
La lista de los nombres olvidados de Harmel, Kristin

de Harmel, Kristin - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis La lista de los nombres olvidados


Hope McKenna-Smith, madre divorciada de una hosca preadolescente, dirige la panader?a de su familia en Cape Cod, pero empieza a preguntarse qu? podr?a haber sido. ?Y si no hubiera abandonado sus sue?os de hacer derecho? ?Y si no hubiera dejado su empleo para criar a su hija? ?Y si no hubiera pillado a su marido enga??ndola con la t?pica rubia tonta? Cuando su anciana abuela, Rose, la llama para contarle un antiguo secreto, ?tendr? Hope por fin la oportunidad de dejar de pensar en lo que habr?a podido ser y empezar a pensar en el «y ahora qu?»? La memoria de Rose se marchita r?pidamente por culpa del Alzheimer y sabe que no le queda mucho tiempo para contarle a Rose la verdad sobre un secreto que ha guardado durante setenta a?os. Le da una lista de nombres y la env?a a un viaje de descubrimiento que le lleva a una sinagoga y una mezquita en Par?s, a una historia enterrada en el Holocausto y a un amor perdido hace mucho tiempo que guarda sus propios secretos.

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4,5 Sterne
Eigentlich wollte ich dem Buch vier Sterne geben, aber am Ende hat mich die Geschichte dann noch so berührt, dass ich einfach aufrunden musste. Es geht um Hope und um ihre Familie. Ihre Oma Rose hat Alzheimer, und erst jetzt erfährt Hope von Rose´ Vergangenheit. Rose ist Jüdin und musste damals während des Zweiten Weltkrieges aus Frankreich fliehen...

Eine sehr emotionale Geschichte. Hier haben mir sowohl Rose´ Geschichte gefallen, als auch die Geschichte von Hope und ihrer Tochter Annie. Es passte alles zusammen.
Es ist eine Familiengeschichte, eine Liebesgeschichte, eine sehr tragische Geschichte. Sie konnte mich erreichen und überzeugen.2022114 s Tina Loves To Read2,694 1 follower

This is a Women's Fiction/Historical Fiction. Most of this book is told in the present time, but there are flashbacks to 1940's. This book is mostly about a Granddaughter and Great Granddaughter trying to find out their Grandmother's past. The Grandmother has Old Timers, and she cannot remember things most of the time. This book takes you on a journey that will touch your heart, but it also shows you that even though WWII took place a long time ago the effects of it still take place today. I loved this book so much, and I love that this book really shows there are different types of love in this world. The ending of this book was just so heart felt, and I loved it so much. This was a great read with wonderful characters.historical-fiction read-in-2022 series ...more87 s Chelsey Wolford685 102

Can I just start by saying that it is because of books this one that I am a book blogger? It is books this one by Kristin Harmel, who I now love, that bring out my ultimate passion for submerging myself in a story. I opened this book and I might as well have found a buried treasure. I found so many intricate details and stories within the story that I did not expect from my first glance. The words are so fluid and it almost makes me feel writing something extraordinary myself. Wow! I definitely cannot wait for more from this author!

The story starts us with Hope McKenna-Smith who is a divorced thirty-six year old who owns a quaint little bakery called North Star Bakery and also has a very bratty and somewhat hormonal daughter. Her life has “put her out in the street” so to say, and she has been having a rough time trying to make ends meet as far as paying her bills and maintain a somewhat stable relationship with her daughter, Annie. Little does Hope know that things are about to change for her. She is about to go on possibly the most thrilling adventure of her life. You have already gone to the store to buy a copy of this book right? I knew you would.

