
Signs Point to Yes de Hall, Sandy

de Hall, Sandy - Género: English
libro gratis Signs Point to Yes


Jane, a superstitious fangirl, takes an anonymous babysitting job to avoid an unpaid internship with her college-obsessed mom. The only problem? She's babysitting the siblings of her childhood friend and new crush, Teo.

Teo doesn't dislike Jane, but his best friend Ravi hates her, and is determined to keep them apart. So Teo's pretty sure his plans for a peaceful summer are shot. His only hope is that his intermittent search for his birth father will finally pan out and he'll find a new, less awkward home. Meanwhile, at Jane's house, her sister Margo wants to come out as bisexual, but she's terrified of how her parents will react.

In a summer filled with secrets and questions, even Jane's Magic 8 ball can't give them clear answers, but Signs Point to Yes.

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Fans of John Green and Adi Alsaid will want to get their paws on Signs Point to Yes, with its quirky characters and witty-in-an-awkward-way writing.

Personally, I'm not really a fan of said writing style, and that was the main thing that stopped me from fully enjoying this book. There were times when the dialogue was just too stiff and unnatural--and so were the characters in general. They just had this really rough flow that made me awkward as a reader.

Despite that, I can say that the characters all had pretty distinct personalities. They may have made some pretty idiotic, questionable and shallow decisions at one point, but at least each character shone, which is a fantastic thing, considering this book is written from three different points of view.

First of all, we have Jane, who's a sarcastic and insecure fangirl. I found myself really enjoying her chapters, since I could really empathize with her character. She's incredibly passionate about her fandoms ( us!) and feels pretty lame compared to her older sister, the family favorite. I'm sure many readers will be able to relate to her and enjoy her witty voice.

Then we have Teo--holy crap, this guy is just adorable. He's sweet, awkward, and adores his three sisters--total dream-guy material. He doesn't make the best choices all the time, but he manages to accept his mistakes and learn from them.
Margo, Jane's older sister, is the third narrator. She's bisexual, and I honestly couldn't see the point of her POV. She didn't really add anything to the story, and it felt her struggle to come out was just there for added drama, and served no real purpose.

Character relationships were pretty spot-on, though. We have a nicely paced romance between Jane and Teo, which is basically represented by this math equation:
Awkward + Awkward = Adorableness!

The family relationships were wonderful as well, which is not something that's always a big deal in YA. It was nice seeing how close Jane and Margo were, and the same goes for Teo and his three younger brothers.

Teo also had an awesome friendship with his best friend Ravi. Their relationship showed how, no matter how asshole-y your best friend can be, you'll still stick by them... After you tell them that they're an asshole. (Although I kind of hated Ravi as a character. He was just too quirky and unnatural for my liking.)

Overall, I'd recommend this for anyone looking for a quick, cute contemporary read! It may not be the perfect book, but it'll be enough to bring smiles to your faces on a rainy day.

Deadly Darlings | The Social Potato | The Book Geek | Twitter | Instagramadorableeee arc cliffhangers ...more66 s Ylenia1,086 420

More : Signs Point to Meh.2015-reads28 s emma2,019 64.3k

if i could describe this book in one word, it'd be "adorkable."

this is a scathing review, by the way.

part of a series i'm doing in which i review books i read a long time ago2-stars contemporary eh ...more27 s Fenia270 489

FANGIRLING ABOUT THE FANGIRL PROTAGONIST!!!!!! I'm simply blown away. Jane was a fandom gal us and i cant even. i relate to her in so many levels.
i loved this book so much. fluffy and funny and lovely. ?fluffiness22 s Jeann (Happy Indulgence) 1,018 5,184

This review appears on Happy Indulgence. Check it out for more !

Signs Point to Yes was centered around a young teenager, Jane, who bases all her life decisions around a magical 8 ball that answers yes or no to questions. It was an interesting concept, but for someone to so heavily rely on this to make her own decisions felt a bit…silly I guess?

Jane seems to be this passive throughout the whole book, with her avoidance of a discussion that matters with her mum regarding college, not knowing what she wants in life but knowing she doesn’t want to go to college, and her feelings for Teo. While it’s refreshing to have someone not want her decisions to be defined by her parent’s wishes, Jane didn’t seem to know what she wanted and she was stubborn about it, which was frustrating for me.

My problem with the book is that the writing was really flat, monotone, with no emotion, and it was hard to relate to or care about the characters. The plot didn’t seem to move in a direction that ever picked up pace, and I found myself quite bored while I was reading it. I mean, even the characters talk in a stiff and formal way, which really didn’t seem teenagers at all. Definitely not very relatable.

