
Safe & Sound in the Arms of an Elite Knight: Volume 3 de Fuyu Aoki

de Fuyu Aoki - Género: English
libro gratis Safe & Sound in the Arms of an Elite Knight: Volume 3


Fuyu Aoki Publisher: J-Novel Club

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I wanted to this so much, but its glacial pacing and awkward romance prevented it. I understand the characters' trauma, and I applaud the author for making it real, but the balance is off, and in the end I was a little bored rather than swept off my feet.light-novels romance6 s1 comment Cindee920 38

I loved this very sweet story with bits of trauma and abuse Chloe came from a horrible abusive mother to find people that care for her and an eventual caring love interest in Lloyd. I just love these kinds of books short with much sweetness and just enough other things to keep you interested in the story. I really loved the characters especially Chloe and Lloyd they get close pretty quickly with each of them opening up about their past to each other over time. I love that even with what Chloe lived with and all of the terrible abuse she is a genuinely caring and compassionate girl. The plot was really interesting it starts with the terrible abuse Chloe suffers from her mother and how she is used to this and wonders is that all her life will be not long after her mother tries to kill her so she escapes. After that she finds both help and acceptance in many people she even finds love looking forward to them actually getting together. So overall I loved this book it was an easy and really interesting read.april-2024-tbr may-2024-tbr5 s Anne Terry14 1 follower

Sweet & Satisfying

A very wholesome romance. Sweet in that it revels in the simple joys & wonders of life. Just the kind of romance I love.2 s Mk169 6

This is... so bad. First of all: almost nothing happens in this book. Second, the "romance" consists 90% of her cleaning his house and cooking for him and him being wow, great! In exchange he treats her decently and that's enough for both of them to consider having feelings for each other. Third, the remaining aspect of their "romance" is him patting her on the head a dog. I wish I were joking.1 Aelvana1,390 22

Chloe has been tormented most of her life, due to the birthmark which leads others to conclude she's been cursed. But when she finally snaps and runs, she stumbles into the one thing she never expected: a knight who swoops in to save her.

So this was better than I was expecting. Both Chloe and Lloyd have trauma, and the story actually recognizes that and makes an attempt to deal with it. I think it handles Chloe better than Lloyd (he comes off as unintentionally hilarious even after knowing what's prompting all his "in the jungle" remarks), but the fact that it even tries does a lot to elevate the story.

The volume otherwise plays out exactly how you would expect from the description. Chloe and Lloyd meet, he takes her home to recover, and ends up hiring her on as a housekeeper. From there the two start falling in love, although neither of them actually knows that's what's happening so there's nothing more than feelings and blushes so far.

Overall, I think it's the right move to have the relationship progressing so slowly. It's giving both characters time to heal as people before making the romance front and center. If you're in the mood for some fluff with a dark underbelly, Recommended.1 Jennifer1,258

It was ok, with clumsy writing and some unrealistic details. Her family was horrible, but the level of abuse was over the top, particularly since they didn’t seem to even think of it as odd. I mean, her mom came after her with a knife…

So she has trauma and can’t even hold a knife, which doesn’t make sense - I can see if she reacts to seeing someone else with a knife, but holding it herself shouldn’t be a problem. But she got over a lifetime of serious abuse within a couple of weeks of living with Lloyd…

Then you had a bunch of morons who decided to get revenge on Lloyd for beating them up. They discover that he is an elite knight, which they pay a huge amount of money to find out. How did they get the money? I don’t even know. But they get 15 thugs to jump him. I understand there is strength and numbers, but that has its limits against a trained warrior. However, Lloyd almost does get seriously injured because he isn’t using his sword because she might be afraid. What. I am pretty sure that if he gets incapacitated or killed, she will be in a lot more trouble than just being a little bit scared.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review R.1,468

This is a twist on a Cinderella tale with Chloe as the sister who is treated as less than a servant, this time due to a birthmark that is the reason she is labeled as a "cursed child". After escaping her home and somehow surviving the trek to the capital, she is fortunate enough to cross paths with Lloyd, one of the First Order Knights. The two of them are equal parts awkward and lost, with their own dark pasts that perhaps allow them to understand each other better than others, even if they aren't aware of it yet. Chloe is just coming to terms with her own feelings and wanting to share her story with Lloyd at the end of this volume after learning of Lloyd's past. Time may be running out it seems as her mother is still searching for her, and now her sister is heading towards her new haven, even if neither are aware.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Chi694 43

This is a rather sweet and uncomplicated story of two people with rather traumatic childhood, finding each other, and ending up supporting each other.

On the downside, there is a case here for heaps of wish fulfilment, insta-love between the leads, and a case of weird additions: such as mentions of jungles, where the world is one that's rather European in nature, talk of "karaage" and Japanese bath practices / ettiquete (again, odd to find mentioned in a Euro-centric story), as well as moments where the author was describing elements commonly found in manga (beetroot red blushes, invisible question marks hanging over the characters' heads).

Other than above, the story did its job: it was a fun piece of escapism. :)fantasy in-love-with-the-help insta-love ...more Jessie The Librarian1,518 75

I am a simp for these kinds of stories. Fast-paced, emotional, and drama-ridden.

To summarize, the main character flees her abusive mother and ends up in a knight's care...
The issue?

She's scared of knives & sharp shiny weapons.... and he's a knight with a big ass sword.

That being said, he's super sweet and supportive of her. Not once does he judge her for her fears. Instead, he takes caution in caring for her, ensuring she's safe and ok. He waits for her to talk and doesn't push her to discuss her trauma. Let me tell you, even if the author cuts corners (which respectably I understand skipping the "traveling from point a to b" in the intro), I will always the light novel solely for the amazing man that was birthed from this tale.

Thank you4-stars and-they-were-roommates light-novels ...more Sammie284

This is the stuff for romantics right here. The story is simple and straightforward but very healing for the soul.

Our main couple are both lonely and damaged individuals who somehow make their way to each other. They find a hard-won peace with each other and slowly but surely build a life together despite the ebons of darkness circling.

The writing is a bit simple but it effectively managed to grasp my heart and tear ducts. The relationship between the main pair is awkward, natural and really amusing. It's not a heavy read, there are a lot of sweet and quiet moments, but your heart will definitely be squeezed a number of times.

There isn't a lot of action or tumultuous events, it's certainly a romance, slice-of-life, but with everyday they are together, they grow closer and the readers' hearts get sweeter.light-novels Mariána K366 1 follower

Nothing special, mostly mediocre

I feel the beginning portion up until the two main characters meet was rushed. It made Chloe's journey feel more of an inconvenience for the author than a part of her character. The antagonist for the story was weak and there really wasn't any tension for the story. Everything came really easy and felt weird.

I think it was a very simple read with nothing particularly good or bad going for it. I am curious about the developments for the next book though, since it is implied she will have to confront her nasty family. Siu Lum233 4

I love the first volume in this series.

Chloe escapes from an abusive home and heads to the capital city. She encounters some thugs and Lloyd, an Elite Knight, saves her. When Lloyd realizes that Chloe has no one, he offers her a job as his housekeeper.

This is such a sweet read and I love how their relationship developed.

I am looking forward to reading the next volume. J-Lynn1,080 3

You read the first novel and skimmed the second novel. Actually, this is your second time reading this volume and it does not bring you joy, so don’t try for a third time. I get it; the title and cover is interesting, but you were bored to tears.light-novel romance Vania Zhao5

Pretty much what you might expect of a romantic light novel, it was fairly cute though. Gaea319

RTCfantasy light-novel romance Pearl Jackson6

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