
Yes, I Killed Her de Harry Fisher

de Harry Fisher - Género: English
libro gratis Yes, I Killed Her


In the 21st century, is the perfect murder remotely possible?
Edwin Fuller is convinced it is. He’s cunning, calculating and chilling. He makes a plan. He carries it out. And he kills his wife.
His plan has worked; he’s got away with murder. Case closed.
Until he makes a big mistake.

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“Yes, I Killed Her” is the third novel by Scottish author Harry Fisher and is the follow-up crime thriller set in Leith, starring DI Mel Cooper and her team of officers.

- In the 21st century, is the perfect murder even remotely possible? Edwin Fuller is convinced it is. He’s cunning, calculating and chilling. He makes a plan. He carries it out. And he kills his wife. Fuller’s plan has worked; he’s got away with murder. Case closed. Until he makes a big mistake —

Harry Fisher is a very clever and talented man and after reading “Yes, I Killed Her” he’s not someone I would to offend! The fact that he’s managed to research and then execute the perfect crime in this book and then virtually deconstruct it for the police to solve, shows amazing imagination and literary skill. We know instantly that Edwin is a murderer and it’s very interesting as we follow him, recounting how he planned the murder and attempted to foresee any issues. An excellently thought out premise which was highly enjoyable.

I do DI Mel Cooper, she’s a down to earth copper who stands for no nonsense and is also a very able boss and colleague to her team. As police procedurals go, this is a very worthy novel and shows some real copper’s leg work in the team’s dedication to bring about justice, along with an acceptable amount of dark humour.

As I’ve said before in previous , Harry Fisher could give many a top name crime thriller author a run for their money. As far as I’m concerned he’s an author that is currently way up on my list of go to favourites and I look forward to more investigations for DI Mel Cooper and her team to solve.

#YesIKilledHer - 5 stars

Thank you to Rebecca and Hobeck Books for inviting me on this #BlogTour and for my copy of the book in return for a honest review. blog-tour hobeck2 s Monika Armet365 47

This book follows Edwin Fuller, a primary school teacher, who commits the perfect crime. He murders his wife, Rachel, disposes of her body, and points the evidence towards someone else.

From the beginning, it was apparent that DI Mel Cooper and her colleagues had their work cut out. Edwin appeared as a meek husband who lived under Rachel’s thumb – a notion confirmed by everyone who knew the couple.

However, certain things sound far too convenient for Mel.

Then, Edwin makes a couple of mistakes… What were those mistakes?

You’ll have to read this book for yourselves to find out.

What can I say? I was hooked from the very first paragraph. I enjoyed reading the chapters describing Edwin and his ingenious plotting. He thought of everything, however, he was no match for DI Mel Cooper.

I loved everything about the book: the location, the style of writing, the characters, the plot. It’s not a classic ‘whodunnit’, it’s more of a ‘howdunnit’ – it’s all revealed in the end, and it’s deliciously dark.

I definitely, 100%, recommend this book. It’s simply divine!
1 Tony The Bookmark6297 6

Thank you to the amazing team at Hobeck Books for a review copy of this book
This book kept me awake until the early hours wanting to know if this is the perfect crime or will the mistake he made be his undoing
This book is highly recommended and a true crime thriller with realistic true to life situations mixed with laugh out the loud moments
The author has obviously done a great deal of research which shows on the page
I will be looking at other titles by the author a joy to read1 Peter Fleming264 5

Edwin Fuller has had enough, he’s finally going to murder his wife Rachel, and the storm brewing outside is the final piece of the jigsaw. The storm will be the perfect cover to a perfect murder.

Rachel’s body is found hanging precariously over an almost inaccessible riverbank in Leith on DI Mel Cooper’s patch.

Always suspect the spouse they say. Edwin is meek and mild, seemingly devastated when he received the ‘death knock’ and then had to carry out the identification. He’s briefly considered but ruled out once evidence starts being uncovered, which points to friend Jack being the guilty man. Mel and her team build a watertight case but one small point bugs her, how could a burner phone suddenly turn itself on?

Edwin is home and in the clear, but he’s enjoying himself so much outsmarting both the police and his friends and family. He’s become sort of an adrenalin junkie, living off the thrill and wanting a bigger one next.

Jack’s wife Lisa stands by him, she knows there is no way he would have had an affair with and then murdered Rachel. These thoughts are merely reinforced when Mel expresses her doubts and together, they decide to blow Edwin’s charade wide open.

It’s an audacious and confident author who exposes the killer in the first chapter of a novel. It’s a skilled one who can keep the reader enthralled to the final page. Harry Fisher is all of these and in ‘Yes, I Killed Her’ has produced a brilliant modern take on the classic ‘perfect murder’ story.

