
A Widow's Journey de Gayle Roper

de Gayle Roper - Género: English
libro gratis A Widow's Journey


Have you recently lost your husband? Are there days when you feel so terribly alone—and that no one else could possibly understand? Author Gayle Roper understands. As a recent widow herself, Gayle writes: So who am I now that there's only one place at the table...one pillow with a head dent, one damp towel after a shower. There's only one toothbrush in the holder. The seat is never left up anymore. I can still write Mrs. in front of my name, but I'm no longer in a marriage relationship. You need two people for a marriage and there's only me. Is there only you? Then join Gayle as she draws on her emotions during the loss of her beloved husband, Chuck, and offers you a compassionate devotional to encourage you through your darkest days. Gayle knows a widow's pain is deep. But she also knows God's love is deeper still. And it's in His love you'll find your deepest comfort.

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This book caught my eye in Lifeway one day so I bought it and started reading it. In a few days I will have been a widow for only 6 months. This book was very helpful, sometimes it made me get all choked up and/or teary eyed but it was so very helpful to me in my grief and my walk alone without my dear husband. I found that many times what Gayle said about her feelings were almost exactly how I was feeling too! It was good to know that other widows felt the same way too. I also appreciated all of the appropriate bible verses after her own thoughts. These really added to the book's success.

I am going to keep this book to read again in the very near future because it was so helpful to me as I go through this time of grief. C.J. DarlingtonAuthor 15 books381

An important read for widows, but also for those who want to understand the intensely personal struggle being experienced by the widows they love. I will never fully understand as I'm not a widow, but I can try, and this book helped. I wish it would've been a little more "how-to" but I recognize that's not what it's meant to be. These were originally the author's blog posts during the years following her husband's death, so that makes sense. They are easily digestible and interspersed with meaningful Scripture and quotes. Cindy Batdorf181 5

This little book helps you realize you are not going crazy. Life has changed. The one you love is not coming back but, there are groups out there to help you. Hopefully, you have friends and family that will also give you support.

I am almost one year from the day my husband died. I am doing better but I still have a long way to go in the organization department. Some days I can work for hours, other days I curl up in the chair and sleep. But I know I am better and I know God is with me and that makes all the difference.death-non-fiction grief-non-fiction heaven-easy-reasder John KnappAuthor 5 books3

Not for Women Only


It may sound strange, but men encounter similar feelings, with a different context and different details. And I write as a man, a happily married one, a martial artist and a writer. The details here are skillfully presented and developed without pandering or self -pity. In the right group of one or more who has experienced great loss this could be a healing instrument. (Author of THE BLOOD OF THREE WORLDS. See Amazon or Johnknapp2.com) jimmie aldredge2

Knowing others feel your pain helps!!

I am a widow, 73 years old. This book helped me in so many ways. I felt that someone really understood my pain. The scriptures were so meaningful. This is the beginning of my journey. My husband passed away 2 months ago. He was my high school sweetheart and a wonderful man. We had 2 children and 4 grandchildren. 53 years of marriage, I am lost without him. Thank you for sharing your feelings. God bless you. Floy Creveling6

I read this book in the first weeks after my husband's death. I found it extremely helpful. The one year anniversary of his passing is approaching and I picked up the book again. I find it even more helpful this time. Gayle Roper's candor in sharing her experiences as a wife and now a widow, speaks volumes in what it is losing a spouse. I am very grateful that she wrote this book and that I bought it. CandyAuthor 27 books1 follower

Difficult subject but a realistically painful and hopeful resource

I'm not yet widowed, but my husband is in the final stages of Alzheimer's, and I'm already walking a lonely road as his caregiver. Gayle's journey is helping me cope as I prepare for the inevitable. As a fellow writer, I know Gayle and have always admired her, even more so now. Terry Ingroff1 review

Thank goodness for this book!

I purchased this book almost 2 years ago, shortly after the passing of my husband. This book has been a source of comfort from the very beginning and I still refer to it often on those days where encouragement to keep moving forward is needed. I can’t thank the author enough! Nancy Anderson1 review

Painfully Truthful

I could relate to just about everything this author wrote about widowhood. It was comforting to know my feelings are shared by others. While I did not always appreciate the scripture references, I may someday. My husband died 6 months ago, which seems yesterday as well as an eternity.
Thank you for writing this book and sharing yourself. Joan A. Jazwinski36 18

Knows How It Feels

I d the book very much. Tells the story of her widowhood with knowledge and tact. There was nothing to dis except her losing her husband. I how Scripture was inserted throughout. Highly recommend to all widows. They will certainly find their reflection in this book. Ruthann199

I received this book after my wonderful husband left this life in 2019. I was struggling and still am. I found that I also had most of these feeling! I have as of this date read this great little book 4 times and find something new each time. I also have passed books along to other new and some not so new widows. They each have found this book very helpful. Veronica Fabian6

Growing stronger day by day.

I loved that this was not a book full of advice. It's wonderful to know that someone feels and thinks the same as you. I only wish I had read this sooner. judy robinson14

Gayle opened her heart in this book. She doesn't give advice but ends each section with scripture appropriate to the situation. She shows that whatever emotions in feeling it is normal. She brought tears. Joyce Thacker13 Read

A great book

I would highly recommend this book. I'm not a widow but have lost many other family members. Time is the one thing that does ease our pain and of course our great hope in Christ. Terri Van brunt13 2

I laughed and I cried! A great book for a widow to read. She expresses all the feelings we feel. Affirming that all these feelings are so normal when at times we feel we should "just get over it". thank you for sharing so transparently. Vicki Jones1 review

Very helpful

This book was very helpful she express the feeling of what you are going through as grief seems to overtake your life.Then she mixes it with very specific scripture that speaks comfort to your soul. Mary Ellen2

As a widow for only 5 days, this book helped me to understand what I am feeling now, as well as what to expect. The grief is overwhelming right now, but I know that I will gradually be re-born as a new me, without my husband. Phyllis M Santos4

Kindred Spirit

As a new widow trying to grieve well, this author expressed what I am feeling. It was I was the one putting the words on the paper. Truly the best grief book I have read today. Thank you Gayle Roper. Robin212

I was given this book 6 months after my husband died. I loved this book and had a hard time putting it down. I found so many of the authors feelings and experiences mirrored what I am going through. Definitely for women going through a recent death of their spouse. Anita Welborn20

She’s been there!

I loved her writing. She very vividly expressed my same feelings as a widow . No one but a widow could have written these words.
Thank you for sharing your heart. linda schnur1 review

Widow for one year

I d this book so much that I bought an extra copy for a friend who is a new widow. Jorjan Loos71

I d this book so much that I bought several copies to give to other widows. I felt validated many times throughout Gayle's book. Pat Roseman251

What a wonderful book! Even after 17 years, it was very helpful. I've already given it to a few friends and will probably give it to even more.2019-read christian-living non-fiction Judy Gacek306 3

Highly recommend. Wait a while after your loss to read it.2020 Linda880 11

The author notes her reactions during all the phases of her grief, interspersed with wonderful extracts from Psalms, Proverbs, and other parts of the Bible.self-help Joette Cordsen2


Quick easy read with many insights into widowed. Authentic and spiritually grounded. I appreciated the many scriptural references. Worth reading. Glo Reherman1 review

I really enjoyed this read about a year after my loss. I think anytime earlier would have been too soon. Very comforting and encouraging. Ginny T337 1 follower

Unfortunately, I have joined this club. This book is a personal reflection on the path and reflections of the author. I could relate to all of it. Sarah371

Powerful and very helpful. Tami Evans67 1 follower

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