
The Third Man: A Medical Thriller de Geoffrey M Cooper

de Geoffrey M Cooper - Género: English
libro gratis The Third Man: A Medical Thriller


Geoffrey M Cooper Publisher: Maine Authors Publishing, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9781633814028,9781633814011

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Cooper does it again with this latest addition to his Brad Parker and Karen Richmond series: he weaves an engrossing tale that goes down as smooth and easy as the scotch his main character enjoys.

What’s so entertaining this time around is that much of the story is told from the POV of the antagonists, and it works wonderfully because their motivation is so frightening: Nazi spies intent on using the emerging science of molecular biology for nefarious purposes. Given Cooper’s own research background, the scientific details are accurate and sound but delivered in an easily understandable fashion. The rest of the story is told from the ever-likable Brad Parker’s POV, as he and Karen try to solve the mystery of this biological sabotage that started so many years earlier.

As always, Cooper’s prose is crisp and clear, making his books effortlessly readable. I loved and devoured each and every page of this one. Kudos to the author for penning such page-turning fiction! (Review based on an Advance Review Copy.)arcs medical-thrillers1 2 comments BG of RC36

I it when a book ties two eras together. What’s better than a mystery? A mystery that spans generations, that’s what! And that is what the latest Brad and Karen thriller from Geoffrey Cooper delivers.

The story begins with a plan to plant a Nazi spy in the U.S. in the waning days of World War II. His mission is to act as a sleeper agent; first establishing himself as seemingly an ordinary citizen and then, using his knowledge of chemistry and biology, gaining access to American laboratories and beginning work on a Nazi genetic warfare program.

The book then flashes forward to the present day, where the medical researcher and the veteran investigator are notified of a lead from a retired FBI agent, who has picked up the trail of the scheme hatched in the 1940s.

Not that there’s much to go on. The Nazi sleeper cell hasn’t left many clues, but from the bits and pieces available, they begin to put things together. Combined with flashbacks that fill in the details for the reader, we start to learn the full extent of the conspiracy. Not to spoil too much, but let’s just say that even though Nazi Germany is long gone, the operation hasn’t stopped.

Fans of Brad and Karen’s past adventures will enjoy the familiar dynamic between the two. Fans of historical fiction will enjoy the decades-spanning plot that sees the Nazi plan evolve across the eras. There’s plenty here for long-time readers of the series and newcomers a. Cooper delivers another enjoyable yarn, with some interesting scientific info artfully woven into it as usual.1 John1,245 6

I received an ARC through "Booksirens" and I am voluntarily leaving an hinest review.

The story begins in Germany with WWII coming to an end. It lays out a plan that an agent from the U.S. will put into place which will lead to a Fourth Reich. This plan will involve future impact of DNA. It begins with the agent landing in Maine and introduces another individual who was also to become involved. The story of what events came from this gathering will be reviewed along with efforts that Brad and Karen will try to stop.

Brad and Karen come into the picture when Karen is asked to meet with a former FBI agent in relationship to the discovery of a find that brings this plan to light. The FBI agent tells a story of what he discovered in his time as an agent. He also reveals that he believes that a woman in met in Paris when he was a member of the SS is associated with the plot. The more information that Brad and Karen receives provides a reason to look for the people that a still striving to fulfill the German plans. Their search narrows the search down to a specific area in Maine. With this data, the two travel to the location where they believe these individuals are located.

To learn what the FBI agent told Brad and Karen, what activities the German agents did in their effort to perform their mission and how it all worked out in the end, then you need to read this book.

Lynne Hannmann186 4

The Third Man is a dual timeline medical thriller. Beginning in Germany near the end of WWII, it’s evident that the war is lost. Projecting into the future, in the hopes of establishing a new master race and a Fourth Reich, two Nazis with scientific backgrounds, Walter and Ellen, are sent to the US as sleeper agents with the intent of learning about DNA and how to alter it. Walter and Ellen become David and Catherine, a couple married in name only, who are living normal lives in Maine until their mission can be activated years later.
With the intensity of undercover spies whose true identities could surface at any moment and advances in science which are now reality, Geoffrey M. Cooper has written a plausible and explosive page turner that follows advances in DNA science through the years and lands dead center in present day issues of bioterrorism and political extremism.
Although part of a series involving characters who investigate cases from both a police and scientific standpoint, it is easily read as a standalone. Highly recommended.
Thank you to the author, the publisher, Maine Authors Publishing, and BookSirens for the opportunity to read and review an ARC.
Bette Reith162 4

Another great installment of an exceptional series. It is a stand-alone, but this far into any series, I would highly suggest you start at the beginning. How the author figured out all the twists and connections is mind boggling.

Back at the end of WW!!, Germany sent over a super-secret agent with a long term mission. Genetic engineering to create the perfect race was always a dream, but what if they could make it a realaty. After years of living a normal life, the needed progress of DNA research starts him on the path of realizing Germany’s long held dream.
He partners with a mouse geneticist, the KKK, neo-Natzi and other groups to move forward in his mission.
It took one slip up to alert Brad and Karen to their new case. Full of mystery, intrigue, and science, this is a must read. Thanks to BookSirens for the ARC of this book.
Mary Ryan935 20

This wasa riveting and engrossing read, expertly weaving between the current day and back to the time of Nazi Germany and also the discovery of DNA. It didn't get complicated at all and the story is told from the perspectives of the German spies David and Catherine, and also Brad during the current timeline.

The story was fascinating and I found this very hard to put down. This is the second book I have now read by this author and I highly recommend them both.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Tanya14k 75

Spies are going to land in Maine and they are quickly caught. This talks about if there was a third man who was a spy. This follows what would have happened if they had not been caught. Would it have changed the course of the war? How would it had gone? See just what may have happened
I received an advance copy from hidden gems and I want to review AMAO1,160 34

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