
Stone Society de Faith Gibson

de Faith Gibson - Género: English
libro gratis Stone Society


Faith Gibson Publisher: Bramblerose Press LLC, Year: 2022

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how many books was she trying to write at the same time. the whole thing became EXTREMELY tedious to read. the potential is there but to be honest i felt it was not thoughtfully done. this feels a 100 yr flashback reel crammed into 5 seconds. not sure what to look forward to with the series. hopefully editing and a bit more finesse. 10 s Mitticus1,056 222

first impression: A bad copy of Black Dagger Brotherhood. I mean, the King and the half-blood Brothers? Plus some kind of evil scientist making bad experiments with a grudge.

This is the kind of free stuff I found in my reader sometimes, atracted originally for the 'Gargoyle' part of the deal . In this case are shifters gargoyles! A first.

The female MC is a police chief, described herself as tomboy thick. And the male tall and also thick.

The plot involved the one-mate thing so cherished for paranormal romance somehow. The guy is old as dirt and she is in their late 30s .

Oh, and after put some sort of post-apocalipctic vibes with explosions and dividing America in half, literally, there are no more explanations after that.

The Stone Society was a family of Gargoyle shifters dating back hundreds of thousands of years. Rafael’s family, the Di Pietros, migrated from Europe over four hundred years ago, right before the civil war broke out. When his father was slain in a coup to take over the throne, Rafael became King since he was the oldest son. Once King, he took on the less formal name of Stone.
Their Clan was the largest in the Americas with Rafe having several brothers and cousins living in New Atlanta with him. He regarded those closest to him as his inner circle and called them all Brother.
The females of his kind were almost extinct. It had been years since a new shifter was born; fifteen to be exact.

As this is the introductory book, the author feel compelled to put a fair ton of characters in display, too much names and no so much background. The big problem to me is the repeat of actions , short dialogues keep repeating the same thing of others characters already said, again and again. Mmm, even to me, to mention the writting is alarming, this read as some amauteur writter , stilted and without good editing.

No bad idea (for pnr as others books of this style - adult) , but poor executed.adult-mature genetics-manip one-and-only-mate ...more4 s Kari Kostern2

DNF at 56%. I can't do it, I tried so hard but I'm over halfway through with the book and the main love interests have only spoken twice. TWICE! There are so many other side stories and characters that I'm exhausted by this point. Not my cup of tea I guess. 5 s Victoria1,873 16

4.5 Stars! New to me author. Rafael is the first book in the Stone Society series by Faith Gibson. As with all the other first in a series you get more details with the world building, side characters and of course the mysterious villain, than the love life of the hero/Rafael (King of the Gargouille) and heroine/Kaya (which they could have use more story time). I really d this book! I could feel myself getting excited for what was going to come with the future books in this series. I felt everything Ms. Gibson was trying to convey with her Gargoyles. Halfway through reading this I stopped and downloaded the rest in this series. Yep, I feel a marathon coming on!1st-in-series freebie gift ...more4 s Stephaniec799 16

This wasn't bad I just didn't connect with the story or characters4 s Robin422 17

One Word Rec.: BUY

Rating: 4 1/2 STARS

Gibson, Faith; RAFAEL [ Stone Society #1]

ebook; genre: { paranormal romance }; shelves: |shifters: gargoyle|, |post-apocolyptic world|

General Synopsis:
This is the first book in Faith Gibson's Stone Society series. Featuring: GARGOYLE shifters!

To begin this review, I am using a quote from the book. I am not going to use the spoiler link, so I tell you this now, please turn away if you feel this might ruin your enjoyment of the book.

"The Mayans got it right. Almost. The bombing of Dr. Jonas Montague’s clinic in Atlanta, Georgia by a group of religious heretics set off a chain of events that left the world in a state of de-evolution. The country was divided, literally. Bombings across America caused the underground fault lines to fissure. The result was a canyon as large as the one named Grand, splitting the US of A almost exactly in half. Civil wars broke out. Governments crumbled."

