
'Tis the Season (Passages 1) de Gale Stanley

de Gale Stanley - Género: English
libro gratis 'Tis the Season (Passages 1)


Gale Stanley Year: 2023

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Argh, this one was so difficult to rate. I d the book but there was some things I didn't at all and some things I didn't feel were ever resolved.

I d Aidan and I d Hunter. Although Hunter was a big asshole a time or two but given he's a wolf and he's still grieving over his lost mate, I can push that aside. They are a good couple and they fall in love quickly because they form a symbiotic bond which is a soul mate bond created by shared fluids. Kind of.

I d the story especially since it's a bit different from other stories with inter-species matings. For one, this isn't just the run of the mill mating where a vampire and a wolf mate and then they fight off the prejudices from their packs and clans. No, this time it's a bit different because not only are there prejudices between the species but once Aidan and Hunter mated, they both started to change. Aidan taking on traits of a wolf and Hunter taking on traits of a vampire. It was fascinating. Something you don't see much in the overabundance of paranormals out there.

With that said I had problems with the book. IMHO, there was too much sex. Yes, they were kind of quick scenes but it was too much for such a short story. I could have overlooked that, though. My biggest problem with this story was the m/f content. Yeah, okay, there is a warning on the publishers sight and I can handle m/f when I need to but this is m/m, there should not be m/f in m/m if I had any say. That is the whole reason I read m/m is because I don't want females in my stories. But the one thing anyone looking to read this needs to know, that the publisher never specified on, is that this particular female Hunter has sex with is 17 years old! I can handle underage guys hooking up with older guys because, to me, there is a difference in the part that I know they will be underage. This I couldn't really handle. This teenage girl is hooking up with a guy more than twice her age and wants to mate him? On top of that, I felt it had no relevance to the story at all. In fact, I would have d the story a lot more if they never had sex at all or at least Hunter tried to stop them from having sex. No, instead Hunter just goes along with it and then justifies it as having sex with her to keep her quiet about his vampire bites... Uh, hello, Hunter? She's a teenager female she lives to gossip! Especially to the alpha!

Anyway, that ruined my enjoyment of the story. And then on top of that, the story ends so abruptly, nothing is even solved. I can understand the part with the alpha not being solved, considering this is the first in a series, but I'd at least for the part with Grace being Hunter's soon-to-be mate to be solved. So, I felt kind of disappointed with that because if the sex with Hunter and Grace would have been left out of the story, this would have been a good book for me but as it is, I only d bits and pieces of it and just wanted it over with. So, I'm sorry, I can't recommend this book and I'm not sure I'll read the rest of the series I'll read it one day since I already bought it but probably not anytime soon. At least not until I have some definite answers to the questions I have and know for a fact there won't be anymore fucking females. :-/arranged-marriage-and-such avian contemporary-fantasy ...more15 s Heather4

Nice beginning to a series with an interesting premise. Looking forward to see where this leads.13 s Claire2

Good start to a series, questions remain. Guess I'll be buying book 2.12 s Honey199 10

I don’t one of the main characters having sex with anyone other than their intended partner in romance. I definitely don't one of the MC having sex with a woman in an m/m romance book. Especially when he’s already met and had sex with said intended partner. However, I can’t stomach one of the main characters having sex with a 17 year old girl in an m/m romance book. This is my second hit and miss with this author and after this one, I definitely won’t be reading any other books by Gale Stanley. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewauthors-i-don-t-trust9 s Cordy Crawford7 3

I was so excited when I saw I won this book through Goodreads First Reads. I definitely was not disappointed. I read through it in under a day. I could not put this down. I loved the whole idea of a vampire and a werewolf (sworn enemies) being symbiotic mates. The romance was so lovely and the passion was incredible. The relationships between the characters felt so real. I can't wait to read the next books in the series. Gale Stanley has gained a new fan in me. I usually don't read these types of books- preferring to stick to teen paranormal romances- but this was worth it. Believe me, you will not be disappointed when reading the Symbiotic Mates series.favorites first-reads queer-lit ...more8 s Karen K426 13

I enjoyed this book and I really d Hunter and Aidan. The concept was unique and new, Lycan blood helping with Vampire's reproduction - very interesting actually. Hunter and Aidan are a really good couple, and the supporting characters are ones I want to know more about. If you vamps and weres, I'd recommend this one.ebook-owned gay-au gay-paranormal ...more8 s Eddie204 4

I don't see many bird shifters in this genre so it caught my eye. Vampire-hawks and wolf-shifters are enemies but they both have traitors in their own ranks. Then they find out they become connected if they share blood. Working my way through the series and went back to reread this one. It's a good set up for what follows.

