
Serenading Heartbreak de Fields, Ella

de Fields, Ella - Género: English
libro gratis Serenading Heartbreak


My first love was my brother’s best friend.
A lead singer in their band.
A picture of rugged perfection.
And a drunk soul mate who couldn’t commit.

My second love was an arrogant baseball player.
A player in every sense of the word.
A smooth-talking, reliable best friend.
And a chance at something beautiful and true.

The problem with having a first and second love?
That would be loving them at the same time.
My story isn’t some sexy triangle.
It’s exquisite agony.
Fate gave me two men to love,
but none of us knew which one I could keep.

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"I wont be your second choice because some asshole couldn't make you his first."
Where do I begin? I knew that I would either love this book or loathe it. At the end it was the latter. It's not even that the heroine didn't end up with the guy I was rooting for, it was just a messy story overall with a lot of tropes that I hated. If you love any of the following tropes than this book might be for you, but it's everything I usually despite.

— HUGE SPOILER WARNING ! You should only continue reading if you have read this book already or are not interested in reading it. If you are still undecided this review is going to spoil the whole book for you! —

Serenading Heartbreak contains:
— love-triangle
— angst. angst. angst and more angst
— alcoholic boyfriend/musician as a hero
— doormat heroine
— not-really-cheating-but-it-kind-of-feels--it
— fourth-chance mess disguise as romance
— unplanned pregnancy where the father leaves without telling the girl the reason until later

Looking at the list I should've known that I would hate it, but the blurb was interesting and I haven't read anything by Ella Fields before therefore I had hope that she could turn all these tropes I despise into something better. Unfortunately I thought wrong.

I will just go through the list mentioned above and elaborate a bit:

1. Love-triangle. It was a love-triangle without a doubt, but at the same time it was clear from the start who Stevie would end up with. It was always about Stevie and Everett since their childhood. Stevie only dated Aiden for a short period in college but this short period alone made me Aiden so much better than Everett. He was so charming, caring and patient with Stevie and all around a fun guy. Actually I'm glad that he didn't end up with Stevie, cause he deserves much more than being second to Everett or anyone. He deserves to be someone's one and only love. I'm just super angry at Stevie that she put him through all the heartbreak.

2. All the angst. You can't have a love-triangle without angst and I am someone who doesn't unnecessary angst and drama.

3. I have a type. And it's not some alcoholic loser hero. I hated Dean in Ruckus. Knight in Broken Knight and now Everett. All these guys who are unreliable af cause they can't seem to hold on to anything. They're rather married to their addiction than getting help. Yeah, I know all of them did get better at the end of the book, but not before something really stupid happens to the heroine and they realized that they messed up.

4. Stevie was a doormat heroine. Everett was treating her shit and she always forgave him too easily. He took her virginity and then went on tour with his band and didn't bother to contact her. What kind of asshole move is that? When Stevie was moving on with Aiden, Everett just popped back to mess things up only to leave again. I really lost count of how many times he left her and came back. Some cheesy lines and a kiss and everything is forgiven. Everett didn't even have to do much groveling. I'm someone who can hold a grudge for so long that it's hard for me to imagine how someone can forgive so easily. The alcoholic musician and doormat heroine, they truly deserve each other.

5. Stevie did not cheat on neither Everett nor Aiden. She slept with both, but she wasn't with either one of them when it happen. That's why I wrote that it's not really cheating. BUT with love-triangle emotional cheating is always involved, cause at the end someone is devastated and heartbroken. It was annoying how she was going back and forth to Aiden and Everett depends on who's there. She was a bouncy ball jumping from one guy to the next, I got tired keeping up with it.

6. This book was not a second-chance nor a third-chance book. I think (if i counted correctly) it's a fourth chance book. It was messy.

7. This is part of number 4. When Stevie is pregnant with Everett's child. I normally don't mind the accidental pregnancy trope, but this one was plain stupid. Everett and Stevie had unprotected sex every single time. Either Everett didn't care and thought pulling out before is alright or Stevie thinking taking the after-pill is safe. I don't know and I don't care, it was dumb. So Stevie is pregnant, Everett is drinking alcohol again and messing up. He realize his mistakes, feels guilty and leaves pregnant Stevie without a word. Stevie is AGAIN heartbroken. Aiden is there to help her, nothing happens between them but she still loves Aiden and Everett. Nothing new, same old shit. After months of being absence Everett returns to claim Stevie back. After hearing that he went to rehab during their time apart she forgives him and they live happily ever after with their baby that they named after Everett's dead baby brother. One can argue that Everett left her to get better. Yes he did that's true. But why is he leaving without saying a word? Is a "Sorry I have to leave to go to rehab to be a better man for you and our unborn child" too much to ask for?