While Teo and Jane did offer a cute childhood friends to lovers romance, I just found the writing in Signs Point to Yes a bit too clinical and emotionless for me to relate to.

I received a review copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.pan-macmillan-australia review-copy ya-contemporary ...more15 s Wendy Darling1,759 34.2k

Sandy Hall writes the most adorable dialogue and narrative voice, but this one felt overall too scattered and lacking in focus, especially towards the end. She's already mastered the hardest thing, which is unique voice (with cute romance and delightful humor)--it'd be nice to see what a dedicated editor could do to help her shape her future work into something even better.

Still, I love that voice so much, I still enjoyed the read. And you gotta love a girl who writes Dr.Who + Little Women/Veronica Mars fanfic.

lgbtqia read-2015 realistic-fiction ...more15 s Gillian457 1,110

Maybe 1.5 or 2, but mostly I'm very disappointed. though this book is harmless and sweet, is also flat, rather boring, and lacking conflict. it has no voice or personality, which A Little Something Different had in spades. I found myself wondering what the POINT is this book was--as in, why was it written and why were we paying any attention to these people are this time in their lives--and I hate that. Big MEH, alas.16 s Bee431 843

This books was trying to juggle a lot of things, and I'm so surprised that in less than 300 pages Sandy Hall somehow managed to pull it off. I only wish Margot's storyline had more time to develop. I really loved that this book was fun, fast-paced, and full of plot. After all the snow and rain we've been having in the UK, it was lovely to get a glimpse of summer in this book. 15 s Laura1,432 238

What will the future bring? What should I do? What do I really want from life? So many unknowns make up our days, futures, and pasts. How can we know what to do or which way to go? Family and friends can help with communication and trust. But a little guidance from the Magic 8 Ball can’t hurt either. :)

Jane needs to find a job for the summer. A paying job away from her mother’s constant pushing and pressure and “it-would-look-good-on-your-college-application” talk. When a too perfect for words, full time babysitting gig pops up right in town, Jane jumps at the opportunity. Except…it’s with the Buchanans. A family right around the corner with three little girls AND Teo Garcia. Teo Garcia! An adorable-ly awkward hottie with dimples and abs and oolala-ness! Teo and Jane used to spend a lot of time together as kids, but drifted away from each other through the push and pull of high school. They’re not kids anymore! The sparks begin to grow, glow, and sparkle in a hurry. Jane walked into this on her first day on the job...

“For the record, she’d seen him without his shirt plenty of times. He was the kind of guy who would mow the lawn without a shirt on or would whip it off while playing soccer with his friends. He was a lifeguard, for God’s sake, Jane told herself. She’s seen his naked torso on numerous occasions.

But somehow, while he was sleep-mussed and standing in his own kitchen wearing only a pair of basketball shorts, it was a completely different story.”

Can Jane survive the summer babysitting three energetic kids with her crush within sight and maybe reach? Will Jane continue to dodge her mother and the questions about her future? Maybe her Magic 8 Ball will know. Signs point to...jump in and see!

I loved everything about this book. The pace, romance, kids, and dilemmas. It all felt real and alive to me. Jane and Teo had this “I-know-you” feel to them. You can tell they hold a history together, but they’re still surprised and so alive with their new feelings for each other. The sparks are electric and cute and awkward! Shoulders and hips bump. Hands shoved into pockets. And plenty of shrugs and blushes to go around! They make me smile just thinking about them. Jane would say something embarrassing and Teo would come right back with a grin or a line. They fed off each other’s fumbles and blushes and looks. I loved it! Then throw Margo (Jane’s sister) and Ravi (Teo’s best friend) into the mix! The chemistry and energy was spot on with everyone in this book for me. The way they all talked, listened, and helped each other made me proud and so over-the moon-happy. I adored them all by the end. Yes, even Ravi. :D

And the words! I can’t leave without praising the word glory here. A word can brighten my whole day or even stick with me for weeks. Ms. Hall throws down some word magic in this story! Some words were warm and wonderful. Others just a pure joy to see on the page. Some of my favorites were---“fart nugget”, conundrum, loopy, pummel, cooties, and serendipity. I just loved saying those words out loud with a grin across my face.

But my favorite part of this story is the ending. Ms. Hall has the patience and courage to just let the ending happen. Much what we have to do in life. Sure we make decisions and moves, but life can truly take us anywhere. Good places and bad. Not every problem or question can be answered and solved with a simple “yes” or “no”. I when an author recognizes that fact. Hall allows the love, support and friendships to shine filling Jane’s future, Teo's history and my heart with hope. Huge hope!