The core of the plot is straightforward, Edwin murders his wife Rachel and does it in such a way that he believes he will get away with it, the perfect murder indeed. The reader interest comes from the detailed and intricate planning that goes into the murder and the subsequent framing of a friend. If you think modern forensic techniques have made detection easy, then think again.

It’s a novel with strong characters and they are given the stage to tell their story. It’s a Mel Cooper novel but so much of it revolves around Edwin that he is the key character. The reader starts off seeing him merely as a cold killer but as the plot develops it is clear his marriage is toxic, and his wife Rachel is dominating and controlling. Any sympathy Edwin though is short lived, we discover that Rachel herself is a damaged woman, partly due to her own mistakes, and we see where her contempt for men comes from. Much of Edwin’s unhappiness is down to his own decisions and personality traits, he’s weak, vain, and arrogant.

The pacing is nicely judged, being even and controlled as the initial evidence gathering is carried out, but once Mel is convinced of his guilt the pace ratchets up and there is the sense of urgency to prevent a miscarriage of justice. The testing out of the theories of how he may have done it are quite compelling and cleverly though out. The dialogue is good and there are some injections of wit, calling the headmaster ‘ELF’ standing for Evil Little Fucker made me chuckle.

‘Yes, I Killed Her’ is an intelligent and highly creative top tier crime novel that draws the reader and keeps the interest there to the final page. A stunningly good book and a series to follow.

Karolyn761 18

Edwin Fuller and his wife Rachel had a very weird relationship. She treated him a doormat, walked out on him for a night or a weekend and didn’t tell him where she went, put him down to her friends and took the mickey out of him in front of them.

Now, he was going to get his revenge and kill her. He had been plotting and planning for about two years, watching true crime documentaries to glean as much information as possible about getting caught through CCTV, biological or digital forensics or electronic footprints, and started reading computer magazines so he was computer savvy.

He started working out at the gym for longer and cycled more, working on building up his physical strength. He even set up some equipment in his garage so he could work out at home as well. Living in Edinburgh, there was an old railway network that had been converted into a cycle network, ELPN. Edwin used that a lot to cycle to work and back. As he paid all the bills, he started inflating the cost so he could save extra so he had cash so he didn’t have to pay by card for things that he bought sometimes, especially items that the police might be interested in later. Rachel never queried the money, just paid her share.

The hardest part he had to practice for was….could he kill her?

DI Melissa Cooper was called to the scene of a woman dumped over the wall but hard to reach in bad weather. It turned out the woman was Rachel Fuller, Edwin Fuller’s wife. When they went to see him, he played the grieving widow well. His plan had worked, he had got away with it, he wasn’t suspected at all. He had got away with murder. The case was closed But then he made his big mistake…..

This was a great read, knowing who did it from the start and how, a bit Columbo! The research done was fantastic and described in detail. The descriptive writing was great and I found I couldn’t put the book down. I read it in one day. Now to read the others in the series.
2022-reads Donna MorfettAuthor 2 books47

This is the first of Harrys books I have read and I want to go and read the other two immediately. This is such a fantastic read.
It is based around the murder of Rachel, a woman found dumped over a fence near a waterway in Leith, Edinburgh.
As the story progresses you realise what an awful despicable woman Rachel was, and I was kind of surprised no one had snapped and killed her sooner, or that she had managed to get married and have friends!
As the police investigate, the overwhelming evidence points at Jack, there is digital and biological evidence that is so compelling the procurator fiscal has no choice but to go ahead with a prosecution.
However, Edwin, Rachels husband is really the killer. He has been planning this for over two years, as far as he knows he's thought of everything. He thinks he's committed the perfect crime.
The first half of the book is following the investigation uncovering the clues as laid by Edwin but Mel Cooper has that 'coppers nose'. She knows something stinks but she cant find a flaw in what shes been presented.
Until one night, Edwin makes a huge mistake, and the evidence is all picked apart, and the holes found. They need to find enough that they can prosecute the right man.
The level of research in this is incredible. The amount of information in both digital and biological forensics, crime scene investigation and how a case is put together is phenomenal but not excessive. There are no info dumps.
The relationship between the team is great, and the light banter and closeness, along with niggles and divides are all present and realisitic. The setting is great and I almost felt I was walking the streets and the cycle routes
I feel i'm not really doing this full justice, but its such a great addictive read. I couldnt put it down, and when I had to I couldnt wait to pick it up again. This will be one of my books of the year for sure.

Having read Harry’s first two books, I jumped at the chance to read his third book, and it’s a corker just the others.

We meet DS Mel Cooper for the second time. In this outing, she is sent to investigate the death of a lady found dead and hanging from some undergrowth.

The husband, Edwin, is the murderer. We know that right from the beginning. What a creepy bloke. Has been under his wife’s thumb and been put down by her since the day they met. After many years of putting up with it he has had enough and decides to make his fantasy a reality and kill her. Now this guy loves a puzzle and he thoroughly enjoys planning how he is going to do it. He takes months until he finally believes he has planned every detail to carry out the perfect murder where he is very unly to be caught, and puts his plan into action.

