook Review December 2018 & Third Read for those keeping score**

I had sort of a “light bulb” moment around the middle of this time through: every time I read, or in this case listen, to this book it happens to me all over again. Not many books can do that.

I know errrryone talks about the kink. I did. Make no mistake, it is kinky AF, filthy kinky, but right alongside the kink is a powerful love story not just between Roe and Travis but Roe and the community of Nowhere Ranch. From the start Roe says, “this is the story of me finding home” and that’s what resonates with me every time. I’m a sucker for the making a home trope and HC is a master of her trade.

Roe is one of those characters that gets under my skin because he’s been beaten down by life, his family and misguided religious ideologies into thinking that he’s nothing. He reminds me of a beaten dog that desperately wants love and affection but has been abused one too many times for him to trust in anything or anyone. Were he just born to accepting parents who knows what he could’ve been but because of their zealotry he’s been forced to survive life rather than prosper in it, living a solitary existence, never trusting anyone and skipping town whenever things get to be too much.

Until Nowhere Ranch, Nebraska, and Travis Loving come along.

The entire story is told through Roe but it’s my belief that Travis got a pretty good read on Roe early on and waited him out. coaxing the beaten dog out of hiding, never spooking him with too much heaviness or expectation. A Roe whisperer, if you will. Always enticing him with the good treats e.g. kink and nice kitchen. But all along I think Travis had an endgame of Roe sticking around forever.

Every time they get their forever it gets me in the feels. Yeah, maybe it is a little Disney but I loved Hayley and that plotline the first time and I loved her and it again this time. I’m of the opinion that if anyone deserves some Disney in their life it’s Roe and seeing him get his taps into my inner squishy marshmallow every time.

Iggy Toma did Roe proud. Nowhere Ranch remains on the all time favorite list.

***Second Read April 2015***

Y'know I still feel my initial review is spot on. It's not exactly "professional" but it's from the heart. The second time around was just as touching and raunchy and delicious and full of feels as the first. I felt I was coming home to ole Nowhere. Really, it's one of my all time favorite books and I cowboys aren't even my thing!

With that in mind, I questioned myself constantly this time around to get to the bottom of why I love this book so much and one thing kept rising to the top-I love Roe's voice. He strikes a chord in me, but I do love a damaged character. He comes across achingly authentic. He breaks my heart and makes me laugh. He has simple tastes but's far from simple. He uses the word 'fussy' and he loves to cook especially for people he cares about. I found myself wishing he were a real person because I'd to be friends and I think we'd make a fantastic Thanksgiving dinner. That alone speaks to HC's level of talent to make me long for a fictional character.

"I want you to work for me and cook for me and talk with me. And then I want to fuck you, Roe. I want to fuck you so good I ruin you for anybody else. I want to make you mine. Mine. I want to brand you the cattle. Not because I'm in love with you. Because I want you, and because I don't want anyone else to have you."

None of that means I loved Travis or Haley any less. The nuances of Travis I didn't completely recognize the first time especially how well Travis read Roe. He sort of snuck in the back door with him. Have you ever seen that movie The Horse Whisperer? Remember how Tom waited out Pilgrim? He was patient and kind but stern and forceful when it was called for. Travis is Roe's whisperer. And Haley is a force to be reckoned with, one that won't be denied no matter how much Roe may want to. Roe needs them both and the different ways they love and accept him. That's what holds Nowhere Ranch together-the building of a family that's not bound to you by blood. HC does this exceptionally well.

I wasn't sorry. I felt that crazy sea inside me was settling into a calm. He had drawn it out of the bottle I kept it in, but when I looked up at him, it eased, because if my wild insides were a sea, his gray eyes were the world's biggest fucking bowl, and they held me. Caught and held me and bore me up.

I'm not great at memorizing books but I feel the changes were mostly subtle e.g. fleshing out Roe's inner turmoil, his constant second guessing and pervasively low self-esteem, some of the descriptions of the landscapes, fine tuning sentences, things of that ilk; but, I do think the Grace plot point was strengthened. I've already prostrated myself on the HC alter (several times), so I'll refrain. In a nutshell, if you HC, especially if you kinky HC, Nowhere Ranch is a must read. Period.

