
Il giardino dorato de Harry Bernstein

de Harry Bernstein - Género: Italian
libro gratis Il giardino dorato


New York, anni Trenta. Harry e Ruby si conoscono a un ballo: è amore a prima vista. Da allora, resteranno insieme per quasi settant'anni. Dall'acquisto della prima casa alla nascita dei figli nel Village degli anni Sessanta, fino alla vecchiaia e alla morte di Ruby, la storia di un amore lungo una vita.

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I followed up my reading of Harry Bernstein’s The Dream with his Golden Willow. Bernstein made headlines with The Invisible Wall which he wrote at the ripe old age of ninety four as a means of coping with the death of his wife Ruby. Both Harry and Ruby Bernstein had become nonagenarians, outliving their siblings, friends, and other acquaintances. Harry attended a grief support group at a local hospital and found the group not to be what he needed. Instead, he turned to writing. Most people do not live to see ninety years old, yet Harry has had the privilege of writing three books in his twilight years. While I found the Golden Willow to repeat passages and themes from The Dream, I did want to see how his life played out. While not necessarily the most memorable, it has been a life well lived and one I feel privileged to have read about.

Following their marriage in 1935, Harry and Ruby Bernstein lived in various New York apartments before settling in a suburban New Jersey community. They had two children Charles and Adraenne, Who Harry writes could not have been any more different from each other. Ruby was the family’s primary bread winner for many years at a time when most women were content being homemakers, working first at a government agency and then as a school secretary. Harry had been a writer for his entire life, publishing stories in magazines and editing for home builders. It had been Ruby’s dream to see Harry publish a novel yet that never came to fruition. They gave each other unconditional love for a marriage that spanned sixty seven years, baffling younger acquaintances who figured that theirs had been a second marriage for both. After a tough childhood for both, Harry and Ruby enjoyed a life that could have only been orchestrated by a higher authority.

While there are overlaps from The Dream, The Golden Willow is Harry’s ode to Ruby and the love they enjoyed over a lifetime. He includes a smattering of historical tidbits such as who was president in certain years and how life changed over time. One anecdote I found intriguing was the Paul Robeson’s 1949 concert in Peekskill, New York. Having read about the concert and mob scene from a secondary sources, reading a first hand account of the event whetted my interest for history. When not attending cultural events, Harry and Ruby took advantage of America’s newly constructed highway system in the 1950s and traveled on family vacations all over the country. They exposed the children to historical sites and natural wonders all over the country and tried to produce an idyllic childhood for their children, one that neither of them had known in their youth.

All lives eventually end, and it was clear that Harry and Ruby Bernstein did enjoy a lifetime of love, symbolized by a golden willow tree that they had known in both Central Park and New Jersey. The Golden Willow did include parts from The Dream, yet these were necessary as Harry Bernstein took his readers on the journey of his life. At publication of The Golden Willow, Harry Bernstein was ninety nine years old. The jacket noted that he was working on another book as he was still in good health for a person his age, something most of us only dream about in their lifetimes.

3.5 stars

The Dream 4 stars. Review:
https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...memoirs35 s Nicki158 1 follower

I really enjoyed all three memoirs (The Invisible Wall & The Dream preceded this one), but I found this one to be redundant with things that were covered in the other books. I also noticed redundancy of material within the book. Yet, it was great to read how the 'final' portion of his life played out. I fell in love with Harry Bernstein after reading the Invisible Wall (frankly, how could you not?) and I loved to read about how truly in love he was with his wife. I am still in absolute awe over the level of great writing and clarity that this man possesses as a nonagenarian. I look forward to reading more of his books in the future.6 s Benedetta Ammannati137 1 follower

Pochi giorni fa ho letto il terzo libro di Harry Bernstein. Ve li consiglio tutti. Il terzo è la sua biografia (scritta da anziano), racconta del profondo amore per la moglie e di come a più di 90 anni sia diventato scrittore. Soprattutto il libro è una profonda, meravigliosa lettera d'amore alla moglie, si legge tra le righe, spunta fuori ad ogni passo ed è bello vedere una persona di quell'età che vede l'altro come avesse ancora 20 anni. Lì per lì mi ha fatto uno strano effetto, mi ha fatto venire tristezza pensando che non ho più 20 anni, ma dopo qualche giorno ci ho rimuginato su e devo dire che colpisce dritto al cuore e ti fa pensare alla persona che hai accanto con occhi diversi, cosa che spesso nel correre da un posto all'altro nella nostra frenetica vita si dimentica. Bello!2 s Nance1,273 13

R.I.P. Harry. Thanks for your books.2 s Kathy Allen77 2

It put me to sleep.

