
One For The Road de Green, Crystal

de Green, Crystal - Género: English
libro gratis One For The Road


SUMMARY: A dull job, boring relationships. Life was a yawn when Lucy Christie decided to hit the road with her best friend. But she didn't know just how much her dream vacation—a drive down Route 66 in search of no-questions-asked, guilt-free sexual encounters—would shake things up.Her first conquest was Joshua, a cowboy with fancy boots and hips made for sin, a man who filled in every gap in her previously limited sexual education. In fact, he was so good, Lucy regretted having to give him up. But when she tried moving on to the next ''drive-by seduction,'' her demanding lover tagged along intent on seducing her stop after stop!

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Heroine Lucy and her best friend go on a road trip. Instead it turns into Lucy's sex-with-a-stranger vacation. She deserts her friend and has sex with her "cowboy", hero Joshua, for the rest of the book. Lucy gets pissed whenever Joshua dares to ask her name or any personal details about her. I hated Lucy. Joshua was likable but I couldn't figure out why he wanted Lucy. Unfortunately the book was more annoying than enjoyable for me.crystal-green harlequin-blaze20 s Rebecca464 57

3.5 stars.

The heroine Lucy and her friend set out on a road trip in order to get away from their boring lives and have a bit of fun. Although Lucy's idea of fun means a meticulously planned out trip. One thing she was not counting on though is meeting sexy-as-sin Joshua, the hero. Joshua is taking some time out after a few disappointments in his life recently. As soon as he sees Lucy he is captivated by her and when they, accidentally, meet up at the same motel later they end up having a very passionate encounter. Joshua is surprised by how much he is drawn to Lucy, and convinces her to spend more time with him over the course of his trip. But he finds it frustrating that Lucy seems unwilling to open up to him. Once Lucy let's go of her need for planning she realises she actually s the freedom. Fearing another crappy relationship she tries really hard to keep her feelings for Joshua on a strictly fun basis.

I enjoyed this book, and the idea of the road trip part is great fun. The blurb is a little misleading though, so it didn't turn out quite as I expected. I d both characters; they were nicely written and had some great chemistry. The love scenes lacked emotion and felt a little gratuitous at times, but they were very steamy - as you would expect from a Blaze.
There is a subplot of the heroine's friend meeting someone, which I found a little boring and it took much needed focus away from the main relationship.

I did the blend of sadness and fun the author used in this book, and it is an enjoyable read.

Originally posted at http://everyday-is-the-same.blogspot....2 s Amy Brobst132 27

HOT! There is very little character development though. Lucy is on vaction with a friend when she meets a hot cowboy. She tries to fulfill a sexual fantasy- a two strangers who meet thing. There is a side romance where her friend (Carmen) meets a younger man who ends up being the son a racist politician. That is all I have to say. 1 Kristen491 35

This one was alright. Very "Thelma and Louise" type.1-read-20081 Njoyn104

I must have d it. Don't remember bought it June 2010 paid $3.60. 2nd read d it a lot. Way steamy and the guy.deleted-from-acct worth-reading-again1 Jo Reads Romance874 55

Fairly enjoyable road-trip romance
3 stars

I d the idea of a road-trip romance and essentially the book was a fun read but I just didn't feel connected to the characters and that made it difficult to give the book more than 3 stars.

Lucy was a able enough character - a woman who was used to having her life mapped out the way she wanted it and wasn't much for breaking the rules. While watching her discover herself was nice enough, I don't really think she would become such a different person in such a short space of time. Joshua was also a fine enough character but we only ever skim the surface of him. This made it as if you were being told about these people but you're just not sure whether you believe it.

There was a lot of sex within the book and while not bland, the emotional connection wasn't there for me during these scenes either so it was hard to get too interested in them.

There is also a secondary romance with Lucy's best friend and the young college student they meet on their trip. Having never been a fan of the younger man-older woman story line, I felt this didn't add anything to the book and I wanted to skip through these pages to get to the main love story.

Having said all this, the book is still well-written, engaging and you do want to keep reading to find out what happens to the characters. It wasn't really my cup of tea but I can see many people enjoying it and I would still recommend the book for a lazy afternoon read - it's just maybe not one for the keeper shelf.

contemporary harlequin-blaze mills-boon Lorrie451 13

The premise of this book COULD have been a decent one, had it been handled properly. Unfortunately, the book was filled with so much stubbornness and just plain badly written sex scenes it was more groan-worthy than titillating. I made it through the book on account of it being so short, but that's the only reason. And the ending was the only reason it got 2 stars instead of 1.2-star genre-romance length-0-to-249 ...more Netanella4,372 12

First line: IT WAS JUST a few days before Lucy Christie’s thirtieth birthday when she finally had the epiphany.

There is something about the writing in this book that struck an emotional cord in me. The story was good - a Thelma and Louise type tale of two young girlfriends who go on a road trip post-boyfriend breakup. Straight-laced, check-list Lucy has a one-night stand with a cowboy, who suddenly starts showing up at the rest of her stops. There's a secondary romance as well, with Carmen and the younger son of a local politician.

What I really connected with were the characters of Joshua and Lucy. Both seemed so broken, Joshua by the swindling of his ranch and Lucy by her continual abandonment of almost every male figure in her life. Their connection to each other - on the road, as total strangers - was a star struck event.

I've noticed that other reviewers didn't feel the same way about this book as I did. To each their own. This is a book I will remember for a long time to come.blaze Emily351 12

This book makes road trips seem extra fun! Melissa211 16

Typical romance/erotica novel. Rosa C.108 2

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