
La rebel·lió dels animals de George Orwell

de George Orwell - Género: Sátira
libro gratis La rebel·lió dels animals


Gallines que es neguen a pondre ous i els esclafen a terra. Cavalls que volen dedicar–se a aprendre l'alfabet quan es jubilin. Porcs que dormen en llits… Què passa quan l'ideal d'una societat justa el posen en pràctica… els animals? Aquesta novel·la respon la pregunta amb humor i tendresa a parts iguals.

La rebel·lió dels animals, un dels clàssics més importants de la literatura universal, és una faula senzilla i tràgica que relata la revolta dels animals del mas dels Jones contra els seus amos. És la història “d'una revolució que va acabar malament i de les excel·lents excuses que es van anar inventant, pas a pas, per justificar la perversió de la doctrina original”, tal i com va escriure Orwell a la solapa de la primera edició del llibre, el 1945. Concebuda com una sàtira de l'estalinisme, el caràcter universal del seu missatge ve determinat per una anàlisi extraordinària de la corrupció que engendra qualsevol forma de poder (autocràtica o no), equiparant poder amb autoritarisme i denunciant el canvi de discurs i les dobles morals dels mandataris quan atenyen els llocs més alts en la piràmide social.

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???? ??? ??????? ??????? ?????...??????682 s Petra on hiatus but getting better.Happy New 2024!2,457 34.8k

Amazon's very Orwellian involvement with this book at the end. If Amazon ever partnered Facebook they'd own us.

This is not really a review, but one of those moments where everything that was clear to you suddenly becomes utterly muddied and you really can't say what lies beneath the murky waters although a moment before you were sure you could.

I'm reading Christopher Hitchen's astonishingly percipient and brilliant Arguably: Essays. I read Animal Farm too young to identify the individual animals with actual characters on the stage of communism (the old boar Major is Marx, Farmer Jones is the Tsar, the pigs Napoleon and Snowball, Stalin and Trotsky respectively) so this essay is giving me a lot to think about. So far, nothing more so than this quote (below).

(Background to the quote): A group of Ukrainian and Polish refugees in a displaced persons' camp had discovered sympathetic parallels with their own plight in Orwell's parable and had begged him for permission to translate his almost-totally unknown book. But...

The emotions of the American military authorities in Europe were not so easily touched. They rounded up all the copies of Animal Farm they could find and turned them over to the Red Army to be burned. The alliance between the farmers and the pigs so hauntingly described in the final pages of the novel were still in force.

The book is banned in Cuba, North Korea, Burma, Iran, Kenya and most Arab countries. It is banned in the UAE not because of it's content but because it has anthropomorphic talking pigs which are unIslamic (is this not Orwellian in itself?). It is still censored in Vietnam. These nations wouldn't want ordinary people reading the book and looking at their own ruling porcine elites and seeing any parallels now would they? Who knows what kind of thoughts and actions that might lead to?

Amazon and Animal Farm
On 17 July 2009, Amazon.com withdrew certain Amazon Kindle titles, including Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, from sale, refunded buyers, and remotely deleted items from purchasers' devices after discovering that the publisher lacked rights to publish the titles in question. Notes and annotations for the books made by users on their devices were also deleted. After the move prompted outcry and comparisons to Nineteen Eighty-Four itself, Amazon spokesman Drew Herdener stated that the company is "changing our systems so that in the future we will not remove books from customers' devices in these circumstances." However, Amazon does not seem to a guarantee in its ToS that they won't don't this again and I understand that authors have the ability to edit (read 'change') parts of their books. This is because you can't buy a Kindle book, only rent one and Amazon can update (read 'change') them. Wikipedia and other sources

Next step: Fahrenheit 451. Get the firemen out to burn the books, only ebooks allowed where content can be controlled.

Original review 30 Oct 2011, updated several times.
fiction reviewed1,537 s Shannon 1,216 2,347

This is a book I've been meaning to read for ages but never got around to - last week I not only read it but gave a lesson on the historical context for the grade 8 class, who will be reading this book and The Wave. As I found, out of the class of 24, about 20 of them had already read the book, and at least one kid knew it was an allegory of the Russian Revolution. Still, my lesson wasn't totally redundant :)

For anyone who isn't familiar with the story, Animal Farm is about the animals on a farm in England rising up against the incompetent, cruel farmer (Mr Jones, who represents the deposed Tsar, Nicholas II) and taking over the farm, renaming it Animal Farm (USSR) and - so the glorious vision intended - running it for themselves, so their lives would be better.

The vision is given to them by a pig, Old Major, who dies not long afterwards. Old Major probably represents Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx, and it's not the socialist ideal put forward that is critiqued by this book but how that vision is corrupted by certain other characters, namely another pig called Napoleon, who represents Joseph Stalin. Napoleon chases a pig called Snowball (Leon Trotsky) off the farm with his personally trained dogs (while still just the General Secretary of the Party, Stalin recruited people who would follow him blindly, so that when Lenin died in 1924 he was able to defeat Trotsky for the leadership position and his "dogs" kept everyone else in line).

The pigs then take charge, and with their literacy skills keep changing the rules the animals established in order to suit themselves, using a pig called Squealer to convince the other animals that their memories are faulty. After all, as the drafthorse Boxer keeps saying, "Comrade Napoleon is always right".

Boxer is - for me - the most heartbreaking character in the novel. He represents the peasants, and is the most hardworking animal on the farm. He has utter faith in the leadership of Napoleon and works himself to the bone - literally. His reward is very telling, though I don't want to give it away. Most of the characters represent either a person, several people or groups of people, and for the complete list you can check it out on Wikipedia.

Orwell, while a socialist, was very cynical about Stalin's communist USSR - and for good reason! Animal Farm is a very well-written critique of how socialist ideals are corrupted by powerful people, how the uneducated masses are taken advantage of, and how the dictator or communist leaders turn into capitalists (just look at China). It's a wonderful example of how effective the allegorical style/format can be, and a well-deserved classic.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review2008 classics cover-love ...more2,235 s4 comments Anne4,260 70k

The only good pig is a dead pig.

