
The Angriest Angel de Halt, Christopher

de Halt, Christopher - Género: English
libro gratis The Angriest Angel


They’ve lived among us for decades without incident. Until now.
The Caelans are a nonviolent and technically advanced people who long ago conquered anger and interstellar travel. Virtually indistinguishable from us, they hide in plain sight. They live in our neighborhoods and work in our offices.

But something unexpected happens at their base of operations in the Midwestern United States. Anger begins to infect some of them—like a disease. When the mysterious outbreak takes their leader, Regulus Lafaye, he becomes hostile and violent. He even abuses his mind power, psy, in order to control others.

The Caelans’ peaceful nature makes it impossible for them to stand up to Lafaye’s aggression, until Avery—one of the uninfected—stumbles upon an unlikely hope: Chase Madison, a plucky criminal recently incarcerated for selling his ADHD meds. Avery discovers that Chase’s ADHD makes him immune to the Caelans’ psy, and therefore key to the cure.

It also makes him a target.

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2.5 Stars

*I received an ecopy of this book via NetGalley. This has not influenced my review.*

This was a decent story about aliens living among us on Earth with some action, some danger, and a hint at romance. The POVs were well-written and all felt different, and Chase's stood out the most. The book just wasn't really for me though.

I disd Chase, not because of his criminal activity or sarcasm or rule breaking, but because of how he treated Avery for most of the book. He kept saying things to her that I think he thought were compliments, but to me they just sounded vaguely (or not so vaguely) condescending and his mindset was, "I'm a man and you're a woman, therefore you should want my approval, so I'm going to give it to you in bits and pieces to keep you wanting more." Which is fine, characters don't have to be perfect people, but it still hindered my enjoyment some. Eventually his compliments and kindness did start to seem more genuine at least. And even if I didn't him much, I found him believable and his POV somewhat interesting.

Avery was the opposite: able enough---pretty, kind, smart---but not super interesting.

Some things were a bit silly, when the aliens panicked because, "He heard us speaking our home language! He's going to know we're different!" But they were just speaking Latin.

There was a lot about ADHD since both the main character and the author have it, and I enjoyed learning about that and seeing through that perspective.

Overall, I had some issues and never got super hooked, but it wasn't a bad story, the main character felt believable, and others may enjoy it more.

*Rating: 2.5 Stars // Read Date: 2021 // Format: Ebook via TTS*

Recommended For:
Anyone who s aliens very similar to humans, a bit of danger and action, a bit of romance (I assume, in future books), multiple POVs, and ADHD rep.

*More Reviews @ Metaphors and Moonlight* aliens read-2021-books review-copy ...more4 s Neil1,494 11

I received a free copy via Netgalley in exchange for a honest review.

I really did struggle to read this.

The editing was so poor that at times I had to walk away.

I realise I might be in the minority and the story itself was reasonable.

But sometimes poor editing and grammar can be unforgiveable.general-fiction netgalley1 Lou Jacobs560 13

