
The Weight Within de Gwen Martin

de Gwen Martin - Género: English
libro gratis The Weight Within


Gwen Martin Series: The Collective 03 Year: 2024

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I love the story,the fact that Tristan and Kurt both have their own personal battles,that’s weighing them down but they decided to open up to each other,which reduced the weight they’ve been carrying inside tremendously.Both characters showed growth and strength.

- [ ] Coworkers
- [ ] Work place romance
- [ ] Rivals to lovers
- [ ] Hate to lovers
- [ ] Hurt/comfort
- [ ] Bi Representation
- [ ] Divorced MC2 s Molly Otto813 17

This book hits differently from the previous collective works. Yes, we still have the mental issues aspect of the main characters and how they need help to move forward. What I wasn't prepared for was the raw vulnerability of Tristan and how he handles life and needs the sunshine of Kurt to see the world different. Kurt has been through so much yet holds a sunshine disposition that just shines on all around him. He makes you rethink how you look at things. Together, they learn to move forward and be better people for themselves and those around them. So yes, this has less angst yet isn't in a new, beautiful, and enlightening way.
We get to see Chance & Duncan and so happy to say they are thriving. Chance is keeping up with his therapy and moving forward, which is all you can ask for. I'm so happy to see Gwen showing that therapy is good and needed. Even in the darkness their is light at the end if you sometimes step outside your comfort zone. Cannot wait to see whose next.1 ButtonsMom20033,132 30

4.5 Stars rounded down
A good addition to the series.

The Weight Within is a good addition to this series. I was so happy that Tristan got his own story. He was such a good brother to Chance in the previous book so it was great to find out more about what makes him tick. This started out as an enemies/rivals-to-lovers story but it didn't take too long before Tristan and Kurt began to work together and then for the romance to bloom.

I love the way that Gwen Martin treats mental health issues with such care and respect. I'm not sure why but this book didn't hit me as hard in the feels as her other work. I'm not saying that's a negative, just that it surprised me that I didn't find this one quite as angsty as her others.

The story was a five-star read for me until I got to the epilogue. Now, I absolutely love a good epilogue so I'm really happy that there was one for this story. My issue was that a lot of somewhat surprising stuff happened in the epilogue – set one year after the main story's end – and there wasn't any explanation. I can't say anymore here because it would be a spoiler but, in my Goodreads review I'll use the spoiler tag so you can check it out if you want to know more (see below). Still, in spite of this somewhat minor issue, I enjoyed this very much and I'm looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

I requested and received an advanced copy of The Weight Within but I also pre-ordered this book.

***Reviewed for Xtreme-Delusions dot com***

The epilogue skipped one year forward and has Tristan and Kurt signing the adoption papers for a baby girl. No mention of whether or not they got married and no explanation for how they were able to adopt a baby so soon. I know it's fiction but I really think adding just a couple more pages to flesh this out a bit would have made for a better epilogue/ending.
blog purchased Michelle Strachan14 1 follower

This is the third book but second full length book in the Collective series. The first book was a novella entitled The Wonder Within and it tells the story of the origin of the Collective. The second novel entitled The Wild Within tells the story of Chance and Duncan. This book tells the story of Chance's brother Tristan whom we met in his book and a new MC named Kurt. I am so happy that Tristan got his story because he was the overprotective, anxious and overworked brother of Chance and I'm so happy he got his HEA. Kurt is a new character who has his own struggles with loss, guilt, grief and depression. Gwen hits it out of the park again when tackling these struggles. It also shows the perspective of the family member of someone who struggles with mental illness, drug abuse and suicidal ideations. Tristan struggles with anxiety and was constantly worried about his brother. He takes on the burdens of others because he is a caretaker by nature. Kurt was there to help him and also provided a proverbial mirror so he could see that he needed someone to learn on and he didn't have to shoulder everyone's burdens. In contrast, Tristan was also able to show Kurt that he didn't have to carry his guilt, loss and grief all by himself and he has people who love and care for him. The name of this book, The Weight Within, is very fitting because on the outside these men seemed to have it all together. They are both high powered professional men who are leaders in their field, however on the inside they are both carrying heavy burdens. One of the things I love about Gwen's books is the absolute care and sensitivity in how she addresses some pretty serious issues. Heed the trigger warnings and if you are able, read this book and the entire series. It is very well written and you feel the emotions as you go on the journey with the characters. I am excited for more in this series and I cannot wait to see where she takes us. Another thing I love is the healthy bisexual representation in this series. If I could give this book more than 5 stars, I would. Mandy3,692 38

Tristan Edwards is clean-cut, determined, and organized on the outside, but on the inside, he’s falling apart. After years of nonstop travel for work, he’s assigned to open a new branch that could keep him close to home with more job security. But when he learns this coveted position is also up for grabs by another eligible candidate and if Tristan can’t prove his executive position, his dream job may fall into the hands of his dream man. Kurt Holden is newly divorced, without a home, and in need of a change. When a new position springs up, Kurt jumps at the chance to start over in a new city as a new person. What he isn’t interested in is falling into another relationship, but the more time he spends with Tristan, it becomes impossible to ignore his attraction. As both men face the decision to choose professional gain or personal desire, Tristan and Kurt must learn to accept that carrying the weight within doesn’t have to be done alone. The only question is if they’re willing to take the risk or stay alone.

I enjoyed this story with the rivalry, the eventual realisation that the other person's ideas and methods were worthwhile and finally the undeniable sexual attraction between them both. I found the writing clear and easy to understand and on the whole easy to feel and empathise with. I did, however, find in some sections that the rivalry and differences between them were a little overdone. This was an MM story with mature content. Babara-Anne1,357 15


It took me a while to get into the premise of the story as it was a very slow paced slow burn where I didn’t feel the chemistry or connection between them until 40% of the book was reached!

Both vying for the same position as Director of Sales left both Tristan Edward and Kurt Holden in constant competition with each other in everything they do… until feelings become more important than a promotion…

“That persistent weight I’d been holding inside trembled a little, pulling at the already taut strings of my soul.”

“His presence had become an anchor holding me steady.”

“I wouldn’t have to carry it alone anymore.”

Both were carrying a heavy weight within until they shared the burden by working together as a team and being supportive and caring to each other with patience and compassion but the position as Director still looms in the background to put a wedge and distance between them…

Who will win the position as Director and will it destroy what they were building?…

A sweet, endearing epilogue follows a year later with heartfelt moments!

I look forward to Nicks story next!

I voluntarily received an ARC from Forward PR & Marketing for an honest non-biased review. Vic713 29

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