
Earth's Paladin de Eve Langlais

de Eve Langlais - Género: English
libro gratis Earth's Paladin


Eve Langlais Series: Earth's Magic 04 Publisher: Eve Langlais, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9781773844565,9781773844572

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DNF. Great idea, terrible execution.4 s Jenny6 3

Special Monsters Unit was a really interesting read. I enjoyed the humor and snark, specially the obscenity obsessed parrot. The plot was fun but what I really enjoyed were the burgeoning relationships between the characters. The FMC has an abusive background and doesn’t feel worthy of love until she meets her new team in the special monsters unit who love and value her. She’s finally found a family and I can’t wait to find out how things progress in the next book with her loveable vegan “beefcake”.1 TatianaAuthor 26 books35

This was a silly and compelling origin story/first case. But why you would go for a shifter when there’s a perfectly good wizard standing right there is beyond me… 1 Rachael1,051 1 follower

Doozy of a read. The plot is captivating and so are the characters.

TW for mental/physical child abuse of FMC and on page violence including several badies literally exploding.1 Noone732 11

This one was definitively fun, but a story can not live off of sarcastic tongue-in-cheek dialogue alone indefinitely.
The MC never really takes anything seriously, partly because that is just fun to read, but it's also how she learned to cope with her pretty horrible life experiences. She masks it all with humor and sarcasm.
On one hand, I really this concept of having a good underlying reason for how casually the story treats all this darkness but on the other hand, it leads to me never being sure if something is actually serious. It is strange not to know what the book wants me to feel. Should I be horrified, or should I laugh, or maybe grieve? This in itself is quite interesting on many occasions and is akin to comedy horror in some sense (but this is not horror of course) but it also lead to a strange kind of emotional exhaustion for me.

Another problem is that the MC has no real agency whatsoever. This is not too much of a problem in the first book because there is enough to learn about her past, the rest of the cast, and the world around her, but in the second one this really started to get on my nerves. Not only that she doesn't have agency but more how she just acquiesces to everything with this "what can you do" attitude. It's part of her character to some extent but it nonetheless seems it plot-conveniently goes against her otherwise headstrong personality. She essentially ends up going along with whatever anyone tells her.
Adjacent to that, the MC doesn't really seem to experience any sort of growth. There are a lot of story elements one might expect to contribute to character growth but no actual growth seems to happen.

Most of the supporting cast appears to be somewhat two-dimensional but that could just be because the books haven't taken the time to explore more of their personalities. Most of them fit neatly into a hand full of "crew of misfits" tropes but I didn't get the impression there is really nothing more to these characters. Some of the characters we have learned more about so far turned out to have some depth beyond their obvious tropes.

The dialogue, especially the MC, is rather edgy to the point of being crass just for the sake of it. There for example is a serious problem with wet panties for all sorts of more or less appropriate reasons. I honestly found it to be a bit too much. (I didn't mind the bird though!)

It seems the world-building foundation is near future with a LOT of magic (and maybe even gods) that might have been introduced/gone public only after the current day and age, but apart from the ubiquitous magic and the world government, it seems way too close to the present in terms of tech and culture etc. So it is interesting enough to serve as the background for a story this but it's not going to win any awards on its own merits.

The magic systems appeared to be well defined, if vague, at first but as the story goes on it becomes increasingly noticeable that it could easily be a case of just making stuff up as we go along.

The bit of romance there is leans precariously either toward a very awkward love triangle or some sort of mfm setup (or maybe even rh).

The pacing is pretty fast but I didn't feel exhausted or overwhelmed by it.
2 s Abby175 19

Paws from my reading buddy Perry: 3

Keywords: Urban fantasy, supernatural creatures, crude humor, action, government agencies, mystery, childhood trauma, physical abusive, on page violence, 18+ language and topics.

In short: A action pack, fast pace supernatural mystery which will have you staying up late to find out what happens and laughing long into the night with the sassy, crude humor.

Full review:

When I picked up this book I didn't know there were previous books introducing this world but as this is a completely new series with brand new characters, you don't need to know this world already to enjoy this story.

This urban fantasy is based around a government agency and paranormal crimes and creatures.
We follow Ruby from her abusive mum, to her struggling to find steady work and her place in the world due to her magical ability, to her being hired by a mysterious government agency to aid in solving and stopping paranormal crimes in a small town called Nexus.

I enjoyed the misfit team troupe that is the main theme of this story and I loved Wally the dirty talking pet bird, which gives the plot a big if lightness against the heaviness of some of the themes used in this book.