Finally I got everything off my chest. I don't want to end on such a negative thought so I will list the few good things as well.

— The cover is beautiful.
— Aiden. He's a sweetheart! I would have love to read his story.
— Adela. Everyone needs a best friend her! She's funny, supportive and loyal! Her friendship with Stevie is one of the good things.
— Stevie's parents! I love supporting parents in books. They always had Stevie and Hendrix back no matter what happened.
— It was a quick and easy read. Ella Fields writing flows easily, I couldn't put the book down even though I hated where the story went.

Overall for the good stuff I would give Serenading Heartbreak 1.5 Stars. It's not enough to round my rating up to 2 stars but there were a few things that weren't completely destroyed.

I'm really conflicted if I should give Ella Fields another try. A lot of her books deal with cheating, which I absolutely can't stand and try to avoid as much as possible, but at the same timer it's so easy to read her writing...1-star-death-never-sounded-better accidental-pregnancy-trope books-read-in-2019 ...more215 s Michelle Claypot_Reads2,333 61

It’s 4.06am. I am done. I just woke my husband crying & he thinks I’m bonkers for reading so late BUT I COULD NOT STOP READING!!!


This is the kind of book that punches you in the chest repeatedly but you it. A true triangle where I was Team Flip Flop for a lot of the book as these characters grew, made mistakes and loved so fiercely it hurt. And the Epilogue - well I loved that so much I give it all the stars!!!!

It's raw, it's painful, it's crazy hot, it's hilarious and beautiful and it just about destroyed me!

What a book. What a f#cking ending ??

Beta read6-star-reads angsty-goodness favourites-2019 ...more177 s ? KAT ? Kitty Kats Crazy About Books2,360 9,494

This review is going to be spoiler free, I'm not even going to include quotes or write this review my usual way, just one click and prepare to have your heart ping ponged to smithereens!!

SERENADING HEARTBREAK Is a full length romance novel by Ella Fields.

I raged, I swooned, I sighed, I cursed a storm, I even screamed at my iPad why oh why! I even had to walk away a few times just to breathe!! This book right here knew no boundaries!! It threw curveballs, it threw bullets to the heart, it threw me into a fit of despair.

The angst, the heartbreak, the too and fro nearly killed me!! This author threw everything thing she could at me and I’m barely left standing!
How could I hate what I was reading but love it so much at the same time! This book definitely put me through the wringer!

The FEELS were shot to hell
The QUEEN of angst took it up a level
The HURT my heart endured will never be the same!!

A triangle clusterf#ck that had me rooting for one boy!!
My head
My heart
Were slayed by Ella Fields!!

4-stars coming-of-age feels-book ...more90 s Jessica ?Chatterbooks Book Blog?830 3,113

Serenading Heartbreak is a new adult romance featuring a love triangle that will have you ripping your hair out and clutching your heart! The angst alone will drive you to the edge! You'll curse, smile, sigh, laugh, tear up, and possibly even throw your book across the room depending on how crazy the characters make you, so you know, basically the same as you do with every other Ella Fields novel. Lol The woman is the queen of angst, and for an angst whore myself, she is a godsend!

Every single time Ella announces a new novel, I lose my shit. I know it's going to be utterly captivating, fantastically written, full of the feels, steamy, and overflowing with angst. She never let's me down, and she certainly didn't with this one. I couldn't put the book down once I started reading it. I even went without sleep, because I had to find out how it all ended. I was on the edge of my seat trying to figure out who Stevie was going to choose. Everett or Aiden?

There could be only one choice in the end. I truly believe the man Stevie picked is who she was meant to be with without a shadow of a doubt, but I would be lying if I told you I was one hundred percent happy with the outcome. How could I be when my heart was torn in two? I began to care for both men, and I couldn't help but feel heartbroken for the "loser." I honestly wish we got a book watching his happily ever after unfold to make me feel better, but you know what? That just goes to show you how amazing of a writer Ella is!

She made me invested in every character's fate and happiness. I could see what there was to love about each of them and what made them all deserve a happily ever after. My heart was tethered to all three characters, and I truly believe that is what makes a good love triangle. If one is an obvious throw away love interest, what's the point?

