
The Dragon Waking de Grayson Towler

de Grayson Towler - Género: English
libro gratis The Dragon Waking


Rose Gallagher loves having a friend who is a dragon. When a dragon war threatens to break out, Rose must find courage to help her friend recover the Harbinger before its too late.
For 13-year old Rose, it feels like a dream come true to have a friend who can perform magic, change shape, and fly her away from the predictability of smalltown life. But secrets have a price, and the more Rose learns about the world of dragons, the more dangerous her life becomes. Helped only by her fantasy-obsessed friend and a local occult enthusiast, Rose soon finds herself risking her life to help Jade recover a mysterious fragment of a meteorite called the Harbinger which has the power to awaken countless dragons from their 65-million year slumber. But Jade isn't the only one who wants the Harbinger. The most powerful man in Las Vegas is actually another dragon who wants the stone to fulfill his own ambitions. The fragile bond between Rose and Jade is put to the test as they face...

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"The Dragon Waking" is one of the better middle grade novels I've read. I give this book a solid 3.5 stars because I didn't skim any chapters, the vocabulary was interesting, and there were action scenes with flying dragons in the book.

I think the book's structure suffers a bit because the novel begins with characters who don't feature in the main plot at all, and the opening chapters set a rather dull tone for this high-action tale. Instead of starting the novel in art class with a belligerent football-coach teacher (who never appears in the story again) and a bully who is largely inconsequential (he reappears one more time, but really serves no purpose), the story could've introduced the primary antagonist/main villain in chapter one, since Rex Triumph plays such a huge role in the book and becomes one of the point of view characters on page 129, when he is introduced for the first time.

My favorite line in the novel appears on page 261, when the main character, Rose, is riding a dragon named Jade, and they're engaged in a high-action battle in air against the villain-dragon, Rex Triumph --

"She was a knight in diamond armor."

As much as I loved that line, I also really struggled with that sentence being written as a simile, since Rose WAS flying into battle, in a fight to the death, while wearing diamond armor. I don't know why the author used "" there other than a sexist notion that knights can only be male, and never thirteen-year-old females. I wish the line had simply read: "She was a knight in diamond armor."

Once the book finally arrives at the main plot, the story picks up and there's a good deal of action. The final third of this novel features a lot of battle and danger scenes. The villain Rex Triumph also brings some robotic dinosaurs to life, and the animals tear up a Las Vegas casino.

My favorite thing about this book was the use of the words tektite, harbinger, and graphite powder. This novel had a lot of interesting concepts and terms, and the use of modern science, as well as a brief mention of Wicca, elevated this book far above a lot of the other middle grade fiction I've read.

A fun read, and recommended to anyone seeking middle grade fiction and a breezy, warmhearted dragon tale.
2016-reads fantasy fiction ...more2 s Laura2,903 83

First let me say that the author had a good concept. The idea that dragons have been around since the time of the dinosaurs. And un the dinosaurs, they were not wiped out by the comet, but went into a form of hibernation, until now. And, when dragons dream, they are visible in the human world, and can interact with us, but only as long as what they are hidden as is visible, when it goes away, they vanish. If they are hidden as a cloud, for example, or a lake.

Doesn't that sound cool? Doesn't that sound a book you would want to read?

Yeah, me too, which is why I picked it up.

So, when do we learn this fun information? Oh, in the last 3/4 of the book, when the evil dragon comes along, who wants to wake up all the dragons to take over the world, and it is only through Jade's, the dragon who woke up first, friendship with a human, Rose that she overcomes the evil dragon.

The reason that most of this review is a spoiler is that the only good, exciting bit, happens near the end. The whole rest is boring, and slow as a granny snail. I didn't care about the main characters. I didn't know why some were even around.

So, the first 3/4 of the book gets one star, but the last 3/4 bumps it up to 3. I sort of wish the author could go back and rewrite this with the concept more up front, and make this into a truly exciting and interesting book.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.dragons hoover-damn las-vegas ...more2 s Luke3

The ideas of dragonkind are creative, the characters are able (Jade being my favorite), Rex is pretty understandable as a villain, and Rose and Jade have an adorable relationship. I also how in chapter 17 Rose breaks down, which is probably how any 13 year old would react in a hopeless situation, though maybe she over-reacted, or maybe that's just how a 13 year old would act. It's been a while since I was 13.

My only criticism is the characters feel they could be more developed, such as Clay, Sam, and Trevor, especially Trevor; and that the next books are not out yet. But those problems can probably be fixed in the next installments. And I'm aware that writing novels is a very hard task, so take your time.1 JacquelineAuthor 95 books89

Imaginative, delightful, and lyrical. I really enjoyed the discussions about magic and the notion that past generations would consider our smart phones and other technology magical. Rose and Jade were endearing characters.

