
Desapareguda de Harlan Coben

de Harlan Coben - Género: Policial
libro gratis Desapareguda


Fa anys que Myron Bolitar no té notícies de Terese Collins, amb qui va mantenir un idil·li sonat, de manera que la trucada desesperada de la dona des de París el deixa completament desconcertat. «Vine a París», li diu la Terese, deixant en l’aire l’aroma d’una trobada romàntica, sensual, amb què recuperar el temps perdut. Però la Terese pronuncia les paraules amb una altra intenció. En Rick, el seu exmarit, estrella de la CNN, ha aparegut assassinat i ella és l’única sospitosa del crim. La prova preliminar d’ADN, no obstant, assenyala una altra persona: la seva filla. ¿Però no és morta des de fa més de deu anys?

Bolitar mai no hauria endevinat el torbador secret íntim de Terese Collins, una història que no només els deixarà tots dos absolutament destrossats, sinó que també podria canviar el món. Un secret en què s’encreuen el periodisme i la Interpol. I fins i tot el Mossad.

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3,5 ??

Primeira vez que leio Harlan Coben e me diverti bastante! Fiquei curiosa para ler mais livros do autor. 54 s Phrynne3,534 2,389

Another very enjoyable entry in this excellent series. Myron only ever has trouble from his women and in this book he seems to lose every which way! I particularly enjoyed Win in this one with his funny lines, his skewed view of relationships and his unfailing efforts to keep Myron alive. I raced through this book in record time and loved every minute of it. A great achievement on the part of the author considering this is Mr. Bolitar's ninth outing. 35 s Suz1,297 684

Myron and Win are back, this time stepping away (or should I say fleeing) away from the sporting clients he represents and heading into the murky waters of terrorism. We see Myron rattled in serious and various ways, so, after all, he is human!

As I read the series so infrequently, I donÂ’t fully remember MyronÂ’s romantic entanglements, but of course I do remember that he is a man of integrity, and he treats people well. It was sad to see him not succeed in his latest relationship.

This time around he reforms his connection with Therese, after she has been told to go to Paris by her ex-husband, and it is very serious.

Myron ends up on the run and being questioned by the police in Paris, and his witty barbs and comments are funny, spot on and very Myron-esque.

Myron and WinÂ’s relationship is always at the fore, although this time we donÂ’t hear from Win so much, but we do hear a lot about MyronÂ’s parents who are ageing quite rapidly. Myron is a family man, and he has learned this strong character and integrity from his father.

Win was the best at keeping his voice steady, but for maybe the second time since I’ve known him, I heard a crack. “The last sixteen days were difficult.”
“I know, pal.”
“I scorched the earth looking for you.”
I said nothing.
“I did some things you would never approve of.”
I understood what he meant. Win has sources no one else I know. Win has money and influence-and the truth is, he loves me.

And this, my friends, is why this series, and this author, rocks.hardcover library-at-the-hub32 s Richard453 118


This was a steaming pile of shit. It could quite easily have gone on the DNF shelf but for two reasons. 1) it was a short book and little chapters make for a quick read. 2) I don't to stop reading books especially in a series so close to the end. Maybe it's stupidity of "glass is half full" outlook but I don't want to stop reading something on the off chance it becomes amazing at the end. However, this wasn't the case here.

The thing that I've realised with this series is that the enjoyment levels have seriously dropped since the whole angle of Myron Bolitar being a sport agent has been dropped. In the early novels it was the gimmick that made it stand out to other series and something that added extra layers to otherwise normal crime novels. Not only has the sports agent angle been dropped but to replace it Harlan Coben has replaced it with Myron being a international terrorist hunter and all credibility is now out of the window.

The setup was done early on meaning Myron and Win have to flee the country to France and then the UK and back to USA with a bit of terrorist killing and secret torture added in for good measure. It was dog shit, I actually had to take painkillers from the amount of pain I was getting from all the eye rolling. Also, the book says Win is a vigilante billionaire who hunts people across the globe. So, just to clear that up then, he's BatmanÂ…

Without ranting too much I'll tie it up here. I think that my tastes have changed since I started this series a number of years ago but also the authors ability to write top notch stuff is waining. I really d some of his earlier works but I've since read lots more novels and have broadened my horizons. I still maintain though that the early books in this series are worth a read as they have a niche in the crime thriller market. One more in the series (I hate being a completionist!) and then I think I will refrain from reading anymore from the author.

