

de Falk, T.S. - Género: English
libro gratis APOCRYPHA


Falk, T.S. Year: 2024

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I read every book from this author but this one felt disappointing.
The plot seemed engaging but I found the main character dislikable. I found it hard to suspend disbelief and stopped reading 60% in.

She's a student who was caught cheating for her exams but somehow got rewarded for it. Then she goes on cheating on her boyfriend with an ex-priest. She keeps on throwing tantrums and somehow the world magically submits to her will. The character feels a Mary Sue, whether in fight scenes or in her scientific skills, she's superwoman.
Debbie Houghton12

Adventure on steroids

Being an avid fan & thoroughly enjoying all Falk's previous adventures he gifts us here with another wild journey. Featuring a couple of previous members of his last series the story hurls you into a maelstrom of danger. Written in the impeccable style of Falk which is very rarely found these days I heartily recommend this exciting tale of daring do. It has the lot - danger, daring do & of course love. Joseph G.45

I’m really starting to this author

I enjoyed reading this book, it wasn’t my first by Mr. Falk. I was a little concerned that it would rely too heavily on previous material, but it doesn’t. You can pick this up and read it and get its full measure. I’m trying to avoid spoilers, so all I can say is that it hit the mark for me and I look forward to reading more by this author. Matt Egan70

As good as Preston and Child!

Apocrypha is TS Falk's masterpiece. Exquisitely researched and beautifully composed, Apocrypha will appeal to mystery and thriller fans a. The twists and turns abound and just when you thunk you have it figured out, bam, more twists and turns. I enjoyed Apocrypha as much as any book in recent memory, I can't possibly recommend it highly enough! María Mónica Beltrami217 2

Saying hair rising is downsizing the fear I had all along.

Not only making you think about the blackest time in the Christian history, but putting you in the front of a war between two special protagonists, against serial killers of the worst kind.
Remarkable plot, mystery and underlying fear! Machak9

more please!

Another excellent addition to the professor/adventure canon! And leads with an intern this time :). Very enjoyable, and the only complaint is that it had to end. Getting caught up in these adventures is addicting and always the withdrawal leaves you looking for the next one. Thomas G. Peterson173

The book of life

A young intern gets ousted from her college class for cheating which leads to her dismissal from the class! She manages to persuade them to allow her to work off the punishment by helping a professor with a task he working at and needs help!
She agrees but the task becomes entangled with murders of some of those involved in the research she is performing! Enid Hurst2

Needs editing! Ok story line Dixie4

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