Yeah, yeah, everyone claims Orwell wrote this as about the Russian Revolution, Stalin, and the rise of Communism.
Pshttt. Whatever.
You know what I think he was really saying?
Beware the Other White Meat!
Ok, maybe not.

Look, I know what you're thinking, That pig looks adorable!, but the next thing you know, that piggy is all grown up and stealing your cookies!

And you'll let it steal your cookies because Mr. Pig has convinced you that giving up your cookies every day was a part of the original agreement! Besides, what do you know, you're just a stupid sheep...

Plus, it's just a cookie, where's the harm?
Not to mention, the last guy who complained about giving up his cookie ended up mauled by that dog. Probably just a coincidence, though.

But it's ok because pigs are smart. That's what everyone says, right? Smarter than you are, at any rate. And if the pig says it's ok, then it's ok.
I mean look at it! It couldn't possibly have anything but your best interests at heart!

Alright, I'm outta pig gifs.
So, I thought this was a pretty cool book. Sure, it's supposed to be about Russia, but it could just as easily be about the working class in my country.
Bottom line?
We need to stop listening to the spin doctors on the boob tube and start thinking for ourselves. Question everything, especially the things we think we know are true. It might be a good idea to teach our kids that it's ok to not blindly believe everything we tell them, too. Besides, if we're right, then our ideals can stand up to the scrutiny of children. Otherwise, we risk raising a generation of idiots.
Oh! I found one more pig gif!

audio classics read-in-20152,628 s13 comments Lisa of Troy634 5,752

Animal Farm is the story of a set of animals who overthrow their human-owner. Will the animals have better lives now that the humans are gone?

Philip Pullman once said that, "A story will help us make sense of anything." In this case, George Orwell uses Animal Farm as an allegory of Russian history with certain characters representing famous figures who shaped Russian history such as Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, and Leon Trotsky.

This book was part of the monthly Readalongs that I am hosting, and what a wonderous book to begin 2022! The Readalong was simply spectacular and gave this reading such a particular depth. As the Readalong encompassed readers across the globe, we had the opportunity to discuss how the book related to our own government's history. Animal Farm provides a lot of ideas to noodle on, and I really enjoyed it.

This is one of the books on the 100 Books to Read According to the BBC List:

2024 Reading Schedule
Jan Middlemarch
Feb The Grapes of Wrath
Mar Oliver Twist
Apr Madame Bovary
May A Clockwork Orange
Jun Possession
Jul The Folk of the Faraway Tree Collection
Aug Crime and Punishment
Sep Heart of Darkness
Oct Moby-Dick
Nov Far From the Madding Crowd
Dec A Tale of Two Cities

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Blog Twitter BookTube Facebook Insta743 s4 comments Anna60 326

In the start, I thought this book would be from the view point of animals; about how they are treated, how they expect to be treated and how man is cruel towards them.
But but but;
I am amazed at how Orwell criticizes the political maneuvers and totalitarian rule, using animals to explain what humans do. The author beautifully portrays the way a revolution is started to stop what is happening and going full circle comes to the same point it started from. Just the face of power is changed.
This book tells how the ruling class makes fool of the working class, uses their energies and resources for their own pleasure. What happens behind the closed doors of power.
How the working class is being brain washed that they are happy and satisfied and free despite of the obvious slavery they have been undergoing.
My favorite character was Benjamin (yes, a donkey) , who remains a neutral throughout and says nothing despite understanding everything.
A huge applause to Orwell for being able to explain human psyche, political and social dilemma wrapped in the form of this story.874 s2 comments MannyAuthor 34 books14.9k

A perfect book. People will still be reading this in a thousand years time, when communism is just a footnote.873 s Claudia LomelíAuthor 8 books80.8k

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

Those damn PIGS.

I can't even.2016 5-star1,352 s2 comments Ahmad Sharabiani9,564 148

(book 564 From 1001 Books) - Animal Farm, George Orwell

Animal Farm is an allegorical novella by George Orwell, first published in England on 17 August 1945.

According to Orwell, the book reflects events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and then on into the Stalinist era of the Soviet Union.

Orwell, a democratic socialist, was a critic of Joseph Stalin and hostile to Moscow-directed Stalinism, an attitude that was critically shaped by his experiences during the Spanish Civil War.

The Soviet Union, he believed, had become a brutal dictatorship, built upon a cult of personality and enforced by a reign of terror.

Old Major, the old boar on the Manor Farm, summons the animals on the farm together for a meeting, during which he refers to humans as "enemies" and teaches the animals a revolutionary song called "Beasts of England".

When Major dies, two young pigs, Snowball and Napoleon, assume command and consider it a duty to prepare for the Rebellion. The animals revolt and drive the drunken and irresponsible farmer Mr. Jones from the farm, renaming it "Animal Farm".

They adopt the Seven Commandments of Animalism, the most important of which is, "All animals are equal."

Snowball teaches the animals to read and write, while Napoleon educates young puppies on the principles of Animalism. Food is plentiful, and the farm runs smoothly.

The pigs elevate themselves to positions of leadership and set aside special food items, ostensibly for their personal health.

Some time later, several men attack Animal Farm.

Jones and his men are making an attempt to recapture the farm, aided by several other farmers who are terrified of similar animal revolts. Snowball and the animals, who are hiding in ambush, defeat the men by launching a surprise attack as soon as they enter the farmyard. Snowball's popularity soars, and this event is proclaimed "The Battle of the Cowshed".

It is celebrated annually with the firing of a gun, on the anniversary of the Revolution. Napoleon and Snowball vie for pre-eminence. When Snowball announces his plans to modernize the farm by building a windmill, Napoleon has his dogs chase Snowball away and declares himself leader. ...

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In the old Manor Farm, each animal puts their small effort to carry the farm forward; but when one day Mr. Jones farmer continuous abuse and neglect becomes unbearable, all the animals hold a special meeting to set a change. A revolutionary idea is born: Animals will govern themselves. Together they will bring a new age, where all animals are equal. But self-sufficiency and self-government carries heavy burdens, with small and big responsibilities for each animal; and soon small frictions begin to arise in the new haven.