Fun quotes:
p. 119 "When we experience something we don't understand, our imagination leaps to the rescue to find an explanation."
p. 123 "Everything had a secret to tell her--every gust of wind, every splash of water, every shadow cast on the concrete--if only she knew how to look and listen with an unclouded mind."
1 Cynthia37

“Cats exploded in every direction.” Best quote ever! This is a fun book written with teens as the audience but enjoyable for grownups as well. I look forward to the sequels.fantasy fiction1 Andrew5

Loved it! It's a great tweens fantasy book.1 Melody1,821 7

Adventure!!j-fiction teen-fiction1 Myung Sub2

This book is absolutely amazing. I am a huge fan of dragons and this book completely satisfied me as a fan of dragons. If you are a fan of dragons, you should read this book. 1 Hazel Rainfall107 9

My 11 year old niece loved this book, I found it a bit lacking though. I did not appreciate the peer-to-peer name calling and characters saying things , "I am going to kill you." "I should wring his stupid neck." "Don't get your undies in a bunch!" Things this peppered the pages and I find it completely inappropriate for children to read things this.
Also, there were portions of this book that were completely unrealistic, a 13 year old girl hiking alone in the desert.
Overall I loved the story, though it is not geared well for young children. Mercedes Luna30

I loved this book. I think that some of the words could be rewritten since this is a children's books, but overall I loved the adventure and the friendship that blossomed between Rose and Jade. Devyn623

For a book about dragons, there wasn't nearly enough dragon activity to satisfy. Barbara Desmond297 14

Got ARC from Net Galley.

I seem to be in the dragon zone when it comes to reading right now since this would be the third book I've read recently with dragons in it. How adorable is this cover? Anyhoo I saw this on Net Galley and thought I need more middle grade in my life. This was a cute and quick read that even I managed to finish pretty quickly. I'm not the speediest of readers.

I do wonder if this book is the first in a series since I'm getting that kind of vibe from it. As you can see from the cover there are dragons in it and also the title mentions that too. This is an interesting world that Rose finds herself in the middle of when she goes out rock picking and discovers not just a really cool rock but a girl that isn't just a girl she's a dragon. Did that make sense?

I really the friendship between Rose and Jade and Clay as well. I always perk up when friendships show up since they aren't often in a book let alone remain consistent through the course of the book since they usually take a back seat to what's going down. It turns out that while the dinosaurs were wiped out the dragons weren't since they were sleeping until Jade wakes up. This starts a journey that gets a little crazy at times but the friendship is solid and remains that way throughout the book. Even though I would love to read more stand alones that doesn't mean I object to a book being a series since I did enjoy this world and felt the book ended in such a way that it could easily be expanded upon. I'd to know more about the dragons and what other ones are out there since it was interesting when it turned out that Jade wasn't the only dragon in town.

http://www.ficgal.com/book-club/the-d... Rosemary454 14

Thirteen year-old Rose Gallagher has a new friend, who just happens to be a dragon she names Jade. Jade can change her shape, taking on the form of a young teen girl, just Rose; she can also take Rose soaring across the skies in her natural form. Jade is searching for a special rock that she calls the Harbinger but she’s not the only one. The Harbinger has the power to awaken all the dragons in our world from their 65 million year-old nap, and Rose and Jade are in a race to find the rock first.

Dragons soar and battle in the skies over Las Vegas, making this a fun fantasy tale for dragon lovers. The story takes place in our own world, imbuing our own planet with some magic of its own, rather than creating a fantastic new setting. Prehistory gets an amusing tweak as we learn that dinosaurs and dragons roamed the earth together at one point, and we have the longtime battle of good vs. evil, compassion and friendship versus a lust for power. The ending leaves the possibility of a sequel open. Readers can get a free extra chapter from the author’s website – don’t miss it!

The Dragon Waking is a good additional purchase for fantasy collections and dragon fans.
Carrie1,073 85

The Dragon Waking was a very, very young middle grade novel. At times it felt the main character was in elementary school and not a 13 year old. I don't know it that played a part in it, or if it was simply the story itself, but I found the plot very cheesy. Sadly, even though it was focused on dragons, The Dragon Waking was rather boring. I don't think any of the characters were well developed at all. It was really hard to get into this book.
paranormal read-2016 Magdalyn Ann187 6

A cute as heck tale of a girl and her new best friend, who just so happens to be a dragon. Jade and Rose's friendship was so strong it was heartwarming! Look for the full review on rrwrites.com in the coming weeks! T.J. BurnsAuthor 83 books44 Want to read

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.2016-11-november albert-whitman fantasy-sci-fi ...more LibraryDanielle726 33

cute younger middle grade novel. quick read.2016 Alice4,337 1 follower

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