As a parting comment, I'm pretty sure the kinky bits/raunchy language got a boost. *eyebrow waggle* That pony scene... I have no words but I do have a plethora of incoherent noises.

A review copy was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

****First Read 2012? Maybe?****

It was all that AND a bag of chips. I can't believe I waited so long to read it. HC is Queen Shit of Fuck Mountain.
bdsm boys-who--boys erotica ...more77 s Monique1,039 380

"My name is Munroe Davies and this is the story of how I found Home"

This story is beautifully and poignantly narrated by Roe - he isn't well educated, but he's smart and doesn't need fancy words to illustrate his emotions and feelings, he's just straight forward and genuine, with no corruption or insincerity. There is only one language for Roe and it is simple honesty in black or white - no grey areas.... his words just broke my heart and made me smile at the innocence of the rendition of his tale.

As readers we see him floundering through life moving from one town to the next, no friends, no attachments and no family... leaving only one night stands in his wake. Roe has been running away for two years - accepting the brand so heavily placed upon him by his family and Pastor - running away from their prayers of salvation and redemption. That is, until he ends up at Nowhere Ranch, which is owned by Travis Loving.

On a night off, his body craving for some action, Roe makes the three hour drive to Rapid City wanting nothing more than some anonymous.. as Roe put it "Fuck me, and leave me" sex! The last person he expected to see in the Gay Bar was his Boss! Niceties out of the way, Travis finds a booth and lays his plans on the table... a weekend of kink with no strings attached - he can see as plain as day - deep in the eyes staring back at him the submissive in Roe and his body is itching to gain control of it! Although Roe was nervous and apprehensive, he s what he hears and by that point his brain was non functioning un other parts of his body that were screaming for attention... all thoughts of panic gone and lust fully engaged. The dirty whisperings and under the table action was enough to over heat my kindle! and Roe was loving it. His inner whore and slut taking over - he was aroused by the attention they were getting in the bar, nasty and raunchy, just how he d it...

Roe however is a contradiction, yes it may be a huge turn on for him but really he is just behaving the abomination he is accused of being, proving his family right. Inside Roe is lonely, scared to love or be loved as though he is not worthy of the affection. Distancing himself from any kind of relationship and ashamed and humiliated by his past. Travis haunted by his own past, is understanding of Roe's nature to want to run, so he gives him space, never forcing, always patiently waiting for Roe.

This relationship takes place over a few months and along the way we have a few problems with communication which inevitably leads to misunderstandings with a family feud and argument... Ohhh and lots of kinky BDSM sex to top it off! Roe is constantly in fear of any attachments, although there ends up being quite a cast of characters which endear themselves to him, in particular... Haley! At first I really, really did not her, her exuberance was wearing me out never mind Roe! but as it turned out she was quite the force to be reckoned with and I ended up loving her.

There was a pivotal moment in their romance and how that particular sexual act on Roe made me both smile and cringe at the same time, can only be down to Roe's narration of it. In that moment his unbinding trust of Travis was profound, earned and received and to Travis it was a gift! All I can say is that, the research on this sexual practice and to actually be in Roe's mind whist in the throes of passion during it... must have been pretty impressive!

This is a HEA and the epilogue at the end had me bawling a baby... I love Heidi Cullinans writing, I really believed this story from Roe, she gave him a voice so pure and innocent, wanting only to belong, to have a home and she gave that to him along with a man who's love was so complete I was moved to tears.

4 Stars

For more review, please visit...Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews

lgbt72 s Nark680 1,381

expected kinky cowboy sex, got kinky cowboy sex AND lots of feels.

bdsm lgbtq romance64 s Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus1,116 921

5 Kinky Stars..

"Unbutton your fly and put your hands on the table." Ummmm.. Yes Sir!

Woooow! Just Woow. This book was dirty, hot , Kinky in a very good way.

I was glued from page 1. I might have finished reading this in one day but I kept re-reading the chapters. Yaap it was that good.

To be honest I kind of the guys who make it clear they are there for your ass and that?s it. When I was fourteen and seriously wanting to be fucked, I used to pray to God to send me aliens to fuck me and then leave. Anal probe: bring it on.

The best part is it is not all smut, this is the story of Roe and Travis and how they found love and home. The chemistry between these two was bouncing of the pages. The story is told from Roe’s POV and the writing is flawless and amazing.