Special monster unit is action packed and definitely sets the introductions to the main players, the way the world functions and the main mystery but although fast paced we are left with a lot of questions.

The start of this series is fun, intense and interesting. I look forward to reading book two where I hope we get more answers.18 action fantasy ...more Gilbert StackAuthor 66 books66

Eve Langlais paints a picture of an America very different than ours, and yet, weirdly familiar. Magic is commonly practiced and has infiltrated just about every aspect of life from cosmetics, to health care, to construction, to police work, and so on. The heroine of a story is a woman whose mother has decided she is the spawn of Satan and needs to be beaten just about every day of her life—at least until the mother runs out on her. This leaves the young fifteen-year-old to figure out how to make it on her own, something both helped and hindered by her ability to cancel out magic in an area around her. The power is on all the time, which can make her a danger to her fellow citizens as just walking down the road can cause charms in automobiles or buildings to cease working. I think the author could have done more with this as I suspect that just about every chapter could have included this sort of accident happening, but she does enough to justify the creation of a heroine who is both the ultimate loner and starved for affection.

Magical creatures are being drawn to the town of Nexus in great numbers and doing terrible things. The heroine is recruited into a special team charged with finding out why this is happening. To no surprise to the reader, the heroine’s tragic background and strange powers are obviously connected to whatever is causing Nexus’ problems. It's a fun, fast moving book, with a nice take on magic and the paranormal.

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this book! I didn't read the first series that sets up this world, but that was fine. The characters were likable and funny at times
Each unique and interesting. Baptiste (H) we dont learn too mucj about in this book. He doesnt talk much, but when he does, is likable. Good mixture of brooding badass and silly weirdo.

Ruby (h) is fine. Multifaceted in a good way. My only issue with thus story was that we are left with SOOOO many questions. We didnt really learn a lot about who the MC is and whats happenint, but that's ok for a first in series book...if you're the patient sort.

Side characters the badass new best friend, Nelly, and Wally (smut-talking pet "bird") were nice additions that kept the story moving, while adding some fun and lightheartedness.

I'm looking forward to the next book, learning more about these characters and where their story goes!badass-female girl-power misc-power ...more Kate177

What I d:
Honestly, I think Ruby's pet bird, Wally, and all of the absolutely dirty things that come out of his mouth was one of my favorite parts of the book. The comic relief he provides helps balance out some of the heavier topics the abusive pasts experienced by more than one member of the SMU team.

What I Didn't :
It made me a little sad how hard it was for Ruby to accept the freely offered acts of friendship given to her by new team due to the damage inflicted by her past, but it was nice to see her character grow through the book.

If you slow burn urban fantasy and dark humor, you shood give Special Monsters Unit a try. Just be prepared to read the three book series, because the first book is just a taste of where the characters and the story are going. If it were available on KU, I would binge all three books. Jane.w829

This was a fun book to listen to. Interesting concept of the main character being a null witch who cancels out all magic. This this place in Nexus where several other of this author’s books have taken place. I her teammates in this Special Monsters Unit. They are all nice and it’s wonderful that Ruby finally has friends after all these years. I d the mystery of throwing to figure out her background and who her father is and why her mom was so awful to her. Bastiel very subtle interest in her is intriguing. Good action with her and her teammates trying to stop bad monsters from wrecking havoc in the small town of Nexus. I recommend this book if you’re looking for a fun, no angst book with interesting characters and fun magic/monsters mysteries. Bianca738 5

Kind of feel this book was drug out some. There seems to be inklings of things we were given a taste of, but are really still in the dark when it comes to Ruby’s story. I feel we’re given tiny bites to keep bringing us back since I’m guessing this is a series, but it’s a smidge frustrating. I’ll more than ly be reading the next book since I’m curious and we’ll see if it continues to hold my interest because I really don’t know this author’s style since I’ve only ever read one of her books and that was years ago. I’m also hoping that in the next book Ruby isn’t stuck in this mindset of if things fail or go bad it’s her fault or she should’ve did better. Also, I’m hoping for more chemistry between her and Baptiste since it seems that he’s gonna be her love interest. alternate-universe gods magically ...more MyDoRyS508 4

Audio: 5 Stars

Story: It started great and the premise was a good idea. I mean, a group of misfits fighting powers others can't deal with. Fun! However, it did not deliver. It was more a bunch of immature angst teens, full of superficial nonsensical drama with an all over the place plot. I mean, such a simple idea but the book was all over the place. It felt they wanted to add SO much info and all kinds of beings, when there was not really a need. Adding this rating after I finished the other 2 books, and let me tell you, it gets WORST!. Onto my next adventure, Happy Readings!!!1 Joseph K.715 5

Fun main character, love the bird

This story is centered around a fun main character with a very investing pet bird. I how no one comments that the bird has full conversations with everyone and doesn’t think it is odd. I d the main characters new friends and that she found people she can hang out with. I d the action, the bits of magic, etc. Overall a really fun book and I am glad it is part of a series as these characters need more time to continue to shine. I recommend this book. Neha88 1 follower

The premise of the story the story was intriguing but the sadly, the execution failed.
The tone was just... Off. It did not match the storytelling. There was no world building to be seen. This is the main reason it failed to create any emotional connection.

