
One Wrong Step de Griffin, Laura

de Griffin, Laura - Género: English
libro gratis One Wrong Step



But that's just what happens when Celie Wells has an encounter with her former husband, and he turns up dead an hour later. Now, after working hard to distance herself from his crooked ways and shady connections, she finds she's smack dab in the middle of his murder investigation. And it isn't just the police who have their eye on her, but an enraged drug lord who is seeking payback. The only person who seems to be on her side is old acquaintance John McAllister. But the sexy reporter has a nose for news, as well as a reputation as a playboy. Is he helping Celie out because he wants a story...or a one-night stand? She knows John's interest is potentially hazardous to her heart. But not accepting his help could put her life at even greater risk -- and she can't afford one wrong step.

About the Author

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author LAURA GRIFFIN started her career in journalism before venturing into the world of romantic suspense with her novels for Pocket Books.Herbooks have alsowonnumerous awards, including a 2010 RITA (Whisper of Warning) and a 2010 Daphne du Maurier Award (Untraceable). Her debut novel, One Last Breath, won the Booksellers Best Award for romantic suspense. Laura currently lives in Austin. Visit her website at www.lauragriffin.com.

Excerpt. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.


Mayfield, Texas

8:35 a.m.

John McAllister slid behind the wheel of his black Jeep Wrangler feeling grateful for beautiful women, strong coffee, and clean getaways.

Swigging caffeine, he sped away from the Stop-N-Go parking lot and tried to decide which route to the newspaper office would make him the least late for work. Fortunately, Melanie -- or was it Mallory? -- lived in one of the nicer parts of town, not far from the business district where the Mayfield Gazette was headquartered. John had left her bed moments ago, jotted a quick note, and heard her shuffling in the bedroom as he'd slipped out the front door. He didn't like mornings after, and the combination of too much tequila and not enough sleep had made this one a narrow escape.

John glanced in the backseat, and, hot damn, his luck was holding. The dry cleaning he'd picked up on his way to happy hour yesterday hadn't been stolen, rained on, or mutilated in the bar parking lot or Melinda's -- that was her name -- driveway. If he avoided traffic snarls and changed shirts on the fly, he might actually show his face at the staff meeting before it adjourned.

As he pulled up to a stoplight, John stripped off the T-shirt he'd worn last night. He ripped open the plastic dry cleaning bag, shrugged into a crisp white shirt, and buttoned up. He was about to unzip his jeans and tuck in the shirttail when he noticed the young brunette in the red Mustang convertible pulled up beside him. Her mouth hung open as she stared at him with naked admiration. It was a look he usually enjoyed, but the light had turned green, so he settled for giving the woman a friendly wink before shifting into gear.

Mayfield had a lot going for it. Warm weather. Hot women. A fresh flock of tourists migrating to the beaches every summer. The sun wouldn't hit full, skin-scorching intensity for a few hours yet, and on mornings like this, John was almost glad he lived here. Almost. If it weren't for the increasingly serious shit going down along the border, this place would be paradise.

As he shifted into fourth, he heard the familiar howl of an approaching police cruiser. Check that -- two police cruisers. Check that -- three or more.

What the fuck? John pulled over and watched five black-and-whites race by. In the distance he heard yet another emergency vehicle, this one coming from the direction of the closest fire station.

John followed in the cruisers' wake, cursing himself for leaving his police scanner on his desk overnight. His editor would be pissed. His only shot at redemption would be getting whatever this story was and hoping nothing important had transpired last night while he was burning up the sheets with Melinda.

The cruisers turned down a street lined with King palms and, set farther back from the curb, expensive brickand-stucco homes. This was an upscale neighborhood, and many of the houses had waterfront views, three-car garages, and boat slips. Whatever this emergency was, it wasn't your typical liquor store holdup.

The police cars screeched to a halt in front of a white stucco residence, and five pairs of officers hopped out, guns drawn.

John parked across the street from the house, a Mexican-style three-story with a red tile roof. A gray Volvo SUV was parked in the driveway with one of the back passenger doors open. The cops surrounded it. John climbed out of his Jeep and saw a young officer -- the first responder, most likely -- already kneeling on the driveway next to, holy shit, a body. It looked like a woman in a dark dress, but it was hard to tell for sure. A pool of blood surrounded the mutilated mass that had once been her head.

John scanned the area for any sign of the gunman, but all he saw were neighbors in bathrobes and warm-ups who had been lured outside by the commotion. Not far up the block, a silver-haired man with a Chihuahua bouncing around his ankles talked to a cop and gestured wildly down the street. John caught the words ''black Hummer'' and ''bat outta hell.'' His gaze shifted back to the Volvo. A spray of bullet holes perforated the rear fender.