If you this try: "Sleepyhead" by Mark Billinghamcrime thriller24 s1 comment Patricia Williams645 174

Reading this book was coming home and visiting some friends. I love Myron and Win as fictional characters, they are among my very favorites. There's always a lot of humor in these stories and that makes it more enjoyable. It is great to have characters this who you can enjoy learning more about. I also enjoy reading them because I live in NJ for a while and I can identify with lots of the locations mentioned in the book in NY and NJ. This story tookd place a lot in France but then the French came to the US to help Myron solve the crime. They had a growing friendship and that was fun. I've said so many of these characters were already familiar and Harlan Coben is a wonderful author. Definitely recommend.22 s James ThaneAuthor 9 books6,987

In "Long Lost," Harlan Coben returns to his roots, reuniting his series characters Myron Bolitar and his sidekick, Win, along with the rest of the cast that populated Coben's early books.

In the ninth installment of this series, Myron's relationship with 9/11 widow Ali Wilder sputters to a convenient end when Ali decides to move to Scottsdale, Arizona. Right on cue, Myron's old girlfriend Terese Collins, whom he hasn't seen in seven years, phones from Paris, begging Myron to come help her. Terese's journalist ex-husband, Rick, has disappeared after telling her that he was about to give her shocking news.

Myron goes to Paris, with Win following along behind, only to discover that the ex-husband has been murdered under very mysterious circumstances. Evidence at the scene suggests a shattering revelation. Myron determines to solve the crime and to discover the secret that led to Rick Collin's death and which threatens Myron and Terese as well.

In fairly short order Myron, Terese and Win find themselves at the epicenter of an international chase involving terrorists, who are determined to carry out a diabolical plot, and the agents of several governments who believe that there are issues much larger and more important than the survival of our intrepid heroes.

The terrorist plot strains credulity, but still this is a fun ride with lots of action, some great fight scenes, and the usual humor that one finds in these books. In particular, Coben and his characters get a lot of mileage out of the activities of a flight attendant named Mee.

Coben fans will welcome this addition to the series, but those who haven't read Coben yet (assuming that such creatures exist) might do better starting with the earlier books in the series and working their way in the direction of "Long Lost."20 s Julie4,138 38.1k

Long Lost is a 2009 Dutton publication.

This ninth installment in the Myron Bolitar series stumbled out of the gate, and never fully gained a proper foothold for me.

Within the thriller genre, one must allow a great deal of leeway when it comes to plausibility, because sincerely, in real life most of these scenarios wouldnÂ’t really fly, but they often come close enough to reality to give us pause or cause a little niggle of worry. But, this time out, everything here felt forced and the plot was just a tiny bit too outlandish for me to buy into. Chilling? Yes, on the surface, it is certainly that, and the thought of such a thing could cause a few sleepless nights, but putting a sports agent in the midst of terrorist and the ensuing trust he garnered from the French authorities, and several other key elements just did not jibe for me. In fact, upon deeper reflection, the whole story is pretty messy.

I was also disappointed in the turn MyronÂ’s personal life took and that too felt forced or I suppose it was just convenient. Either way, a warm, sweet lady, who is just right for Myron, suddenly turns icy cold, giving him the perfect out, so he can go screw a former loverÂ… UGH.

I felt this series was pretty dependable up to this point, although the last installment did feel a little tepid and not as sharp as previous chapters, making me wonder if the author should take such lengthy breaks between each release of this series, because, in doing so, it seems the series is beginning to lose its charm and momentum.

I have only one more book left before I can dive into the new release, which I have been SO excited about, so IÂ’m hoping this is just a one off, and things get back on track from here.

2 stars

e-book mystery overdrive ...more18 s John1,307 106

What a great read albeit the plot is outlandish. Still patience can be a weapon. There is a bit of stretched credulity about a sports agent who speaks no French working in Paris with the French police. The abrupt end of his relationship with Ali so he can hook up with Terese seems contrived.

Win is also relatively subdued in this story although a billionaire friend does come in useful.