Another all time-classic by the legendary Orwell. No half stars deducted this time. This was a flawless 5-star masterpiece, if not six; because achieving SO much in SO few pages, is beyond reckoning. A timeless allegorical novella so powerful that itÂ’s certain to give you pause, and most ly remember it for the rest of your life. So crucial for the time it was written, and still more than relevant today, and for the future yet to come.

I remember being so wowed at the time I read this, my messed up country bearing so much resemblance to the events depicted in this book. ItÂ’s similarity still strong today, and not ly to change anytime soon. ItÂ’s a sad truth that some third world countries never managed to grow beyond their petty differences and troubled beginnings.

I SO wanted to know more regarding the future of the farm; but I understand why and how it ended the way it did. Such an unforgettable thought provoking story, with lovable and hateful characters (Snowball, Napoleon) , and so heartbreaking. the pain in my soul for Boxer still raw and unhealed. A must read in life. Extremely Recommendable.

*** Animal Farm (1954) is the best adaptation IÂ’ve seen so far, kinda old school by today standards but still an excellent cartoonish representation. Acceptable atmosphere, adequate pacing, and more than reasonably faithful to the book, if not completely. Yet, for some reason I couldnÂ’t nearly enjoy it as much as the book, but canÂ’t exactly pinpoint why; maybe the surprise was lost. A good film, just not great, for me.

*** Animal Farm (1999) is a somewhat controversial adaptation. Acceptable as a whole but far less faithful to the book, especially regarding the ending. A stellar voice casting including stars Stewart, Louis-Dreyfus and Grammer, among others. The anthropomorphic representation with live animals giving it a certain unique touch the animated film didnÂ’t have.

I think either of the two films is worth watching, the first one for its grim fidelity and the second one for its more upbeat tone. Still, if I had to choose the 1954 version overall seemed better to me, and more memorable.

[1945] [128p] [Classics] [Extremely Recommendable] [“All animals are equal.”] ["Four legs good, two legs bad."]

????? Animal Farm
????? 1984



En la vieja Granja Manor, cada animal pone su pequeño esfuerzo para que la granja salga adelante; pero cuando un día los continuos abusos y descuidos del Sr. Jones se vuelven insoportables, todos los animales arman una reunión especial para crear un cambio. Nace una idea revolucionaria: Los Animales se gobernarán a sí mismos. Juntos darán inicio a una nueva era, donde todos los animales sean iguales. Pero la autosuficiencia y el autogobierno plantea difíciles tareas, con pequeñas y grandes responsabilidades para cada animal; y pronto algunas fisuras empiezan a aparecer en el nuevo reino.

Otro clásico de todos los tiempos por el legendario Orwell. Ninguna media estrella deducida esta vez. Esta fue una impecable obra maestra de 5-estrellas, sino de seis; porque alcanzar TANTO en TAN pocas páginas, es más allá de inimaginable. Una atemporal novela corta alegórica tan poderosa que es certero que te va a producir un quiebre, y más que seguro para recordar por el resto de tu vida. Tan crucial para la época en que fue escrita, y todavía más que relevante para los tiempos actuales, y el futuro todavía por llegar.

Recuerdo haberme maravillado tanto el día que leí esto, mi tan desgraciado país teniendo tremendo parecido con los eventos reflejados en este libro. Su similitud todavía patente el día de hoy, y difícilmente sujeto a cambiar pronto. Es una triste verdad que algunos países del tercer mundo nunca lograron crecer más allá de sus mezquinas diferencias y problemáticos comienzos.

Realmente deseaba TANTO conocer más acerca del futuro de la granja; pero entiendo por qué y cómo terminó como lo hizo. Una historia tan inolvidable y provocadora, con entrañables y odiosos personajes (Bola de Nieve, Napoleón) , y tan devastadora. el dolor de mi alma por Boxer todavía fresco y sin curar. Una obligación de leer en la vida. Extremadamente Recomendable.

*** Rebelión en la Granja (1954) es la mejor adaptación que vi hasta ahora, un poco antigua para los estándares de hoy pero aun así una excelente representación animada. Atmósfera aceptable, ritmo adecuado, y más que razonablemente fiel al libro, sino completamente. Aun así, por alguna razón no lo pude disfrutar ni de cerca tanto como el libro, pero no podría precisar exactamente por qué; tal vez se perdió la sorpresa. Un buen filme, sólo que no genial, para mí.

*** Rebelión en la Granja (1999) es una algo controversial adaptación. Aceptable en su conjunto, pero mucho menos fiel al libro, especialmente con respecto al final. Un electo estelar de voces incluyendo estrellas como Stewart, Louis-Dreyfus y Grammer, entre otros. La representación antropomórfica con animales reales dándole un cierto toque único que película animada no tiene.

Creo vale la pena ver cualquiera de los dos filmes, el primero por su sombría fidelidad y el segundo por tu tono más alegre. Aunque si tuviera que elegir, creo que la versión de 1954 dentro de todo me pareció mejor, y más memorable.

[1945] [128p] [Clásicos] [Extremadamente Recomendable] [“Todos los animales son iguales.”] ["Cuatro patas bien, dos patas mal."]
-----------------------------------------------adapted animals classics ...more107 s94 comments ????? ??????Author 23 books27.4k

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????? ????? ????? ????????. 545 s Tessa De Guzman20 32 Read

Funnily enough, i read this book as a child and thought that it really WAS about animals. I remember thinking, Evil Pigs, I'm glad you're bacon in MY world, and Poor Hardworking Horsies, come live on my farm instead. You can have all the hay and makopa you want (sadly, no apples, tropical climate).

I reread it after education spoiled my natural inclinations for fast and absolute punishment of evildoers and eternal rewards for the good. I do find it pleasantly strange that these animals are symbols for political stereotypes and yet people still appear in the book. Isn't that CRAZY? That's literary perversion in a class all its own.

I'm thankful i read this in my formative years, before I had all this intellectual baggage (emphasis on baggage, piano on the intellect), because I got to appreciate it a child would, almost the way I appreciated Charlotte's Web. To me, back then, it was just another story about animals, albeit a wordy one, with no pictures.

