
Source of a River de Gary Morse

de Gary Morse - Género: English
libro gratis Source of a River


Source of a River is an epic, moving tale of grit and love, of weathering the storms of trauma and loss while searching for that special connection that makes us feel truly alive.

A pensive eight-year-old boy is caught between parents grieving in different ways: His fearful mother is overprotective, his father recklessly seeking adventure. When John, the boy, disobeys his mom and goes ice fishing with his dad, he ventures too far out-precipitating a new trauma . . .

Twenty years on and John has suppressed the trauma. Mired in a successful but joyless existence he meets Claire-a passionate, sensual, unpredictable older woman with a dream of finding the source of a river. She awakens John's longing for something more but he struggles with Claire to form a committed, lasting relationship. When Claire challenges him to face his childhood trauma, John discovers a shocking new detail which heightens his growing anxiety about both life and death.

Will he overcome his...