This was so slow moving and not much of a plot. It's an old man's life story but nothing very exciting or out of the oridinary. 1 Jami1,786 7

This was the last in the trilogy. It was a good ending to Harry’s memoirs, but I definitely think it is better as part of the series than as a stand alone. You need the background of the other two books to appreciate his life story.audible-books life-stories1 Lia Valenti725 54

Questo terzo libro di Harry Bernstein mi ha emozionata e commossa , perchè c'è un vecchio Harry talmente debole e bisognoso di aiuto altrui che mi ha riportata a rivedere il piccolo Harry.
Questo è più che altro la somma di tutti i ricordi accumulati in 95 anni di vita, ed Harry si aggrappa a questi per non impazzire dopo la morte di Ruby.
Non ho trovato questo libro noioso,forse solo all'inizio , non avevo ancora capito che per Harry ricordare e scrivere era vitale, gli serviva per non pensare in ogni attimo della sua vita a Ruby, peccato che non gli servisse a molto dato che tutto quello che ricordava erano in particolare gli anni trascorsi con l'adorata moglie.
Pensare che Harry non c'è più da 5 anni mi da un dispiacere profondo, ma credo che per lui superare i 100 anni senza Ruby accanto sia stato solo una tortura.
Il finale di questo libro è stato bello e triste allo stesso tempo.
Bello, perchè finalmente alla bella età di 96 anni il suo primo libro è stato pubblicato.
Brutto ,perchè con Harry che più invecchiava e più debole e bisognoso degli altri diventava,mi ha molto immalinconita e fatto riflettere sul fatto di essere troppo longevi ,specialmente se non hai nessuno che ti accudisce.
Più che ai personaggi dei libri mi sono molto affezionata a "questo "Harry.recensioni-del-20161 Shelly28

I really enjoyed Mr. Bernstein's previous two books and was looking forward to this one. It was an okay read, but I was very much disappointed. the other two, it was an autobiography, sure, but the others read much more novels to me. This one seemed to be a jumble of various thoughts and memories with no solid story or idea for me to really get excited about. Plus, there was a lot of repetition. He re-told many stories that I'd read in the previous books. That was too be expected, I suppose, as he didn't want to alienate new readers. But, then, he continued to tell these stores two or three times again, after already mentioning them. He mentioned the night under the Central Park Golden Willow, for instance, many times, re-hashing details he'd already divulged.

I have a great respect for Mr. Bernstein and what he's accomplished, especially in light of his age, but I don't feel this book was a solid addition to his writing repertoire.

If you've read the others, though, you might as well read it, as it was at least "okay."1 Mary Gilmartin25 3

I feel "fortunate to have found" and read Harry Bernstein eloquent memoir. (It's one of those hardback book that somehow was left waiting for me to come along and purchase at a Borders Bookstore the last day they went out of business). Now, it stands proudly alongside my other books in my home library for me to re-read one day.1 Melissa Jill159 36

This is the third book I've read by this author. This one wasn't as good as his earlier two, but seeing as he wrote them all in his 90s and I LOVED the first two, I would have read the 3rd no matter what. If you love the story, you want to know how it ends. This author is a true gem. Although this isn't his best book, it is still well worth the read.biography-memoir1 Linda56 1 follower

Amazing love story written by a man in his mid 90's. I always enjoy reading biographies, I seeing history in terms of people's individual experiences. This couple was truely blessed in terms of their long live and their strong love.1 Kathi60

Charming story of enduring love that lasts a lifetime. I've read Bernstein's previous books and thoroughly enjoyed them - especially The Invisible Wall, which was published when he was 96 (as a first time author.) What an inspiration!