There is so much to love in this book! I found smiles, pinky promises, adorable drunkenness, Dr. Who/Veronica Mars shouts out, cinematic serendipity, and so much more.

Come see what shakes out in the Magic 8 Ball for you!

Highly recommended read.

favorite-reads-of-201512 s Yoda575 127

Cute but not my favorite. It was adorable in the middleschool kind of way. feel-good on-the-shelf read-2017 ...more12 s Danielle (Love at First Page)726 699

This one hurts! I was very much charmed by Sandy Hall’s debut, A Little Something Different, and had high hopes that her sophomore book would have me once again grinning, shipping, and internally screaming, “JUST KISS!” Unfortunately, signs were not pointing to yes.

The beginning wasn’t too bad. We meet Jane, a superstitious fangirl who agrees to a babysitting job over the summer. Her mom has been hassling her about college applications, but Jane is not even sure she wants to go to college, let alone where. So, while she’s dodging her mom’s incessant nagging, she’ll be spending time with her neighbor’s children, who happen to be half-sisters to the love interest, Teo. He’s not exactly on easy terms with his mom and step father, either, and one of his favorite hobbies is to try to find his dad through online searches. He has never had any luck… until Jane comes along. The two of them used to be childhood friends, but they drifted apart and now run in different social circles. They don’t not each other, they’re just indifferent. At first, I was completely down with this set up, because usually in romances sparks fly immediately or there’s some shared romantic past. Not so with these two, and I was excited to see how their relationship would change over time.

After a few chapters, though, it was pretty clear to me this book and I weren’t going to click. I could best describe it as awkward. Awkward dialogue, awkward character development, awkward handling of the romance. Jane and Teo read really young for me, and rather than feeling giddy over their budding feelings, I was cringing during most of their interactions. I buddy read this with Nicole and we were so annoyed by how many times Jane and Teo thanked each other. It was an explosion of appreciation and repetitive praise, and I didn’t find it endearing at all. They didn’t inspire me as individual characters, either. Mostly I was "meh", but Jane's laziness and Teo's immaturity grated on me.

I was hoping Sandy Hall’s distinct humor would at least balance things out, because it’s obvious even here that’s where her skill lies, but those moments are too few and far between. In the second half, especially, the story goes downhill. It turns into a far-fetched and uninteresting plot line involving Teo’s missing father, and I just couldn’t bother to care about the outcome. I appreciate that the author once again writes about more down to earth problems that teenagers face, but Signs Point to Yes is missing the refreshing quirk of the first book.

I’m disappointed I didn’t this book more. I was expecting to fall in love all over again! I will definitely give Sandy Hall’s future books a try and cross my fingers and toes that they will charm me her first did.

Note: I received an ARC of this book at BEA, but that did not affect my review in any way.arc contemporary cover-love ...more9 s Ashley Daviau1,899 952

I didn't enjoy this nearly as much as my first Sandy Hall, A Little Something Different, but I did enjoy it nonetheless! I needed a quick fluffy read after all the heavy books I've been reading and this one definitely provided that!

I think the reason I enjoyed it less than A Little Something Different is that I just didn't enjoy the characters as much. I enjoyed seeing them grow throughout the story but I felt no particular attachment or connection to any of them. There was nothing about them that made me FEEL, you know?

I really enjoyed the LGBTQ element that was there, although I really would have d for it to have been developed more! I feel there was such a big lead up to the coming out but then it happened and it was just barely glanced over and it quite bothered me!

Despite that, I still did enjoy the story! It was cute and fast paced and easy to get through and I thought the Magic 8 Ball bits were cute and added a little something extra! But in general I was left feeling a little disappointed by this one and thought it could have been so much more! 9 s Catherine TinkerAuthor 0 books106

How do I feel about Signs Point to Yes?


Honest to goodness, imagining Ravi with Aziz Ansari's voice just takes this book to a whole new level of delightful.

There is so much cute and flirting that just had me


to an afternoon curled up with Signs Point to Yes.
Inspired by Sandy Hall's mention that Aziz Ansari inspired one of the characters, and this tumblr exchange we had:

I will be reviewing this book entirely in Tom Haverford gifs.