The plot of breeding Midwich Cuckoo blond terrorists
is original. The use of embryos and training the children from childhood is ingenious if a bit far fetched. I d Berleand the Frenchman and it was a shame he had to go. The water boarding of Myron to find out what he knew about Matar or Doctor Death seemed over the top. Terese finding her daughter Carrie was nice with the potential for a follow up book.

Saying all that the story had me reading the book in a day.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewharlan-coben14 s Lobstergirl1,799 1,344

Myron Bolitar's 9/11-widow girlfriend dumps him, leaving him free to fly to Paris when a super sexy ex-CNN-anchor-ex-lover calls, mysteriously frantic. Terese was the hottest sex Bolitar ever had, surpassing even those tumbles with the 9-11 widow. (Thoughts of one's spouse disintegrating into dust in a single instant can cast a shadow over one's otherwise merry bumping-and-grinding.) Now Terese's current husband has been murdered, and mingled with his blood somehow is the DNA of their daughter, who died years ago in a car crash. In Paris Bolitar accidentally murders a major jihadist, making lots of dangerous people very angry. He also catches tantalizing glimpses of a blond teenage girl who has exactly the same ass as Terese, and shakes it in exactly the same way when she walks, making Bolitar think this could be Terese's dead daughter who perhaps didn't die after all. Bolitar falls in love with a Parisian police captain (male) who follows him back to the Connecticut woods, where they try to track down the blond girl. She turns out to be a frozen embryo stolen from Terese's frozen embryo stash by the jihadist, who was posing as a fertility doctor stealing blond embryos and implanting them in burqa-wearing Muslim surrogates, to turn them into a blond jihadi army.fiction little-free-library mystery-thriller11 s Annie29 9

I d Myron Bolitar better when he was in just paperback. Ever since these hard back Bolitars, he's weaker. I don't know if Harlan Coben things sissyness comes with age but after his return to his Myron Bolitar character, he's made Myron a total wimp--always crying and saying cheesy things and the way he has Myron describe his feelings towards whoever his current love interest is at the time, it's Michael Bolton is singing it. I'm not digging the Hardback Myron. I want Paperback Myron back.

Other than that, it wasn't as captivating as his others. I was apathetic towards the other characters, about the plot and the whole thing was just a little tired.

I also felt Harlan was jumping the shark with the whole Paris setting in the beginning. It really served no purpose whatsoever except to have the setting somewhere other than New Jersey. Lame.12 s1 comment Melissa403 3

Myron and I go way back. I first discovered the series around the third or fourth book so that's at least ten years ago. And boy, was I hooked! Coben really ruined Myron when he "gave" Myron a son. Myron is not the kind of person who can be a father without being a daddy. Maybe that's why he took several years away from Myron and focused on standalones (never as good as Myron). So, the last one (Promise Me) was good but I think Coben didn't quite know how to deal with son, parents, and an aging Myron so he put the son and the parents on the shelf. This one brings back the parents and I've always enjoyed the relationship he has with them.

This book is dark and sad. Myron becomes broken. It brings back a love interest that wasn't very interesting the first time around. The banter between Myron and Win just isn't the same... but enough about Mee (you'll get that when you read the book.).

Do I still love Myron? Yes, I'd cheat on my husband in a second for Myron (but Myron's not that kind of guy.) But if I was starting the series with this book, I doubt I would go back and start from number 1. And I've read the earlier ones in the series at least twice.adult-fiction10 s Alisonbookreviewer614 59

4.5 Stars

Love the Myron and Wynn pairing in investigations.
Myrons gf Tereses daughter is killed in an accident. They're not sure it's her.
When they start to investigate, they uncover a whole world of intrigue and lies.
Loved all the characters in this novel.
A favourite HC.10 s Eli Hornyak271 42

Much better than the last book!9 s Amanda McGill1,263 55

I really miss the early Myron Bolitar novels where the focus was on Myron's clients and different sports. The latest novels have really taken a turn where they are super far fetched and unbelievable.

The novel starts innocently enough when Myron gets a call from ex who wants him to go to Paris. Once Myron gets to Paris, the storyline takes a twist where he is now involved with the police and investigating a terrorist plot.

I was hooked on the storyline and wanted to see where the novel would go, but again it was way too far fetched. Why would multiple governments allow Myron to investigate and don't get me started on Win. Win who is a billionaire and can seem to drop everything to watch over Myron as he gets himself into trouble (which is often).

