
ShipCore: A LitRPG Adventure de Erios909

de Erios909 - Género: English
libro gratis ShipCore: A LitRPG Adventure


Erios909 Publisher: Aethon Books, Year: 2024

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A Pleasant Surprise

I've been in a bit of a slump recently. I've started and stopped probably a half a dozen books / series for one reason or another. Then, Amazon recommended this book to me. The cover alone was almost enough for me to not even consider it. (I don't hate anime, but it seemed to lean a little too heavily into the genre.) I'm quite happy that I didn't pass as the book was a very enjoyable read.

As others have said, this story isn't super LitRPG other than some elements of progression fantasy (and inventory type systems). For me, I was more than happy for that to be the case. LitRPG can lean so far into upgrades and side quests that the authors forget they're writing a story. ShipCore is a fun story...with RPG elements (in all of the best ways). The author did a great job of world building, developing the main characters, and also allowing for some progression (although I actually wouldn't have minded more progression).

For a first time author, there were few grammatical errors and the editing seemed to be quite good. The action sequences were concisely written and were very enjoyable. At times with Kindle Unlimited books, I find myself skipping over action sequences because they can drag or aren't interesting, not so with ShipCore. The characters were interesting (if a bit familiar).1 Travis2,433 33

Shipcore is *not* a LitRPG story. (let me repeat that). This is in no way shape or form any even remotely related to LitRPG or even gamelit. There are zero stats, no skills, no character advancement, nothing at all that would tie this story to the LitRPG or gamelit genres. So, if you picked up this book because it claimed it was LitRPG, then you'll want to return it, because this is blatant false advertising.
On the other hand, if you bought the book because it's a scifi story, then you're in luck, because the scifi elements in this story are great, and the story is a fantastic showcasing of spacebound scifi storytelling. In that regard, this book is just about as good as they get, and I won't hesitate to recommend it for folks looking for space related scifi stories.
I will *not* under any circumstances even remotely refer to this story as LitRPG or gamelit, because it doesn't have a single solitary thing to do with either one of those genres. Minus 1 star for false advertising.amazon kindle-unlimited2 s1 comment Leslie Baptiste1,015 11

ship Core, good story the MC needs to be just a bit brighter and more aware.

a lot of new series, this one starts out slow. The story starts out as a survival RPG, where the MC finds herself in a derelict broken down spaceship. As the story progresses, the MC learns about her environment and how to improve it. In my opinion, too much of the story takes place in this survival mode, it doesn’t get interesting until they reach a space station, which is almost at the end of the book. The author writes the MC as a likable, but somewhat of an airhead character. I don’t think a character that can carry a book or the series. I’m sitting here reading and thinking to myself. Can you make your MC more situationally aware. After all she is what she is, no spoilers. The character is likable, but you don’t want her to make stupid decisions. This takes away from her charisma as far as I’m concerned. The premise is interesting and I do science fiction based RPG’s so I will go on and read the next book when it arrives. Charles Thompson9 1 follower

This was a great find, The book starts with a slow burn and doesn't take any easy shortcuts in build up of the characters, world, or story. The narrator, Reba Buhr, did a wonderful job of bringing the characters to life and adding the perfect amount of drama and emotion to every scene. Each character is unique and well written, and the universe they exist in is filled with a lot of slow revealed secrets. I was a little confused with the "litRPG" entry in the title as the book does not have the typical characteristics you'd expect in that genre and instead is more akin to a progression sci-fi novel. Apparently, this changes in book two and builds on some foundations set in book one. That never takes away from this book, however, as the progression is hard-won and gives the story a sense of satisfaction. I am looking forward to the next installment! Heather Pedersen17 4

Long, entirely too little going on

Overall there was good characterization, and the concept of the plot was good, but pacing wise it was a novella stretched eight times too long.

If you enjoy blow by blow space fights between ships, drones etc, there is a lot. Also a lot of salvaging and repair work, and figuring out to make things work.

Also, while there were game stats in the back of the book, the story itself had no overt game mechanics. John873 12

Good but I don't know where the RPG part is

Interesting story. Wake up with no memory certain abilities barely know who you are no past. Of course it's all about the MC's humanity. Or learning about it anyways. In a debris field Fighting against drones. The latter half of the book does finally reach some civilization And the MC must learn to negotiate with (Other?)Humans. Overall interesting story. I enjoyed it and I look forward to the second book. GaiusPrimus802 86

I caught this on the LitRPG Reddit post. Nice premise and thought it would be enjoyable to read something that isn't sword and sorcery nor isekai.

It was ok. I enjoyed it but the book could use another editing pass. We had a few times where things were repeated and character development was slight to non-existent.

Also, there's 0 LitRPG here. Absolutely 0.

I might pick up the next one.litrpg Christopher Belan12

I'm a starship avatar?

This was not a typical core type LitRPG story. Lots of interesting ship combat and an amnesia MC with a computer companion. I would never consider building 2 AI systems into the same ship. Some of the traps, battles and deaths seem a bit contrived but a reasonable explanation is provided. A unique take on a core novel. I'm looking forward to the next book. Roberto Flores2,183 47


The first three quarters lack any solid story and have nothing to carry it except two very flat characters. There is an excess of techno babble with no direction. By the time any real interaction is happening, you no longer are even remotely interested. The lack of any setting or any fully developed characters this never had a chance. Aaron SofaerAuthor 1 book2

Erios909 delivers the goods

Alex's misadventures in salvage and recovery and desperately trying to stay alive are a delight. Full of character and well executed techno babble with a solid heaping of hard SF, this is a story very much worth reading. Richard168


Made it to 25% of the book and gave up. There just isn't enough going on. So far it's mostly the MC complaining/in discussion with the computer. It was fun for a bit, but it's just tiring after a quarter of the book. SelenaAuthor 4 books6

This was not a LitRPG, but still an interesting story. I read through it within a few days and am craving more. There are hints at an interesting past, and to a large universe that Alex, Nameless and Elis can explore. Looking forward to it. Zachary586 11

Sci-fi fun in space

I enjoyed the premise of this book. The "starting from nothing" and then having to build up to a ship and defend yourself - this book pulls it off in a really intriguing manner. Looking forward to how the works expands in the next book! Cmoore1,863

Yeah you can tell by the number of stars that I gave this book that I didn't much it. Even the action board me and I generally love action, Also I never warmed up to the MC. James Riley750 11

Quite fun

This book was a fun, relatively quick read.

It does start out rather slow, but it will pick up. It's well worth the read.

Highly recommended. Danae571 4

Nice spaceship novel but not litrpg. female-leading-character scifi Gritwald137

Really good story.

I really enjoyed this book and I'm looking forward to the next book. The characters are good and the setting is great. Dichotomy Girl2,098 158 Shelved as 'dnf'

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