
14 Weeks de Gadziala, Jessica

de Gadziala, Jessica - Género: English
libro gratis 14 Weeks


I was a bit of a wild child. I had a past. I had gotten into trouble. All that was behind me, though. And for the first time in my life, trouble had found me. When the other private investigators wouldn’t help me, I found the huge, hulking Tig willing to lend his expertise. What I didn’t expect was the growing attraction between us or the crazy series of events that would put our budding relationship to the test.

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And… we have a winnerrr!!!

Well, actually, I have a winner,
coz this book and especially this heroine is not for everyone.

If you prefer sweet shy virginal heroines (and it’s nothing wrong with that! The tastes are different!), please don’t waste your time to read my review and the book.

I fffloved this woman! Fangirl alarm!
"Well, I am, what's the word they use? 'Progressive', I guess, because I don't buy into that asinine, antiquated virgin/whore mindset that society s to shove down our throats. Everyone s sex. And so long as you do it safely, no one should be ashamed of some absurd 'number' that supposedly makes you either a prude or slut. I've slept with who I have slept with, and I see no reason to try to hide that..."

YES!!! Thanks God there are still authors who don’t stick to “standard” romance trope!
And respect to Jessica Gadziala for detailed and HONEST trigger warning!

I didn’t have any triggers in this book. I had no problem and only little judgment with hero’s past. Yes, he was a drug dealer for a short time, but he needed to feed his small sister. And I had ZERO judgment when he killed all the bastards who raped and murdered his sister.
Yep, my black soul, stone heart and vengeful b*tch nature wanted their blood!

I agree 100% with the heroine on this topic:
"There was murder, and there was justice. They weren't one in the same. Exceptions had to be made."

There were some violence scenes in the book, but since I suspected the mystery of suspense, I could stomach them.
Don’t saying anything *zip my mouth*

Back to my favourite girl. Ah, did I already say that I f*cking loved her?
"They also taught me that no man was worth falling apart over. It was advice I took to heart.
No man would break me.
At least, no man would ever know he broke me.
Stiff fucking upper lip.
That was pretty much my motto for heartbreak."

I could quote her till there are no characters left in the review window… *lol*

The hero. Damn, I loved this man.
AMAZING MAN!!! Hot guy!!!

My understanding of Alpha doesn’t meet 98% of supposed alphas in CR. I don’t think that an ability to slap a woman’s ass, to dominate her, to humiliate her, to make the decisions for her, to tell her when and how she may have orgasm/take a shower/poop etc. show man’s strength. All these actions show a wimp who hides behind aka macho-façade. All these so called alphas choose a living doormat for a life partner. To feed their ego? It’s convenient of course to have a breathing doormat which can s*ck his d*ck occasionally.

Well, not my coppa, not my fiction, not my life!

I love and respect men who don’t get intimidated by strong women.
You see, it’s very easy to appear strong and cool, when you have backboneless female on your arm.

But it’s a challenge to be a real Man when you have a badass woman.

And this hero was an Alpha! He was strong, caring, honest and he didn’t fear strong women, he wasn’t looking for a damsel in distress.

Yes! FINALLY!!! Finally a man WITH balls!!!
"Don't even fucking think about it, Kenz," he said oddly, making my gaze shoot up from the bill to his face. "I know you asked me out. I also know that you are a strong, independent woman who can pay for her own meals, but understand this about me - I take care of my woman. That means I make sure she is safe, that she is happy, that she is fucked however she wants to be fucked how ever often she wants to be fucked, and it also means I pay."

MY kind of a Man!!!

You know me, I don’t retell the stories.
This one was well written, had amazing main characters and interesting suspense. Hot sex-scenes, many sweet moments.
In short: badass woman and Alpha man.

I’m an unicorn reader. I don’t read to find a fiction of an Alpha man (who often is portrayed as a self-centred manho), I read to feed my hunger for strong female leads.
Because women are strong! We rock, ladies!!!

Since I see a badass everyday in a mirror (sorry, modesty was never my strength
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