Also The characters and dialogues were so generic. Words ' I sassed' , ' beefcake'( refering to big and muscled male lead) 'I retorted' were used quite often.

Overall it was quite bland. The writing didn't have much character and it grew boring as I reached chapter 8-10 . Kathryn454 3

I love the world that is kinda ours but with lots of magic and monsters!

Ruby has had a rough life and in this book will find out a bit of the why. But everyone in this new team is a misfit, so it's the first time she's fit in and is learning about friendship and teamwork as she tries to keep her hands off one of her hot coworkers. The team stays plenty busy keeping monsters in line and fighting the Church of Pure who believe only humans have a right to live. Dar3,854 78

Good thing I waited for this book, and the next, to be out before I listened to it because I really need to know what happens next! While this doesn’t end on a cliffhanger, the story it is telling is complete, and was wonderful, there is another story to come, as loose ends need to be tied up. Great world building, interesting characters, origins and mysteries to be solved, and all sorts of paranormal beings and activities, and I am completely hooked on it all!5-star-reads shifters-sci-fi-paranormal-fantasy A.A.B1,299

I thought the premise for this book — a group of magical misfits fighting magical crimes — had potential, but the book itself was bland and poorly/amateurishly written.
The author uses gore, profanities and sexualized language as a crutch, presumably to add drama and emotional charge, but it all had an opposite effect for me, reducing the whole story to superficial ridiculous nonsense. To the point that my 2* rating seems too generous. Lisa Tollefson419 2

A family of misfits save the world...maybe

I wasn't expecting this to be so good. It's well written, with workable rules, great dialogue, and strong characters. I love Wally - clearly not your average parrot - and there's nothing a band of misfits who managed to form a family.
I'll edit this review later. I stayed up too late finishing it. And that brings me to my only dis. It's only about a 2 hour book. Sara307 4

What a fun romp! Interesting world development and fun characters who aren’t perfect and behave in relatable ways. The parrot and his foul mouth was a fun addition to the group although I kept expecting him to be a cursed person instead of just a bird. Could happen in book 2? This is the 1st in a series and while I can’t get the rest on Libby, I did buy them on audio. Denise1,283 8

Loved it!

I loved the start of this new series. It gave me a great background of her life and made me feel empathy. Ms. Langlais is not afraid of loss and you need to be prepared of how the storyline progresses. Diane Selander- maglioli672 1 follower

Special Monsters Unit

This book was so exciting and full of action. In this book a young woman who has the power to eliminate magic is recruited by the Special Monsters Unit. This is her story of loss, abuse and her contribution to this special unit. I loved it. DiiDii43 1 follower

A promising start of the series! Loved the characters and the way they worked together as a team. The humor was great, and the monster action was solid. I only wish the book was a bit longer to allow for greater character development, because now things felt slightly rushed. Samantha268 2

DNF @ 17%. I'm just not a person who s cheesy humor, in fact I can't stand it. I get the FMC is using it as a coping mechanism for being an outcast but it's just so cringey. I think I would have really d this book, the premise seems very promising, I just can't get past the "humor" Cara186

Dnf. It was too boring for me. Which is weird since there is quite a bit of action from the beginning. But something was missing. I didn't feel attached to the characters at all and I didn't really care about the big mystery.meh Lynall1,164 4

great story, great writing

But it ends on a cliffhanger! I thoroughly enjoyed the story and the characters but I disd the ending! The story is innovative and the exploding monsters was a nice touch. Stacey Dowdy24

magic and monsters…witty banter

I really enjoyed this book…The characters as very likable and the story line is awesome. I look forward to the next book. Alicia29

Ended too quickly!

Awwww,I read it too fast and now have to wait for the next one.
Great characters and loved the team dynamic. Lots of secrets left to uncover! Michele bookloverforever8,179 39

Promising series.action-adventure ebooks fantasy ...more Chrissie211 1 follower

Really good

A great story. Plenty of action. Romance of the will they, won't they type. Can't wait for the next book. Cally Walker476

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