Which is probably why I still experience a certain righteous thrill when eating crispy bacon. 483 s Bionic Jean1,297 1,342

George Orwell's Animal Farm is undeniably one of the best short novels ever written in the English language. It is a deceptively simple tale, which even older children could read. About an animal uprising, it is written in the style of a fable, and yet it can be read on so many levels. It is clearly both a satire and an allegory, a dystopian tale, and its author George Orwell made no secret of what regime, and which politicians, he was so mercilessly parodying. Yet as with all great novels, it speaks to us today and holds many timeless truths. It is the sort of novel where a reader will find new depths in each rereading.

The inspiration for the novel came from a real-life episode. Orwell had just left the BBC, in 1943, and was uneasy about some propaganda he could see distributed by the then "Ministry of Information". He says,

"I saw a little boy, perhaps ten years old, driving a huge carthorse along a narrow path, whipping it whenever it tried to turn. It struck me that if only such animals became aware of their strength we should have no power over them, and that men exploit animals in much the same way as the rich exploit the proletariat."

George Orwell wrote Animal Farm between November 1943 and February 1944, but the novel was not published straightaway, because of the USSR's status as an ally in the Second World War. George Orwell was a socialist writer, so the fact that he chose to do such a savage critique of the Soviet Union may come as a bit of a surprise to a present-day reader. One might have expected him to choose the far right, rather than the far left. But he personally felt that the Soviet Union (now Russia) of that time had itself become a brutal dictatorship, and that its original ideals had become perverted.

Animal Farm was subsequently published in England in 1945, just after the war, and ironically it quickly became a great commercial success when it did finally appear, partly because the Cold War so quickly followed the Second World War. However the book was immediately banned in the USSR and other communist countries. To this day it is still banned or censored in some places; the United Arab Emirates, Cuba, North Korea - and China, until almost the beginning of the 21st century.

In his story George Orwell chronicles the rising to power of Joseph Stalin, who is depicted by the pig "Napoleon" in the novel. The story parallels his emergence as a natural leader, and gradually follows his rise to power as a dictator. Near the beginning of the novel, the farm animals overthrow their oppressor, the farmer "Mr Jones". This is a direct analogy to the Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917, when the Russian Tsar Nicholas II, who had abdicated in February, was executed by the Bolsheviks along with the rest of his family, in July 1918. Interestingly, Orwell said the drunken farmer Jones, who neglects his animals, was based on the real life Tsar Nicholas II.

But their democratic coalition of animals, all with a vision of independence, comfort and freedom from constraints, is gradually broken down. There is straightaway a consolidation of power among the pigs, who do no work because they are the "brainworkers" with what is tacitly agreed as superior intelligence. Just as the Soviet intelligentsia did, the pigs establish themselves as the ruling class in the new "free" society. In Animal Farm they then immediately begin to manipulate and control the new state for their own benefit.

At the start of the novel, "Major" a middle white boar, has a dream, which he relates to all the animals, in a lengthy impassioned speech. It is a dream of the future, and of freedom for all creatures. It captures their imaginations, and inspires their actions from then on. Major is based on a combination of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. Just as Lenin's embalmed body was put on display for the people, Major's skull is initially mounted as an emblem for the animals to revere, although by the end this is removed, and the animals are expected to worship Napoleon. Major's principles provide the foundation for the code of the revolution and the philosophy of "Animalism".

The other main character at the start of the novel is the pig, "Snowball" who is based on Leon Trotsky. Just as in the Soviet Union, these two characters vie for power, with "Napoleon" using subterfuge and manipulation to his own ends. He arranges false confessions, show trials and executions to enforce his power, frequently changing history as the story unfolds. "Squealer" is a pig who works on behalf of Napoleon, employing various devious means to misrepresent and confuse the animals. He is apparently based on Molotov. Squealer speechifies, using elaborate philosophical ideas which the animals cannot really follow, often using the Socratic dialogue to get the answer he desires. And this is always used to justify the pigs' greedy and unprincipled behaviour; anything which is self-serving and goes against the original ideas of fairness. George Orwell is keen to show the corruption of "Animalist" ideals by those in power, not that the ideals themselves were wrongly held. In 1947, George Orwell wrote,

"For the past ten years I have been convinced that the destruction of the Soviet myth was essential if we wanted a revival of the socialist movement ... I thought of exposing the Soviet myth in a story that could be easily understood by almost anyone and which could be easily translated into other languages."

For instance, Squealer works on the animals so that they accept a slogan which is almost the direct opposite of its original, "Four legs good, two legs bad" becomes "Four legs good, two legs better" overnight, as bleated by the impressionable, keen to follow, sheep. The reason for this is clear from the story. And "Snowball" (based on Trotsky) is thus expelled from the revolutionary state by a malicious comrade eager to dominate, using any violent means available to achieve his ends. Nobody knows who they can trust any more.

The irony is at its highest in the depiction of corruption; the tyranny and hypocrisy of the pigs as led by Napoleon. The food rations get increasingly smaller, yet it is "proved" to them that they are all much better off than they were formerly under Farmer Jones. The animals' ideology of liberation and equality gradually disintegrates. The rules change secretly, slowly and silently, so nobody is sure what is really the truth any longer. History is rewritten; memories become unreliable; the brainwashing is slow and subtle. The animals can read, but there is little documentation, except for seven commandments, painted on the barn wall,

1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear clothes.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
7. All animals are equal.

Yet over time, each of these is amended, to the advantage of the pigs, until in the end there are no words showing at all, and the final famously nonsensical maxim is spouted without question,

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

The rousing song "Beasts of England", which all the animal took as their National Anthem at the beginning of the story, is banned. The symbol depicting the horn and hoof, on their green flag, which indicated their Animalism philosophy and power, is obliterated. (This was similar in real life to the hammer and sickle on the Soviet flag.) The novel is a dual critique against the Stalinist regime of violence, but also against the imposed rhetoric, against the language employed, logic and ideals.

Another character indicated by George Orwell is his depiction of Adolf Hitler, as one of the farmers, "Mr Frederick", who wants to take over the renamed "Animal Farm". But there are many minor characters whom we all recognise in our own lives. Take the cat, who votes for both sides at the same time. Who has never come across a "two-faced" person? Or the pony "Mollie", the stereotypically vain and lazy original Essex girl, with her penchant for wearing ribbons in her hair and looking at herself in a mirror, regardless of any greater good which may come about by a little hard work. The story of the carthorse "Boxer" will break your heart. His courage, his steadfastness; with his personal motto, "I will work harder!" he is the archetypal salt of the earth. But he is naïve and gullible, and the reader fears that he will be taken advantage of to a devastating conclusion. You will cry, internally at least, but you will also laugh with this book. Here is an extract from the pompous poet pig, Minimus's, eulogy about Napoleon.