I'm almost done catching up with the series and it's been bittersweet. I'm hoping that the next 2 novels won't be as unbelievable, but I'm not holding my breath.

Also side note: when did Myron get siblings? I could of sworn in an earlier book he mentions having a really close relationship with his parents because he was an only child. Now this book mentions a brother and a sister? Am I confusing this with another series?!2021 own8 s1 comment Silvanna71

What to say about this disappointing book.... compared to its Scandinavian counterparts Long Lost is about as tense and taut as an old bag of jello.
The characters are one dimensional. The plot is fantastical and ends predictably. The pacing is poor. And what's become of Myron Bolivar? When did he become this smart ass, high school jock with the emotional range of a wet fish? That said, I d Win. Win rocks!
8 s Joe238 5

One theme of the book is that sometimes it is necessary to torture people to get access to their secrets. It is odious, but it saves lives, so isn't it morally acceptable to do so?

I viscerally hate this kind of thinking, even in fiction, and must speak against it.

When people are tortured, they are tortured until they say what they say what their captors want to hear. If they don't know details of a terrorist plot, the torture will continue until they cough something up, true or not. This alone makes torture useless for intelligence gathering, but it gets worse.

When you have legitimized torture as a tool to prevent terrorism, you become obligated to torture anyone who might know something. And as shown, this torture will reveal more dangerous people and future terror plots - none of them real, but declared simply to stop the pain. And those people whose names that were provided will have to be tortured next, because they will deny being sleeper cell terrorists until the electricity flowing through their genitals convinces them to speak up.

This book is evil, and the plot and characters don't make it worth it. There are other, better Coben books to borrow from the library. 7 s Frozenwaffle264 69

Such awful writing! Every dialog, every encounter, every event to drive the plot forward sounds forced. The plot itself... Poor.
Why have deductive or investigation skills when you have a best friend (a bad-ass killing machine and filthy rich) whose life is solely dedicated to your hopes, feelings and problems?

Police is chasing you? Here comes Win in his private jet with falsified documents to get you out of the country.

A group of meanies is threatening to shoot you? Here comes Win with a sniper riffle!


This was the first book by Harlan Coben I've read, and definitely the last. I had heard very good things about his books, but for the life of me I don't understand why.didnt-float-my-boat7 s Marty Fried1,084 110

While performing his usual search for a missing person, Myron gets mixed up with international terrorism, and a few other unusual activities. It's pretty involved, a bit darker than usual, but very enjoyable, as always.audiobooks5 s Versha282 278

This was my first Harlan Coben and I am definitely going to read lots by him in the future. This book got me hooked from the beginning till the very end. It was fast paced and entertaining. Loved Myron Bolitar he was fun to be with. He was aggressive, witty, emotional and everything!! Didn't know this book was part of a series when i picked it up from my library, now that i know i am definitely going to continue with it as i am eager to know more about Myron and his history.2015 reviewed6 s Brian23 1 follower

Coben's really lost his thread on Myron Bolitar. The guy used to be a snarky sports agent, and the books were somewhat light and breezy and fun. Remember the days when each book featured a case set around a different professional sport? And the violence in the books, when it happened, was somewhat personal. It didn't need to be extreme because it was real, and real for the characters, and that gave it all the weight it needed.

Now Coben's become more interested in writing standalone thrillers, something that he doesn't do very well with his two-dimensional characters, belabored characterization, and obvious, somewhat whiny, narration. He's brought that same style over into the Bolitar books, and it's not a good match. There's really no reason for this story to be happening to Bolitar, in fact, except perhaps to sate Bolitar fans who were awaiting a new chapter in Myron's life. It feels more the plot of one of Coben's standalone thrillers grafted on the character of Bolitar, and it's not a fit that works or makes much sense. Additionally, the way Coben has changed Bolitar's character over the newest books doesn't work either, and is contrary to everything the character once represented. Suddenly Myron is a superhero who's always involved in oodles of ultra-violence, while simultaneously being a lost romantic who waxes on and on about his feelings for women he has no real connection to. And Win? Coben can't seem to resist using the most sophmoric, unfunny humor with the character, and using it over and over and over when it was never funny in the first place.