A wonderful entry salvo into a trilogy. Although the premise is science fiction .. the theme is much deeper and complex .... involving relationships and overcoming disabilities. The Caelens have lived amongst us undetected for over 50 years ... they look human and their philosophy on life involves trust, integrity and peace. The Caelan's are not monstrous space invaders .. they art both technologically and morally advanced. They possess a unique skill of "psying" , which enables them to tap into the electrical fields of the brain and renders the recipient highly suggestible . This skill has been used for both protection and persuasion to allow the Caelan's to hide "in plain sight"
Enter our anti-hero rogue, Chase Madison .... he is flawed and yet unique and resourceful ... a product of a dysfunctional childhood with his father abandoning the family at an early age, and then left with an abusive mother. The mother has no idea that Chase has ADHD and cannot cope or guide him. The author, Christopher Halt also carries the diagnosis of ADHD and channels this disability into the main protagonist, Chase Madison. This leads to an extremely well fleshed out character... with particularly important insights into his shortcomings as well as his unexpected skills.
Although Chase has a history of violence and mischief due to focus difficulties.... he also has an uncanny ability for problem solving .... apparently not caught up in the details, but appreciates the whole picture. Chase finds himself in jail ... arrested for attempting to sell his ADHD medicine , which he was doing to pay back his ex-wife. He finds himself in a cell next to Pete McCloth ... who tells him a fantastic yarn about a UFO hovering over a car involved in a fatal accident .. containing Angels from the Spaceship who came down and saved the other driver's life. He was able to video and take pictures which he quickly uploaded to the internet. A "so-called" lawyer arrives to meet with Pete who he engages in a somewhat sarcastic discussion. This lawyer is actually a Caelen, who in attempting to provide damage control, realizes that Chase is immune to psying.
At the same time the Caelen's are dealing with another pressing problem in their community ... an outbreak of negative emotions, leading to the previously unknown problems of jealousy and anger.
In the course of further damage control, a beautiful Caelen, Avery, is assigned to follow and contain Chase. This leads to further development of the character of Chase and his developing relationships, and an exploration into ADHD.
Thanks to NetGalley for supplying an Uncorrected Proof of this unpredictable page-turner in exchange for an honest review. This compelling narrative demands the reader to seek out further implications of the juxtapostion of Chase with the Caelen race. D.M. WozniakAuthor 6 books43

Wow... where do I begin?

I guess I'll start with the most unique protagonist I've read in years -- Chase Madison. He's got ADHD. And apparently, so does the author. Which makes complete sense, since this author completely nailed the main character. He seems so real and fully dimensional -- something which must be at least partially due to the author's closeness to this subject (read the foreword!). I have a few close friends which have been diagnosed with ADHD, and to be honest, I feel that reading this book has made me understand them more than any other news article, Cable TV special, internet blog, etc. In this way, the book reminds me of some of the more "socially important" fictional works of our time.... Elizabeth Moon's "The Speed of Dark" comes to mind, a near-future sci-fi book which deals with autism (Ms. Moon's son, I believe, has autism).

Chase is absolutely hilarious, by the way. I actually laughed out loud numerous times reading this book (that usually never happens). If I had to compare Chase with any other character in pop culture, I guess I'd say two of the more famous anti-hero rogues which Harrison Ford played (Han Solo, Indiana Jones). He's got this sarcastic wit about him that is used as a defensive mechanism when the complexities of life and love get "too close for comfort". And I must say, the writer knows how to juggle the light and dark amazingly well. I found myself laughing on one page, and then gripped in silence the next as an intense scene starts to unfold. I am not sure how a book can be funny and moving and suspenseful all in one, but somehow Halt does it.

Now for the plot. I don't even know what genre I'd call this... Sci-Fi, I guess, since there are aliens (Caelans).... but what I love about this book, is that it's not just all about some alien invasion. That's been done to death. This book is about relationships. It's about falling in love and forgiving yourself. It's about moving on with your life, and that it's the flaws which make us perfect in the end.

Do you remember the scene in Pulp Fiction with the gold suitcase? You never get to see what's in that suitcase, and the movie was better for it. That's how I feel about how this book deals with its aliens..... they're there, but the writer knows that he doesn't have to go into detail with space ships, alien technology, and all of that.... it's the gold in the suitcase. And less is more.

All in all, an amazing genre-crossing read. Hilarious, riveting, and socially important. And best of all, this is only the beginning. Kathryn E Hagen212 1 followerRead

This was an amazing story and an amazing trilogy. I didn't know what to expect with the title because it sounds a child's story. But it certainly isn't (in a good way)! Halt's story is one of the most unusual I've ever read and I couldn't put it down. Then I promptly read the next two in the series and they did not disappoint.

The main character is unconventional, to say the least. The aliens, who are central to the story, are different than those generally seen in movies and read about in books. That's not to say some aren't sinister. To say they're frustrated by their inability to influence the main character is an understatement and forms a central part of the story.