1 Brenda Christensen198 3

My favorite part of this book was when Harry talks about his wife. They had such a sweet, loving relationship. I didn't find the book as a whole as engaging as his first two books. There seemed to be more repetition and it was less cohesive, but still it amazes me that he wrote these books in his nineties. I enjoyed reading about the thrill he got when we received the call that his first manuscript was going to be published. I can only imagine. Sadie107 7

A beautiful memoir from a husband reflecting back on his marriage and the joy of loving his wife throughout his lifetime. The story of their marriage is woven from beginning to end with interspersed chapters of what it was to turn 90 together and celebrate all their years of marriage together. His reflections give food for thought on what it means to love your spouse faithfully through all seasons and the preciousness of each season of life and the gift of a healthy marriage. Mich666 5

Very maudlin memoir by Bernstein, author of the Invisible Wall (a wonderful book describing growing up in Manchester with one side of the street Jewish and the other gentile). Amazing story of the love between Bernstein and his wife, Ruby into their 90s and his decision to write the Invisible Wall after she died at 92. This book was written when he was 98.biography Paula Yerke842 2

I think it would be difficult to not love the memoirs written by Harry Bernstein. However, it is IMPOSSIBLE not to love the fact that these books were not written and published until the author was in his mid 90's after a lifetime of trying to get a published book. How blessed he has been in many ways. Emily16

First audiobook of 2019... It honestly was hard to finish. I loved how much he cared and loved his wife and it showed in his writing but it just felt so all over the place. I couldn’t keep track of it. Overall, it wasn’t a bad story or bad writing, just couldn’t get into it I had wished. I also haven’t read his previous writings. AmyAuthor 3 books12

I loved his first book, but this was so different and poorer that I had to look it up to see what had even made me want to read it in the first place. I was surprised it was the same author. Their marriage was indeed sweet but his voice and self-report as an adult make him sound a not-very-nice guy. I'll probably read the intervening book to see how that one sits. Fima24

I loved this book! I found it fascinating to see the perspective on life of a very old person. I also agree with some of the author's views and found him well-spoken and engaging. It was hard to tear myself away from this book to watch useless YouTube videos(I was very tired). Read it in two days)))

found this book by randomly browsing through my school's library. Valentina Turchetti223 15

Terzo e penultimo libro di questo autore .

Questa lettura è la più commovente , dato che , è la sua biografia scritta d anziano , e riporta tt la sua vita e l amore incondizionato per la moglie e famiglia . Deb56 20

The third of the series by Harry Bernstein starting with the Invisible Wall and then the Dream. Everyone should read these books. They are shorter books, seldom over 300 pages, but you will have tears of joy and tears of sadness. These books are amazing and to think the author wrote these in his ‘90’s . I highly recommend this book series, I just had my book club read The Invisible Wall which is the first book and they loved it as well! Marsha Laney45 1 follower

This was a gorgeously written book portraying one of the sweetest love stories I think I’ve ever heard. Wonderful memoir and written when the author was in his mid to late 90’s. This was the last of the three written in his lifetime. Now I have to go back and read his other two! Katrina138

I d the alternating past-present chapter construction of this book and the simplicity with which Bernstein calls out the parts of his life he most wants to share. His was a life well lived and well told. Judi Burns70

Harry Bernstein tells of his life with his wife. There is pure love threw this book and a great way to end his live story in sharing with us all.
The Golden Willow tells of of a love we would all want.
God Bless You, Harry Bernstein for sharing with us all. Gelene135 2

Excellent follow up to the other 2 books he had written. The one was just as powerful as the others. It was bothersome mentally due to me reading it during a pandemic and not being able to be with my family. Sandy244 2

Sentimental memoir.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Shawna128

I love that Harry Bernstein quoted Helen Keller in this final memoir,
"What we once enjoyed and deeply loved,
we can never lose,
for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us." ?? Michela Russo20

..splendido ed emozionante!e-book tretalogie-saghe Lacey Bard54

A wonderful love story and memoir! Sefkat16

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