At this point, Coben's just phoning these novels in and has "long lost" sight of what made the Bolitar books work in the first place. I give Coben points for being a decent writer and being able to adequately hold a story together, but it's far cry from the great writer he once had the potential of becoming. 5 s Cathy981 69

2.5 stars

So I haven't read a Myron Bolitar book in at least 4 years I think, but I don't remember him being this badass? I mean, he was badass, but he was also still a sports agent and most of his cases revolved around the sports world, which I really d. Coben started deviating from that path towards later books in the series, but the plot of this book was honestly ridiculous.

This read more a Dan Brown novel and I have nothing against Dan Brown - I enjoy his pageturners as much as anyone, it's the literary equivalent of a mindless action movie after all - but it just threw me a little. Suddenly there's the Mossad and a terrorist plot and life-and-death fights in European cities. Reader, my head was spinning.

I'm still rounding up because I flew through this book (damn Harlan Coben and his way of making me want to turn page after page even if I'm not particularly loving the story) and because my love for Myron and Win pretty much knows no bounds. Even if they have suddenly, seemingly become agents in the war-on-terror.

I am finishing up the Myron Bolitar series as a lead-up to Win, Coben's newest release, but I sincerely hope the other 2 books left on my list are better than this one. 2021 crime-suspense5 s Boo Griffiths31 26

Myron hasn't heard from Terese since their sultry affair 10 years ago. Catching him completely off guard and pleading for him to meet her in Paris Myron feels he has no choice but to go.
Over the course of the book Myron learns of why Terese has been gone for the last 10 years, her struggles to get pregnant and then being robbed of it all in a fatal crash and now being a prime suspect in her ex-husbands murder.
Ex-husband Rick calls Terese summoning her to meet with him in Paris to tell her something of the upmost importance, however he's killed before he arrives. A shocking twist at the crime scene leaves Myron with some clues as to what he wished to disclose to Terese, but of course it isn't as simple as Myron would've expected. Now involving the FBI, Interpol and a notorious international terrorist the complications pile up for Myron. Myron brings in his best friend who just happens to be a billionaire and a wide range of resources at his disposal (how convenient!)
Long lost family secrets uncovered and a distrubing plot twist.

An interesting and exciting read that was slightly far fetched.6 s Rohit Enghakat247 67

First time I read a Harlan Coben novel. A taut thriller it is not. Just your average run-of-the-mill thriller with some sarcastic lines thrown in. The protagonist Myron Bolitar is an agent representing celebrities who also gets involved in terrorist plots, courtesy of his ex-girlfriend Terese Collins. She suddenly appears one fine day after almost a decade of disappearance and calls Myron to Paris to help trace her husband's daughter. What follows is a chase across France and England along with his best friend and colleague Win, who is conveniently a billionaire with immense resources at his disposal, and his partner Esperanza. The climax is a bit far-fetched with some shock value to boot. But it is a thriller so we can take it at face value. I d the character of Inspector Borleand. He has the best lines in the book and is far more enjoyable. The plus point is that the book has short chapters and a breeze to read it through over a couple of days.crime-thriller6 s Eric_W1,933 388

Myron, the wise-cracking agent and former almost-basketball-great, is off to Paris at the behest of an erstwhile love. I must say this novel has something for everyone: Huntington's, terrorists, Paris, les flics, the CIA, MI6, a shootout, bisexuals, sports references, waterboarding, black sites, parents, abortion, hysterectomies, adoption, stem cells, in vitro fertilization, cryogenics, multiple girlfriends and I think there was an implausible plot in there somewhere. I have probably forgotten some others, but you get the idea.

What saves the book is the unusual characters.mysteries-and-thrillers5 s Carlo Hublet627 3

Un très bon Coben, dans sa série Bolitar-Win. Entre policier pastiche, comme d'habitude, et roman d'espionnage. Un bon mélange, Myron Bolitar se débrouille bien en espion, jamais discret, bien sûr. Fort délassant, mouvements perpétuels et peut-être chouia moins des habituelles vulgarités lourdes.harlan-coben zzz-p5 s1 comment Thomas74 1 follower

Ok read. Unfortunately it was nothing special. I would of given it a 2.5 but upped it to 3 because I do love Harlan Coben. I read this in about 4 hours while on a long plane ride. A nice distraction but anyone giving this 5 stars is just wrong. Harlan is too formulaic and is beginning to remind me of James Patterson in that everything is too predictable.
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