"Friend of the fatherless!
Fountain of happiness!
Lord of the swill-bucket!"

The conclusion of the book is predictable, but perhaps not in quite the simple way the reader expects. Yes, the oppressees become the oppressors, but in a fiendishly clever denouement.

All the political manipulations of the novel are recognisable today. Wherever you live, you will not have to look very close from home to find such a regime. And also, the brilliance of this novel is that those characteristics of scheming, dishonesty, cynicism, and underhanded ways of achieving a particular end, are not confined to politics. Who has never watched a skilled manipulator diverting attention from one major problem by concentrating on a minor one? It may have been in politics - or it may have been in a committee meeting - or even, dare it be said, around your own dinner table. Large or small scale, these observations by George Orwell are, sadly, truths about the human condition and human behaviour. They are timeless, and present in any institution, cooperation, business, family - in fact any group of people. One critic has even suggested that Orwell has put himself in the novels as Benjamin, the donkey, a wise old creature who is the only one who pessimistically repeats, "Life will go on as it has always gone on - that is, badly."

Have you actually read Animal Farm? No? Then please do. You read it years ago? Then try reading it again. It is an outstanding novel, with the hallmarks of a true classic; it is both entertaining and profound.animals classics favourites ...more470 s5 comments Matthew1,221 9,555

Update after my February 2020 Re-read

A lot has happened in the world since I read this in high school in the mid-1990s. The book is as interesting and powerful as I remember. However, I think having an adult perspective on life, government, laws, taxes, rights, etc. makes this a much more powerful for me now than it was when I was a teenager.

One of the great things about this book, too, is that it is not very long. I think that morality tales with political undertones can be daunting if you know you are dealing with a 300-page book. This tells a strong tale in 125 pages or so that is easy to read but difficult to swallow. An allegory that is a must read for all!

I will also say that this book has an ending that I remember as being “wow, but not super shocking” as a teenager. Now, it is absolutely terrifying – it gave me chills!

Original review

One of the best - no doubt! So much symbolism and meaning crammed into such a small book. Also, a great use of anthropomorphism (I just wanted to use a big, fancy sounding word!)

Review wise, that is about all I need to say - it is great, read it!

But, I will add this anecdote . . .

I read this when I was in High School as required reading. Most required reading books were long and not all that exciting (I am looking at you, Jane Eyre!) But, this one was so good that I couldn't put it down. And, since it is so short, I read it in one night. Well, the teacher had assigned chapters and asked us not to read ahead. Still hard to believe I got in trouble for reading too much of a required reading book!
2020 classic completist-book-club ...more418 s Mohammed Ali475 1,265

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i'm sure this book was very good when it came out in 19whatever (i could check this but warning - i am going to spend this review being as annoying as possible to a certain group), but it's way, way better now.

in whatever time of the 20th century this came out during, this was thought to be written in opposition to stalinist russia. that's fine. whatever. not exactly a hot take for a white guy from the western world to be anti-USSR.

but now...now it's abundantly clear.

if it weren't already obvious that this book is written about how bad totalitarianism is (as opposed to being specifically about communism), take a look at the world around us, then check it against orwell's political views, then come back to me.

a certain political faction (of evil morons) in my certain country i live in (take a wild guess) s to call certain things (the ones that are against them) "orwellian."

nonwhite people entering your country? orwellian. having to be nice to others and not call them slurs? orwellian. the idea of people not appreciating your opinions and thereby being "anti-free speech" (even though that is not what free speech is)? orwellian.

ignoring the fact that the very idea of their using the word orwellian to serve their purposes is far more, well, orwellian, i'll just come out and say it: because people on the right don't know how to read, they haven't ever actually really thought about or analyzed either this or 1984. so they assume that george orwell is on their side - the pro-rich getting richer and anti-poor not being poor side.

but, my dear conservative friends, orwell was an outspoken democratic socialist from top to bottom.

so maybe pick one of the copious number of far-right classic authors to support your dumbass point.

oh? there aren't really any to be found?

bummer. maybe next millennium.

part of a series i'm doing in which i review books i read a long time ago and either make myself or others angry4-stars classics non-ya ...more407 s2 comments oyshik249 861

Animal Farm by George Orwell

The animals of a farm, tired of the continuous abuses of human beings, decide to rebel. And after chasing the owner, they try to create a new order based on an ideological concept of equality. It looks a fairy tale, but it's not to entertain the little ones. Mainly, Orwell explored a historical fact through this story.
The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
373 s Sean Barrs 1,122 46.6k

I revisited Animal Farm recently and my opinions remain the same.

George Orwell leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination. This is a blatant political statement. ThereÂ’s no reading between the lines in order to ascertain the meaning, itÂ’s all here on the page. After around page twenty it was very obvious how this book would end. History repeats itself and in this case it goes full circle. Nothing changes. And a wise old Donkey was the only one in the piece aware of this. We can presume he has seen it before, though, on a character level he was a bit of an ass not to tell anybody what was coming. See what I did there? IÂ’m good. I know.

The problem I had with Animal Farm is that I could not engage with it. The characters arenÂ’t really characters. The setting isnÂ’t really a setting. And the plot isnÂ’t really a plot. They are all mere devices, a means for Orwell to blurt out his political statement. The entire book is one big author filibuster, an entire situation and a group of characters created for the simple reason of showing OrwellÂ’s opposition to communism and, more specifically, the Stalin regime. ItÂ’s cleverly written, and it is funny at times, but such direct authorial intention took something away from the reading experience. I couldnÂ’t lose myself within the writing.