All goes well until he gets bored with the acting and makes a huge mistake. Up until then the police have not found a shred of evidence against him. Can DS Cooper keep digging and find the evidence she desperately needs to be able to release the person wrongly charged, and arrest Edwin? I was rooting for her and desperate for him to be found out!

The same as Harry’s first two books, this is the definition of a page turner which grabs you right from the beginning and doesn’t let you go until literally the final page! My heart was racing towards the end as I was flying through the last chapters. Dinner had to wait until I had finished!

Harry has clearly done a huge amount of research on police procedures, and it is very interesting to have the detective explain some of the police and court terms as they are mentioned. I to finish a book and feel I have learnt something new!

If you enjoy exceptionally good crime novels, Harry is the man to be reading!
blog-tour-kindle-books Michelle Ryles1,139 97

OMG!!! This book is AWESOME!! I absolutely LOVED it. I have never been so gripped by a book when you already know who the murderer is. It's the second book in a series but you can most definitely read it as a standalone as I haven't read book one (Be Sure Your Sins) but boy, do I want to now!

DI Mel Cooper is a cracking character, I love her and the whole team and I couldn't read fast enough to see how they would deal with their latest case. It looks they have an easy case when a body is found and all the evidence points in one direction, however, Mel thinks it's just a little too easy and something about the victim's husband isn't sitting right with her. Edwin Fuller is a horrible little man; he thinks he's executed the perfect murder but his ego could end up being his own worst enemy.

This book is so clever, the plot is razor sharp and the writing is perfectly balanced between detailed police procedural and entertaining dark humour. It's just brilliant from start to finish and I simply couldn't put it down. This is a series that I definitely want more of and I'm already adding it to my favourites list, even though I've just jumped in at book two. Yes, it's that good!!

Yes, I Killed Her is fast-paced, gripping, entertaining and very clever. It's an outstanding police procedural that's a little different from the norm and I loved every second of it. VERY highly recommended - don't miss this one, crime fans!

I received an ARC from the publisher to read and review for the blog tour; this is my honest and unbiased opinion.arcs-read Miriam Smith (A Mother’s Musings)1,619 243

“Yes, I Killed Her” is the third novel by Scottish author Harry Fisher and is the follow-up crime thriller set in Leith, starring DI Mel Cooper and her team of officers.

- In the 21st century, is the perfect murder even remotely possible? Edwin Fuller is convinced it is. He’s cunning, calculating and chilling. He makes a plan. He carries it out. And he kills his wife. Fuller’s plan has worked; he’s got away with murder. Case closed. Until he makes a big mistake —

Harry Fisher is a very clever and talented man and after reading “Yes, I Killed Her” he’s not someone I would to offend! The fact that he’s managed to research and then execute the perfect crime in this book and then virtually deconstruct it for the police to solve, shows amazing imagination and literary skill. We know instantly that Edwin is a murderer and it’s very interesting as we follow him, recounting how he planned the murder and attempted to foresee any issues. An excellently thought out premise which was highly enjoyable.

I do DI Mel Cooper, she’s a down to earth copper who stands for no nonsense and is also a very able boss and colleague to her team. As police procedurals go, this is a very worthy novel and shows some real copper’s leg work in the team’s dedication to bring about justice, along with an acceptable amount of dark humour.

As I’ve said before in previous , Harry Fisher could give many a top name crime thriller author a run for their money. As far as I’m concerned he’s an author that is currently way up on my list of go to favourites and I look forward to more investigations for DI Mel Cooper and her team to solve.

#YesIKilledHer - 5 stars

Thank you to Rebecca and Hobeck Books for inviting me on this #BlogTour and for my copy of the book in return for a honest review. blog-tour hobeck review-books1 Esther Peacock417 8

OUT TOMORROW 17th May 2022
Yes I Killed Her by Harry Fisher 5***** Review
Book 2 of 2 DI Mel Cooper Series
Book 1 of 2 Be Sure Your Sins
Way Beyond A Lie (The prequel to the DI Mel Cooper Series)
In the 21st century, is the perfect murder remotely possible? Edwin Fuller is convinced it is. He's cunning, calculating and chilling. He makes a plan. He carries it out. And he kills his wife.
His plan has worked; he's got away with murder. Case closed until he makes a big mistake.
Harry Fisher has again penned a realistic elucidative true-crime thriller set in and around Edinburgh, Leith, Inverleith and the broader area of beautiful Craighill; it's an exciting, compelling, well-written story. The well-executed plot will keep you entertained from the first to the last page. It is written mainly from the perspectives of DI Mel Cooper and Edwin in the current time with integrated situations from the past. A great cast of characters and a well-researched plot make for an enjoyable read.
I am thrilled to recommend this. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
The three books can be read as standalone, but I would highly recommend reading them in order as they are all thrilling crime stories.
I want to thank Hobeck Books and author Harry Fisher for a pre-publication copy to review. Ann-Marie87 3