Shit, a drive-by.

In this neighborhood? This wasn't gang-on-gang violence. More like someone gunning down a judge or a city official. Not that most city officials lived around here. The mayor had some money, but even he lived several streets over.

John caught the neighbor's eye. ''Hey, you know who lives here?''

The cop glared at him, but Chihuahua Guy was eager to help out. ''The Prices,'' he said. ''Pam and Barry.''

''Thanks.'' John walked off before the cop could get territorial.

Pamela Price. The assistant U.S. attorney was currently prosecuting some midlevel members of the Saledo drug cartel. Her murder would spook every law enforcement official in the Rio Grande Valley.

A shrieking ambulance skidded to a halt in front of the house, and two paramedics dashed up the driveway. John approached the crime scene, which was already being secured by several uniforms with rolls of yellow tape. As John watched the paramedics kneel down beside the victim, he realized she wasn't alone. Lying next to her, in a second pool of blood, was another body.

A little boy. In blood-covered overalls.

Beside the back tire lay a blue-and-red Spider-Man backpack. Pamela Price must have been buckling her kid into his car seat when the Hummer came by, and the fuckers had shot them both.

One of the medics strapped an oxygen mask over the boy's face while the other scrambled to stanch the bleeding. Blood was everywhere, turning the paramedics' latex gloves scarlet and forming an ever- expanding puddle around the mother and child.

John's stomach turned. He spotted a cluster of trash cans and raced over just in time to puke his guts up. He crouched down, leaning a hand against the neighbor's house. The smell of vomit and garbage filled his nostrils, and the humidity closed in on him. He was going to hurl again if he didn't get some air.

A low hedge separated the Prices' property from their neighbors'. John walked into the adjacent backyard and plunked himself down on a patio chair in front of a weathered boathouse. He took a deep breath and tried to spit out the vile taste in his mouth.

Damn, what was wrong with him? He'd covered the crime beat for nearly a decade now. He'd been to countless homicide scenes; he'd seen corpses.

He thought of the Spidey backpack and shuddered. He needed a cigarette.

Something mewed, and John glanced around, expecting a cat. No cat, but the noise continued, growing louder every second. The mewing gave way to something vaguely human, and John stood up. Low, keening noises were coming from the boathouse.

The tide was out, and the wooden decking surrounding the boat slip stood several feet out of the water. Four pilings supported the structure, which had a sundeck on top. The boat slip was empty except for two nylon straps flapping in the wind.

A flash of pink behind the nearest piling caught his eye.

''Hello?'' he called.

The noises stopped. John glimpsed some brown hair a few feet off the ground. A child.

He stepped closer. ''Anyone there?''

The hair didn't belong to a child, but to a doll. The doll came into view and, attached to it, the white-knuckled hand of a little girl. She was slack-jawed, trembling, and staring at John with huge brown eyes. Her little body was shaking so violently, the doll looked like it was having a seizure.

It took him a second to notice the blood splatters all over her pink dress. He rushed forward.

''Are you hurt?''

She lurched back, nearly falling off the dock.


He didn't want to scare her into the bay. Slowly this time, he stepped toward her. She stepped back again, not even noticing she was inches from the edge.

Could she swim? He had no fucking idea. She looked about four, maybe a tall three. She was about the same height as one of his nieces, and she had long brown pigtails. He studied the blood on her dress. It didn't seem to be coming from her. More likely it was her mother's blood, or her brother's.

What should he do here? He knew jack shit about kids.

He needed to get help. But what if she fell in while he was gone? What if she couldn't swim? What if that wasn't her mother's blood and this girl was injured?

She moved closer to the piling, wrapping an arm around it and squeezing her eyes shut. She started the freaky animal sound again.

Cautiously, he stepped onto the dock. A plank creaked under his foot, and her eyes flew open. She looked at him, then over his shoulder at what was probably her house. John hoped she didn't have a line of sight to the ambulance.

She clutched the doll closer to her chest.

He'd seen the doll before, or something like it, at his sister's place. His niece's doll carried around a purple backpack and spoke Spanish. What the hell was its name? Dyna. Dyna the Adventurer or something like that.

''Is that...Dora you've got there?'' Dora the Explorer. Damn, he'd pulled that out of his ass.

She looked from him to the doll and nodded. The noise stopped.

John crouched down. ''My niece has a doll like that. Her name's Hannah. What's your name?''