The pigs were used as an insult to mankind. Their leader Napoleon (aptly named?) slowly distances the pigs from the animals of the revolution. They begin to take on the traits of humans, and after a few chapters they have set themselves up as the thing they originally usurped. They become corrupt and driven by money and profit. TheyÂ’re above their peers, ultimately, destroying their own aims. By doing this Orwell is calling humans pigs; he is calling post-revolutionaries pigs. For me reading this, this was more of an insult to pigs than humans. Pigs are lovely animals. (Nicer than humans?) The metaphor certainly relies much on the readerÂ’s interpretation of what a pig is.

ThatÂ’s me just being pedantic and silly, but I guess I just pigs. And I feel IÂ’ve read Animal Farm before. I feel I know this story, and thatÂ’s because it is the history of mankind; it is the history of revolution. So, needless to say, Orwell has captured a large sense of this on the page. When it has been read, it is definitely something that cannot be unread. The allegory is pertinent and, in a sense, an almost pessimistic truism, though the inner romantic in me finds such a defeatist attitude, well, defeating.

ItÂ’s undoubtedly very intelligent writing, but I just didnÂ’t enjoy it. When I read literature, whether it be poetry, play or novel, I imagining things; I coming up with my own interpretation, meaning, or criticisms. With this, Orwell has said it all. I feel I didnÂ’t need to read it, a plot summary would have given me everything the writing did.

- This is the first book I read on my 2017 reading challenge, I hope I enjoy the others more!2-star-reads modernist-movement365 s6 comments Meghhnaa (On a Review-Writing Break!)72 502

“Animal Farm”
is a hilarious polemic, anthropomorphic, allegorical novel on the 1917 Russian revolution, but is very much perpetually applicable to the past, current and future political state-of-affairs! It is emblematic of rebellion against dictators and totalitarianism!

It is a story of the Farmer Jones’ animals rising up in rebellion, tired of exploitation, to take over the “Manor Farm”, to build a fairer society for themselves. There are stark similarities between politicians and animal leaders. Power and use of language for controlling minds, has been astutely demonstrated in this novel, by George Orwell. Being a short-fabled fairy- animal entertainer, it doesn’t render itself into a boring political study for a tad!

A satirical comedy on the inextricability of power and corruption, and their insidious effect on the common public! The corruption of the pigs metaphorically demonstrates the yielding of the politicians (in any age or era) for gaining power and control. The skilful use of peer pressure by pigs to keep the rest of the animals subservient, is analogous to modern-day plight of students and corporate employees!

The story begins with the 12-yr old Major(boar), revealing his dream to his comrades(other animals at farm), about the future rebellion of animals against men, and teaching all a song-“Beasts Of England”.
He clarifies to all – "All men are enemies. All animals are comrades."
Soon Major dies, Snowball and Napoleon, take the lead! One fine evening, the animals drive away Mr. Jones (farm owner), and rename the farm – “Animal Farm”.

The 7 commandments are inscribed, on the tarred wall with great white letters-

1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear clothes.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
7. All animals are equal.

Since most of the animals cannot learn to read or to memorize the seven commandments, the commandments are reduced to one simple maxim: “Four legs good, two legs bad.”

Mr. Jones tries to recapture the farm, but Snowball successfully defends it. Mollie, the horse, who is seen consorting with the humans, is confronted, and finally leaves the rebellion and the Farm!

The humans despise the burgeoning of the Animal Farm!

But things donÂ’t remain hunky-dory, and we see the rebellion being betrayed, the farm getting dilapidated again, all under the dictatorship of one of their leaders! (avoiding spoilers)

Animal Farm is a fun ride, as it teaches the intertwinement and inextricability of power and corruption in the most amusingly creative way, which remains applicable to current age and aeons to come!

A fun-filled 5 stars!!
359 s Mischenko1,021 96

This book is featured on Shabby Sunday @ https://readrantrockandroll.com/2018/...

I read Animal Farm when I was in college and it was one of those reads where you think itÂ’s going to be boring, but it turns out to be a favorite. ItÂ’s an allegorical tale representing the Russian Revolution where the characters in the book represent people during this time.

I won’t go into the plot too much, but in a nutshell, this story is about a group of farm animals who rise up against the evil farmer who cares for them. They basically take over the farm by cause of Old Major (Marx/Lenen), the pig all about change. He get’s all the animals together into an uprising against Mr. Jones, the farmer (Tsar Nicholas II). The animal characters then run the farm themselves and develop their own hierarchy being lead by Snowball (Trotsky) and Napoleon (Stalin). In a way, the story reminds me of an Aesop’s Fable because the animal characters in the book have human characteristics and there are morals and messages that are quite obvious. Young readers can read it and they won’t pick up on the meaning–they’ll just think it’s a story about a group of rebellious farm animals against humans, but I believe the message that Orwell wanted to express is that power corrupts. Also that people need to think for themselves, educate yourself and make your own decisions. Don’t let others think for you.

Someone recently asked me who my favorite character was in the book which is a really difficult question to ask, in my opinion. I d a handful of the characters including Boxer, Snowball, Benjamin, and Clover, but if I had to choose a favorite, it would have to be Snowball. SnowballÂ’s ideas were in the best interests of the animals and he was always fair. He wanted to educate the other animals and make life easier for them. He was intelligent, brave, and stood up for his beliefs which is why heÂ’s my favorite character in the book.

IÂ’m not sure exactly how old my edition of Animal Farm is because no publication date is given, however, Goodreads seems to have this Signet Classic published in 1956. This thin paperback is in great shape for itÂ’s age with clean, crisp pages.

My rating on this one is 5*****classics380 s ??? ????Author 10 books17.2k

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dystopia fantasy novels_novellas346 s Ariel301 59.8k

I first read this in Grade 11 and decided it was my favourite book. I knew a reread needed to happen right away, but it took me four years to finally get around to it when my boyfriend gifted me this beautiful illustrated edition. Animal Farm is a book I often think about and often quote, and it was a bit nerve-wracking to go back to it to see if it actually lived up to everything I had built it up to be. Thankfully, I'm thrilled to say it did.

In many ways it's a little bit underwhelming the second time around, because the plot (which lots of people will already know because it's a retelling of the Russian revolution) is extremely simplistic. This meant, however, that I was able to focus more on motivations and symbols and the other meaty stuff outside of the plot (which, don't get me wrong, was still hella exciting).