And then there's the love between the main character and a beautiful alien. Many obstacles are put in their way. How will it all end?

I strongly recommend this book. It is un anything you have ever read. Linda3,209 2

I found book one so fascinating, but I was disappointed at the end. I didn't that Chase tried to sell his drug prescriptions just to get money for his ex- wife, even though she had remarried she still forced him to pay her. Chase is a mixed up man, he feels the world is against him and that he's inferior to everyone else, but he has a high IQ, a brilliant computer wizard and he gets by with his smirky attitude. Chase is arrested and put into a jail cell next to a man who released footage of an alien spaceship. When Pete tells him what he saw, he listens with a grain of salt, but now the aliens have to watch him fearing that he will further exposed them. I loved that Avery, a Caelan, an alien from another world thinks that is wrong to control human's minds to force them to do their bidding, but Chase is resistant and the aliens thinks that he is not human! Book one left me hankering to read the next book! David Lowrey24 1 follower

I found this book very hard to read and even harder to enjoy. The story centers around a man with a learning disability and initially with his troubles with drugs, alcohol, and crime. He is a very unsympathetic character and I kept wondering where the author was going with him. It turned out there are these aliens with psi power who are interested in him because, un most humans, he can resist their psi powers. The aliens are particularly badly drawn. They spontaneously spout Latin as if this is something an alien would do, Mostly they behave just humans and have no interesting features whatsoever. The characters in this book are weak, the plot is very thin, and the world building is nonexistent. Do yourself a favor and don’t read this book. Stephanie87 34

Three out of five

I won this book through a goodreads giveaway! So first, the positives of this book included a very original story concept, and some witty character banter. One of my critiques is that there was a really interesting sci-fi element to this story, and is wasn't fully fleshed out. I thought it was part of the more interesting part of the story, but everything kept revolving around the character drama and some smaller not central plots. My biggest complaint is that the main conflict was not resolved and the book abruptly ended. I understand keeping things open for a second book, but to me this was just the end of a chapter. I think this story had a lot of potential but it just didn't pan out. giveaways Jennifer784 15

I good book to read. It is about a group of aliens that have been living among us for a long time. The have a problem with anger management!! The hero of the story Chase has ADHD and is immune to the psi control that the infected aliens use so he is the best chance they have to find a cure and get their anger back under control. I found it to be a very good storyline but was disappointed it stopped so abruptly. Will have to go and read the next book in the series to find out what happens to them all. It did keep my attention all the way through the story and I will gladly buy the next. Lou496 9

Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read and review this title for an honest review.

This one was just an ok book,but just did not work for me. It seemed a just set up to sell book 2. The premise was ok but the story never grabbed me it should have. I felt the story has no "meat" and did not give the reader the ability to do and thinking. The characters were shallow and I just could not get to the point I d any of them. The premise is good just not well executed.
3 stars Kim Pet534 2

Interesting story that subtly incorporates societal issues and social norms through reality and science fiction. The main character, Chase, has ADHD and is likable and misunderstood, as so many who live with ADHD are. He is impulsive, witty, and always seems to be getting stuck in a trap of his own making.
The plot is multidimensional yet everything comes together for these characters in the end. A great way to look at and learn about ADHD in a fictional way, well done. Tanya R1,020 31

I was really disappointed in this story.

The main character was unlikable. The aliens were one-dimensional. The character development was non-existent and the female alien, Avery, had more focus put on her beauty than her skills. Ugh. That's a tired story that in this day and age should be eliminated.

The concept of ADHD as a benefit to the character against aliens is really cool. I'm sorry to say that the story itself just fell flat for me.

#AngriestAngel #NetGalley Deana St. John143 3

This was a "can't put it down book" for me. Leaving me hanging at the end, was kind of annoying, but books 1, 2 & 3 were worth buying, reading and telling everyone I know who s a good science fiction /action/love story. Nope, no robots, no flesh eating monsters, just some time travel, a weird bird and some (mostly and eventually) cool aliens and a hero with ADHD!
I Loved it!