My heart broke for Roe especially how he was treated by his family. I really don’t it when people use religion as an excuse for them being homophobic.

Kayla and Father Tim…

I loved Travis he was so sweet to Roe, caring, loving and the kinkiest, dirtiest, sexy cowboy.

Dogs. He was getting me two dogs.
I didn't know what to say, so I just stared up at him. We were out at the kennels, and it was cold, and my ears were going numb underneath the hat he'd bought me for my birthday. His cheeks were pink as he grinned back at me.
“Oh, don't look so shocked. I knew you wanted dogs.”
Despite the cold, my face flushed with heat. “But you said you didn't want them.”
“I said I didn't want to fuss with them. But you do. So they're yours. Go check them all out and see if there are any you want to work with. We can do pups if you'd rather, but I thought maybe you'd to see the rescue first.”

I ended up with a pair of two-year-olds named Ezra and Ezekiel, but I was already shortening them to Ez and Zeke while Travis wrote the check.

The Sex , The Sex… those were hottest sex scenes I have read this year.

There was pony play and it was hoooooooot!

He lifted up the cowboy hat and stroked my hair. "There now. You just hold still, and when I tell you to giddyup, you start riding. Understand?"

The dirty talk

“You're worried I want to make you my lover? Well, I don't want one, Roe. I don't want a partner. I don't want a husband. I want a boy. I want a little slut I can order what to do. I want you in boots and spurs and chaps and nothing else, sucking on my cock with a tail hanging out of your ass.” I shuddered, but when he bit the soft flesh of my lobe, I went slack. “I want you to work for me and cook for me and talk with me. And then I want to fuck you, Roe. I want to fuck you so good I ruin you for anybody else. I want to make you mine. Mine. I want to brand you the cattle. Not because I'm in love with you. Because I want you, and because I don't want anyone else to have you.”

Lets just say there was Rough sex, sensual sex, spanking, whipping, fisting,Bukkake, puppy play, pony play and everything in between and more. And I loved it.

Haley I love you girl.

"No, you listen. Both of you. You listen, and you listen fucking good. You get your ears turned all the way on, because today I have the gospel for you, and you had better fucking take notes."


and we get a HEA2017 best-of-the-best favorites ...more54 s Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read**1,418 778

***4.5 Stars***

Wow....just WOW!! I've been thinking about this book since I finished it and still can't find a way to fully wrap my head around it. Not because it's some grand piece of literature or genre changing epicness...it's primarily because of how much I loved it, how much it surprised me and how much of that surprise will stay with me for a VERY long time.

I'm going to make my review nice and simple...well, because at the heart of it, that's how this book felt...simple and effortless.

The first thing that's going to hit you while reading is the sex. This is probably some of the most kinkiest, down and dirty, filthy, passionate sex I've ever read. It smacks you right in the face...HARD...for almost the first half of the book. I'm not going to lie....

My comfort level buzzers were going off....but I pushed through...primarily because it didn't feel the kink was there for shock value, but actually an integral part of the story. As much as I may have been blushing and uncomfortable, every act in this book felt true to these characters. So for those who may not be able to handle things such as (I'll put it under a spoiler) pony play and lots of ass play, including fisting this may not be the right book for you.

But here's where I was surprised. I was so focused on the extreme of the sex, that the emotion caught me off guard....and that's where I find the true beauty of this book.

This book is about the kind of love and affection that sneaks up on you...becomes an inherent part of you that you don't feel it settling until it's taken root.

And once it takes root, you realize that a piece of you has been missing all your life....you've been a shell of a person without having experienced the type of love that you never knew you had the ability to feel.

As you can tell, I've been pretty vague in my review...and that's completely intentional. I didn't go over plot, or character backgrounds or anything. I think it's best to go into this book without knowing too much.

I didn't read any prior to going into this book so all I knew was (1) it takes place on a ranch...duh, and (2) the warning I received that the sex was very kinky and to be prepared for that. That's it, that's all I had to go on....and I'm so glad! Because this feeling that I have now, this level of surprise at the depth of feeling I have for a book....this is one of the best kinds of book highs!

...I thanked the grace of the God who had seen fit, despite my efforts and those of my family, to put me safely in this man's arms.

