
Laird of Flint de Glynnis Campbell

de Glynnis Campbell - Género: English
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Glynnis Campbell Series: The Warrior Lairds of Rivenloch 02 Publisher: Glynnis Campbell, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9781634801362

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Book: Laird of Flint
Author: Glynnis Campbell
Series: The Warrior Lairds of Rivenloch, Book 2
Book Length: 373 Pages
Publisher: Glynnis Campbell
Release Date: May 7, 2024
Overall Rating: 5/5 Stars
Blog Rating: 5/5 Saltire Flags

Scotland, 1159
Hew du Lac is a Rivenloch warrior who is physically very impressive to look at with his hammer making him look his Viking ancestors, especially with his fair hair and braw muscular physique! Yet his personality is extra special as he is kind, caring, sweet, funny, honest, honorable and protective to those he cares about. His biggest problem is that he gives his big heart away easily, but also thinks he is in love every five minutes!

Sadly these disloyal women just thrash his heart and throw him away with a feeble excuse and break his tender heart! Of course he soon realizes it was more about lust than it was true love. His mum decides her son needs to take a break from women and these empty relationships. As there is a thief at the monastery and they want to discover who is stealing their wealthy religious treasures. It was the perfect place for Hew to mend his broken heart in a place surrounded by monks where women were not admitted.

Hew decides to ban all women and heal his broken heart at the Monastery. That is until he realized he was only going to be surrounded by monks who prayed all the time! Hew definitely missed women from their delightful smells, soft hair, rosy cheeks, wet lips, sway of their hips and their feminine giggles. Furthermore he was freezing in his monastery cell that had no warm hearth, the monks also ate each of their meals in silence as the size of their meals were for a small toddler. So Hew was starving not just for female companionship but for substance too, he was hungry on all fronts period!

That is until he sees Lady Carenza who is the most beautiful creature he has ever seen in his entire life! So much for banning all women as Hew already knew he was in love. Could she be the one? Is this the one true mate that would love him forever? This time he was going to take it slow, easy until one night when she was on medication and confessed her true feelings for Hew. This was absolutely killing Hew, but he pretended he did hear her until she started kissing him and telling him he would make a terrible monk!

Lady Carenza of Dunlop, who is a local Laird's daughter, who is not only the bonniest lass on the planet, but a kind and caring woman too. She loves with her whole heart and is a huge animal lover who is trying to save her favorite Highland coo from being slaughtered, which is called culling but she calls it killing. This is an animal she had been caring for the past six years.

She is also miserable being a Laird's daughter and doesn't the idea of being married off just for a clan alliance as if she was getting sold by the highest bidder a farm animal. Everything changes when she meets Hew and knows she has finally found her true love as he is the one person that makes her soul feel safe and at peace.

However soon they realize that Hew’s very life could be forfeit from the choices he has made from both choice and misunderstandings that could shatter both Hew and Carenza’s future. Will she lose the only man she has ever loved. Will Hew lose the one woman who owns his heart and soul? Plus the choices he might make might stretch his neck and some might feel he betraying the King

Decisions are not easy for these star crossed lovers and soon choices must be made. Will love win or the duties of clan loyalty. Which side will win? Read and find out in another fabulous Glynnis Campbell read.

I have been reading Glynnis Campbell books for many decades and she never disappoints. She is one of my favorite authors who is a brilliant storyteller and I am always swept away in her stories that makes me both giggle and gasp! This is another book readers don't want to miss. I highly recommend reading them all in series order, although it can be read as a stand alone book too. I personally feel readers will be able to connect the dots more easily in series order.

Disclaimer: I received a free advance review copy from the author and publisher for a fair and honest review. I voluntarily agreed to read, review and blog. All words, ideas and thoughts are my own.

The Warrior Lairds of Rivenloch

Roslynn Ernst10

Hew du Lac, has a serious weakness for women. Hew s all kinds and because of that his heart would also get entangled in the mess, making him fall in love with them all quite easily. Hew had actually fallen so deep in love with a woman that it ended up breaking his heart. Luckily, Hew was also good with a sword, so he knew how to fight. Hew’s mother makes the decision to send Hew away to a monastery in Kildunan. The reason being to figure out the thefts that keep happening there. Hew must disguise his warrior ways and tell everyone that he is there to take a vow of chastity. Of course, everything would work out perfectly until Hew meets the kindhearted animal-loving laird’s daughter, Lady Carenza of Dunlop. Hew thought he had avoided women until he met Carenza and instantly fell in love with her despite his quest to solve the thefts. Hew has a lot of competition with not just the animals but other men that want Carenza and even his own brother.
This book just literally made me smile, laugh, bit my nails off in anticipation and sigh at not just how good it was to read but everything that was jam-packed in the book. There was comedy, some scary moments, stunning scenery, heart-stopping romance and beautiful characters that stay with you long after the book is finished! Yes, this is part of a series so would it help to read the other books in the series it might just to understand the other minor characters, but it isn’t really necessary. The only sad thing I waited for it seemed a long while between the books. So, I forgot about Gellir’s story and how it fit. Some questions arose about the betrothal of Gellir and Hew fitting into the story. Hew is a great hero. He’s loyal and really has a heart of gold. Sure, he falls in love a little too quickly and is a bit hot-headed, but what’s not to love about him? Of course, when he does give his heart to a deserving lady, it’s forgiving and true. Carenza might seem Hew’s opposite, but in truth, she really isn’t. She’s tender-hearted, compassionate and loves all animals. In a sense, I kind of wish she would have been vegetarian had been then her stance on animals would have seemed a bit truer to her all-over nature. Ms. Glynnis Campbell just knows how to write such an entrancing tale that it is so easy to get swept along with it that I did forget what I was supposed to do.
Cherie S821 12

He Finally Found Love and Unlocked Her Heart
A beautiful love story that took me away to another time and place and kept me entertained with two dynamic characters, a horrendous mystery to solve and finding the right one to love.
Hew was a strong honorable warrior missioned to find a thief at the monastery. Corenza is a spirited lass who loves animals and sill do anything to save them.
I found the story was on the fun side with many humorous situations throughout, some heartfelt confessions, sinister villains, endearing attraction, a toe curling first kiss where the romance finally took hold and the pages started smoldering right before my eyes. Thank goodness I had my lady's fan ready which I had to use it more than once.
The last few chapters threw me a curve and had me totally shocked and disheartened, but everything turned around and made this story absolutely a story not to miss. 

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