The big question: is this still my favourite book? Yes. I've not yet read a book that so succinctly and simply drives home an idea with wonderful intricacies and nuances. After all this time I also feel so comfortable with this book, I get it and love talking about it and see reflections of it all the time. Also, in response to this edition, I loved the illustrations. They were sinister and child and felt political caricatures - I think Orwell would them. Apparently Andy Serkis is going to be making a film adaptation of Animal Farm and I'm super jazzed. That doesn't really have anything to do with this review, but I wanted to share my joy.

Finally, thank you to Greg for gifting me this pretty book, reading it aloud with me over FaceTime, and letting me go on big rants about why Benjamin is the WORST. <3

June 23rd, 2012:
One of my favourite classics. Absolutely brilliant. Just great. Read it in Grade 11 and never looked back! Really introduced me into loving classics.favourites321 s ???? ????????58 150

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Communism, theocracy, fascism, capitalism, neocolonialism, neoliberalism, always the same piggy style

Although it was mainly aimed at Russia and the Sowjet Union
Because they at least tried to establish a socialist communist workers' utopia just China and other states in South East Asia and around the world. The fact that it always failed is something so multidimensional that it would blow the complexity of this review throughout the book cover. And I´m not qualified too. So let´s better say that each system has its flaws, and that coincidence, big history, and geopolitics influence the rise and fall of theism and totalitarianism.

All animals are the same but some are more equal
Especially apes love this idea to look at fur, gender, religion, political or economic ideology, skin color, tradition, clothes, etc. to find something that differentiates them from others as a legitimation and reason to exterminate them. Or at least first exclude, stigmatize, discriminate, enslave, and then commit genocides on them. Ironically some dictatorships communism at least didn´t try to kill all black, Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, etc. people, but just everyone who disobeyed, although I´m not sure if this really is an advantage in contrast to fascism. Communism could simply kill so many more people in Russia, China, etc. because they had much more time to do so. So judging by the numbers, one could say

That the kill count counts
But how should one know which numbers are correct, because often nobody counted or was killed for trying to do so
Colonialism under authoritarian dictatorships aka monarchy fused with theocracy torture terror killed an unknown number of people
Fascism killed at least something between 75 and 100 million people
Communism killed something between 125 and 250 million people
Capitalism, neoliberalism, and neocolonialism killed an unknown number of people in all exploited areas with billions of citizens by not helping them to develop and stabilize. And guess what, I would bet that each avoidable death within the last decades, now, and in the future could reach the levels above. Another Western derision after centuries of colonialism, now rebranded as neocolonialism under the neoliberal economic Nobel Price agenda. Nobody can say how many people are dying after unimaginable suffering each minute and, most disturbing, no media or politician cares or talks about it. It´s just too taboo to touch this connection with a pitchfork because of the implications and because of manufacturing consent crushing everyone who dares to speak out.

Evil intelligence
No matter which farm animal, ape, or human tribe, the clever and ruthless sociopathic males will always try to dominate for more power, resources, sexy ape girls, and influence. All of human history could be seen as a permanent struggle with the megalomania of superpowers which have at least been somewhat tamed by democracy and capitalism. But even there are huge differences between the libertarian free US market and eco social Europe.

Orwell simply later modified the same concept for 1984 or, one could assume, wrote a prequel
1984 is the same with fascism and humans instead of pigs and communism and, of course, also the more famous one because it showed the direct consequences that are normal everyday life for many people around the world.

No need to enter misantropic mode
There have been incredible improvements in the last 100 years and social evolution has become a peaceful revolution in many states, especially Scandinavia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_... , my all time favorite example of a perfect balance of state and economy, of eco social politics and a controlled market. On the other hand, there are of course also states backlashing and thereby failing in Africa, South America, South East Asia, and the Southern US, but with the never ending hope for enlightenment, education, and distributional justice one can imagine a brighter future for them.

Tropes show how literature is conceptualized and created and which mixture of elements makes works and genres unique:
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.ph...classics orwell-george309 s ???? ???? Fayez Ghazi Author 2 books4,390

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- ??????? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ?? ??????? ???? ????? ????? ??? ???????. ????? ??? ??????? ???????? ????? ?? ??? ?????.299 s s.penkevich1,195 9,444

I suspect this is what my pets are getting up to while I’m away. ‘All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others,’ is something I’m fairly certain my dog has barked while stealing a treat from the other dog, and cats are inherently libertarians so there’s probably some horrible revolution brewing. Come to think of it, when my cat pukes on the rug it does sound vaguely he’s saying‘the only good human being is a dead one,’ but I won’t hide the Orwell from them because there will be no censorship in this house. Anyways, Animal Farm is a classic for a reason and it is one that I found managed to hit even harder as an adult than it did when I read it for my freshman literature class. This story was used to teach us all the term allegory, as in “Orwell wrote Animal Farm as an allegory of the Russian Revolution” as well as the term satire, as in “Orwell satirizes following political leaders into totalitarianism,” but above all it taught me how a good writer can deliver an important political message even adorned in the trappings of a barnyard tussle. While it is highly critical of the Soviets, readers shouldn't mistake it as a condemnation of socialism as Orwell was more intent on showing how those who thirst for power will hijack socialist movements and Orwell wants to protect those in order for them to flourish. Animal Farm remains a staple of western literature and classroom discussions for Orwell’s ability to be succinct and accessible while also conveying complex themes on freedom, power struggles and one of Orwell’s signature themes: propaganda.

Sandra BoyntonÂ’sBarnyard DanceÂ…Orwell style

Having just recently read and been blown away by Watership Down from Richard Adams where themes of leadership and power are examined through a story of the animal kingdom, I wanted to revisit Orwell and see how his similar allegorical packaging held up. While AdamsÂ’s tale is fairly symbolic of WWII, I think it functions really great as a general metaphor on authoritarianism and struggles for freedom whereas OrwellÂ’s Animal Farm is much more confined within its narrative as a take on the Soviet Union. Not that it canÂ’t be read as a more general look at the way well-intentioned movements can be corrupted by power and those in power can propagate the people into paving their paths to power, but a lot of Animal Farms charm is seeing the satirical allegory and the character references. For instance, we can see how Old Major is representative of Karl Marx and his dream a nod to the The Communist Manifesto, or Napoleon representing Joseph Stalin, Snowball as Leon Trotsky, and more metaphorical stand-ins such as the working class personified as Boxer. Though perhaps it is Squealer who is my favorite of the political metaphors on propaganda and rhetorical manipulations for all the books snappy slogans, but more on that in a moment,

‘All men are enemies. All animals are comrades.’