8 s Francie99 3

Loved the book!! So many new things to learn!! 8 s Lexi AnderAuthor 33 books448

Okay, I started this think *yawn* "same-o-same-o" and then Adrian was introduced and thought, "Vampire hawk shifter? Huh?"

Yep, then it sucked me into a world of shifters and shifter vampires. Both species are dying out and they are both looking for ways to breed more children. Oh, yeah, they don't each other and are living by a treaty, separated from the humans.

Oh how fun this was! I didn't start rooting for Hunter and Adrian until the vampire bar - which was smokin'! Loved that the smaller man was the top. H.O.T. The extra twist had me waiting to see what would happen and then it was done! No! The next book is not out yet! The agony!

Really, really enjoyed this. I would have loved much more.
mm-shifters7 s Karen91

I wanted to this book because the blurb sounded quite interesting, but I didn't any of the characters, they were all either too pushy, too mental, too weak or just too loathsome. I really didn't the sex with the 17 year old girl and that's when I stopped liking Hunter (one of the protags) which is basically the death knell of a book for me. There were too many unanswered questions at the end of the story, but as I don't any of the characters I probably won't bother buying the next installment. As I said at the beginning I really wanted to this book the idea of symbiotic mates was interesting but the execution unfortunately wasn't.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review7 s Katrina Passick Lumsden1,781 12.9k

I made it about halfway through this one before throwing in the towel, and my reason for doing so has already been pointed out by other reviewers, so it won't come as a shock, but it's still a spoiler, so if you don't want to know, quit reading now.

I absolutely hate it when an author puts an MC in the position of having sex with someone other than their intended love interest. I know it's sometimes necessary to the plot, and I can forgive it if it is indeed necessary, but even then, I'd prefer it happen off-page. When I get a descriptive sex scene between an MC and some random third party, there had better be a point. In Lyn Gala's Fettered, for instance, there's a scene where the submissive MC is having a little light bondage sexual contact with someone other than his intended, but showing the reader the sex was necessary to showcase how Dylan came to terms with what he really needed in a Dom. There was a point, and we traveled that road with Dylan to get to it.

Hunter having sex with Grace in this book? Well, there may actually be a point. I understand from other reviewers that Grace ends up pregnant and that has bearing on subsequent books. Even with that plot point, did I need a descriptive sex scene? No. I really didn't. It could have happened off-page and the result would have been the same.

However, my problem is not just with the fact that the sex scene happened on-page, but that it was essentially a rape scene. Hunter didn't want to have sex with Grace. He was manipulated into doing so, and authors who walk this line between consent and non-consent (or dubious consent) have really started to bug the shit out of me. It's one thing to do non-con or dub-con when it's between the two MC's because you might be able to salvage that situation given that the MC's do actually want to have sex with each other, in whatever form. Hunter is gay. He's not attracted to Grace, he's not in denial about his sexuality and trying to prove his virility by nailing her. No, he's screwing her to keep her silent so he isn't killed.


Just no. It's gross and it's irresponsible and it pisses me off. Hunter was not a consenting party, I don't care that he was bigger than Grace, that doesn't make any of that okay.

This is the second book I've tried to read from Gale Stanley. It will be my last.dnf ick-factor6 s D726 Read

Now see, this story would've gotten a rating from me...if only it stayed M/M. But no, it had to go and put the m/f part in there. Gawd, it's finding a hair in your soup, a long one, and you know your hair is short. Ugh! I have the second book to this series and I will read it. Hopefully there will be no more surprises this.m-f-sex-wtf-i-don-t-wanna-read-this she-was-17 shifter-sex ...more5 s Valentina HeartAuthor 22 books301

3.5 stars. I really d this one and to think I was reluctant to read it. I loved the story which wasn't something I've read about before. The guys were sexy, interesting and I felt the connection between them.

