
ROXANNE: A Kings Lake Investigation de Grainger, Peter

de Grainger, Peter - Género: English
libro gratis ROXANNE: A Kings Lake Investigation


Grainger, Peter Year: 2020

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A smart mystery around decent detective work to determine the culprit involved. My issue is around a false allegation alleged that diminishes true ones. 6 of 10 stars 23 s Daniel Shindler282 126

Peter Grainger constructs meticulous police procedurals.This book is the third in the Kings Lake Investigation series, which is a continuation of the previous eight book series featuring DCSmith. The book can be read as a stand-alone but reading the series from inception provides greater insight into the characters Grainger has developed.
The most notable aspect of Grainger’s writing is his character development. The members of his investigative team are beautifully developed.The reader is drawn into both their personal lives and their interactions with each other. The plot in this book and previous books is the fulcrum that unfolds the character development throughout the novel.
The basics of this story are straightforward. A twenty two year old woman is found dead in a car in an isolated wooded area. In short order the team..DCI Cara Freeman, Sergeant Chris Waters, Serena Butler, John Murray and Tom Greene...learn that she (Roxanne) is a high priced escort. From this point forward, the team methodically moves forward to solve the case.
Grainger’s books are an example of less being more. His books are well plotted and are neither slow moving nor rapid paced. They are more of a slow burn. His prose augments his thoughtful narrative and draws the reader into the tapestry of human emotions that he creates.12 s Bicky145 28

Another fine procedural. Remarkably, the author has been able to depict modern policing with its rules and regulations while keeping the reader’s interest. For example, the SIO (senior investigating officer) is not to be involved with the direct interviewing of witnesses and suspects and is to be accompanied by a stenographer throughout!

The continuing growth and confidence of Chris Waters is another feature which I found pleasing as a fan of the DC Smith and Kings Lake series. I have found these two series to be thoroughly satisfying. But I must warn the reader to stay away from the Willows and Lane books.
12 s Cindy RollinsAuthor 23 books2,650

Excellent addition to the King’s Lake series, in my opinion. Read it very quickly and did enjoy being back in King’s Lake. 2021 mysteries8 s Cathy Ekstrom3

Peter Grainger never disappoints

He has the gift of making you feel you are there. His characters are people you've come to know and in some cases to love. By the third chapter it was hard to put the book down and I looked forward to being able to get back to it. But, the ultimate compliment for any book must be paid to this one -- I didn't want it to end and was sad when it did. And the author is clever enough to leave a few things hanging so that the next book can't come soon enough. Will DC go back to work? Will Chris and his girlfriend move in together. What is the introduction of Cara's sister leading to ? Will eden street at some point be involved in bringing those perpetrators to justice? Please let the next book come quickly ! Until it does I will miss DC, Chris and their associates.6 s Deanna956 59

The characters in this series are satisfyingly complex while seeming simply drawn, and their recognizable relationship dynamics carry the novels along so well that the interesting plots and superbly written procedural elements may as well be the icing instead of the other way around. There are laugh-out-loud moments that seal the deal. 4 s Liz9

A brilliant read

I have read all 11 books in this series and consider Peter Grainger to be my favourite author. Each book is so different. The stories are well developed and I enjoy getting to know all the characters as they are described so well and this often involves a touch of humour. Looking forward to the next book.3 s Marsha803 4

This story was a little haunting and sad. My rating is based more on that than the overall quality of the read so take it for what it is worth. There were references to DC Smith but only one short cameo. I miss him!!! I still don’t care much for Freeman but you do get a bit more of her backstory in this book. I live Murphy’s character and Green’s. Waters’ continues to develop but does tend to get himself in some interesting situations.2 s Kathy3,605 256

I usually admire and enjoy the writing of Peter Grainger and have also had some good reading out of the Kings Lake series. This book fell short for me. It was not cohesive and seemed pasted together after interruptions.

Due to all the positive I am downloading the book once again and will try it again in case I got some strange copy of the book. It started out nice...so To be continued

Kindle Unlimited2 s Tuesdayschild827 9

The picture of the young girl on the cover put me off wanting to listen to this audiobook – I actively avoid listening to modern era crime stories with violence against children - the picture is a flashback moment of the young woman (who is murdered) when she was a girl.
The perpetrator of the crime in this story became obvious as I read along, and makes for an interesting twist to most fiction crime stories about escorts.