Audrey Stars in Her Eye1,044 8

DNF. I didn't any of the main characters. While ADHD is explored it was also used by the character not to tale responsibility for his action. The angel part is secondary and is the best part. But instead we get scenes on a seedy bar with someone who fights people and lacks empathy (which is something people with ADHD I know have.). Ileana RenfroeAuthor 28 books48

Christopher Halt has done a wonderful job of weaving a story of supernatural beings trying to blend in with our society in The Angriest Angel. For decades everything has been fine until now when anger begins to infect their tranquil existence.

Great storyline and well-written characters. I hope to read more by this author in the future. Faith Hurst-Bilinski1,567 12

This one was alright but just didn’t work for me. It seemed a set up for another book. The premise was ok but the story never grabbed me it should have.netgalley Kat M3,289 19

I really enjoyed reading this book, it had what I was looking for in a mystery. I thought that the main character was well written and I thought that the story was unique and well written. Lisa Grønsund399 20 Want to read

I received an advanced digital copy of this book, courtesy of the author and publisher, via Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

fantasy netgalley sci-fi Ann57 Read

Halt almost has me believing we could be living with aliens. And darn, I want to read the next book in the series. Enjoyed book. Tomas97 3

For the life of me I just couldn't read this book. I DNF at 26%. The story took too long to get into, I was bored. After 2 attempts I decided it just wasn't for me. Arlene54 2

An enjoyable read. Knowing the personal history of the author and his struggle with ADHD helped give me insight to the semi-autobiographical "hero" of the book. A bit formulaic since you know where a romance will pop up, but still interesting. Liz Psaltis9 2 Read

Strong writing, really interesting premise, and page-turning action. Dora OkeyoAuthor 23 books180

Chase is a handful. He's spontaneous, irritating, has no filter but if you capture his interest for a second, a puzzle he'll take his time figuring you out.
That's precisely why I loved reading this book. In the beginning, the author provides the inspiration behind this book and I'd say he did create a character in Chase, and true ADHD is one of the most misunderstood disorders. The author's ability to fuse this with sci-fi is interesting and you'll not put this book down, well, at least I didn't.
Thank you Netgalley for the eARC, but for the love of sanity could we drop the cliffhanger? The story was getting to the good part! wendy153 5

Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read this book for my honest opinion.
I was laughing at the thought that even members of another planet are selling their ADHD medications.
These people who have been walking among us for centuries, if not longer, do not to show anger. Anger is a disease to them. This disease ravages their body at an alarming rate. They are peaceful people who prefer to laugh and be relaxed.
So how did anger manage to get into their lives?
I am hooked on this series. I have fallen in absolute love with the characters.
I recommend this series to any body who loves sci fi. LJ120 1 follower

If rating novels was a question of MC reliability, this one would be instantly and easily ranked. Chase Madison - our MC - has ADHD (yay for diversity), and purportedly so does our author, which makes sense. Christoper Halt proverbially nailed the writing of this character, constructing him beautifully from angst and realism to create a multi-dimensional and complex personality. Chase is hilarious. Comprised of a sarcasm which is gently prodded by a slightly suppressed wit, he effectively masters his own coping mechanisms in order to navigate the complexities of life. In that way, Halt has contrasted the negative and positive aspects of life marvellously. | Spoilers |I guess you'd predominantly categorise this one as Sci-Fi, maybe an abstract fantasy? But, it's not singularly dimensional. It's intricate, and multi-faceted. Delicately weaving its way through technology, to lead you to an all encompassing finale moment, which has you begging for more. Jerri4

The Angriest Angel is a book about aliens living among us. This is a very engrossing story that I couldn't put it down. The characters are very engaging. I really care what happens to them. There is a bad guy of course, but that only makes the story better. The biggest downfall is the book didn't end. It seemed cut off. I haven't read the next book in the series yet so I don't know if the problems get a resolution. Still a great read and look forward to the next book. Michelle323

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