My heart constantly went out to Hope. She had recently lost her mother to breast cancer, suffered a rather hideous divorce, her relationship with her daughter is suffering, her grandmother is suffering from dementia, and she does not make enough money to make her loan payments on time. From the start I gathered that Hope was a survivor! And by this I mean that she had survived all this mess that I previously listed, as if that isn’t enough, and still pushes through even on her worst day. I know that this character can sometimes be written with a little too much cliché, if you get my drift. But Hope’s character was only the work of a mastermind. I could sense Hope’s fear and her desire to throw the towel in on her life. She had reached a breaking point and I could almost feel her crashing down. But remember Hope is a survivor and she isn’t done surviving yet!

A few chapters into the story we meet Rose who is HopeÂ’s grandmother. Rose is suffering from a severe case of dementia. Rose has served as a mother figure to Hope for most of her life because Hope remembers her mother as being cold and reserved most of the time. Rose presents a challenge for Hope and basically asks her to uproot her life in order to go to Paris and find some relatives who suffered during the Holocaust. Rose, on a good day, remembers her past and wants some answers as to what ever happened to her family. Hope is faced with a huge struggle. She is about to lose her bakery and her grandmother has just asked her to take off to Paris to find people that may not even have any existing records and no way to know what may of happened to them.

HopeÂ’s journey is the best part. Parts of the story are told from the perspective of Rose and they allow you to see more clearly into RoseÂ’s life before coming to America. Let me tell you to have your box of Kleenex ready. I was so touched by the testimonies of Rose and by the discoveries that Hope makes. This book takes two generations of women and allows one to help the other to find some closure and peace in her current state of life. I would recommend it to anyone! Such a compelling story that led me to deeper analyze my own life.

***A HUGE thank you to Gallery Books for providing me with my own copy of this book, in which I will cherish forever***
81 s Soobee7287 3

It's not that this is a bad book. It's not. It's written well, and if you Nicholas Sparks, this book is for you. It's got that kind of a feel, you know? I am not a Sparks fan so while the writing propelled me through, I found it to be more predictable than enjoyable.

Slight spoilers ahead.

I found Hope, the main character, a little too much. Some of the plot was just really kind of unnecessary for the story. There are two love interests. It is immediately obvious who you are supposed to root for, but of course Hope doesn't see it even though there's practically a neon sign flashing over his head "Mr. Right. Mr. Right!!!" at all times. The ex is ridiculous. Also, Mr. Wrong and the storyline revolving around the bakery's financial troubles just seemed completely unnecessary. There was just too much going on.
58 s Karren Sandercock 947 230

Hope McKenna-Smith is thirty-six, newly divorced and she has a twelve year old daughter Alice. Hope's life hasnÂ’t been easy, two years ago her mother died from cancer, her husband cheated on her and now her beloved Mamie has dementia and is living in a nursing home.

Her ex-husband couldnÂ’t see the point of Hope finishing her law degree, they moved to Cape Cod, in Massachusetts, when her mother was first diagnosed with cancer, and Hope takes over running the bakery and itÂ’s not doing well financially. The North Star Bakery has been in the family for over sixty years, Hope finds comfort and purpose in making the tarts, pastries and baked goods that she grew up watching her French grandmother make.

Rose McKenna has AlzheimerÂ’s, most of the time sheÂ’s confused and doesnÂ’t recognize anyone. In a rare moment RoseÂ’s mind is clear, the fog has been lifted and she wants to tell her granddaughter about her past and the secrets she has kept. Hope travels to Paris, with a list of names she doesn't recognize and tries to solve a seventy-year old mystery.

Rose was only a teenager when the Second World War started, her family were Jewish and her father believed the Germans would leave them alone. Rose has never told anyone about her childhood in Paris and this makes it very difficult for Hope to discover what happened to MamieÂ’s family. The narrative unfolds layer by layer and when Hope finds out a snippet of information or follows up on a clue and it feels fate is on Hope's side. A powerful story about war, secrets, family, loss, regret, keeping a promises, love, survivors guilt, and the horror of the Holocaust.