Though everything is discussed pretty euphemistically, there are some really gritty topics in this Kings Lake investigation:
escort agencies, and, ‘party drugs’,
girls being drugged then violated,
wealthy men being protected from an intensive inquiry by the old boys club,
a young woman accuses Waters of violating her as revenge for his lack of any interest in her. 2021-read audio england ...more1 Carlin1,520 10

An almost perfect murder mystery, crime investigation novel. The 3rd in the King's Lake mystery series the characters in the special murder squad have come to life for me; I care about them and their relationships on the team and in their outside worlds. The victim's life (and occupation as a high priced escort) became the team's focus while they worked out who had ended it. I can't wait to see what's next in the series!1 Peggy670 13

Good read

The characters made this a solid 4. The story was somewhat different than the usual murder investigation plots. Enjoyable read.1 Angie141

I am amazed that this author publishes his own books. So wholesome and so enjoyable!entertainment1 Helen Ahern249 21

Such a great series. 1 Karen539

Another wonderful Kings Lake book this time investigating the murder of a young woman escort. I really enjoy Grainger’s writing, his attention to detail and the wonderful characters who I learn more about each novel and yet always feel old friends. 1 Anne84 5

Excellent as always

I have thoroughly enjoyed both series by Peter Grainger, and his earlier non-Kingslake novels, and this book is excellent. Peter writes rounded police procedurals for grown-ups, where the plot doesn’t produce some impossible culprit or international criminal. Once you have got used to the “jnsights along the way” style, they are almost self-help general management manuals! Please keep on writing, Peter.1 Drka297 8

As always, most enjoyable and so well written. 1 Helen Ostovich19 Read

Excellent, although I love the Kings Lake novels best. But I read every new book of his I can find. Write more! Judy Smith6

I’ve read and enjoyed all of the DC Smith books and now the three Kings Lake books. Roxanne has connections with the earlier stories that make the plot ring true. I the way the characters have grown and developed, especially Chris Waters who continues to remind readers of DC and lessons learned. Each member of the squad is an individual with a distinctive personality and working style yet we learn a bit more about them in this novel. Grainger leads us through the case with lots of police procedure but without being boring or graphic. I still miss DC but glad he made an appearance. The author has created a memorable set of characters and continues to use them in believable stories.
(I do wish he would rewrite the paragraphs where he changes from third person to second in the middle of a paragraph or page.)1 Michele 192

Another excellent book from Peter Grainger. I listened to the audiobook, Gildart Jackson is fabulous as the reader. I must admit I was doubtful about this spinoff series without DC Smith, but my skepticism was unfounded. Although I do miss DC as a main character in this new series, Grainger is doing a great job with it. In this one we learn a bit more about the secretive Cara Freeman. Relationships shift in the new murder squad that's not so new anymore. The central mystery itself is an interesting one, Peter Grainger always keep the reader guessing. Chris Waters, a favorite character of mine, is doing well although he has a bump in the road in this one. There were enough threads left hanging that I suspect Mr. Grainger is perhaps already working on Kings Lake #4. I certainly hope so. police-procedurals1 Colour Me Purple63

Mr. Grainger had done it again. Roxanne hits just the right mixture of character and plot development. Mr. Grainger’s descriptions of the Murder Squad interacting closely together to bring cases to a successful conclusion are fascinating. All the emotions are here, including instances of the subtle humour and asides that are trademarks of his writing. As my own aside-the more I get to know Inspector Green, the more I appreciate him.

Get ready for some surprises.

Having said all the above, I think that references to events in previous books might be confusing to readers who have not followed the series from Book 1.

If you enjoy a good mystery and haven’t already done so, I highly recommend you try the DC/Kings Lake Mysteries.
1 Linda Rowlett377 2

Peter Grainger has not disappointed me to date. I listen to his books on Audible, and the reader is excellent as well. Grainger’s prose is sometimes almost poetic. The Kings Lake novels are police procedurals. They are detailed, interesting, and full of information about policing in England in contemporary times.

What impresses me most about Grainger’s Kings Lake and DC Smith novels is the character development. I am pretty tied to reading a series in chronological order, and in these novels the characters have grown and changed in logical and believable ways. In Roxanne we get particular insight into Cara Freeman’s life.

I hated for this book to end, but mysteries are solved and novels end. There is a DC Smith novel coming soon — so something to look forward to!1 PIETER180 3

I have read all the DC Smith books and King's Lake Investigations. In the newest book I miss DC but his spirit hovers over all the book. His protogés Chris Waters, Serena Butler and John Murray form the foundation of this story and the newer character, DCI Cara Freeman continues strongly. Another character introduced in the King's Lake series, Denise Sterling, becomes more defined and important. Peter Grainger has steadily improved as an author and this mystery is satisfyingly complicated and complex. I look forward to book twelve.1 Joi Keen427

Another excellent installment in Peter Grainger's Kings Lake series. The team is working well together -- well, all but one who causes some trouble and then is gone -- and Waters is the primary voice as usual. I very much enjoy the growth of Waters and particularly love the moments we hear from DC, both in person and in his head. Freeman's backstory becomes a little more detailed in this one.

