
El negociador de Forsyth Frederick

de Forsyth Frederick - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis El negociador


El hijo único del presidente de Estados Unidos ha sido secuestrado. El FBI, la CIA y Scotland Yard intervienen con todos sus medios para descubrir a los secuestradores, pero es Quinn, el negociador, quien logra ponerse en contacto con ellos y cerrar un trato. Sin embargo, fracasa trágicamente y se desencadena una persecución encarnizada en pos de atrapar a los culpables.

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Awesome is the word for this book. This is a book from a person with high IQ, ly to be over 120. Here are my reasons: (1)The story unfolds within a period of one year with a large number of charecters playing their role. Frederick Forsyth has shown an unparelleled skill in crafting their roles carefully and the timing for bringing them into the story. (2) His understanding of US, Europe and Middle East is so great that places and cultures fit very well into the story line. (3) The story is not just interaction between humans, but governments, particularly the police and secret services, and writing a story on such a not so known platform neeeds much more than superficial knowledge. Great Work.17 s Deepak Eshwar27 1 follower

Read it for Quinn the main protagonist. This novel is spine chilling with twists and turns, that will make you lose your way deep inside the novel. When you come out of it, you ll feel the one who built the maze. Hats off to "the master story teller".frederick-forsyth12 s Bob1,983 19

A 1998 Forsyth thriller has the US and Russia worried about the supply and cost of oil which is pushing $20 a barrel. The US President and RussiaÂ’s Gorbachev are about to sign a disarmament treaty that has Military hardliners on both sides angry at loss of funds and material. A US oil Barron who talks to God and gets personal responses has gathered a group of oil men and industrialists, all who stand to loose big money if the treaty goes through, in a plot to get the US President out of office.
When the PresidentÂ’s son is kidnapped in England, the White House contacts a retired American who had great success in negotiating hostage releases. Going by the sole name of Quinn, this negotiator reluctantly agrees to help with the recovery, but only if is allowed to do it his way. This is reluctantly agreed to, but certain members of the US task force have doubts and suspicions which at times compromise QuinnÂ’s efforts. This tale ranges from England to the US and Europe in non-stop action. Kept me up late last night to get it finished.
11 s Alexw388 135

While the premise of kidnapping a President's son to help USA and USSR gain control of the oil market and stop a deal to get rid of nuclear weapons is so farfetched as to be credible, the action that ensues is pure Forsyth. Add double crosses, a fem fatale and more brawling that you see in any night of watching wrestling shows and you have a 4-star novel.9 s Benjamin Thomas1,979 349

I pulled this one from my book store because I was looking for a Cold War era thriller and have not yet read much from Mr Forsyth. I understand that he does an enormous amount of research for his books and that certainly showed here. This was a well-thought out novel and well-structured even though it suffers from amazingly bad publishing timing. It was written in the late 1980s and the traditional Cold War relationship between the US and USSR continues throughout the novel. Of course the author could no more see the incredible events of 1989 (the Wall coming down, the desolution of the Soviet Union, etc.) than the rest of us.

I was a little worried as I read the first several chapters as the author spends a lot of time building the background for the story. We get a lot of back story on numerous characters, including high ranking politicians in both countries as well as businessmen, Senators, etc. but it was unclear just who the POV character would be. It isn't until around page 100 or so that we meet Quinn, the Negotiator himself and the novel settles down into a nice coherent plot. On the surface, the story centers around the kidnapping of the US president's only son but there is so much going on here that it is not at all predictable. Very enjoyable and now, of course, I want to read more from this author, especially his more famous works such as "Day of the Jackal".thriller-political6 s Ryan FernandesAuthor 2 books1 follower

Whenever we talk about Fredrick Forsyth books, comparisons will always be drawn to The Afghan and the Day of the Jackal. This book is good but no where in the class of the above books. The first 1/3rd of the book where the plot is set up is extremely slow and hard to read. The middle part where the kidnapping takes place is brilliant in a way that only Forsyth can write. The ending is tame and more a Bollywood movie. More than brilliant deductions, this book relies on luck and over the top Escape maneuvers by the protagonists. In some places it looks the author is trying too hard to surprise the readers at the cost of the plot. Mind you, it's still not a bad read, just not as good as you expect it to be.5 s Ram356 11

Just finished reading "The Negotiator" by Frederick Forsyth, an international espionage thriller involving more than a dozen countries and a plot that keeps you riveted to the book. Brilliant. fiction5 s José Luis268 60


Leer un libro de Frederick Forsyth es enfrentarte a una lectura con acción, con muchísimo ritmo, con unos personajes algo estereotipados, sin demasiada profundidad, pero ¿buscamos eso o entretenimiento sin más?

Una historia en la que se mezclan personajes reales (Margaret Thatcher o Mijail Gorbachov), supongo que con la idea de hacer más creíble la historia, con un presidente de Estados Unidos ficticio y que trata temas muy actuales en la época en la que fue escrito el libro, como por ejemplo la Perestroika. El mundo pasa por una situación complicada y los dos líderes mundiales, presidentes de las dos grandes potencias, apuestan por el desarme y por poner límites a los gastos militares entre otras razones porque no hay más dinero… Son la excusa perfecta para llevarnos a través de un thriller de ritmo trepidante, algo lento quizás al principio, con su punto culminante en la negociación para liberar al hijo de presidente de los Estados Unidos y es ahí donde comienza de verdad la historia, una caza sin cuartel y sin piedad de todos contra todos y donde te puedes encontrar con los amigos más insospechados. Una historia bastante entretenida y recomendable para los amantes de este género literario.

Un pequeño detalle antes de terminar, la traducción de la historia me pareció bastante floja, curioso como llaman al avión del presidente de los Estados Unidos, el Air Force One… y además encontré bastantes erratas a lo largo del texto, algo totalmente incomprensible cuando hay una editorial de prestigio, como se supone, detrás.

El libro, como decía al principio, está comprado en Amazon y voy a contar un pequeño detalle, otras tiendas y me refiero a Lektu por ejemplo cuando compras un libro digital si este sufre modificaciones por parte de la editorial te hacen llegar un correo avisándote de que puedes descargarte la nueva versión de forma totalmente gratuita como no podía ser menos. A veces los más grandes tienen mucho que aprender de los pequeños (sólo en tamaño).

4 s Angela5,364 68

19th November 2023
5 Stars

The Negotiator by Frederick Forsyth.
->This one's for you Glennie!
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