
Guardians of the Sky Realms de Gerry Huntman

de Gerry Huntman - Género: English
libro gratis Guardians of the Sky Realms


Gerry Huntman Year: 2020 ISBN: 9781946154378,9781946154385

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A great fantasy tale. The plot starts slowly but then, POW!, it really hits you. 5 s T. KentAuthor 3 books186

This was an engaging story of a girl who finds out she has an unusual past as a Guardian of the Sky Realm and her fate will take her far from her school in Sydney Australia. This was a good clean middlegrade tale! 3 s Jim CherryAuthor 12 books52

Alienation, self-identity, feelings of becoming something greater than you are have become the subjects of young adult novels. In recent years YA has exploded and opened up to explore weightier and more pertinent subjects to teens, such as nascent love and sexual awakening, than previous generation’s Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys. These subjects are finding a voice and expression in heroic stories or supernatural novels creating a new mythology for teens.

Gerry Huntman’s Guardian of the Sky Realms is the story of a typical Sydney teen Maree who is an outsider at school and the confines of her homelife are well, confining. Maree craves to be able to become the person she knows is inside. Maree has an affinity for angels. She finds herself unconsciously drawing them. She discovers a painting titled “Wings in Despair” and decides to steal it. When Maree tries to steal the painting she discovers it is a nexus to another world, another world where she was once a guardian of the sky realm named Mirriam. She must discover which of these is her true self while fighting the fear that she may be losing her real self. Alanar, who was once a guardian of the sky realm with Mirriam, becomes her guide to this new world. Alanar must teach her the rules of the world, and accompanies Maree on a quest to save the boy she loves in the human world.

In the author’s note it says Gerry Huntman was active in Australia’s role playing world and you can see it in the writing. Huntman has created a highly imaginative world where hopefully a teen would imagine himself in. Instead of letting the reader discover that world as Maree/Mirriam does, the reader is given the information in a lump sum form where the history and rules are laid out instead of letting the magic of discovery awe the reader as well as Maree.

The main theme that I think Huntman intended the novel to be, finding your identity, seems unfocused. He lets the different elements he uses in the novel, fantasy, heroic adventure, the quest, lead him off on tangents that are fun to read but he they don??t reinforce the theme. For instance, when Alanar takes Maree/Mirriam to Suisa the prophetess, and all the detail in how the future is augured feels the novel has been abandoned for a role playing game. If these elements were more successfully integrated it would make for a more satisfying novel.

Guardian of the Sky Realms pushes some of the right buttons in wanting to explore the transformation of teens into adult roles, but the fantasy elements, dragons and gargoyles seems a story a much younger audience would enjoy rather than a teenaged audience.3 s Mysti ParkerAuthor 37 books780

Maree Webster is your average 16-year-old girl from the suburbs of Sydney. Until she sneaks into a gallery to steal a famous painting and finds herself mesmerized and emotionally drawn to the compelling image of two angels in flight--one carrying another, who appears to be injured.

When a strange man appears and seems relieved to find her, Maree is hurled into fantastical world where she takes on another completely forgotten identity. Maree must now resume her role as Mirriam, a Guardian of the Sky Realms.

She and her partner Alanar must now protect both the Sky Realm and the passageways into the plane of Earth from the daemons that seek to destroy them. One of their targets is a young man named Jason, whom Marree had fallen in love with while she was still her teenage self.

The world Mr. Huntman created here in this middle grade novel is vivid and lively. Characters are emotive and realistic. I empathized with them all, especially Alanar, who wanted so desperately to have Mirriam back, but was so incredibly patient with her amnesia and her inability to forget her life as Maree. I greatly enjoyed all the obstacles and battles they had to overcome in order to reach their goals, and I think young readers will love those as well.

My only nitpicks were minor. Through the lens of an adult reader, Jason's role in this story didn't seem strong enough to warrant his final outcome. And Alanar, again in my adult mind, got the short end of the stick. However, this may not pose a problem to the younger crowd, who might be in young Jason's camp from the start. One other thing was that a lot of the "world rules" were told through dialogue instead of really shown, but again, this may not be an issue with young readers.