She didn't answer. But she didn't move toward the water, either, so he took that as encouragement. Sweat slid down his temples, and his jeans and boots were streaked with vomit. He probably looked pretty frightening to this kid.


John whirled around. A cop was jogging toward him, reaching for his holster. John held up his hand.

''Don't come closer!''

The cop drew his gun anyway. John darted a look at the girl. Her eyes bugged out, and a trickle of fluid ran down her leg. She started keening again.

''You're scaring her!'' John yelled. ''Put that away! Please? I think she's hurt, and I'm trying to get her off this dock.''

The cop hesitated a moment, then holstered the weapon. But the kid still looked terrified, and John wanted the cop out of her sight.

''We need a paramedic,'' John told ...

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

I first read this book in 2014 and then again in 2018 as I've been binge reading Ms. Griffin's earlier novels.

This wasn't one of my favorites. I didn't really care for either main character and their romance just didn't work for me. I don't players John who can't remember the name of a woman's whose bed he just left. And I had a hard time believing his miraculous turn around to wanting a relationship with Celie. I couldn't figure out what he saw in her. And Celie lied way too often and d to blame others. Who would steal from the drug cartel and not realize what could happen?

I did some secondary characters way more.

The plot was good but the ending way too unrealistic.favorites romantic-suspense s-bv-library7 s Julie (jjmachshev)1,069 286

Awesome. I have another author to add to my 'buy' list. One more home run with me and she'll be on the 'auto-buy' list! And I'm absolutely gobsmacked that this is only her SECOND full-length novel! Just incredible how good these are for such a 'new' name.

"One Wrong Step" by Laura Griffin was a smart, action-packed romantic suspense novel that hit my sweet spot. The characters are just filled with foibles which makes for great twists and turns in the story. And the action? It's intelligent with no TSTL events thrown in just to 'move the plot' and irritate me! And really good sexual tension between the lead characters leading to some steamy sex scenes that are the icing on the cake.

Celie was a secondary character in "One Last Breath", but you don't need to have read that book to enjoy this one. Her husband became involved with cooking the books for a South American drug-lord. Then when Celie 'busted' him, he tried to have her best friend killed! When he disappeared into Mexico, Celie was relieved and immediately filed for divorce. It turns out that he left behind a 'little something' and the book opens with him paying a visit to Celie...an hour later he's dead.

Celie's best friend already warned her about reporter John McAllister. He's a gorgeous playboy...the last thing Celie needs right now. But as far as John's concerned, Celie's just...different. He's doesn't know what he wants with her, but it's not just fun and games. He admired her courage from afar ten years ago. About nine months ago he finally met her after she was almost killed. Now, she's in trouble again and this time he's not leaving.

There is SO much going on in "One Wrong Step". Personal issues, hopes and dreams, safety, battered women/children, barreness, adoption, crime, bravery...I could just go on and on. I think that's what draws me into Griffin's stories so quickly...I try to put myself into the heroine's shoes and it seems all too easy to imagine.

I could kick myself for letting "One Wrong Step" sit in my TBR until now. But her next novel, "Thread of Fear", will be out at the end of this month (Sep08) and you can bet it won't sit for even a day after I pick it up!!

2008-reads6 s Beth1,179 145

Laura Griffin has become a much better writer in the decade plus since she’s written this - and by better I mean smoother: smoother plots, smoother characters… there’s nothing much to here, and there’s particularly bad decision making on display. reviewed6 s Jane Stewart2,462 906

Ok for mystery suspense, but I wasn’t emotionally drawn in or entertained enough.

This is book 2 in the Borderline Series. It can be read as a stand alone book. You don’t need to read book 1, although I preferred book 1 over book 2. In book 1 “One Last Breath,” Robert and Cecelia are secondary characters and are married to each other. Robert stole money from Saledo, a drug lord, emptied his and Cecelia’s bank accounts and fled the country. Book 2 begins with Robert returning several months later to visit Cecelia. An hour after he leaves her, he is killed by Saledo’s thugs. Saledo’s people are now after Cecelia because they think she knows where the stolen money is. John is a journalist. He first met Cecelia years earlier when she was a witness in a trial. When he learns she is in town he gets involved and starts helping her. The FBI is also involved due to the Saledo connection.