I received a copy of the 10th Anniversary edition of The Sweetness of Forgetting from Edelweiss and Simon & Schuster in exchange for an honest review. I can see why this was the book that launched Kristin Harmel’s writing career, she found out what she does best and that’s write moving historical fiction. The characters in the book were all people you would to meet, especially Rose, Hope, Ted, Gavin, Oliver, Jacob, Alain and even moody Alice. Included in the novel are recipes for the famous pastries the North Star Bakery made and their origins, the importance of Marmie's fairy tales and the relevance of stars. I highly recommend The Sweetness of Forgetting and five stars from me.2022-edelweiss-challenge edelweiss-above-the-tree-line48 s Dana MoisonAuthor 4 books150

I just knew I’m going to love this book. Maybe that’s why I postponed this moment every time, looking for the perfect timing to start reading it. Months had passed, and still I couldn’t find the right timing, so I kept waiting. I wanted to let the fantasy in my mind the best conditions so that reality could meet what was in my imagination. But eventually my timing wasn’t so right – work, some writing projects, and a deadline for submitting my thesis were just a few of the things that occupied my busy schedule and my mind – but once I started reading, I just couldn’t stop. I read into the night, tormenting my questionable awakeness, ignoring my prior obligations, detaching myself from my urban life and being swept into a one-in-a-life-time love story; intense, fierce, heart-shaking love that was severed by the second world war: when the loveliest side of life meets the ugly inhumanity it could deteriorate into.

The two heroes of the story – Rose, that fell in love when she was young with a charismatic activist while magical Paris igniting their love, and Hope, her American granddaughter who knows nothing about her grandmother’s past and runs the family Bakery – have both suffered from bad timing: a young love that had never been fulfilled, a travel overseas that could cost Hope the family business, the death of her mother, Josephine, from breast cancer, the Alzheimer that had attacked her grandmother before she could confess about her secret past . . . But somehow life goes on, and although some pieces fall apart, other ones are assembled in a surprising and moving way. And when I think about my own experience to find the right time for everything, even reading this book, I wonder if the message between the lines is that great timing is important, but it isn’t everything; it’s never too late to chase our dreams (or start reading a great book that had waited long enough on the bookshelf ;) ).

I also felt connected to the story by the relationship described between the granddaughter and her grandmother, and the meaning of religion – especially Judaism – to our self definition. I’ve written about it in my second book, The False Mirror, due to experiences and thoughts from my own life that somehow found their way into my mystery novel. This made me wonder if the author of this book had gone through a similar process, in which she had shared a part of her self and her perceptions into her books.

And of course there are the wonderful and delicious-looking recipes that are interlaced within the story . . . Food, as a cultural, familial, nostalgic, even survival related legacy, is an integral part of the story. It made me want to take out the mixing bowl and start baking one of these recipes . . . Too bad my toaster-oven is mostly used for storage purposes ;)

Bottom line – beautiful writing and a heartfelt story – a real treat!

31 s Michelle1,417 157

Wow, from the cover I was expecting a light fluffy read but this book is far from that - I really need to get into the habit of reading the back cover before diving in!

This is deep and takes you from America in the twenty first century to Paris in WW2. I didn't particularly the characters but the story line was brilliant and kept me reading.31 s Christina114 4

Initially, I was really enjoying the book but as the story developed, I found that I started skimming several sections at a time as the narrative was just long-winded and unnecessary at times. Particularly when I reached a Rose chapter, I would skim over the pages. Ultimately, this type of story would have benefitted from a dual-version narrative where Rose's and Hope's story overlapped as the end drew closer. Given my increased skimming as the book progressed, I'm annoyed that I spent nearly ten bucks on it.

Hope was really whiny and generally tiresome. There's even one part when she shows surprise at how fascinating her new potential love interest is and that she never really knew anything about him. He remarks that she never asked. Exactly. Too self-involved. I honestly don't get why he d her in the first place.

Rose's chapters started off with a recipe which I thought was unnecessary. Also, on the Kindle version, these particular chapters change font and are hard to read.