Love triangles are one of the most controversial tropes in all of romance, and because of that, I'm sure there will be a myriad of opinions on this book. The one thing that nobody can dispute though is that the writing in this book is superb. Whether you love who Stevie ends up with or not, your eyes will be glued to the page from start to finish. Your feelings will become involved in a big way, and you'll have lots of opinions on the actions of each of the main characters. If you're me, you'll need to purge yourself of all of your emotions when you're done, and if you don't have a book friend that's read it, I'm here for you! Lol

New adult romance fans that don't shy away from an ass load of angst and a love triangle, this one's for you! 

P. S. Ella if you read this, write Hendrix's story for us. Please and thank you! :pangsty-af love-triangle new-adult ...more78 s Isabella. R952 1,790

5 A Love That Rivaled Another Stars ?

There's nothing sadder than the vicious cycle of a child subject to abuse that ultimately turns into a dysfunctional adult. Be prepared to feel too much while reading Serenading Heartbreak. I should know by now that this author's characters will push all my buttons, good and bad but then will leave me with a sense of resignation that love doesn't always conform to how we want it to be.

In a world filled with thorns and poisonous flowers, somehow, I was lucky enough to find you.
My clover.

How many times can your heart break before you lose all faith in love or just become a shell of your former self? The love between Stevie and Everett was a pure young love. The broken boy and a girl with a heart of gold that always wanted the best for him. Because we all know that even weeds need the sun.

Yet when that falls apart, it's a gorgeous playboy with good intentions that puts the girl back together. Both Stevie and Prince weathered the storm and life was temporarily grand. However your first love has a way of leaving a lingering effect. Would you fuck up the new for the old? Unfortunately fate sometimes makes the choice.

I won’t be your second choice because some asshole couldn’t make you his first.”

Two men, one girl and inevitably one final devastating love triangle. How do you choose? I get many will be divided on the outcome since there is only one man left standing. We could debate about this, except Everett and Prince each had exceptional qualities (some better than the other) and they both loved the girl.

“Then close your eyes when you feel it’s too much, and when you open them and look at the back of the room, it’ll be just home, only better.”

There's no denying this author is a modern day poet. Her books are always beautifully written, erotic, gut wrenching and unique. Expect a lot of angst and drama but also tender moments too beautiful to ignore. I think I'm finally convinced to try everything by Ella Fields cos she's my literary person.angsty-af contemporary-romance favourites ...more62 s ~**Anna**~ A Romance Reader625 319

*2.5 stars*

This was an ok read for me. Its hard for me to write this review without spoilers because there’s things that bothered me, but I can’t say them without giving away the plot, so please bear with me.

This is a well written story about Stevie and her love for two men. They both came at different times in her life but in the end she needs to pick only one. The guy she ends up with was not my favorite, but I respect Stevie’s choice even though I didn’t agree with it. This book is very angsty which I enjoyed. There’s a love triangle so you know there’s going to be angst. I just wish Stevie was stronger and stood up for herself more. Sometimes I wanted to shake her.

I don’t want to say more cause I’ll start spoiling the story but I feel this book will not be for everyone specially if you don’t love triangles. Hopefully I’ll write a spoiler review in the future so I can fully express my feelings, but if you have any questions please feel free to pm me ??

arc59 s Malene1,263 707

**4.5 stars**
What is about Ella Fields and angst. She excels at it and also at driving me freaking crazy. Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. My heart and nerves couldn’t take it. Serenading Heartbreak is just that. Heartbreak and hurt but those emotions only come because you feel. You love. And that’s exactly what Stevie did. She loved so fiercely and so deep. She loved two guys and they loved her back.
Serenading Heartbreak is a love triangle and Ella Fields doesn’t hold back telling and exploring Stevie’s journey falling in love with Everett and Aiden. I went through all ranges of emotions. It was not pretty at times. I cursed out loud. Omg did I curse all because of Stevie and her two guys. They didn’t make it easy on me. They are young and bound to make mistakes but I fell for both guys as quickly as Stevie did.
There was some awesome secondary characters especially Stevie’s best friend Adela, her work colleagues Gloria, Sabrina and her brother Hendrix.

Serenading Heartbreak delivered what I expected it and Ella Fields to do. Drive me bonkers and pulling on every emotion right until the final page. Stevie had to make a choice between two incredible guys and I was glad it wasn’t me. That’s a testament to the writing from Ella Fields. These three characters screwed up numerous times but still I came to care for them. Wanting the best for each of them no matter the outcome. Angst galore and it was fabulous!

4.5 Clover & Petal Stars

*I received an ARC*angsty arc dominating-hero ...more56 s Mali Mor ?? The Romantic Blogger433 592

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