New Atlanta: Rafael (Di Pietro) Stone is the King of the Gargouille, he, along with his "brothers" (actual family and not) protect humans from the UnHoly, a genetic creation that is "part super soldier and part monster" after the cataclysmic events which happened over 30 years ago. 573 years old, he chooses to stay hidden from the outside world, that is until he becomes a person of interest in a murder case being investigated by Police Chief Kaya Kane. When the two meet, Rafael quickly realizes she is his mate, but this is something unprecedented, as he has always assumed gargoyles could only mate with other gargoyles, and Kaya is human. While the case takes many twists and turns, bringing Rafael and Kaya closer together, Rafael and the Stone Society begin to unravel a lot more secrets than who is targeting them.

I ask that you check out my PO section, as I go into a little more detail on some of the reasons I really enjoy this book & series.

Characters/fu-bo list:
Note: My fu-bo lists tend to be very long, which is why I have decided to start putting them under a spoiler link, but for this series, my reason for putting it under a spoiler link is explained in the PO section of my review.

Geoffrey "Frey" Hartley - Frey
Julian "Jules" Stone - Julian
Nikolas Stone - Nikolas
Gregor Stone - Gregor
Dane Abbott
Dante Di Pietro - Dante
Willow Bridges
Katherine Fox
Tamian St. Claire
Sinclair "Sin" Stone - Sin
Lorenzo Campanelli
Jasper Jenkins - Jasper
Michael "Sixx" Gentry - Sixx
Dr. Isabelle Sarantos
Tessa Blackmore
Sophia Brooks
Vincent Alexander /Gabriel

Previous books/already mated prior to book
Dr. Jonas Montague & Caroline Wexford - Jonas

Personal Opinion:
For anyone who has read my in the past, you know I'm a fangirl. My fandoms keep growing, Crowley says it best!

I LOVE Gargoyles. Truth. I have been a fan since Disney's Gargoyles. In the shifter lineup, they are second in books I would love to read. Dragons of course being first, Bears now being in third, supplanted by Gargoyles because truth be told, not a lot of authors write about Gargoyles. I know E.A. Price has written a couple (and sadly, at this time, I have not read them yet, but I plan to) and Mandy M. Roth has had one in the works, but hasn't released it yet (at this time). That being said, when I first came across Faith Gibson's Gargoyle series I was super excited. How could I not be, it was *squee* #feels #Goliath in book form ?(*???)????.

So, as you can see from the very concept, I was in love with this book/series. But that is just the beginning of what I enjoy about this series. I the concept and I have to admit I am not always a big fan of the post-apocolypse/dystopian genre, but it plays well in the world building of this series. The world might be set in 2047, but it's pretty much similar to our world now, which makes it easier to relate to I feel.

Another thing I really about this book/series (and what I have alluded to throughout my review), is the multi-point of views this book uses to kind of give us a 3D experience while we are reading. It also allows us the reader to see where the series is heading, as in while we are reading this book, the other characters are finding their mates and their stories are beginning before we actually get a chance to pick up their book. I guess what it makes me think of is being cinematic. Things are happening on screen and off screen from what we are viewing. I do not think that is coming out correct, so let me try again. The main plot of Rafael is the romance between Rafael and Kaya. They are our protagonists, while Gordon Flanagan & Vincent Alexander are our antagonists. But the secondary characters, while this romance is developing exist and breathe just you or I, and we as readers get to see this away from that main focus. When I was trying to come up for the word "cinematic," my mind actually said " a soap opera," but I didn't know how to explain it in that form either, *laughing* Well, I hope you get my idea. I HIGHLY recommend checking out this series, (and as I have continued the series, I can tell you it only gets better as each book continues) and of course it's not just because they feature gargoyles. I don't know, did I tell you it features gargoyles?1st-in-a-series 2place 4-stars ...more3 s Coco.V50k 23 Want to read

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