
Twisted Ties de Haze, Hannah

de Haze, Hannah - Género: English
libro gratis Twisted Ties


Haze, Hannah Series: The Arrow Hart Academy 02 Year: 2024

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This was really great! I'm super into this series. I need book 3.

I will say, I wish there was a bit more interaction with the guys in this. The FMC, Rhi, spent a lot of time with Winnie and random other characters throughout this book. Spencer was barely in the 1st half, and Tristan was barely in the 2nd half. I also want more from Renzo - I feel we've only really gotten the tip of the iceberg with him. Renzo and Rhi have only had 2 interactions, and they still feel virtual strangers.

I am glad that Stone has come around, and we learned a bit more about him. I need Summer to be taken down because she's driving me nuts and it's getting a bit old. Azlan is still the best, but I still can't really tell if Rhi s him beyond enjoying having lots of sex with him. With both Azlan and Stone, there's lots of progress in their physical relationships with Rhi, but very little progress emotionally. I loved the sexting scene though - I lolled.

Anyways, this was good. It felt a bit filler because nothing really happened, and it ended with more questions than answers, but I'm still excited for the next book! I really these characters. 21 s Ana c40 1 follower

Hummm... I got complaints

So, I not saying pass on this series but I do have some issues with it. First, I wasn't sure about this series plot but it's getting better. Though the plot need to be more flushed out, I don't feel we are any further along than the first book. Second, Rhi budding relationship with Azlan and Stone was nice but feels mainly built on lust and the bond. The end of the book suggests they will be trusting each other more, it just would have been nice to see it in this book since I'm gathering there will only be 3 books total. Which brings me to my third issue, this series needs to be more than 3 books. From the length of these books and the pacing of the current writing, there is no way to wrap this story up with a pretty bow without rushing the entire story in book 3, there needs to be at least 5 books to tell the story and for character growth. Spencer and Tristan have had no growth with Rhi, they are just suffering more form the bond. Both are still hateful to her, want her gone, and barely interacted with her in this story. They need their own book and a better explanation to why the are such dicks bc there is no reasoning besides prejudice and being stuck ups. And from the hints, Renzo is another of her mates, he needs his own book bc again, barely any interaction and no growth to their relationship. Then you need a book for the conclusion to why they were all fated, coming together working as a unit, and the final battle, or whatever.

Can you understand my complaints?!

These books are frustrating bc as other have mentioned from the first book, it just ends abruptly in each book and the story hasn't really progressed enough to leave you with a satisfying ending, or anticipation for the next book. 11 s GimmeAllTheWerdssss592 242 Shelved as 'abandon-dnf'

DNF @ 26%

I’m going to date myself and go with the famous words that Randy Jackson muttered in season one of American Idol and say - “It’s a no for me dawg”

None of the characters are able….

Heroine is pathetic. Gets magically bonded to H1 who she doesn’t even know, while in the hospital displays realistic anger with him for his actions and the fact that SHE DOESNT KNOW HIM!! But the second they get in the car to go home all inhibitions go out the window and she has porn star sex with him for the next few days. All the while playing the victim card and teeny bopper mind games - “I want to go back to school” …”ok, go back to school”….”why do you want me to go back to school!”….”you don’t have to stay”….”I’ll go if you want me to”….”why doesn’t he want to say with mmmmeeee!”
I ain’t got time for this nonsense…

H1….no real personality at all and doesn’t really share anything with the heroine.

H2…mind raper still being an asshole BUT she does end up sexing him up at the end.

H3….the orgy bully who humiliated the heroine toward the end of book 1. It’s been a few days since that orgy in which he actively participated AND humiliated the heroine but now he’s turning down an orgy and saying the heroine belongs to him? Ummmm…gonna need a little bit more info on that crazy change in attitude and am I suppose to be proud that you turned down the orgy? Get your disease ridden self checked dude, you gotta have something deadly by now

H4….the one who physically assaulted her repeatedly in book 1. Still a bully I see. Moving on…

New to the group H5….hes perhaps the only interesting one but not enough for me to even try to continue

Ultimately, the idea that this is a 6 book series leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. I can’t imagine torturing myself through any more of this drivel. dnf doormat-heroine its-me-not-you ...more9 s1 comment Jessisfullybooked148 18

Twisted Ties is the second book in the Arrow Hart Academy series and it blew every expectation I had out of the water
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