As usual, I listened to Roxanne, and Gildart Jackson is fantastic as always. I am ready for the next Kings Lake installment!1 Tammi Stuhldreher564

3.5 stars. I'm enjoying this series more and more. These books should be read in order after you read the DC Smith series, as most of the character development is in the earlier series, and there are many references to those earlier cases. I think DS Waters has turned out to be a pretty great main character. The story is solid and interesting. Recommend to all who a good mystery/catch the bad guy story. 1 Pj Jenkins9

Outstanding as usual...

Read the prior series, which was also terrific. Great way to continue the story while allowing characters to grow (up and old btw). One of my absolute all time favorite authors. A real job to read, and a bummer when you realize that the book has ended and you need to await the next...1 CLM106 1 follower

Grainger never disappoints

Even though I had a very good idea where this was going, the "answer" is never really the point. This series is so much more about the microcosm, the team, the interactions, and now the newer forensic avenues, than about the specific denouement of the crime. I only wish the author could write faster so there would be more to enjoy.1 Cathlynn S.83 3

Enticing story line with great character development

Depth of character development based on realistic dialogue and observation of inner growth. Reveal of personal history of Freeman. Build up of relationship between Waters and Miriam. Love the layers of story build up going through case stages until guilty parties confess.1 Hobart2,542 66

This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader.
Gregory "It's not lupus" House, MD's guiding dictum was "Everybody lies." Every police officer/detective knows and expects this, too. But there are cases where the lies fly thicker than others—this is one of those.

DS Chris Waters and DCI Cara Freeman are called to sign off on an apparent suicide/accidental overdose. But because this isn't a short story, they both notice some things that make those scenarios highly improbable/impossible, and the Murder Squad takes the case (incidentally, they haven't had a lot of work to justify their existence, so it's coincidentally good for them). They soon discover that the victim was a sex worker. This alone pretty much guarantees that everyone is going to be lying to them—her roommates, clients, the people at her former booking service.

Some good breaks, some lucky leaps of intuition—and a little advice from a certain retired detective—help the team get to the truth. A very nice touch was seeing how Waters being a decent guy with a good memory from a previous case or two pay off now. His training served him well.

We get a little more backstory for DCI Freeman here—rounding the character out a bit. It's nice, but I don't know that her character needs to be humanized or anything. She's a driven and highly compartmentalized person, and if we really only see her at work, I think that's enough. I clearly don't think that's the case for all characters in this series (I'm a huge fan of the current romantic subplot for Waters, can't get enough of John Murray as father, etc.), but for her, I'm content as is.

But hey, if Grainger wants to shed some light on her? I'll take it—and I thought it was a good way to show what made her into the person she is today.

This could be spoiler-ish, but I'll try to keep this detail-free. So when Grainger introduced a whole lot of new characters in On Eden Street, I wondered how he was going to serve them all—and so far, the answer is sparingly. But he's not ignoring them, and they seem better people to work with than the characters on the other side of the office back in the DC Smith series. We got to know some of them in On Eden Street, but there was one character Grainger didn't do much with, but he addressed that this time.

I think it was better to ignore her. Her activities land Waters in some hot water—and it could've been interesting to see this play out. It also could've been annoying because there's no way that any reader would believe Chris did something that questionable, and Grainger really couldn't afford to damage the character at this point. At the same time, it seemed almost too easy for Waters to get out of that hot water. I knew he'd be okay, but he should've had to work a little harder for it.

Unless this storyline circles back in a future book, I just don't understand why it happened. It's the first time in 11 books that I'm really questioning something that Grainger did.

I don't have anything new to say about Jackson at this point. I thoroughly enjoy his work, I can't imagine listening to one of this series with anyone else, nor do I think I'd enjoy reading one on my own half as much.

* Yes, I'm just plagiarizing myself at this point—and will ly do so in the future, I'm not creative enough to find a new way to talk about how good he is.

This is another winner from Grainger and Jackson. Grainger has this gift for taking what looks a "small" case, an everyday kind of thing—no grand conspiracy, serial killer, or especially violent death we so often get in procedurals—the kind of case you expect the police to deal with on a pretty regular basis, and turning it into something as interesting for the reader as a "flashier" case would be in other series.

There's not a lot of character development going on here—these are all adults who are good at their jobs—they're gaining experience, getting better at them, and are progressing through their careers/personal lives as we all do. So at this point, it's about us getting to know them better (this is not, in my mind, contradicting what I said about not needing to know more about Freeman outside of work), understanding them better, and seeing how the past builds on itself. Grainger is able to do this while telling stand-alone stories in a way that few others can. It's one of the surest pleasures in my life watching him do this.

Not surprisingly to anyone who's read me before—I strongly recommend this, and all of Grainger's DC Smith/King's Lake Investigations series. Solid, entertaining mysteries; characters that will endear themselves to you; and a reliably clever narration (the text itself and the audiobook narrator).2022-reads audiobooks Pat K769 12

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