Conversations stuck out for me, precisely the wording. I felt as if I've read the same things too many times before, especially those they had during sex. The bad guys really got on my nerves and the ending was too abrupt. But I'm hoping the sequel will give me some answers. Good read.glbt glbt-sf-futur-fantasy-paran3 s Asteropê662 10

Huh. Not a bad concept. It seems a different play on the mate thing, the if-you-die-I'll-die trope.

other reviewers stated, I didn't the MF sex scene. Not because it was MF, because I read that too, but because the female was under 18 (I'm assuming a few months shy) and it was stated as such.

I looked at the publisher's website submission guidelines and sure enough it's stated under "Taboo subjects" that they can refuse:

"Sexual content with participants under the age of 18"

Huh. She was underage and they were having sex. We got a description of her breasts, nipples and what his cock was doing to her and came. The sex, though brief was written in the same matter as an erotica scene.

How did that get past the publishers?

I get at the time, Hunter didn't know/realize what Aiden meant to him, so it wasn't cheating to me, but still. I didn't that she was underage, even if they tried to justify it. What harm would it have done to have her be 18? Or slightly older? That's what bothered me.

I also know from starting the 2nd book, that this act with the girl seems to have implications that might be important (she was able to get pregnant and I'm going to assume, the baby is going to be different since Hunter was changed when he impregnated her).

I guess if the MF scene had to happen with her underage, I wish it was off-screen. Plus, I don't think people reading about one hero screwing someone else when the focus is supposed to be on the other hero, you know? fiction g_erotica g_lgbtq ...more2 s Jimmy Hanson412 12

The idea I got from the summary was a lot better than the novel itself. The transition was just downright creepy and turned my stomach for some reason, even though I enjoy both reading [and writing] gory bit every once in a while. Not that they were gory ... I don't know. Maybe it was thinking about the biological mutations that would have to occur in order for some of those things to work, that bothered me more than the actual changes themselves.
Character-wise both Hunter and Adrian were drawn okay in the first scene, but by the second their roles completely switched and quite suddenly it didn't make sense any more. Hunter snarled and growled and howled he was being held or forced against his will [when he wasn't, by any means], and Adrian ... well, he was too busy either being a timid daisy or a prick or both at once.

The schmex scenes weren't that hot, the emotional flare-ups seemed to happen for little to know reason [although thankfully, they didn't have that whole "EMO" thing going on], and everything just ... skimmed. It all happened way too fast, they met, mated, professed their love, grew malformed, snarled, hated, almost died, fed, professed their love again, and vowed to stand against the world - all in the span of about 120 largely spaced pages.

Took me an hour to read it, a half hour to forget it and move on. 'Nuff said.
2011 infidelity-ick m-m ...more2 s Sair132

I'm not sure how to rate this

Hunter is a 6'5" lead enforcer, who has lost his wife to a violent death and has a calm nature that enables him to look logically rather than lash out.
All of that should make him heroic and strong, but to me he came across as manipulated and weak.

That's the centre, I think, of what really what irked me about a very promising premise for a story... The acceptable use of drugs (aphrodisiacs), the lack of questioning about situations that go against their instincts and morality. It came across not as strong packs of creatures but as people slavishly following a cult.

The 18 year old girl seducing Hunter was another instance of the wetness of the MC's.

I'm giving two stars (which is a lot for me) because there are so many elements to this that could make it a really good read, it's got elements that kept me reading.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewparanormal part-of-a-series shifter2 s Tina908 16

1.5 Stars
Although I d the premise and I'm a huge fan of paranormal MM romances I was totally disappointed in this book. First off I don't read MM romance to have one of the main characters have a sex scene with an under-aged girl. I have a feeling this to will come back to haunt us in future stories from this series, if you read them.

None of the characters are really developed. The hatred between the Lycan and the Vampires is over the top. And for being strong alpha men I'm not seeing a lot of back bone. The romance is weak and the sex scenes had no passion.

Your left hanging in book one, but always I refuse to let one book define the author. I'll give the second story a try.
m-m romance-paranormal2 s Candice932

I enjoyed the concept of this book and would have loved to have found out more about Hunter and Aiden, it would definitely be a different relationship with one being a werewolf and one a vampire. Unfortunately, it didn't work for me. It seemed to me that the author was trying to cram too much into this story and was going into too many directions to full develop a story between these two. Then, one of my biggest pet peeves, the story just stops. vampire werewolves2 s Cole Riann1,078 254

3.75 stars (rounded up)

A darker world that the typical shifter/vampire stories. Here, the vampires and wolves are much their horror stereotypes and less the love-struck mated emo type. There is a pervasive gloom in the writing that made this a slower read for me, no matter the low word count.