First, a friendly piece of advice – don’t pick this book up to read it unless you have time to read. It really isn’t a book you can pick up and dip into to catch up with an odd chapter or two. Once you start reading it you’re pulled headlong into it and you just have to find out what happens next. This isn’t a ‘whodunit’ at all, it’s a ‘how on earth did he do it?’ Just how did meek and mild Edwin kill his wife and successfully misdirect the police? You need to read the book to find out and it’s so worth it!

I’ve read and enjoyed all of this author’s books and I am so impressed by the plot lines, they’re all so varied and devious with some of the wittiest writing I’ve come across – read them all if you can – it’ll be time well spent!

Thanks to Hobeck Books for a review copy.
Deb505 12

What a cracking read! There are some characters in films/TV shows that make your flesh crawl, but you can see them. Edwin Fuller gave me the creeps - the power of well chosen words & my imagination brought him to vivid life & he wouldn’t leave my brain.

Fuller commits the perfect crime. So he thinks. This isn’t a spoiler; we know this immediately. The book is written in such a way that his life & grand plan gradually unravel. But how?
DI Mel Cooper is on the case &, as all crime reading enthusiasts know, always suspect the partner first. Thing is, she has difficulty proving it - modern forensics are not her friend.

Loved this book. The characters, the location & the writing which includes some belly-laugh moments. Highly recommended.-arc steven cook19

Very disappointing, one of the worst

This book started off ok, read the first half in maybe three nights,last half took about ten, then it loses the plot half way through.

Unbelievable changes in characters. I never d any of the main police officers, came across as smug and unlikable, even once they know who killed her, they still struggle badly.

I wouldn't normally write a review, but after seeing the ones with over the top praise, I thought something had to be said.

Give this one a miss Mrs Julie72

I found this to be one of the most gripping stories that I have read recently. It's a great story and I found it difficult to put down. That said, there are a few spelling mistakes and grammatical errors which shouldn't appear in books but which are becoming ever more common - it's a bugbear of mine. There are also 2 major plot holes which shows the author has made a couple of (wrong) assumptions and which are essential to the story. However, I'm a big fan of police/crime novels and I thoroughly enjoyed this. I would recommend it and I'm definitely going to read more by this author. CHRISTINE HEYWOOD3 Read

Real page turner

This is the third book I've read by this author I've given it 5 stars but would have given it more if possible he really knows how to write a page turner which keeps you guessing to the end you know from the start who the villain is but the twists & turns keep you up late at night because you can not put it down I'm really looking forward to reading Harry s next book I've Janine69 3

Thank you Hobeck Books for my copy. A triumph of a book. Once again a cleverly written, gripping crime novel by Harry Fisher. 'Yes I Killed Her' kept me rivetted. We know Edwin Fuller killed his wife but does he get away with the perfect murder ? Cunning plot and a must read for crime fans. Looking forward to the next book. Barbara Marshall2

Read this latest book by Harry Fisher in absolutely no time at all. Pace and tension all the way through with a twist that ramps those up quite early on. Loved every minute and had my brain buzzing trying to work things out ahead of anyone in the book. Wish could say more but don't want to risk spoilers!! Highly recommend it. martin donoghue2

Get on with the next one fella

So I have read all three now ..would have been four but it's not out yet ...get your finger out man ...joking aside ..great books great reads ..keep up the good work Beth9

Third book by Harry Fisher.

Sometimes I avoid books in series That this is my 3rd book by harry Fischer and I enjoyed everyone of them. I really enjoy the humor And the character development In the series ChillwithabookAWARD With457 19

Yes I Killed Her by Harry Fisher has received a Chill with a Book Readers' PREMIER
www.chillwithabook.com pauline childs2 1 follower

yes I killed her

Enjoyed reading this book, wanted to keep reading to find out if everything turned out ok , can’t wait to read next one Pauline Armstrong1 reviewRead

Another great suspense

Fisher is a brilliant author.
Getting to love Mel Cooper with each new book.
I really wanted to get to the end and see smug Fuller get his comeuppance. Mairi Byatt591 2

Incredible 3rd novel by things new, incredibly exciting new Scottish crime writer!
So well researched and written, I cannot wait for the next one! Highly recommended! Tim11

Thanks Harry for choosing Rachel to be your victim and for Hobeck books for the competition.
This is the first of Harry's books I have read and it won't be the last. The descriptions really draw you into the characters and the area, and the plot hits you from the beginning. Really enjoyed reading this thanks Jenny McClinton433 25

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