Get ready.2015-most-anticipated swoon-reads8 s charlotte,3,370 991

Rep: bi side character2-stars bi-or-pan contemporary ...more8 s rachel, x1,801 925

2.5 stars

Hall’s Been Here All Along, I found Signs Point to Yes to be a sweet, endearing and entertaining read - in a mindless sort of way - but one which didn’t really make much more of an impression than that. The characters and the romance lacked depth and the plotline was a little bit all over the place. What made this a truly meh read, however, was its sheer awkwardness. I concede that in contemporary romances, especially ones that attempt to be as modern as Sandy Hall, there’s a fine line between realistic romantic blunders and plain old awkwardness... This book crossed that line in too many ways.

One the things which stopped me from truly adoring this story was the the characters:

Jane: In many ways she was little more than the stereotypical plain Jane character. She didn’t have a very distinctive personality and it made it very difficult to connect to her as a protagonist. The main two features which were meant to define her personality - her attachment to her Magic 8 ball, and her struggle with not being as smart as the rest of her family - would have been such amazing focal points in the story if they had expanded on. Her struggle with her intelligence was also handled rather oddly. She would spend one moment moaning how stupid she supposedly was and the next telling Teo that she was logical and a genius… I wasn’t sure how to take this? It would have much more interesting to see a legitimate struggle to find her place in a family of academics when she wasn’t one herself. I did, however, that was struggling from a lack of direction regarding college and post-graduation life. As someone with only a few weeks of high school left myself, I know what it’s to be in the “oh shit, I’m an adult… now what?” stage of life. Also, Jane’s obsession with writing odd/crossover fanfiction also felt something that was thrown in at the last minute - to make Jane more relatable for readers. You know how some authors make characters purposefully bookish because readers want to read about other readers (my God, that’s a tongue twister) and it sells books? Yeah, it felt that. We never even saw her watching an episode of Doctor Who!

Teo: He also had very little personality. For some reason, he had this odd hatred of his stepfather, Buck. Every time Buck tried to talk to him, he got angered. Every time Buck asked him to do a chore, mow the lawn - which for some reason seemed to happen multiple times in this book - he got really pissy about it. The whole situation felt blown out of proportion. I understand that relationships between stepparents and stepchildren can be difficult at times (just look at the fairy tales if you don’t believe me) but Buck was so genuinely kind that I didn’t understand the problem.

Margo: She was a bit of an odd character. I didn’t think that she felt very consistent. One minute she was this ruthless academic who Jane could barely tolerate being around, and the next she was all buddy-buddy with her, sharing gossip and sitting around the pool they were the closest sisters to ever live. I d that we had some healthy familial relationships but the whole thing felt rushed and out of place. I did l that we explored her bisexuality throughout this story though.

Ravi: With all that being said, Ravi was by far the most confusing character in this book. He ‘hated’ Jane for the majority of this book and had this odd vendetta against her but it was all over the most trivial and immature thing you could imagine. When it was revealed why, I couldn’t help but laugh at loud. It was honestly so all just so petty! It made little sense for the level of antagonism between them. I had no idea why Teo was friends with him after everything he said and did to Jane.

The main aspect of this story was its romance and the romance was… well, it was all just so awkward! Teo and Jane had no chemistry between them and didn’t even seem to realise they could be attracted to each other until Margo helpfully pointed it out. While I thought their awkward little ‘flirting’ session were pretty realistic and some of their ‘moments’ were rather cute, especially the roof scene, the secondhand cringe-factor from their encounters was way too much. I loved the fact that the author attempted to make them as realistic as possible but there’s a point where it is just not enjoyable to read about two character who are so awkward together, especially when they spend most of their time staring at each other, blushing, avoiding eye contact and mumbling awkward excuses before running away. This is not exactly what makes me swoon the publishers promises... I just couldn’t get myself invested in their relationship.

The plot as a whole was also kind of weird. For the majority of the novel it tried to be a typical summer romance with tropes going to swimming pools to spy on the hot lifeguards, babysitting adorable little kids and bonfire parties. All that is well and good but the second half, with its road trip and attempts to find Teo’s father, felt random and out of place. It was one of those stupid situations where if the teenagers had just (a) communicated better or (b) talked to a goddamn adult, the whole thing would have been fine.


Despite the number of negatives that I can list about this book, I thought it was an easy and mostly fun read. I didn’t quite connect to the characters but the romance - despite being awkward and not nearly as swoony as I would have hoped - was mostly realistic and in its own way, adorable. I love Hall’s writing style and the way she is able to create modern romances with ease. I would recommend her newest release, Been Here All Along, over this one but I still did actually enjoy it.romance sapphic-representation young-adult-lit7 s Rhea349 180

Win a Paperback Copy of Signs Point To Yes by Sandy Hall!