The book was ok but I wouldn't recommend it. 29 s Taury632 187

“6 million Jews murdered during the holocaust”

The Sweetness of Forgetting by Kristin Harmel is a novel that is ly based off WW2 but focuses more on after the war. A family split up. All presumed dead.

The book has a great topic. Matriarch dying. Grand-daughter off to find out what happened to a family she knew nothing about. Good history incorporated such as I have read countless WW2 books. I do not believe I have ever read how Muslims aided the residence.

The language of the book is immature. The daughter comes across as a spoiled disrespectful brat. The mom has no backbone.

I listen by audio. The narrator for the most part sucks and sounds whiney. Mom is 35 but sounds she is 15 with no real vocabulary.

I tolerated the book due to the subject matter. But I felt dumbed down. Very disappointed in the lack of maturity especially the dialog. Sometimes I felt I was listening to a play. Alot of disconnect with dialog.

Definitely not Kristin HarmelÂ’s better writing.

***2nd book I have read this month with terrible narration. What is up with that?29 s1 comment ???? ??????????1,620 167

In Hope's life, contrary to her name, there is less and less hope, more and more hopelessness. She is thirty-six, and has no education, no profession. Recently divorced from her husband, a successful lawyer, left on beans. Annie's twelve-year-old daughter blames her for not being able to keep the family together. After the recent death of her mother, when it turned out that the mortgage debt was not repaid, she had to mortgage the family confectionery in order not to lose the house. Now the bank demands early repayment of the loan and she is already threatened with the loss of the confectionery.

This is not just a place of work and a source of modest income, but a family business founded sixty years ago by grandma Rosa, who raised Hope while her mother was busy arranging her personal life. When she was a girl, she called Rose Mammy, and she still calls her that now. And, at the end of the abominations of life, a physically still strong old woman is sick with progressive dementia.

Now, if you thought it would be about a little woman struggling in the grip of a cruel world, then you were not mistaken. But if you decide that it will only be about this, you will be wrong. "Oblivion smells cinnamon" is about love, beyond the control of time and distance, which defeated death itself. And, forgive my skepticism - about love, which I can't believe. Well, because when sixteen-year-olds have this, that's it: "I will love you as long as the stars will light up in the sky" - you can be absolutely sure that this will not stop in the next couple of months. Not in the next seventy years, if you understand. What I mean.

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27 s Marilyn (trying to catch up)915 325

I received a copy of The Sweetness of Forgetting by Kristin Harmel in a goodreads give away in exchange for an honest review. This is the first book that I have read by Kristin Harmel but it will not be the last. The story she wove in The Sweetness of Forgetting found a special place in my heart. Once I picked it up and began reading it I did not want to stop. It captured all my emotions. To say I loved it is an understatement.

The Sweetness of Forgetting took place on Cape Cod and told the story of 3 generations of women in the McKenna family. Hope McKenna-Smith was a 36 year old woman living on Cape Cod and running the bakery, North Star Bakery, that her French-born grandmother, Mamie founded over 50 years ago. She recently lost her mother to breast cancer and got a divorce from her husband. Hope had one daughter, Annie, a twelve year old adolescent who tested her mother constantly. Hope's Mamie lived in facility for Alzheimer. Hope felt sorry for herself and felt as if she had been dealt a really bad hand of cards.She had no confidence in herself and felt as if she brought bad luck to herself and all that she came in contact with.

One night, Mamie having an unusual moment of clarity, persuaded Hope and Annie to take her to the beach. Mamie had been harboring a secret for so many years but felt that it was time for Hope to learn about it. She gave Hope a list of names and told Hope she needed to go to Paris to find these people and discover their fates. Hope traveled to Paris and slowly connected all the pieces to her family's history and fate. She was able to find her Mamie's younger brother, Alain, and with his help uncover the fates of Mamie's family during the Holocaust. Hope also learned about Jacob Levy, her Mamie's one true love.

