
...And A Wake-Up de Giulia Lagomarsino

de Giulia Lagomarsino - Género: English
libro gratis ...And A Wake-Up


Giulia Lagomarsino Series: Owens Protective Services 19 Year: 2024

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All I can say is OMG. When I thought about Max in the previous Ops books, I imagined him as an older small man who is also a drunk.

Was I ever surprised to read this book. Max is not a small man, but a bulk of a guy who does love cigars, bad language and of course lots and lots of alcohol.

Christa is a music teacher at her father's church and has just ended a five-year engagement with a real low life. Unfortunately, her parents still don't understand what happened and are asking her to at least try counseling. She knows there is no way she will give her dirt bag ex another chance, but to appease her parents she agrees to three sessions only.

She only makes it to one and leaves just furious as the counselor keeps stating things that make her think it's her fault.
She jumps up and walks out while the dirt bag walks out after her, grabbing her arm. She turns and punches him; hurray for her.

Christa has a few close friends, and they decide she needs a night out. So, they end up at a bar that Christa finds a little rough. But she decides to make the best of it and orders a gin martini.

She is looking around the bar and her eyes land on a large man, rugged yet handsome. At the same time, he is looking at her and before she knows it she ends up with him taking her home.

Their passion is out of this world, yet when Max wakes up after his night with her, she is gone and he doesn't even remember her name, if he even got it. He just knows he loves the smell she left on his pillow.

This book is so Giulia, that you never know what's going to happen next. I loved this book and finally get to know who Max is.
Monique Delaney255

The book puts the comedy in romantic comedy

This is my first time reading anything from this author so I have no idea of this is the norm or not, but this book was hysterical. It's uniquely different from most romance novels in style and tone.

Somehow, this author managed to write something that's as ridiculously funny as say the movie Naked Gun or Airplane while simultaneously bringing heat and love along for the ride.

The cast of characters are all distinctive and interesting. Funny in their own ways. The action scenes were comical and written in a way I could almost see it unfold.

The main character's were endearing and slightly disturbing. The best I can describe would be if Jack Sparrow was a pilot instead of pirate and Lemon from Hart of Dixie was the main female character. The main male character is a drunk. He literally staggers his way through most of the story. The main female character is a good girl, a minister's daughter, who dresses in church clothes and teaches the children choir.

You have to suspend all rationality, to believe these two will work out. And you have to accept the over the top characterization's for what they are, which is simply the opportunity for a lightweight, fun ride.

I loved it. I have read over 400 books in the last year and not a single one was anything this one. When you read copious amounts of books I do, most of them start to fade into each other due to so many similarities, both in terms of tropes and writing styles. This book stands out amongst them as completely distinct and unique. I look forward to reading more from this author. Cathy BrockmanAuthor 5 books93

Hi Ya'll! Come join me while I tell you about this book I just read.
The title is...a Wake Up by Guilia Lagomarsino. it's book 19 in the Owens Protion Services series. You should read this in order because there are recurring characters and most times an overall series arc as well as the main arc of the book.
The cover is interesting. ( I really these covers). The summary drew me in because
This right here
...But un them, I don’t take great pleasure in rescuing the girl, taking out baddies, or saving the world.

That’s not what Island Time is about.'
Yeah this is gonna be different!
My favorite main character was...Max because not many can write such unlikable characters and make you fall in love with them...but Guila can...case in point one of the most popular characters in this series is Fox... a funyon eating, physchopath that gets his jollies torturing and didpising the bodies in acid ( only the baddies of course).
There is a secondary character I loved.*points above to Fox .... yeah we got lots of him plus FNG.

The plot was intriguing with Max and his drunken self and a preachers daughter? Now there's opposites for ya.
There is a small mission though I'd have d more suspense and missions.
But there is lots of humor too. Gotta love that.

The ending is good but I was expecting a bit more. Though all the endings are unique. Now time for the next book. BRING IT ON!

I recommend this if you protionservices, unique characters, ex military, preachers daughters, age gap, virgins, opposites attract, lots of heat and humor. Trish (Beautiful Chaos Reviews)912 21

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