
Siren's Game de Hailey Frost

de Hailey Frost - Género: English
libro gratis Siren's Game


Hailey Frost Series: Siren's Duet 02 Publisher: anonymous, Year: 2024

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To be honest, the first thing that caught my attention was this cover. Luca plays football, and Millie signs for a pop duo. The fact that it was written from two points of view allowed me to see what Luca was thinking in between his endearing exchanges with Mille. I enjoyed how the two main characters clicked right away.

It was nice to read a romance novel that highlighted Millie's experiences with social media and the bad aspects of fame, including internet trolls. I'm excited for the next book to be released.

Thank you Hailey Frost for this ARC!
7 s1 comment Brittanica Bold321 35

3.75 stars!

What I loved about the book:
1. Don’t let this cutie patootie cover fool you, this thing has some fantastic spice!!! Luca was such a sweet MMC, but he transformed into a dirty boy in the sack and I was HERE FOR IT. The first time this boy started talking, my eyebrows about flew off my face in surprise. The praise kink was strong with this one.

2. Both of our MCs were just sweet as could be.

Millie had a lot of humility, despite being part of a large pop sensation. She also made sure she used her fame and money to bring light to failing businesses, give those working around/for her gifts and appreciation, and to take care of her family. She was just so sweet.

Luca was the epitome of a golden retriever cinnamon roll MMC. Making the driver wait until she was in the lobby of her hotel, opening her car door for her every time, slowing down his steps so she didn’t have to rush to keep up with him, and keeping one flower from the bunch he gave her so he knew when to replace them. Such small but simple and beautiful things that make all the difference.

3. I d how the angst wasn’t from the relationship, but from outside influences which was much more realistic than some of the communication issues we typically see in romance books. I also loved the cleanup of the issues with fans in this story; it was so sweet. Lastly, big thank you to the author for no third act breakup
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This was such a charming and adorable book! I adored every character and how they interacted with one another!
The two main characters clicked right away, and I really enjoyed that there was no outside love interest. They had the cutest times together, hugging and eating ice cream. It's very sweet to watch how supportive Millie and Luca are of one another in their relationship. It's so nice to read a book where there is genuine communication!

I the perspective this book offered on celebrity culture. Hailey did a fantastic job of capturing the negative impact of social media on celebs. It might be challenging to humanize the main characters in celebrity romances when they are all wealthy, attractive, and gifted, but I felt the author did a pretty fantastic job of it. Reading about Millie's hardships as a result of people assuming they knew her based only on what they had read or seen on a screen or piece of paper was devastating.
As a swiftie, I can't help but draw comparisons between how Millie was depicted in the media as being somewhat defined by her relationships and how the media overemphasized them; it gives me "Tayvis" vibes.

If you're searching for a fast, humorous, and hot romantic comedy that will have you laughing a lot, I wholeheartedly recommend this book.netgalley26 s Elizabeth206 36

To be honest, the first thing that caught my attention was this cover. Luca plays football, and Millie signs for a pop duo. The fact that it was written from two points of view allowed me to see what Luca was thinking in between his endearing exchanges with Mille. I enjoyed how the two main characters clicked right away.

It was nice to read a romance novel that highlighted Millie's experiences with social media and the bad aspects of fame, including internet trolls. I'm excited for the next book to be released.

Thank you Hailey Frost for this ARC!
7 s1 comment Brittanica Bold350 36

3.75 stars!

What I loved about the book:
1. Don’t let this cutie patootie cover fool you, this thing has some fantastic spice!!! Luca was such a sweet MMC, but he transformed into a dirty boy in the sack and I was HERE FOR IT. The first time this boy started talking, my eyebrows about flew off my face in surprise. The praise kink was strong with this one.

2. Both of our MCs were just sweet as could be.

Millie had a lot of humility, despite being part of a large pop sensation. She also made sure she used her fame and money to bring light to failing businesses, give those working around/for her gifts and appreciation, and to take care of her family. She was just so sweet.

Luca was the epitome of a golden retriever cinnamon roll MMC. Making the driver wait until she was in the lobby of her hotel, opening her car door for her every time, slowing down his steps so she didn’t have to rush to keep up with him, and keeping one flower from the bunch he gave her so he knew when to replace them. Such small but simple and beautiful things that make all the difference.

3. I d how the angst wasn’t from the relationship, but from outside influences which was much more realistic than some of the communication issues we typically see in romance books. I also loved the cleanup of the issues with fans in this story; it was so sweet. Lastly, big thank you to the author for no third act breakup
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