
Double Grudge Donuts de Ginger Bolton

de Ginger Bolton - Género: English
libro gratis Double Grudge Donuts


The countdown is on as Deputy Donut Café owner Emily Westhill gets ready for married life. But before she takes the plunge, she'll need to poke a hole in a deadly criminal's plans . . .
When the Fallingbrook Arts Festival rolls into town weeks before she's set to tie the knot, Emily expects talent and friendly competition at the week-long summer series to go together like coffee and double fudge. But the fun crumbles fast after a lively bagpiper takes first place on day one and turns heads for the wrong reasons—all before Emily and her tabby cat find him dead in a clear case of murder. Along with a distinctive weapon at the crime scene, several strategically placed items leave disturbing clues about the killer's identity, including a broken piece of a Deputy Donut mug . . .
While detectives aren't sure who silenced the bagpiper's music, they don't trust Emily or her family to tell the truth. With her nuptials and career on the line, Emily...

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Double Grudge Donuts by Ginger Bolton is the eighth book in the cozy Deputy Donut Mystery series. As with most cozy mystery series each book of this series can be enjoyed as a standalone or in any order with the mystery being completely solved within each book. Of course there is some character building that carries over from book to book for those that follow the series from the beginning.

In the first book of this series we met Emily Westhill who co-owns the Deputy Donut donut shop named after her tabby cat in small-town Fallingbrook, Wisconsin. Emily used to work as a 911 dispatcher until the day her husband who was a police officer was killed so now she and her retired police chief father-in-law sell donuts at their shop instead. Although Emily thought opening a donut shop would be safe she keeps finding herself mixed up in solving murders.

This time around it’s almost time for Emily to walk down the aisle but just weeks before the big day is the Fallingbrook Arts Festival. Every day new talent will be performing all around the small town and Emily hopes to enjoy it all while working at her donut shop, that is until a rude bagpiper interrupts other performers. As annoying as the interruptions could be they certainly didn’t call for murder so when the bagpiper if found Emily vows to catch another murderer.

The Deputy Donut Mystery series is another cozy series that I have followed from the beginning and always enjoy returning back to with each new book. I love that law enforcement is so prevalent in the stories and not made out to be bungling idiots some cozies tend to do. Emily is surrounded by police and has more knowledge of investigations so it’s fun to return to her sleuthing and there’s always a nice mystery to follow along with all the fun laughs I also enjoy in this genre.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

For more please visit https://carriesbook.com/netgalley32 s Linda Langford1,330 14

I always enjoy the Deputy Donut stories; however, this one just didn’t have the pizzaz that always pulled me into the previous books. I do recommend this series, though, this just wasn’t my favorite story.9 s LORI CASWELL2,611 298

Dollycas's Thoughts

Fallingbrook, Wisconsin is hosting an Arts Festival. It is a week-long talent competition for all ages with different events each day. The contestants perform each day in front of the downtown businesses as a preview leading up to their performances for competition each evening. That has brought in a lot more business for the Deputy Donut Café keeping Emily, Tom, and their assistants busy. The other businesses are enjoying the extra foot traffic as well.

Then after an entertaining evening, the next day Emily and her tabby cat, Dep find one of the contestants, a bagpiper who had won 1st place, dead on their way to work. The man was murdered not far from her café with a piece of a Deputy Donut mug nearby.

It is also just 14 days until Emily and Brent's wedding. Most of the details have been taken but the last thing they needed was another murder investigation leading up to their big day. Brent is going to miss much of the festival but he has called in for help from the Wisconsin Division of Criminal Investigation. The agent that comes is not the one Emily was hoping for but the point is to solve the case as fast as possible so they can get to their nuptials. Feeling someone is watching every step she takes, she knows she has to be careful not to become the killer's next victim.


Ms. Bolton has created a marvelous group of core characters for this series. Emily Westhill is an astute amateur sleuth. She gets people to open up to her easily, especially when she comes bearing donuts. She ruminates on the clues until something makes them all into place. She and Brent have such a strong relationship built on trust and love. He knows she has great instincts and she knows to report back to him about everything she learns and theories she has. She also knows to call him when her sleuthing may be dangerous. Emily has a wonderful relationship with her former in-laws. She and Tom work together happily every day and Cindy is around a lot. Emily's parents are in town too and are judges for the arts festival. She also has a great group of friends that always have her back. The character that always steals the scene though is Dep, Emily's tabby cat and mascot of the cafe complete with places for her to play and lounge and a window to watch all the people coming in for donuts and coffee.

The mystery started out with several suspects but as Emily worked through the clues the number of suspects decreased. She couldn't make all the clues fall into place though.  I will admit I tossed a big clue to the side and forgot about it and Emily did too. She really did her best to be safe at all times by trying not to go anywhere alone and going to public places with a lot of people. But when the final clue started to fall into place she may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. I definitely wasn't on board with the decision she made just a short time later but let me tell you what followed had me holding my breath and then the author threw in a jaw-dropping twist that greatly sped up my heart rate. It was an impressive showdown!

Thank you, Ms. Bolton, for allowing readers to attend Emily and Brent's wedding ceremony virtually. Your descriptions were perfect.

This series is so good. I have enjoyed every book and Double Grudge Donuts is a terrific continuation. I was entertained by marvelous characters and an excellent mystery, all set in my home state. Ms. Bolton creates a great balance of mystery, humor, and romance.

I am very excited to read the next book in the series, Blame the Beignets, set to be released on November 26, 2024, as Brent and Emily begin their married life together and to see what kind of mayhem they get mixed up in next. read-20245 s Christine1,538 32

Double Grudge Donuts is the newest in Ginger Bolton's Deputy Donut series. I have heard so many things about this series that I decided to jump right in with this latest book without reading the prior books. The author did a great job of gradually introducing the main characters so that those new to the series myself wouldn't be overwhelmed trying to catch up.

The events of this book take place during a weeklong arts festival in Fallingbrook, Wisconsin and that makes a fun backdrop for the story. I that instead of just telling readers this event was occurring, details about the various acts were given so you really felt a part of it. I enjoyed getting to know Emily, the co-owner of the Deputy Donut Cafe, (named after her cat), and her fiancé Brent Fyne, who is a police officer. Sometimes Emily takes some unnecessary risks in investigating the murder of one of the arts festival participants who had several enemies. However, I d that she regularly reported her findings and theories to Brent.

One thing I missed out on by starting at the end of the series is Emily mentions a couple of times that her best friends are Samantha and Misty, but she doesn't spend a lot of time with them in this book. Since I really enjoyed this book, I plan to go back and catch up on some of the prior books when I can, so I hope to see more of their friendship. I d the end of the book so much, so I know those who have been following the series regularly will love it! The book also includes some donut recipes that sound delicious, but too hard to make for my limited cooking skills.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for the advance copy. My review is voluntary and unbiased.4 s Deborah Almada1,011 29

First a thank you to #NetGalley and #Kensingtonbooks for an opportunity to read this book. This is a series I usually enjoy and with Emily and Brett's wedding in two weeks we can anticipate some joy! Emily's folks are staying with her as they are judging some of the musicals acts as part of an Arts Festival taking place in town. While the acts do some roaming and preforming on outside patios the one at Deputy Donut, during the day, there is also a judged event every evening at the town gazebo. When a bagpiper starts showing up everywhere and interrupts many of the acts, he really annoys a lot of people. When he shows up dead the suspect list is long. Can Emily help point the police in the right direction so that the wedding can move forward without an interruption? I enjoyed this mystery but will admit to being annoyed that the normally well grounded Emily did some risky things, especially before her wedding. I think readers of this series will be happy with how it all turns out.4 s Angela (Kentuckybooklover) Brocato-Skaggs1,691 30

A donut of a good time!

4.25 stars

Now I’m the first to admit I wasn’t thrilled with book 1 but I always give second chances. Now I absolutely LOVE LOVE this series. The characters are so good together and provide much entertainment even when not solving a murder. We need more books showing the good side of friendships and not always the backstabbing and one upping each other.

I’m not spoiling anything by saying this as it is all in the synopsis of the book. Hooray for Emily and Brent! I’m so glad they explored their love for each other and gave it a chance. Alec would be happy they are together. He knows Brent will love her she deserves.

I didn’t guess the killer or the why. I really thought it was one person and was ready to convict him!

Delicious donut recipes are always included. 2024-kindle-owned3 s Joy716

* Dep
* Delicious sounding donuts & coffee give me serious cravings.
* The town festival premise
* Begins too quickly with too many new characters and rushes around a bit chaotically
* Belabored trail of suspects and following of the clues, then the final three chapters are a blur
* I just kept waiting for it to settle in and flow together and it never did.

Thank you to Ginger Bolton, Kensington Books, and NetGalley for an advanced review copy in exchange for an honest review.cozy-mysteries netgalley-3 s Valerie737 11

I enjoyed this book. I the characters and settings I feel bad for the performers that were affected by the bagpipes. . I love the rooftop part of the book. #DoubleGudgeDonuts #NetGalley3 s Ashley Cate426 5

I have been looking forward to this book for such a long time! It’s been fun watching Brent and Emily’s relationship progress throughout the series. I love that this book is centered around donuts and I absolutely adore Deputy Donut and all the characters that make up this series.

I feel I could be great friends with a lot of these characters. I thought the mystery was top notch and that there were several interesting elements that contributed to the resolution of the mystery. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to reading many more books in the series.3 s Tracy Wood1,053 13

Emily Westhill is getting married in fourteen days, not that anyone's counting! Before that, there's a business to run, final arrangements to sort, and the week-long Fallingbrook Arts Festival to attend. With her parents judging some of the competitions and staying with her, life is getting busy, and that's before she and her cat, Dep, find a dead body!

Deputy Donuts is one of the stops on each day's mobile talent show, and business is brisk, but Emily has other things to concentrate on, especially as her beloved café has an undeniable link to the killing! Emily's fiance, Detective Brent Fyne, is on the case alongside a DCI agent she isn’t familiar with, and to add to the stress, he considers anyone linked to her or her business as a suspect! As the days fly past and the wedding gets ever closer, can Emily discover who is responsible before she loses the chance to walk down the aisle?

This is another great instalment of Ginger Bolton's Deputy Donuts Café Mystery Series, and I whizzed through it. I wasn't even close to working out whodunnit, and the big reveal was both original and tension filled. I also enjoyed the scenes set at the Arts Festival, which added a different aspect to life in Fallingbrook. I'm also a big fan of anything wedding related in cosy crime storylines, so this ticked all my boxes!

I was able to read an advanced copy of this thanks to NetGalley and the publishers, Kensington Books, but the opinions expressed are my own. I loved this but recommend reading the previous books first.02-netgalley-20231 Rachel2,243 90

Double Grudge Donuts by Ginger Bolton is a great cozy mystery that is the eighth book in the Deputy Donut mystery series.

I really enjoyed this newest installment of the Deputy Donut series. To see Emily and Brent tie the knot finally was awesome.

The murder/mystery definitely had me guessing and a few extra surprises are tucked into the story as well.

Looking forward to the next one.

4/5 stars

Thank you NG and Kensington Books for this wonderful arc and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion.

I am posting this review to my GR and Bookbub accounts immediately and will post it to my Amazon, Instagram, and B&N accounts upon publication on 2/20/24.1 Lisa~Ilovemypug~ Currier1,916 69

Double Grudge Donuts is a fantastic addition to this lovable series.
Emily Westhill is a good character, easy to , and fun to be around.
As her wedding day approaches, Emily and her bakery, Deputy Donut Cafe, are preparing for he Fallingbrook Arts Festival.
When a local bagpiper meets his death, it's Emily who finds him, and she soon finds herself involved in another murder investigation.
This story was fun to read, and I d how active Jocelyn was in the story.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for selecting me to read an advanced copy of the book.
 #DoubleGrudgeDonuts #NetGalleybakery cats coffee ...more1 Rebecca1,728 3

I love this series so much and really enjoyed this one! The best cat sidekick Dep plus Emily and all her friends make this town feel super cozy and a wonderful place to live where everyone seems connected and comfortable. I can see myself sitting in Deputy Donuts on the patio and enjoying the arts festival. The mystery was enjoyable to follow and I love how Emily does not fall for red herrings easily and is cautious around anyone she suspects. I also love how everyone (including her hunky police fiancé Brett) encourages her, but also do their best to keep her from being alone and try to keep her safe. I was shocked by the ending (love that) and the final scenes have such a flare of drama that kept me turning the pages as fast as I could. And a wedding! I am a SUCKER for a cozy wedding and this one had my heart eyes and I am already missing these characters.

Thanks to the publisher for a review copy!1 J Messina103 1 follower

Thank you NetGalley and Kensington Books for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. Double Grudge Donuts is the eighth book in the Deputy Donut Mystery series. I absolutely enjoyed this new installment, it was an excellent cozy mystery, as the previous books in the series. It was fun to return to Fallingbrook, this time with an arts festival and Emily and Brent's wedding soon taking place. The mystery around the bagpiper's death was well built and solid. There are so many great characters that contribute to the charm of this book and the series! If you are not yet familiar with this series, please start reading it, you won't be disappointed!1 Jerri Cachero632 49

Wedding planning & donut making, are the main things in Emily's life. Until a bagpiper is murdered and the police find a Deputy Donut mug at the scene of the crime. Emily has to take on the case if she wants to get married as planned & hope she can catch a murderer before she's a victim or in jail!

The Deputy Donut mysteries are so much fun! I have enjoyed seeing Emily's life change in so many good ways. The characters are well-written and relatable. And, who could turn down a delicious donut!

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the opinions expressed in this review are my own.1 Cassandra588 10

I love dep but Emily was so suspicious some people in this book, it just seemed over the top. it's normal to be grumpy if you get bad sleep. Also she seemed really old For a women in maybe early 20s early 30s with her stylist speech and assessments of others1 OpenBookSociety.com 3,933 125


Brought to you by OBS reviewer Jeanie

I found this to be a thoroughly delightful cozy mystery! This visit to Fallingbrook, Wisconsin, is my favorite so far for many reasons. An easy one is – double fudge donuts! For those who love to bake, the recipe is included. There is a sweet serving of humor, with one scene in particular that was laugh-out-loud funny!

I enjoy the regular characters as they are old friends. Emily and her late husband’s father, Tom, own Deputy Donut Café, the most popular place in town for donuts and other pastries, special coffee blends, and spending time with friends. The café is named after the cat that Emily and her late husband adopted, so named because of Alec’s law enforcement career and the interesting markings on her side.

The patio at Deputy Donut provided a front-row seat for afternoon visits from contestants of the Fallingbrook Arts Festival. Each evening, there would be themed competitions such as Wee Wonders Wednesday and Troubadour Tuesday. Every afternoon, the acts went to scheduled shops to give a preview of their act. This was the first year of the festival, and Emily’s parents, both avid supporters, hope it becomes an annual event. They would be judging some evenings, so they stayed at Emily’s rather than return to their RV park late at night.

The very best part of this novel is the wedding Emily and her fiancé, Brent, have been planning. They were counting the days to the big event. Brent is a detective with the local police department, and when a new, major crime occurs, he hoped to have it solved before the big day.

Kirk, a bagpiper who took first place in the Musical Monday event, was a thorn in everyone’s side that evening and the following day. He interrupted people when performing, including Quentin, a friend of Summer, one of Emily’s friends. He distracted Quentin so much that he couldn’t finish his coronet selection and took second place. On Tuesday, he interrupted and even followed some of the vocalists who were performing at several shops around town. He raised a stir in the pub, Fireplug, setting off Ed, one of the waitstaff. Early the next morning, Emily found Kirk dead in the alley that led to Deputy Donut. Near his body was a piece of ceramic broken from a Deputy Donut mug. A couple days later, the rest of the mug was found in Emily’s driveway.

The case is a challenge for Brent, as his department had called for a detective from the state Division of Criminal Investigation to assist. Vic was snarky, especially to Emily, and was visibly suspicious of her and several other people. Emily had helped solve several murders over the years. When she was asked to help a café owner, she didn’t want to get involved with the wedding so close, but she began to follow up on some people she considered possible suspects.

The characters are defined well, and it has been wonderful to see them grow through events of their lives. Emily and Brent perhaps had the most changes and challenges, since Emily’s husband had been Brent’s detective partner and best friend. Whether introduced in this mystery or a long-term character, each is demonstrated through realistic conversations and actions. It’s hard to choose just one favorite; I would have to say Emily, and include Dep. She is a loving little cat with a big, realistic cat-sonality. She loves being at the donut shop, people watching through the window between the office and dining area, and racing through the overhead runs and tunnels Tom built in the office to keep her entertained.

This mystery was plotted and executed well. The characters invited me in from the beginning and kept my attention throughout. I had a few suspects, but the bad guy was someone I hadn’t even considered! I didn’t want the novel to end, even though I did want to see who the killer was. I was very satisfied with this cozy mystery and highly recommend it and the series!jeanie June PriceAuthor 7 books71

The Fallingbrook Arts Festival sounds a delightful event. The categories vary, with an emphasis on performance, but competitors travel from business to business initially to showcase their act before the actual competition. The children's mime of Cinderella was my favorite, must admit. One problem this year, however. There's this seriously obnoxious bagpiper interrupting other acts. It isn't that he isn't talented. He's quite good. In fact, he wins his performance category after unnerving another favorite. Then, to make matters worse, he disrupts the entire town and people's sleep going about in the night playing at odd hours. Why is he so persistently obnoxious? If we knew, we'd probably know why poor Emily finds his body the next day. Well, actually it's her cat Dep who leads her to the body but since Dep can't give a statement, it's all on Emily's shoulders. Good thing her boyfriend and about-to-be-husband is in the detective in charge. But, oops, there's that out-of-town investigator sent to assist.

As I read and back stories were revealed, I realized I've obviously read bit of this series. I was glad to tune back in before Emily and Brent's upcoming wedding as I recalled their long friendship and his partnership with her late husband. But, well, murder has a way of throwing a few snags into plans. Given the general obnoxiousness of the victim, suspects aren't scarce and there are lots of twists and turns and red herrings that take us....nowhere? Well, somewhere. We're just not quite sure where the true clues are leading us. Heck, we don't even know why the man was killed. Is being obnoxious really enough of a reason to kill someone? And, whoa, what about the very visible clues found at the scene? They point in several different directions so, of course, Brent and Vic, the out-of-town investigator, have to follow them all to the end. It doesn't leave much time for wedding planning although, quite frankly, Emily is right in there asking her own questions and sharing what she finds out with Brent. Nice to see the amateur sleuth's romantic partner being supportive, not always telling them to stay out of the investigation, tempting as it surely is when you love someone and don't want to see them in danger.

That said, while I enjoyed the book, I didn't quite love it although the big reveal and final scene made it close. Some of the clues shared, for instance, seemed just a bit forced/awkward. Maybe because they came too fast and seemingly out of the blue. Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the book and it definitely kept me guessing although it's all tied together neatly at the end with an amazing scene that leaves Emily still a bit bewildered on who actually did it until she has a chance to talk through the events with others. Emily is also reminded that she's been told and retold to call Brent/police when she senses something is happening because they're rather waste some time than bag another body. Will she ever learn that lesson?

Bottom line, a fun read that will keep you guessing. You'll surely the characters and probably wish you could stop off at Emily's Deputy Donut Cafe to satisfy the sweet tooth craving reading will create with all the talk of donuts. Never fear, though, as recipes are included at the end. Ever had a Lemon Curd Long John? You can via that recipe and there are more. Thanks #NetGalley and #KensingtonBooks - #KensingtonCozies for inviting me over for the wedding. I loved getting a sneak peek at that scene and how Emily made it her own. 3 s JoAnne McMaster (Any Good Book)1,303 23

Emily Westhill is half owner of Deputy Donut, along with her ex-father-in-law Tom. She's thriving and happy and about to marry her fiancé, Brent Fyne. The Fallingbrook Arts Festival is in town, and she's getting more business with the competitors moving from business to business with their acts. Life is good...or at least it was...

When she watches a bagpiper play, it's obvious he's very good and of course, wins one of the contests. But he's also annoying, playing the pipes up and down the street, during other's acts. After speaking with people, Emily finds out that he's not well-d, either. The next morning tragedy strikes when Emily finds the piper dead, and calls the police. There's a list of suspects, and she's stunned to discover that both she and her parents are on the list. With less than two weeks until her wedding, Emily knows she needs to figure this out now or wedding bells won't be ringing for her...

This is the eighth book in the series and I have read them all. It's a delightful series, and the characters progress as it goes along; it's nice to see that things don't stay stagnant in the books. Emily is a great character; she's strong, intelligent, and smart; Brent admires these things and doesn't berate her when she finds clues for him. Her friends are interesting, as well as her employees, and we learn different things about them through the series.

In this one when the bagpiper dies, she doesn't know who the killer is, obviously, but she tries to find out (which is expected). Is it someone she already knows, or a stranger to her? And why was the piper killed? Also, why, and this is a big one, was a Deputy Donut mug found next to him? She's afraid it might implicate her parents in the murder, and she knows they didn't do it. But looking for a suspect with so many people in town isn't easy. Still, she manages to ask the right questions without antagonizing anyone, and that's a big plus in my eyes.

It isn't easy to write a review without giving away the plot line, mainly because this book has not been published yet, but I can tell you that Emily has a lot to do in this book, with the festival and wedding plans, and it might even be her cat Dep who gives her a clue, but you will have to read the book to find out. The clues are there, but watch for the red herrings that pepper the book.

When the ending comes, the climax is worth it all as Emily needs to use her wits to figure it all out and stay safe (as we know she will). It's practically the best part of the book and don't peek! I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did, and I look forward to the next in the series. Highly recommended.

I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley but this in no way influenced my review.cozy mysteries3 s dnsyl57375 10

"Double Grudge Donuts" is book #8 in the "A Deputy Donut Mystery" by Ginger Bolton.

"The countdown is on as Deputy Donut Café owner Emily Westhill gets ready for married life. But before she takes the plunge, she’ll need to poke a hole in a deadly criminal’s plans . . .

When the Fallingbrook Arts Festival rolls into town weeks before she’s set to tie the knot, Emily expects talent and friendly competition at the week-long summer series to go together coffee and double fudge. But the fun crumbles fast after a lively bagpiper takes first place on day one and turns heads for the wrong reasons—all before Emily and her tabby cat find him dead in a clear case of murder. Along with a distinctive weapon at the crime scene, several strategically placed items leave disturbing clues about the killer’s identity, including a broken piece of a Deputy Donut mug . . .

While detectives aren’t sure who silenced the bagpiper’s music, they don’t trust Emily or her family to tell the truth. With her nuptials and career on the line, Emily launches an unsettling investigation to save herself from trouble and bring a dangerous figure to justice. The search not only brings too many suspects into the picture, but also leads to a strange discovery on Deputy Donut’s rooftop. A discovery that tells Emily she better get cooking, because someone may be watching her every move . . . and carefully plotting to turn a wedding into a funeral!"

My thoughts:
I really enjoy the core characters in this series. They are well defined, professional in their careers but also a close knit fun bunch who always have each others backs.

The victim certainly hadn't done anything to make friends in town - he'd actually made himself a noisy pest but surely that wasn't enough to get him killed.

Bits of evidence around the body as well as a couple of other places pointed to several suspects. The DCI that was brought in clearly didn't know the citizens and had to ask some very difficult questions to clear some of out fave characters.

As always, Emily managed to find a few additional bits of info and started to put pieces together. Naturally, she and another character ended up in a dangerous situation - not completely sure who they could trust before the final pieces fell into place and a dramatic takedown!

The final few pages did a bit of a wrap up to fill in the blanks of unanswered questions as well as the much anticipate wedding. A few mouthwatering recipes are also included! Karen (BaronessBookTrove)979 99

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Double Grudge Donuts by Ginger Bolton is just days away from Emily and Brent getting married.
Can Emily and Brent solve the bagpiper's mysterious death?
Emily Westhill
Emily Westhill is over the moon about getting married to Brent in a few days. She loves having her parents in her home, her job, Dep - the cat, and, of course, her soon-to-be husband. The Fallingbrook Arts Festival is in full swing before Emily's wedding, and all the acts are great. Emily gets unwittingly involved in solving the mystery since she wants to help the police, and it doesn't help that people always talk to her. I love Emily as a character, and I'm glad she is getting a happy ending again.

The Mystery
Emily Westhill was walking to work with Deputy Donut, Dep, the cat, and that is when they found the dead body of the bagpiper. Let's say that there are a lot of clues and connecting puzzle pieces that had my head spinning. I got who did it but then wrote them off until I put them back on the suspect list, just as Emily did again. This time, Ms. Bolton got me.

Five Stars
I am giving five stars to Double Grudge Donuts by Ginger Bolton, and I'm also recommending this series. Ms. Bolton does an incredible job of writing this whole series. When you read this series, I suggest you have a donut or two so you won't be craving them.

Ms. Bolton has put recipes in the back of the book. The recipes are Double Fudge Donuts, Fudge Frosting, Lemon-Curd Long Johns, and Lemon Curd.

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Double Grudge Donuts by Ginger Bolton.

Until the next time,

Happy Reading!

This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove K.A. DavisAuthor 4 books467

DOUBLE GRUDGE DONUTS is the eighth book in the Deputy Donut Mysteries by Ginger Bolton. With a fun week of events planned for the Fallingbrook Arts Festival, a mere two weeks before her wedding, Emily Westhill has her hands full baking up donuts at Deputy Donut. What she didn’t need was a disruptive bagpiper stirring up trouble with participants and keeping townsfolk awake at all hours of the night playing the pipes. Ms. Bolton sets the stage for a riveting murder mystery and delectable donuts with vivid descriptions and wonderful characters. I’ve enjoyed watching Emily progress over the course of the series (and while this can be read as a standalone, if you love character development, then start with the first book) and I was so excited to finally “see” her walk down the aisle. I also d how her former in-laws and her parents were prevalent throughout the story and, of course, her feline, Deputy Donut, steals each scene she inhabits. In fact, Dep helps discover the victim and points to a vital clue!

Upon the discovery of the pesky bagpiper’s body, Emily gets pulled into the investigation. With her fiancé, Brett, being one of the detectives investigating the crime, Emily knows to be careful and to turn over any uncovered clue to law enforcement. I enjoy how Brett relies and trusts the information Emily finds and how he’s happy for her to call for backup anytime she feels the need. With suspects galore, there’s many people to question, and Emily is just the gal to do it with donuts in hand. People have a way of opening up to her that they wouldn’t with the police. The pacing was good, interspersed with running the donut shop and enjoying the cute festivities, especially the skits put on by the kids in town. As the suspects dwindle and clues point to a specific person, Emily tries to play it safe, but in the end takes some risks alongside her employee. The surprising twist at the reveal provided a heart stopping moment, and I couldn’t turn pages fast enough. When all was said and done though, the pieces fell into place and my questions were answered… just in time for Emily and Brett’s wedding!

I was provided with an advance copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.2 s Seraphia1,926 27

Ready to sink your teeth into a new Deputy Donut mystery novel? Well, great news because the wait is over! Emily and Dep, her precious kitty, are back to solve another mystery and try not to turn her wedding into a funeral!
Double Grudge Donuts drops readers back in Fallingbrook during the summer Fallingbrook Arts Festival. Sounds a great time of year, right? Lots of art, performances to explore, donuts to taste, and much more! But things are already starting off on the wrong foot from the beginning! A musical performance suffers some struggles, compound that with rude squeaks and squawks from a certain bagpiper and you have a recipe for trouble!
Emily is literally weeks away from getting married, but a murder could end up derailing all of it. When the bagpiper turns up murdered on her way in to work, it spells quite a bit of trouble. Things have been going missing around town, and more than one article turns up at the scene of the crime. The suspect list? Is about to be a big one, and Emily and her parents? Just might wind up at the very tippy top.
Double Grudge Donuts is a nice addition to the Deputy Donut mystery series with readers begin reunited with Emily, Dep and the residents of Fallingbrook. It’s not going to be an easy task uncovering who killed the bagpiper, Kirk, and figuring out the reason why. The clues are out there, and in some cases...they are in plain sight!
Emily is going to have her work cut out for her as she searches for clues and works to piece together who the real murderer is. It won’t be easy, but with some help from unexpected places, she’ll get it done!
Hoping for a spotlight to be shone on the upcoming wedding and some of the last minute details? Unfortunately, you’re going to not get any of that. The wedding will be touched on lightly, but it will come off more as the glaze or frosting of the story an ingredient in the mix to create the proverbial “donut.”
Double Grudge Donuts is a nice addition to the Deputy Donut mystery series, and readers who enjoy cozy mysteries will not want to miss out on this latest addition.
4.5 out of 5 starsarc-shelf cops cozy ...more Jill144 2

So happy to have another installment in this wonderful series! Double Grudge Donuts is the 8th in the Deputy Donut series and it finds Emily Westhill, her co-owner of Deputy Donut and father-in-law Tom, and staff up to their eyeballs in donuts as they bake and fry up a storm preparing for the many visitors the Fallingbrook Arts Festival has brought to town. On top of all of this Emily's wedding is only weeks away. Unfortunately, once again Emily discovers a body, but this time that of a bagpiper who seems to have offended a majority of the people with whom he has crossed paths. Emily can't help herself and she starts asking questions, trying to discover who of the many suspects could be the murderer. True to form, Emily's actions place she and employee Jocelyn in danger when the lightbulb goes off and she realizes not only how the murder was committed, but also by whom.

This is just a great book. I love it when the author so deftly weaves the murder into the character's daily lives that you forget a crime has been committed and just want to hang out with the characters - Ms. Bolton has done just this as we go to work with Emily, spend time with friend Summer and Emily's parents, interact with longtime friends Misty, Samantha, fiance Brent and of course get reacquainted with tabby cat Deputy Donut and her antics. After 8 books these characters have become friends with whom you've traveled through many life events. In addition to the great character development Ms. Bolton has done a fantastic job describing place. You can picture the town of Fallingbrook, the forest where Brent lives and the lake which has taken a part in a few of Emily's adventures.

Double Grudge Donuts kept me guessing until the end, and the manner by which the murderer operated is unique and surprising, given that suspects and red herrings abound! Once I picked up the book I could not put it down, happily reading the book in one setting.

If you've not yet met Emily or Deputy Donut, I highly encourage you to do so! reflectingonthepages473 3

The Fallingbrook Art Festival is in town just weeks before Emily is getting married. Emily imagines a friendly competition and different talents at the week long event. The fun soon dissipates when a bagpiper takes first place on day one for the wrong reasons. It isn’t long before Emily and her tabby feline companion, Dep, find the body of the bagpiper. This was clearly murder with the distinctive weapon left at the crime scene. Several items are also left leading to disturbing clues about the killer’s identity, including a broken piece of a Deputy Donut mug from Emily’s business. Detectives are unsure who killed the bagpiper but they aren’t willing to trust Emily or her family. With her career on the line and her upcoming nuptials Emily begins her own investigation revealing multiple suspects and a lead to a strange discovery on Deputy Donut’s rooftop.
Emily is a cop’s widow which gives her a unique insight into police procedures. She’s also set to marry a detective. That knowledge combined with her attention to detail and people’s willingness to talk to her make her a skillful sleuth. This mystery was complicated by the amount of suspects and motives. Following Emily as she methodically peruses every lead was interesting and made for a good guessing game of who done it. The end result was more dangerous as the plot took a turn leaving Emily in a position of not knowing who to trust. A high risk scenario ( and humorous one too) finally reveals the killer and I d that the motive was not obvious. This well done mystery brought in plenty of suspicion and well placed bread crumbs. The secondary storyline was Emily’s upcoming wedding which is an exciting event for those of us who have followed this series from the beginning but will be enjoyable to new readers. Enough backstory is given for those just picking up the book. We get to know Emily’s parents more in this book and the ending was fitting. As always Dep shines as the lovable feline she is. Anne2,555 21

Double Grudge Donuts by Ginger Bolton takes place in a donut shop, Deputy Donut Cafe, in northern Wisconsin. Emily Westhill owns the cafe with her former father-in-law, Tom. It is the Fall Arts Fest and what an amusing format it takes as the contestant for each day, each contest, stroll around town and stop and perform in front of local businesses. They then present an entire program that evening, with judges and prizes. That is reason enough to read this book. Emily’s parents are staying with her since they are judges for most of the evenings’ events. Also because her wedding to police detective Brent, her late husband’s partner is just around the corner. It was an event to look forward to for most of the town. Then, the winner of one of the events, a bagpiper, ends up dead in a parking lot and Emily discovers the body, AND part of a broken Deputy Donut mug along with the body. Then the rest of the mug is found in her yard. It is a mess.

Despite multiple warnings from multiple people, Emily finds herself confronting the killer, but it is not who she had thought it was and she was thoroughly confused. It had been a trying week and there were so many possible suspects. The town was full of people with interesting quirks, not that that would make them murderers, but it did make it confusing. It was a good plot, with some out-of-the-box sleuthing, for sure. Emily is a good character, well-written and empathetic. She surrounds herself with willing and able assistants and family. It is a delightful series and this is a good book. Full of twists and turns and personalities and entertainment. Thanks Ginger Bolton!

I was invited to read Double Grudge Donuts by Kensington Books. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #KensingtonBooks #GingerBolton #DoubleGrudgeDonuts Lynn354 11

I have a couple of books in this series that I haven't read yet. Usually I'm a purist and start from book 1 and continue through a series. I did something different this time and started the series with this book! I was attracted to the story line, the cover and just making a change! I was worried that I might feel I missed out on previously storylines and character development, but the way this book is written and the reader is included, I didn't feel I missed out on a thing and really, as if I was a part of this community from the beginning.

Emily, the owner of Deputy Donut, is busy planning her wedding at the same time as entertaining her visiting parents, participating in the local arts festival, running her business, and solving another murder. An annoying bagpiper has made his way around town, playing the same tune over and over, and being a general inconvenient guest to this small town. When he suddenly shows up dead, everyone looks they could be a suspect! Could the murderer be the local guy who lost a first place win to his terrible bagpiping, Emily's own parents, or maybe even the owner of the local cafe or Emily herself. In order to keep her friends and family off the suspect list, Emily does a bit of her own investigating. Readers will find an original storyline, ending with a surprise as to how things went down in the dark of night and the reason why!

If you're looking for a fun and quick read, entertaining to the last page, this is a great book for you. And if you're me, and haven't read books 1-7, you're safe to start here and then you can catch up afterwards, as you won't want to leave the new characters and family that you've met along the way.
Drebbles657 8

Emily Westhill is busy not only planning her upcoming wedding but working at Deputy Donuts which is busy thanks to a week-long Arts Festival in town. The last thing she needs is for one of the participants at the festival to be murdered and someone leaving clues that point to her donut shop. Her fiancé is investigating the crime but Emily can’t help doing some investigating herself but will her questions put her in real danger?

“Double Grudge Donuts” is the nicely done eighth book in Ginger Bolton’s A Deputy Donut cozy mystery series. I love everything about this series starting with Emily who rebuilt her life after her husband’s death including owning a donut shop with her father-in-law and falling in love with his partner. I also love her parents, in-laws, friends, and co-workers – and I can’t forget her cat who helps reveal an important clue in this book. I also loved the descriptions of various events of the Arts Festival – they were not only fun to read about but provided a murder victim and plenty of suspects. The mystery was well done and well plotted with more than a few twists thrown in along the way. There are some suspenseful moments towards the end of the book – I thought for sure Emily was going to do something incredibly stupid that would make me roll my eyes but Bolton had a trick or two (or three) up her sleeves. I will say that Emily was the calmest bride I have ever read about – no worries about flowers, her dress, caterers, the weather, if Brent would solve the case in time – if only planning for real life weddings went as smoothly as hers did!

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley. Kimberlee220 52

First off, I should say that this is the eighth book in the series, but only the second one I've read. I didn't feel lost or I was missing something at all. The author provided everything I needed to know to jump right in with this book; it works perfectly well as a stand-alone.

I really enjoyed the small-town setting. I loved the descriptions of local businesses, events, and people. In this installment, the murder takes place during the town's Arts Festival, so there were lots of interesting events for the reader to enjoy along with the characters.

The mystery itself was excellent! The victim was known to be annoying to virtually everyone, and just plain mean to some. As a result, there were plenty of suspects who had reasons to wish him harm. I enjoyed this variety of suspects, with motives varying from professional jealousy to interrupted sleep. The author provided a variety of motives and clues for Emily to investigate, and it was fun watching her try to figure everything out. Once all was revealed at the end all the clues the reader gathered along the way made sense, including a couple of things that initially seemed so innocuous as to not actually be clues.

I d reading about main character Emily. She seems a very real person, and one I'd love to know in real life. I particularly enjoyed her interactions with her (visiting) parents, and her relationship with her former in-laws. This time around, we are treated to Emily and Brent's wedding. I appreciated that the author took a few pages after the mystery ended to let readers observe a bit of the celebration.

I'm happily rating "Double Grudge Donuts" five out of five yummy slices of Provolone!0-2024-book-hoarder-reading-challe 02024 my-1 Missi Martin (Stockwell)919 24

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