So my advice to you when it comes to this book...go in with an open mind and an open heart, and hopefully you'll come out the other side just as happily surprised as me. Because when you finish this book, you're definitely not where you thought you'd be when you started.

I'm so glad I took the plunge and read this! Definitely one of my favorite reads of the year!

However, I have to be honest and it's with a heavy heart that even with all this gushing, I couldn't give the book a full five stars. Why, you ask? The ending. I felt that it was a little rushed and had too big of a red bow tied to it. I'm all for an HEA, but sometimes there's such a thing as too much. 5-star favorite-couples i-m-broken ...more51 s Gigi2,155 1,040

Third read October 2016

I've never been able to review this one because my heart is so full when I'm done. It is just the perfect mix of kink and comfort and passion and love. It gets me every time.

I can't wait to read it again.absolute-favorites mm-bdsm mm-children ...more47 s Ariana (mostly offline)1,456 60

Reread in April 2019

So worth a reread! I adored Roe and Travis all over again. And I love how the author pays tribute to her main character by writing in a style that reflects his personality and character.
Only thing that made me wonder is that Roe says in the end that he and Travis virtually give up their BDSM scenes because they haven't got the time and energy. While I totally get that kids and family can be total 'cockblockers', LOL, it feels odd that Roe kind of dismisses their playing "seen it, done it' but now we've moved on." I didn't think you could put sexual preferences so easily to one side. But maybe I'm making too much out of this.
Fabulous and very hot book!

Original review:

*4,5 stars*

Wow. This was hot and sweet and pretty much everything else I look for in a good love story.

Roe is a lost soul. Thrown out by his ultra conservative, homophobic family who has succeeded in making him believe there is something vitally wrong with him, he drifts through life, always moving on when it seems he is getting too attached.
He has lost belief in himself and love and cut himself off any meaningful human relationships.

Coming to Nowhere ranch is a challenge because he s it there. And things get even more complicated when it turns out that his boss, Travis, is not only also gay, but that they are highly compatible in bed. Ok. This is definitely an understatement because these two guys are sinfully hot. They are bad, bad boys when they start playing and acting out their fantasies. *dreamy sigh*

The thing is, this is not where it ends. Although Roe puts up a mighty fight against his emotions, he does start having feelings for Travis. And Travis is definitely up for 'more', despite the traumatic end to his previous relationship.
But can Roe really let go of his fears and panic of getting too attached? Can he allow himself to be part of a family again?

I really loved how Heidi Cullinan describes Roe's difficult journey. How he reconnects with the world, love and his family. It is a most wonderful, heart warming story.
And the ending is just the best!
As for secondary characters: I'm definitely on team Haley! That girl rocks!

Only thing - Although the author does an excellent job of conveying the feelings of Travis I would have loved a dual POV. And the age gap was simply never an issue. But this is only a small niggle. This is an awesome book.

Highly recommended.age-gap bdsm hot-hot-hot ...more42 s * Meli Mel *856 672

??? 4.25 STARS ???

?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

"My name is Monroe Davies, and this is the story of how I found home"

?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

Oh. My. God. this book! Not at all what I expected it to be, but that wasn't a bad thing. I was just caught by surprise by how dirty and kinky this was. Holy hell!!

After Roe Davis left home, because his family was unable to accept his homosexuality, he has been moving to different areas. He is now in Nebraska and has just gotten a job at Nowhere Ranch. Despite his family thinking that what he does in the bedroom is sinful, he has no problem being true to himself. But, he most definitely does not do relationships. When he goes to the nearest gay bar he finds none other than his boss Travis Loving there as well. It's awkward as hell to say the least, but after Roe and Travis talk, they realize that their sexual proclivities may match. Roe knows it's a terrible idea to get mixed up with his boss, but when the attraction becomes too much, they agree on just sex.

?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

"I told you," he said, voice rough but not unkind, "I know what you want, and I give it to you.”

?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

This story was told completely in Roe's POV, and it was a very enjoyable one. It did take a while for me to get into, but once I was able to connect with Roe, I found myself really liking it. I absolutely loved the steamy connection between Roe and Travis. The first part of the book is where both these characters explored their sexual relationship in full. Yowza! I've read some filthy eroticas in the past, and definitely some with BDSM in it. Although most of those have been m/f books, I have a read a few that were m/m. This one, however, blew all those books out of the water in the kinky department. I have never squirmed uncomfortably and blushed so hard at what I was reading. I had no idea if I was enjoying it or not, it was very confusing. So a warning to anyone who wants to read this book, read it while you are alone.