An interesting premise and world to a new series. I'm excited to keep reading!m-m m-m-pnr m-m-series ...more2 s Ter414 1 follower

Having sex with a woman in an m/m romance book is a big NO NO.
publisher has warning now but not when I got this. this whole series looks its mixed, I don't reading bks with girl bits in my M/M stories. 2 s Dhliriel6

A 3.5 for this book. I enjoyed it as i was reading it but the abrupt ending left a wtf moment. And honestly the short scene where one of the characters has sex with a 17 year old girl left a bad taste in my mouth. "nearly 18" is still the same as 17 and I feel if your writing a book for an adult genre everyone having sex with men 20 years older than them should be adults of at least 18 years of age and not just legal age. Thats my preferance though. I did still enjoy the book and will certainly look forward to reading the second. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 LaShonta454 44

I'm glad this is book one because it just ends in the middle of a scene. I mean just ends. I was wtf? I don't really know what else to say about the book. It was getting good and then done. Don't get me wrong the book was good. I already pre-ordered book two. mm-cheaters mm-shifters mm-vamps1 T.T. KoveAuthor 60 books166 Read

Insta-love. After one night of sex, then one week without seeing each other, it's all about love. I just can't buy that, sorry, it's not my thing. Writing was good though and I will read the next book.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Kizmet91 27

I just couldn't get into this book. It started out alright but... I lost interest. It felt disjointed and I felt things weren't explained very well. Nice idea and great potential for plot. Maybe I will try and read this again in the future. alternate-universe bird-shifter enemy-to-lovers ...more1 Melissa19 29

I d her Hybrid series although they were too short, but I hate this one. There is no warning but this contains CHEATING. Also some other items that would be spoilers. So my recommendation - Do Not Read.1 Gale StanleyAuthor 87 books320 Read

Coming April 30!
In a world where Vampires and Lycans are enemies, can two men find common ground and save their dying species.1 Bonnie Colvert79 34

I am so sorry to say I stumbled through this book, but I really honestly did not care for it all. first-reads1 Theresa3,192

DNF. Did not care for the world building, the alpha and the pack compared to other authors' shifter series.1 Tereza106 18

All in all, the book was a pleasant surprise. Short, nice read with able characters and interesting plot. Nothing groundbreaking, nothing original, but better than most shifter books I've read.

I would have happily given it four stars and that's really a lot for this type of shifter stories.

However, the MF sex scene did NOT make my day for sure. I could say something similar I’ve read in other to this book - I’m reading MM book, I don't want to read about MF sex. While that is definitely true - and boy, I hate MF sex scenes in MM books - I'm more than open to these scenes IF, and only if, they make sense.

So, Hunter, basically is pushed to have sex with this 17 year old bat shit crazy wolf girl only because he FORGOT that he had sex with Aidan the night before (and about all those marks on his body). This basically sums it up. Do I believe this? Hell no! I do not believe that a man after a longer period of sexual abstinence would FORGET that he had SEX, not to mention he had sex with a MAN, not to mention it was HIS FIRST TIME. Not to mention said man SUCKED HIS BLOOD at the same time.

“Every part of his body ached. He hadn't been so well fucked since… Since never.“

Just no. Really no.

It is strange that the morning after Hunter remembers but shortly after that he FORGETS? He couldn’t have forgotten, right? Right?

Also, I understand that he was being pushed into this marriage/mating thing by his alpha (oh god, I sooo hope this so called alpha get’s killed off. and I mean SOON) and this girl was crazy but for god’s sake, he was a lead enforcer, was he not? He had experience with handling people, handling dangerous situations.

No, dear author, I don’t believe this for one second.

“Time to seal the deal. Silence for sex.“

And while the forced MF sex is a logical outcome of the fact Hunter FORGOT and WAS NOT ABLE TO HANDLE THE SITUATION, these two reasons do not make sense to me at all. It all screams: plot filler. I wish the scene was handled differently, in a way that would have made sense because the idea itself is fine.

Three and half stars rounded down because of the MF sex scene mentioned above. However, I will read the rest of the series. :)

o_interesting o_just-no th_shapeshifters ...more Book Binge838 153

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