Kristin Harmel's research for this book was outstanding. I was not aware nor have I ever read about in any other novel how the Muslim communities in Paris and Albania helped Jews escape the holocaust. How nice our world would be if we were not distinguished by religion, race or any other factor but could just see each other as fellow human beings. This was a love story in epic ways. It made me cry, smile and want more. I really enjoyed reading The Sweetness of Forgetting and would recommend it highly.

marilyn-s-challenge26 s Margitte1,188 577

Tarte des étoiles. Star pie. A crust made of stars. Rose made it in her bakery and taught her daughter, Josephine, and granddaughter, Hope, how to do it. But she never told them why. And Rose never explained to them that it made her think of her true love's promise to love her as long as there were stars in the sky.

Unbeknownst to Hope, her daughter Annie, and the rest of the Cape Cod community, the pastries, which for sixty years enchanted the residents, had a secret history. From Poland, to France, to Cape Cod, the stars were baked into these pies to commemorate a story that was yet to be told. Rose had Alzheimer's disease and her memory was slipping fast. She was reminded of destiny each morning as she watched the stars slipped behind the sun to reappear at sunset in the east. She never forgot, and never gave up hope. She could not hold onto the simplest of facts, yet the celestial names were written on her memory forever.

Hope just became the official new owner of the family bakery, but after sixty years it was facing bankruptcy and closure. her life, she felt responsible for the collapse of everything she ever touched, her marriage included. Then Rose, in a rare moment of clarity, gave Hope a list of names and told her to travel to Paris and find the people on the list. She not only found the origins of the tarte des étioles, but also found herself.

COMMENT. This is a heartwarming as well as heart wrenching experience. It's a family bakery tale with recipes added to each chapter. There was a secret in the rosewater used in the recipes, and a secret behind the success of the recipes which made the bakery so successful. Rose taught her daughters that one had to be good and kind. One's heart always came out in the baking, and if there was darkness in your soul, there would be darkness in your pastries too. In the Haddam's pastries, though, there was light and goodness.

However, it was a secret that was waiting for Rose in Paris to be discovered. The Haddams were not family, after all and hope did not know them.

Hôtel Lutetia on the boulevard Raspail in Paris. What a sheer coincidence that this hotel and its history are mentioned in two of my recent historical fiction-reads. In All The Devils Are Here , the names of the WWII Jewish survivors who were brought there were briefly mentioned and the history behind the hotel was shared. In Sweetness Of Forgetting that list of names became endearing characters with each their own story to tell through the memories of Rose. Paris was once called Lutetia.

This novel was as much historical fiction as it was a family saga and the story of real love. Kristin Harmel wrote a beautiful story that was as much informative as it was thought-provoking and entertaining. It is deeply touching.
I cannot express my feelings about this book well enough.

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.2021-read american-author american-novel ...more21 s Aitor CastrilloAuthor 2 books1,027

"La vida, al final, es una receta hecha con amor".

Una preciosa historia de amor narrada a dos tiempos (presente y Segunda Guerra Mundial) en la que las emociones palpitan a lo largo de sus páginas a flor de tinta.

Quizá el inicio me resultó algo titubeante, pero en cuanto los sentimientos cogieron el timón no hubo forma de poner freno a una historia que terminé con los ojos encharcados y el alma llena.22 s Ana614 139

Ai que estas leituras levezinhas e "xaropadinhas" são um bálsamo nestes dias cinzentos, fresquinhos e sofridos!

Opinião no meu cantinho (a partir do minuto 09:05): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_pWs...202122 s Dale HarcombeAuthor 14 books376

Four and a half stars. People are not always what they seem to be as Hope discovers. Her grandmother Rose has AlzheimerÂ’s but in amongst the confusion she has days of clarity. When she does, Hope finds her grandmother has had a whole other life Hope knew nothing about.
Meanwhile Hope, recently divorced is struggling o keep the bakery business that has been in her family for generations going. She also struggles with the bratty, rude behaviour of her daughter Annie who changes in the blink of an eye. She can tell her mother she loves her and five minutes later tell her, ’ I hate you.’ I could never have imagined saying such a hurtful thing to my parents or hearing it from my kids. So, for a while I was put off by the attitude of Hope’s daughter Annie. She needed a good clip around the ears – not correct these days I know, but even so. I struggle with books where almost teens and teenagers are so often portrayed as rude, and downright obnoxious. I had two children and they were never that. So I was pleased when we began to see a change in Annie. Okay, rant over. The rest of the book I loved.
I was thoroughly involved in this story, and it was great to read a novel that did not involve sex scenes and bad language but concentrated on telling a good story with complex characters. It has a lot to do with choices made, both those made voluntarily and those forced on people by circumstances and the consequences of those choices. It also extended my knowledge of what want on during the war. Some of it is so hard to read. If you can get through this book without a few tears youÂ’re better than me.
An added bonus is the recipes included. ThereÂ’s at least one I might even try. As well as a good story, there is an insight into what Jews experienced during the war and where help came from for some to escape, plus there is of course romance. For many reasons this is a very enjoyable book. When I first picked it up I thought it may be chic lit but there is much more to this story. It is a story of family and of love and of fairy tales that just might be true.
21 s Elyse Walters4,010 11.2k

Bittersweet Holocaust Story with Bakery recipes.

Family history, (past and present), loss, struggles, alzheimer's , a road less traveled is 'just that' (often the right choice) --

The book is filled with 'life lessons'. At times heart-wrenching --or times heart-warming....
Its also a book about Love!

NOTE: As many of my friends know...I'm not a fan of seeing 'recipes' smack in the middle of a novel (why can't they be put at the END of the book 'altogether'?) ---
However, I decided not to judge the book by the recipes (one way or another) ---as the story had a great flow to it....(with or without the added commerial-recipe- breaks)

Darla3,772 823

I'm wavering between 4.5 and 5 stars on this bittersweet saga of a granddaughter who goes on a journey to discover her family's past. This book made me weep as new discoveries were made about Hope's family members and how the holocaust changed their futures. I also learned something new about how Jews were kept safe in Paris by an unexpected group of benefactors. Fascinating and convicting. Keep the tissues handy and clear your schedule. You will not want to put this one down.17 s Kellie O'Connor260 124

Wow!! Was all I could say after finishing this beautiful book last night, November 1,2022!
The story takes place in Cape Cod. At age 36, Hope is no stranger to bad news. She is recently divorced,lost her Mother two years ago to cancer, and raising a 12 year old daughter named Annie. Hope runs a family owned bakery started by her Mamie( French for Grandmother) many years ago. Hope is in danger of losing this precious bakery and she is also nearly bankrupt. Too make matters worse, Mamie has Alzheimer's and is slowly drifting away. She lives in a care facility for those with Alzheimer's. Hope & Annie are very close to Mamie. I'd say that's a lot to handle all at once!!! Mamie has secrets locked away in her memory which leads Hope, Annie and Gavin, a close friend of Hopes, a mystery to unravel. This mystery weaves throughout the entire book.
This book is poignantly written. It involves characters that are well developed,very relatable,down to earth and believable. My first book by Kristen Harmel was The Forest Of Vanishing Stars. As much as I enjoyed that book, this book is notches higher and more personal!
Love, family, second chances, tradition, survival,loss, faith and new beginnings are strong themes in this book. Baking and recipes that are handed down through generations, recipes included in the book are a big part of solving Mamie's mystery to her past. We all make decisions and choices every day. However, some decisions and choices are made for us and we cannot change that. We can't change our past but we can change our present and hopefully our future and carry out our families legacies. There is a sweetness to forgetting and a joy of remembering. We need to carry on what our aging relatives taught us as we were growing up
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