I definitely recommend this story to any lovers of fantasy, young and old a. It won't disappoint!3 s DebbieAuthor 11 books16

Guardians of the Sky Realm is an enjoyable and engaging YA paranormal novel about a teenage girl, Maree, who discovers her true identity is an immortal angel. However, Maree’s rebirth is fraught with danger as daemons seek to attack her and Jason, the boy she loves. Maree’s rebirth and gradual transition from awkward teen to a confident, fearsome warrior angel makes for a compelling character arc and the incremental changes in her personality are convincing. The novel is rich with vivid descriptions of The Sanctuary of the angels and the Fire Lands of the daemons, but there’s plenty of action too. I d reading a paranormal YA book where the romance didn’t slow down the adventure and the young confident heroine can take care of herself, but Darius, the French gargoyle, was my favourite character.3 s Elizabeth LangAuthor 13 books55

This is an excellent story that starts out with a revelation and becomes an adventure. The action and turns never let up.

I enjoyed Maree's gradual discovery and acceptance of who she is. The conflict as she is pulled by both worlds and her 'prior' relationships was very well done and believable, despite the fantastic circumstances. It provided a constant tension that kept things interesting. The intermixing of the two worlds was enjoyable and gave it a grounding in the 'real' world.

The world of the Sky Realms is rich and vividly drawn, and beautifully described.

My favourite character was, surprisingly enough, Darius.

An enjoyable tale that was easy to read. Highly recommended.3 s Christos R. TsiailisAuthor 7 books109

A wonderful, touching read. Aspiring to say the least. Captivating, with wonderful images and deep sensibility, a rare find in modern books. A must read.3 s Rebecca FraserAuthor 36 books52

A fast-paced thrill ride for readers who love their fantasy worlds fleshed out and immersive, yet accessible. Guardian of the Sky Realms is a page turner, commencing with a life-changing revelation for Sydney schoolgirl, Maree, who must rapidly accept her past and future are not what she remembers or imagined. Thrust into a new role weighted with duty, Maree must learn to adapt to her transformation, even if it means leaving behind everything she knows and everyone she loves. But when the one she cares for most is threatened by the dangers in her new world, it’s up to Maree to return and protect him. A great cast of characters – with a special mention to Darius, a Gargoyle with personality plus – and rich worldbuilding, ensures interest in the continued adventures of the Sky Realms Chronicles.2 s Dee186 1 follower

Maree is just your average Australian teenager with a propensity for drawing angels. When she decides to steal her favourite painting her life changes completely as she becomes a Divine. When her love interest Jason is the target of daemons she and her Divine partner along with a few otherworldly characters fight to protect him and lead him to his destiny.
This was an entertaining read with a storyline that I had not read before. Maree, Jason and Alanar were the main characters and although were interesting I did not really feel that any one of them stood out strongly. There was a fair bit of world building which was good in that you could imagine what the worlds look but unfortunately it still lacked the depth I was expecting. Maybe it was that I was expecting too much given that it was more geared towards children than adults.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this eARC in exchange for an honest review2 s J.M. GoldieAuthor 8 books46

Guardians of the Sky Realms is a YA fantasy novel about teenager Maree, who discovers she is a Divine (a type of immortal angel). The world she is reborn into is full of Divine and demons - all trying to exist, thrive and compete and in the demons' case rise above their station and destroy the Divine.
Maree can't accept her transformation to Divine, especially because despite being reborn as Miriam, she still retains memories of her former life. Her inner turmoil drives the story, as she tries to come to terms with leaving her life behind.
The book has a good pace, racing from Sydney on Earth to the Sky Realms, back to Earth through Paris and over to Australia again - all travelled through magical means. I was especially taken with the ways in which the Divine and their friend, a cheeky French Gargoyle, travelled from one place to another. Great portals, art inspired nexus and more!
Although there are some serious fight scenes in the novel, mostly the Divines defending themselves against demon attacks, violence isn't the focus. Plus it's what I'd call a clean teen read, with just a hint of romance and longing.

2 s BiolaAuthor 7 books18

I have been entranced from the first page. A story good enough to give a young person the impetus to believe that nobility of the spirit is possible. It is a book that fires all the good instincts parents pray will be awakened in their emerging adults. Achieving balance in a world that suddenly looks strange from the joys of growing up, one needs this kind of book to stand at the bridge as guide for young adults. It is a beacon that is not soppy but matter of fact yet idealistic about decency and the right way of growing up. Thank Gerry, I intend to read it again..and maybe again.
Biola2 s Matt Beast7 1 follower

Good Story. Sorry folks, no spoilers. I keep them short and sweet. Great Story, keep them coming.2 s Audrey410 5

This wasn't a bad book, but it didn't really suit my tastes. It is marketed as a middle grade novel and perhaps that is why it didn't quite hold my adult attention. It would appeal to a reader interested in angels and demons.

*I received a copy of this book for free. The review is my own, honest and unsolicited. Ellie (Elisha)Author 1 book2

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