Without ado, I’m going to talk about my favourite character first, and that’s Teo. The book is a dual POV (yay I seriously love those) and that kept me engrossed in the book wholeheartedly. SPtY is a type of book that deserves all its characters to have a say. And Teo Garcia, I mentioned, was my absolute favourite. This guy is the principle love interest in the book, but he is so much more than that! He’s smart and driven, but this is a real guy, a boy so un other fictional boys in the way he thinks and acts and is. It’s something that’s very difficult to explain without giving away something major from the book, but one example would be in the way he loves his three younger sisters. They’re all a little crazy—as kids usually are—and the way he is with them is adorable. But he also takes up their responsibility in a way that reminded me more of a parent than an older brother.

Jane Connelly is our MC, and admittedly, it took me a while to warm up to her. She is the type of girl that grows on you, meaning she’s an acquired taste. She kind of grated on my nerves in the beginning and her woe-is-me attitude was tiring, but it’s really a matter of getting to know her as a girl who can’t get along with her mother, no matter how hard she tries. Her obsession with the Magic 8 Ball, though, was the funniest thing ever! She is a tad bit (meaning a lot) superstitious, and almost all of her endeavours need the blessing of the Magic 8 Ball. But it doesn’t always bode well for her and her reactions to this were the cutest :D

I loved the fact that there was absolutely no insta-love where it came to Teo and Jane’s romance. They were friends first and their friendship only got deeper once Jane took up a babysitting job for Teo’s sisters. They went through this crush stage that was just charming to witness, and only after a badly-aimed kiss and a few fights did they actually develop real feelings for each other. Friendship was the main theme of the book and it was damned good to see that despite the funny circumstances that they found themselves in, more often than not, their friendship remained intact.

Ravi, Teo’s best friend was fantastic. From the beginning of the book I had a little inkling as to why he hated Jane so much but when I came to know of the real reason behind his loathing? Priceless! Absolutely priceless! You just have to read it! Sure, in the beginning he as a dick to Jane, but I never felt he really meant the insults—nor did Jane seem very offended to me. They had a rivalry, but one that had more comic value then anything. Margo, Jane’s sister was the other character in this book I really d. She’s Jane’s older sister, and a bit of the family favourite. And yet, Margo seemed to be having her own set of troubles that summer…that you’ll have to read to find out al about. She was great with the bickering Ravi and Jane, and gahhh. All three of them together was so <3 <3

Signs Point to Yes is a cute, absolutely adorable novel, made all the more entertaining by a host of witty characters and a message underneath all the fun. Sandy Hall has created this entire universe of characters that were so fun to read, I can’t even imagine how much more fun they were to write :) I haven’t read anything by her before, but rest assured I’ll definitely be trying her work now, especially if its as heartwarming as this one :)
netgalley7 s The Candid Cover (Olivia & Lori)1,211 1,605

Full Review on The Candid Cover

Looking to hold onto summer for just a while longer? This book is one that is not to be missed! Signs Point to Yes is the kind of book that will make the reader long for summer days with its perfect fangirl of a main character and an amazing dramatic rivalry.

The story line for Signs Point to Yes has it all! A road trip, a cute summer romance, a search for a long lost father… This is the perfect book to kick back and relax with. While reading, I was totally wishing for summer to come back because this book is so summery. There is even a character who works at the pool! This book is so quick and so adorable.

I really d Jane’s character in Signs Point to Yes. She is a fellow fangirl who writes Dr. Who crossover fanfiction. I really enjoyed Jane’s character and found her very relatable. She takes on a babysitting job that winds up taking most of her summer, but even worse, she has to deal with Ravi, her nemesis who is always hanging around the house. Jane brings a lot of humour and entertainment to the book, and she adds spice to the story.

Who doesn’t love and old fashioned story about rivalry and revenge? Jane and Ravi have a really interesting hatred towards each other because they see each other almost every day, even though Ravi doesn’t live with the girls Jane is babysitting. There is so much drama and the insults are so hilarious to read. The rivalry is so intense that the kids Jane is babysitting and their brother are constantly breaking up fights between the two. This rivalry really made Signs Point to Yes more funny and upbeat.

Signs Point to Yes is a cute, summery read with a loveable main character and a humorous rivalry. I definitely recommend this book to fans of Morgan Matson/Katie Finn, as it has that same light and adorable summer feel. This is the perfect book to bring back summer!2015-releases arc blog-tours ...more6 s Misty613 32

This was a quick, cute, and fluffy read to start off the summer season.
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