
The Stranger at the Pentagon de Frank Stranges

de Frank Stranges - Género: English
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Dr. Frank Stranges was born and educated in Brooklyn, New York. He received his Bachelors of Divinity, as well as Ph.D's in Psychology and Philosophy, from Faith Theological Seminary in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Dr. Stranges was a member of the Mayor's Advisory Council of Los Angeles, and a member of the American Association for Social Psychology. He also held a Ph.D. from the National Institute of Criminology, in Washington, D.C., and was an accredited Diplomat of the American Academy of Professional Arts.

Dr. Stranges authored several books on scientific and religious subjects, including his classic "The Stranger at the Pentagon," which tells the unusual story of a spaceman named Valiant Thor. Because Thor was a real person, who appeared in a public on a few occasions (including at the United Nations headquarters in New York City), the legend of the Stranger at the Pentagon has grown, becoming a real head-scratcher for 21st-century UFO researchers. Today, it is still one of the hottest topics in ufology, having spawned various other books, documentaries, and even feature Hollywood films.

What exactly happened to Valiant Thor? Did he get back on his spaceship and return to his home planet, or did he help the U.S. government set up alien-human hybrid experimentation in remote underground bases? Or was he imprisoned - thrown in the clink - by those in the government who have been fighting UFO Disclosure all these years?

Since no one knows how long an alien can live, could Valiant Thor still be alive today, in 2016, somewhere in - or under - our nation's capitol?

This special reprint - the 6th revised edition from 2001 - features an introduction by Dr. Harley Byrd, nephew of Adm. Richard E. Byrd, and an epilogue by Valiant Thor himself, as well as several interesting photos, covering years of UFO history. A must-have for the serious paranormal researcher.

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At least in the case of the Swiss “prophet” Billy Meier, evidence has been mounting on his fake UFO photos; thence, as a result, the so-called “Pleiadian connection”, Billy’s, deserves all my suspicion.

But, as to reverend Frank Stranges, some of his sayings demand more investigation/consideration. His story is amazing, and in a nutshell, it follows. I’ve watched two tapes on presentations made by Stranges; I’m basing my lines on those.

“I come from the planet your Bible calls the morning and the evening star”

The reverend affirms having met with some Venusians for 3,5 years; they left in 1960. One stood out: Valiant Thor (check on photos).

(Val on the right side, holding paper)

It seems the Pentagon allowed him to live there, for that time period. Stranges had his first rendezvous (1957,Virgina) with Thor in the Pentagon, though, how he got in there, is always a subject of controversy.

Anyway, Thor’s mission was a failure (he had more 77 Venusian fellows on earth). Politicians (Eisenhower, Nixon…, whom he met personally), religious leaders and others didn’t accept his gifts (of healing, namely); it is said his offers ”would ruin the Economy”. So, he dematerialized and left.

Stranges said that Thor was asked once by Robert Kennedy: “who killed my brother” and “what are my chances in the presidency election”; he was told not to run. Stranges doesn’t reveal the answer to the first question.

Of special interest are the visits Stranges made to the spaceship Victor One in San Filipe, California; the teleportation “powers” of Val; and the absence of fingerprints. Val had a special clothing, whose material was not of this earth; several tests performed on this miracle garment concluded its fabric was unknown. The brother of Val could “walk through walls”, so they could not contain him.

Frank spoke about the Qumran scrolls and how someone from Jerusalem called him and said: you have no right to disclose this info. It seems Frank possesses, in advance, some information not yet revealed by those who guard the scrolls. That information points to life on other planets of the solar system.

I am waiting for the scrolls’ unveiling.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJBpl...ufology9 s Konrad26 10

The bit in the beginning, purporting to be written by Valiant Thor, is pretty entertaining if you're into this sort of thing. an old episode of Doctor Who, but way more (bizarrely) Judeo-Christian. The rest is pretty forgettable.1 David Ward13

Very little information

The book was dull and lacked any real information. Pages and pages of black and white images and mini biographies of faces in more images. If you a picture book this might be for you but if your looking for new or meaningful information stand clear of this book
Fabrizio PoliAuthor 10 books28

I really enjoyed this book and in a way has helped me to start joining some very interesting dots in this world of UFOs. The Christian angle to it is very refreshing and to me makes the story even more believable. I highly recommend it Miloš43 12

If nothing else it was an entertaining read!
Alien believes that Jesus is Alpha and Omega. Or it's just the author who spreads evangelistic propaganda? Decide for yourself. As far as I'm concerned, this only proves that UFO writers are the greatest fringes on the market. AL217 15

Vague story scraps of Valiant Thor’s efforts in Washington DC make this book more fluff than substance, written by an unreliable author who clearly has an agenda to convert people to Christianity using this character as “modern” tool to meet this agenda. Nice try though. Flora Smith538 45

There is so much of this that does not sound even remotely credible. Don't waste your time. Richard Ra15

Interesting story. very the day the earth stood still. I did enjoy it, and the conspiracy theories behind the story are just as entertaining when you do a deep dive. Gage Addams16

Very interesting read, will have to check out Stranges' other books. Dan Zarfati623

Fabrication. Poor book. Ian Dougan1 review

Total bunch of religious horseshit... But entertaining!! an awesome so cool girl17

yes. a man named dr strange wrote a book about someone named valiant thor. also this is a crazy nonsense book i love it so much Dan DesmarquesAuthor 121 books14

A book full of lies and hidden agendas. Ron Sitnick2

Description was compelling. Most of the book contained choppy anecdotes and self aggrandizing pseudo facts. Madhura Ghosh1 reviewRead

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