The more time Roe and Travis spent together, the more their feelings for each other grew. This at first became a bit of a conflict between them because Roe kept wanting to keep things purely sexual. I loved how patient yet challenging Travis was towards Roe. I loved how free Roe could be around him. It was really beautiful watching them fall for each other. But this book was more than just sex. There were some heartfelt situations in it. This is where the book changes a bit and becomes more about their romantic relationship. It was also where the issues of homophobia were dealt with.

?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

'My whole body gave over to him. My body trusted him, not just my mind. Trusted him with everything.'

?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

Can I just say that I LOVED Haley. She was such a great and supportive character. She accepted both Roe and Travis for who they were, good people. She did annoy me a bit at first but that changed quickly. Roe was very lucky to have her in his life. The epilogue had me tearing up with happy tears. I loved it so much, even if it was a tad mushy, I didn't care one bit. My heart melted for them. This story, while being explosively hot, was also über sweet, and emotional. I really enjoyed it. I don't know why I didn't read it sooner. This was my first book from this author and it won't be my last. I highly recommend this one, but it is definitely not for everyone due to the subject matter. Still, it is definitely worth reading.

***WARNING: Contains scenes with animal roleplay and fisting***

~Ebook gifted to Kris & Vik Book Therapy Cafe in exchange for an honest review.~

arc-gifted bdsm favorites ...more41 s SheReadsALot1,838 1,249

Baby's first Heidi Cullinan...



I lay many thanks on the feet of my dear Cupcake because she gave me the most needed boot in my ass to finally read Heidi Cullinan. We've been discussing (maybe I've been pushing her onto the Tali train - but I mean well) for months, guys. Long months. And I have a list of other books we need to read. The CANDYLAND THUNDERDOME event was created from that by the excellente idea of a few unicorns.

Nowhere Ranch is one of those books that has a reputation. You know its number is written on the bathroom wall, so to speak - 'for a good time, dial Nowhere Ranch, ask for Roe' kind of rep. Very popular. Some parts I've heard all about *coughs*fisting*coughs*pony play*coughs*puppy play*coughs.

Excuse me, I must of had something in my throat.

This book is so well known I won't rehash the plot too much - damaged ex-con who doesn't value himself enough is toss to the side by his homophobic family. He finds his work on a ranch in Nebraska. And his self. Yes, this is a romance. It also has some yummy kink for readers who enjoy public exhibition, rimming, the puppy & pony plays, bondage, cumeating, dirty talk or fingering. Monroe and Travis love ass play.

Let's say I really enjoyed when Roe and Travis played together. *shudders* If you told me this book that started off so hotly, ended the way it did, I'd have told you no way.  But it did. The personal growth that Roe takes (it's told from his 1st person POV) was even more delicious to me than the kink. And I think this is why Cupcake knew this one was for me.

I got a novel with depth. I got characters I cared about (#teamHaleyFTW). I got the smut. But I also got the HEA romance.

You want to know what my most favorite part of "Nowhere Ranch" was? Actually, it's parts.

No, it most certainly was not that part. I do love a good Crisco scene, it's been well documented on GR, but it wasn't that. (In fact, fisting makes my insides cringe. Then I whimper for all the loosened orifices out there) It wasn't the kink (though it was might-tee fine), it wasn't the characters (though they were well fleshed out) or the setting (who knew a city girl could come to appreciate Nebraska farm life *shrugs*).

It was the way the author could emote with a handful of words. Some of the simplest sentences and I'm captured, my attention was fully engaged and I am there with Roe.

Baby loves the filthy, raunchy things. But she loves a good story even more. Put those two together? Woo-wee!!! You have my attention.

Highly recommended. Totally reading more from this author (I actually have a pile of her stuff...I'll try to cut down the lengthy gap next time) Don't be me and wait years to crack open a Heidi Cullinan book.

age-difference bdsm biter-sexy ...more40 s Darien849 322

May 2018 (Audiobook)

Story: 4.5 ?? s
Narration: 3.5 ?? s


The story is still amazing and kinky as hell. If you want raw and dirty and fisting
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