For some reason, the characters and their developing relationship weren’t as good as in the author’s other books. The characters sound good, but I wasn’t emotionally drawn into them. John is a gorgeous playboy journalist, who is used to having many women. John first saw Cecelia years ago. Now he sees her and for some reason he no longer wants other women. I didn’t understand that. Apparently he is tired of meaningless sex, and she won’t be meaningless. Cecelia is finishing her college degree in social work, works in a homeless shelter for kids, is trying to get pregnant (as a single mom)– her dream is having a baby. And she is being threatened by thugs. Wow, does she have a lot going on. She lies to some people. She has her reasons. I couldn’t get excited or interested enough to want to read about her. I think the author has a good writing style. She doesn’t use any of my pet peeves which I admire. But this particular mix of characters and story just didn’t move me or entertain me enough.

Story length: 364 pages. Swearing language: strong. Sexual language: mild. Number of sex scenes: 2. Total number of sex scene pages: 8. Setting: current day Texas, Mexico and Russia. Copyright: 2008. Genre: romantic mystery suspense.

For a list of my of other books by this author, see my 5 star review of “Thread of Fear” posted 5/10/09.romantic-mystery-suspense4 s Anita2,275 180

It's difficult sometimes to go back and read the early work of an author. They often just don't measure up to what you know an author can do and had done in the future. You need to keep that in mind when reading this book. There are definitely elements here that show the promise of the writer Laura Griffin becomes. I especially d the dirtbag hero. He was a wonderful character and a great redeem project. I had more of a problem with the heroine. She displayed a tad too much angst, was a bit too needy and her moral compass was a little skewed.

Celie Wells had it all. A successful husband and a great best friend. Everything except the child she wants so desperately. Then it all came crashing down when it was discovered her husband was laundering the money of a deadly Mexican drug cartel. She packs up and moves from her small Texas town to Austin, picks up the threads of her life and moves on, taking classes to complete her degree and working at a home for battered women and children. Then her ex crashes into her life, gets murdered and puts her on the radar of the drug cartel.

John McAllister is a player, handsome, newspaper reporter and a babe magnet. He has known Celie since her rape trial over 10 years ago and always admired her. Definitely not the sort of woman who would hook up with him. But right now, she needs his help and even though his feelings run deeper, he needs to be what she needs right now and protect her. 3 1/2-Starskindle-libby-co romantic-supense4 s Maria V. SnyderAuthor 72 books17.1k

I was away for the weekend and grabbed this book to read. A fast-paced, entertaining romantic suspense and one of Laura's better books. Her books are my go-to vacation/relaxing reads and I only have one more left of her's to read!

Does anyone have any recommendations for other romantic suspense that aren't too romancy? Ones that are similar to Laura Griffins?2 s Twobchelm780 16

It was an ok read, 1 Marcella345 2

I've been reading and enjoying Laura Griffin's Tracer series and was curious to see if her first two books - One Last Breath and One Wrong Step - were just as enjoyable. And they were. The suspense is done well and the romance is believable.
The only small quibble I have is that in this book the heroine's child wish weighs so heavy that she doesn't really seem to have any other character traits.

PS I was happy to hear that the author was planning to write a book about the supporting characters Kate and Rowe, got sidetracked with a new series (Tracers), but still might get back to them one day. I hope she does.0-plank mm-paperb novel ...more1 Ayu Wirdha994 10

Satu jam setelah mantan suaminya-Robert muncul di apartemen Celia dan mencuri mobilnya, seorang jurnalis-Kate menemukan Robert tidak sadar di dalam mobil yang seperti habis ditabrak. Sampai rumah sakit Robert telah tewas, hal ini yang mengakibatkan Celia mesti berhubungan kembali dengan FBI. Saya tidak membaca buku 1, jadi mungkin detail bagaimana Robert yang bekerja di firma akuntan bisa mencuri uang dari Saleno, kartel narkotika. Ternyata uang tersebut telah diketahui persembunyiannya oleh Celie dan sudah dipakai pula walau untuk kebutuhan shelter anak dan wanita dimana Celie bekerja. Jadi selama ini Celie berbohong kepada FBI tentang uang tersebut. Ketika pihak kartel mulai tidak sabar barulah Celia meminta bantuan FBI (lah dari kemarin kemana aja neng, udah tau duit haram kok ya berani2nya makai walau untuk tujuan mulia). Btw, FBI-nya juga oon masa iya tidak bisa mendapat pengakuan dari Celie soal uang tersebut. Logikanya, Celie itu kerja di Shelter yang pastinya gajinya standar lalu mulai kuliah lagi, tinggal di apartemen yang sistem keamanannya bagus alias mahal, bisa nyewa bodyguard, beli mobil mahal lah darimana uangnya? Mantan suami menguras tabungan, Celie berasal dari keluarga biasa bukan kaya. Jadi ini novel menurut saya banyak fakta yang ga masuk akal. Romansa antara Celie dan John pun biasa saja.

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