The opening of the story reflects the overthrow of the Czar and while Orwell is speaking out against the communist regime that took control, Orwell is often misinterpreted as being broadly anti-socialism, anti-marxism, etc. In his essay Why I Write (you can read it HERE) he states ‘every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it.’ Which I think adds an important nuance to this story that is often misinterpreted: it isn’t to say that the idea of all animals being equal, or the idea of organizing for a more just society are inherently bad, its that movements often get hijacked to become antithetical to what they started as and rhetoric gets twisted and turned back inwards.

The irony, however, is that for all his work examining the evils of propaganda—a primary theme in 1984—the book Animal Farm itself became weaponized as propaganda. In his introduction to a Ukranian edition, Orwell himself admits he wanted to use distribution of the novel as anti-Soviet rhetoric, because apparently all propaganda is equally bad but some propaganda is more equally bad than others. ‘I have been convinced that the destruction of the Soviet myth was essential if we wanted a revival of the Socialist movement,’ he says, and wrote Animal Farm in a way that ‘could be easily understood by almost anyone and which could be easily translated into other languages.’ Which explains the accessibility of the novel, and while it is fairly heavy-handed it still reads quite well.

The use of the novel as propaganda didn’t just end at distributions of translations, however. In his book Orwell Subverted: The CIA and the Filming of Animal Farm, Daniel J. Leab argues that Animal Farm was intended as a ‘ warning against the Stalinist perversion of socialism’ and not socialism itself, though the CIA found the narrative a useful tool if they could make a few changes. Orwell’s widow was apprehensive of a film adaptation originally and then demanded they maintained the integrity of Orwell’s vision, and one might wonder if her reluctance to give access to any of Orwell’s work after that. The CIA made the anti-Soviet theme more pronounced without any nuance, such as making Snowball completely irredeemable and making a division between “good” and “bad” farmers to make a statement that not all farmers (and by proxy all capitalists) are bad.

‘Can you not understand that liberty is worth more than just ribbons?’

What fascinates me most in this novel is the use of language, particularly the way language can be manipulated or intentionally obfuscated in order to seduce the masses, subvert opposition and reframe reality. Language with oversimplificatiosn ‘four legs good, two legs bad’ masks ulterior motives and becomes a sort of catch-all to smuggle a whole ideology. As Noam Chomsky wrote in Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda:
'That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything.'
Squealer and Napoleon repeatedly walk back earlier statements, twisting logic as they see fit and Boxer, confused and wanting to remain loyal, is easy propagated to believe any revision. Even to history, such as Snowball’s role in the revolution. This idea is expressed in Orwell’s 1984’ as well, ‘if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought,’ and through Orwell we often see how language is a great tool but one that can also be weaponized for evil.

‘Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself. ’

This is a quick read, and a rather fun one at that even if you aren’t reading for the Soviet allegory. It is fairly heavy handed, and intended as such, and while I think I prefer the way Watership Down is more broadly metaphorical and emotional (also has its own lore and language), the directness and accessibility of this one also help it land a major impact upon the reader. It is no surprise this has remained a classroom staple for its ease of teachability on both literary techniques and political history but also from the way the CIA harnessed it as propaganda forever enshrining it in US culture as well as English. Though at heart it is more a warning about power and abuse of rhetoric in order to hijack movements. So watch out, your pets might be collaborating with each other and you should be wary if a meow starts to sound strangely Vive la révolution...


‘The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.’293 s37 comments Reading_ Tamishly4,935 3,042

This book didn't read a 'classic' at all for me. It was so easy to get into. The writing style is simple and amazing. It's short but the story is relevant and weaved in such a way the readers get lots to think and reflect about the working system in a society, especially the political system.

This small book made me think about the class division and the different caste systems that are still relevant today. The political system is seemingly complicated but this book gave me a glimpse of it in a way how it's being played.
The part which intrigued me the most was the way the common people being manipulated or played with false promises and a better future for them. And that the lives of the ones who rebel or do something different for their betterment ends up not appreciated.
This small book gives a very clear picture how the actual society works; a vivid description on how the heirarchical system works and will continue as long as the general public blindly keeps on believing that others are going to make their lives better by helping them reach and sit on thrones who will detect them on how to work harder so that such people can party better.

The part which hit me the most was when one character who worked their whole lives for everyone else ended up as being forgotten and left to their own devices when weak and old with nothing much left for them in the end.

This book represents well the society we are living in, gives us an idea how the political system works in real and how the rest of us play our roles in the system.

The best part of reading this book is that it makes me think about how I as a person play my role in the society, how important one vote of mine matters and plays a significant role, how I am ultimately responsible for my own efforts in making the surrounding around me improve and how ignorant I am regarding the ways of the society and the political system. It's just not enough to live. Who is going to stand up for us ultimately? It's not them but we ourselves. Let's start by thinking twice about how easily we believe in the words others promise us for our future. Is it them who we are lifting them making them stand on the tip of our heads or us who's going to actually decide for that?

The animal characters accurately represent the real working system as is at present284 s Adina ( away for a few more days)1,048 4,292

It is extraordinary how current this book is for the modern day Russian situation and not only.

It left a powerful impression on me even if I knew all about the plot and message before starting the book. I thought (and I was right) that I should do some research before reading this book regarding the Russian Revolution, Stalin, Strosky in order to understand the historical context in which the book was written.

I believe this book should be read by everybody as it is perfect allegory about the dangers of power, how socialist ideals are so easily corrupted and how dictators can transform into capitalists (I can think of some current examples). The most heartbreaking characters, the Horse Boxter represent the uneducated masses that are so easily fooled to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of the leaders. That reminds me of all the brainwash that is done in the communist countries and not only. 1001 dystopia short277 s13 comments Agir(????)437 566

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268 s Lyn1,917 16.9k

Autor del comentario: