
Farewell Damascus de Ghada Samman

de Ghada Samman - Género: English
libro gratis Farewell Damascus


Ghada Samman ISBN: 9781850772958,9781850773023

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This is the first time I read a book set in Syria. I know so little really. News flashes of war and sadness have become synonymous with this country, so we (foreigners) rarely hear or don't hear enough about its beauty and spirit. I have lived so many emotions through Zain, a girl who is determined to fight for freedom at any cost, going against society, most of her family, neighbours, clerics, and colleagues and government workers whose scorn and poison spread wildfire, harming the country from the inside too. However, Zain's heart is eternally thankful for and draws strength from Mt. Qasioun, the Umayyad Mosque, the neighbourhoods of Damascus, the Barada River, her beloved father, mother, and grandmother. She reminisces about her uncle's wall fountain, the scents of jasmine, basil, roses, and bitter orange there, or a cup of Turkish coffee scented with rosewater. She mourns the fighting spirit that once liberated Syria, now shutting her away from her homeland and instead devouring or exiling all those who dare question its power or traditions. I could go on forever about this beautiful book. Zain inspires us to be truthful, accountable and courageous, to fight for what is right, and to live and love fiercely.3 s2 comments The Contented 571 10

Loved this book, although I did not think that the translation served it well. It could have been translated more beautifully, more lyrically. The use of the word 'pumped' to describe enthusiasm or excitement in 1960s Damascus just doesn't sound very authentic.

Despite the shortcomings of the translation, the book is well worth the read.

It's the first Kindle book that I really enjoyed and appreciated. It must be special to be able to work, even in this format.
3 s Elif943 151

This book is a lament to the families and cities that have to be left behind. Also, it is a lament to all the corrupt Muslim countries of our time.
English: https://elifthereader.com/books/farew...
Türkçe: https://kitaplikkedisi.com/kitaplar/f...2 s Nouha Ibrahim2

If you're looking for an excellent read, something a little different, then I recommend this book.2 s Jess34

The story could have been so good but the characters were poorly written and it became so monotonous.1 bookblast official 89 2

The struggle to be an independent woman living a fulfilled life in a world that doesn’t really care what happens to her is rendered with sharp-eyed clarity and unnerving charm.

Reviewed on The BookBlast® Diary 2017reviewed-by-bookblast1 Courtney Ferriter525 32 Read

DNF at 50%

I appreciate that Samman is trying to encourage women's independence and freedom. Nevertheless, this is a poorly-written book that is all telling, no showing. Author has no sense of how to distinguish characters from one another, how to achieve appropriate pacing in her plot, or how to set a scene in a way that provokes an emotional response from the reader.

Example: In one scene, a character is raped, and immediately after the attack is over, she asks her rapist, "So where's your mother? Didn't you say she wanted to see me?" (quoted verbatim from the English translation). Then she is indignant that her rapist doesn't walk her to her car and escort her home. WHAT? This is not a realistic portrayal of what any woman would be thinking or feeling following a sexual assault.

This book is a case of good intentions, poor execution.dnf Tala16

This was absolutely beautiful. I loved how it defied a lot of cultural and societal norms of the time and as a mixed Syrian-English woman from Damascus I loved learning about a time period of the country and city when I wasn’t alive to see it. I’m so here for more Arab feminist literature!

Zain was a joy to read and love through - but the one reason I didn’t give this 5 stars is because I could tell the translation wasn’t as good as it could be… if you can read Arabic I feel reading this in it’s intended language would flow better as some of the sentences didn’t flow well at all. Arabic is such a gorgeous and layered language so I feel attempting to translate some words and phrases into such a limited language as English can be difficult, so hats off to the translator.

Overall, absolutely read this book. I felt so nostalgic when reading about Damascus.

Majd Al haydar15 1 follower

this is my second read of one of ghada's works. don't know why she s tragic and midair finale. repetition makes for a good portion of the novel. I think the idea and its essence where thrown by the attitude. in all, it's interesting and "beatiful" well beyond the middle. then all loses sense.
one has to be related to the Syrian scene or highly loving to be fully immersed.
I have to admit I enjoyed it, and wasn't that awful of start for 2018. Amanda Zucoloto164 2

Great premise, poor execution. There isn't much on Farewell, Damascus (in English) out there so I might have been unfair and it was just poorly translated. Either way, the structure was not necessarily confusing but mostly messy. The character's feelings and thoughts are just put out there matter-of-factly quite underestimating the reader. Andrew110 3

This seems to be a fictionalised account of Ghada Samman's own early life, told through her alter-ego Zain, an aspiring young writer condemned by conservative Damascene society but fêted by the literary classes for her outspoken feminist views. She falls foul of the lecherous Lieutenant Nahi by shunning his advances and only manages to escape to Beirut by the skin of her teeth and the help of influential friends. She thrives in the more liberal bohemian atmosphere of Beirut but we end on a tragic note with the death of her father, her sadness multiplied by her inability to attend his funeral for fear if arrest. Nancy Roberts' translation pushes the story along briskly enough, but I could have done without the US colloquialisms! Eg "doggone worry wart"! I ask you!2 s Suad6

The book was pretty good, it was my first time reading an Arabic book translated into English it was actually well translated. Here come some spoilers, some of the men seemed creepy but also the ending wasn’t satisfying but I think it makes sense since her father passed and it dawned on her. But other than that I gave it a 3.5 stars. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Zoe47 8

A beautiful portrait of a young woman and her struggles finding her place within the conservative society of Damascus. Amber341 5

A feminist story in an unexpected setting: Syria. It rings so true and has a lot of heart. Ian Onion45 2

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