
The Book of Days de Francesca Kay

de Francesca Kay - Género: English
libro gratis The Book of Days


Things change; we have to recognise that; the world will not stay still. What we must hope is that the new is better and stronger than the old.Anno Domini 1546. In a manor house in England a young woman feels the walls are closing round her, while her dying husband is obsessed by his vision of a chapel where prayers will be said for his immortal soul.As the days go by and the chapel takes shape, the outside world starts to intrude. And as the old ways are replaced by the new, the people of the village sense a dangerous freedom.The Book of Days is a beautifully written novel of lives lived in troubled times and the solace to be found in nature and the turning seasons.

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I am very undecided on this book. It's absolutely beautifully written. I loved the stream of consciousness type of narration. But the pace is not pleasing and it's almost void of plot for 3/4 of the book. You would very much need to be in the mood for a slow meandering, lyrical book so I think if I had read this at a different time I might have enjoyed it more.

Thank you to the author and Netgalley for an ARC in return for an honest review english-historical-fiction historical-fiction netgalley1 Jo-anne Atkinson1,443 19

Married to a much older husband, Alice wants to have children but her husband is dying. His will stipulates that all will go to his daughter Agnes, flush with her first love, unless Alice bears a son. As her husband ails, he commissions a fine chantry chapel in the local church, his tomb is carved and a priest arrives to sing. However the locals on the estate are not happy about this and change is afoot, the old king is dead and the new one wants a different form of religious practice.
It was quite hard to get into this book, there are few names used in early chapters and the date is really given until later. Luckily I have a fair bit of knowledge and could use the hints about wider events to place this story. I'm glad I persevered as this is a wonderfully understated bit of writing. There are tumultuous events taken place as the Protestant reformation takes place and this book reflects on how it must have felt in the heart of the countryside.1 Lucia GrazianoAuthor 2 books9

Un libro che mi ha lasciata fortemente perplessa. Non so con quale coraggio si possa pensare di proporre al pubblico generalista un libro in cui non succede assolutamente niente per le prime 200 pagine, e anche le 80 che restano non sono poi questo surplus di adrenalina. A me è piaciuto, molto, ma io non rappresento il pubblico generalista, e sono una storica della Chiesa cattolica specializzata nel folklore legato al calendario liturgico - esattamente quel tipo di persona che potrebbe apprezzare un romanzo di questo tipo. Diciamo che sarò molto sorpresa, piacevolmente sorpresa, se il libro riuscirà a sfondare.

La trama (?) prende corpo in un piccolo villaggio inglese della metà del Cinquecento. Il libro è una sorta di diario di una donna benestante e ancora giovane, il cui marito sta lentamente morendo di una dolorosa malattia. Lo scorrere del tempo viene misurato non tanto in base al ciclo delle stagioni (come dice la quarta di copertina, secondo me correndo il rischio di scontentare qualche lettore) quanto più in base alle grandi feste che costellano il calendario liturgico cattolico. Da storica della Chiesa, non posso non notare la precisione assoluta con cui l'autrice è riuscita a riproporre la pietà popolare di un tempo e, globalmente, la spiritualità cattolica di quell'epoca, così intrisa di devozione e di folklore al tempo stesso. Quando la 'fine dei tempi' arriva, per tramite della Riforma Anglicana che con furia stravolge tutto ciò su cui si è sempre basata la vita quotidiana della brava gente, tutto cambia. Ma ormai il diario della protagonista sta volgendo al termine.

Mi è piaciuto? Moltissimo: credo che sia la prima volta che mi capita di vedere, in un romanzo storico, due donne che usano i riti della notte di sant'Agnese per offendersi velatamente a vicenda (per citare un esempio tra i molti), e sono stati proprio questi dettagli di assoluta verosimiglianza storica a scaldarmi il cuore: non credo di aver mai letto un romanzo così preciso, da quel punto di vista. Però, di nuovo, mi chiedo: un pubblico generalista sarà capace di apprezzarli quanto meritano? Speriamo di sì, eh, io lo auguro moltissimo all'autrice e all'editore.

[Una copia di questo libro mi è stata omaggiata dall'editore, via NetGallery, in cambio di una recensione]almanacco narrativa3 s Kim793 18

It has taken me an age to finish this book owing to its gentle nature and the slow progression of the chapel works taking place during the mid 1500s in England. I didn't want to rush things at all as I so enjoyed Alice's observations of nature, the chapel construction, the small family moments alongside societal shifts accompanying the tumultuous times during the reign of Henry VIII and beyond.

A sparklingly beautiful novel though one of two opposing halves. The first half feels quiet contemplation whilst the later is more volatile, slightly wrong-footed me with the change in tempo. I was gripped by the transformation and stayed up late into the night to see how it would end. A worthy novel that ticks all the right boxes, for me, and left me questioning one particular point. What an intriguing little mystery. Annarella13.1k 146

It's not a book action packed and adrenaline fuelled. It's the story of a woman whose husband is dying, her life and the passing of time marked by the religious feasts.
It’s the eve of the Anglican reform and things are going to change. There’s a world that will face something totally new.
The historical part is fascinating and appreciated how the author was able to turn the way of living in XVI century into a sort of template that govern people’s life.
I loved it, loved these people and their voices from the past
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine
historical-fiction netgalley1 Heather Chambers46 1 follower

Set in the 1500s, the Book of Days, finds a young woman feeling trapped in her home whilst her dying husband can only think of building a chapel. What is real and imagined begins to merge…

My thanks to the publisher for an advanced reader copy. All opinions are my own. Kronk112

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