
Restoring Harmony de Erin R Flynn

de Erin R Flynn - Género: English
libro gratis Restoring Harmony


Erin R Flynn Series: Artemis University 22 Year: 2024

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It's a love hate!

I love the characters and at 22 books in I'm obviously invested. The first half was better than the second! There are several issued with this book, a few errors and godsdaughter erm nope it's goddaughter I get the whole using the term God's because you don't want to upset other religions but there are just circumstances where the s shouldn't be used. Next issue once again the stupid hyphenated sentences. 40 hyphenated or ........ In one chapter. Really that's not necessary. Write the sentence or dont. It doesn't create a drama effect it actually makes for a very fractured and disjointed read. The good bits are great and that makes it even more frustrating the last issue would be the tangents that bring zero to the storyline. It's just pure waffle that doesn't make sense! Love the characters and the baseline for the story but bored with the weird style of writing and over explaining pointless stuff to stretch out the book.3 s Shannon - a.court.of.fantasies185 13

Why is this still going on…

Oh and the unicorns are somewhat less ra$c!st so yeah.. there’s that.

306 pages later and not a single valuable plot point was made. This was 300+ pages of Tamsin being a hypocritical and condescending bully who thinks no one can actually be right aside from her. 22 books later and she STILL has issues in her relationships and continues to demonstrate that her emotional maturity got stuck around age 17.

I fell in love with this series for its unique and magical plot. I could hardly recall majority of the previous plot points because for the last 9 ish books we’ve focused on fighting the “bad guys” and eating.. So many sentences didn’t even make sense and the writing is beyond stilted, it ly would still be better heard as I can see it following a semi natural line of spoken conversation but reading half sentences is difficult to follow along.

Let’s not forget the r*c!$t unicorns. While the dark faerie unicorns were nicer there was still a weirdly large focus on how they’ve never seen anyone with “black” skin before…. Seriously why? Not only could this have used another round of editing but this series could do with a sensitivity reader as well.

I’m an optimist. Therefore, I keep going into these books hoping it will finally feel the story I fell in love with in books 1-10. Sadly that has yet to be the case. Tamsin as an FMC needs actual character growth and the author needs to decide if she’s in or out of her relationships. There used to be so much tension and romance between everyone and now they look at her and she orga$!ms. Or she uses the guys for her s€xua? gratification but won’t commit to them. That’s it.

Everything has gotten so boring and redundant. I keep coming back because I’m already so far in what’s the point in stopping but I almossssssst DNF’d this one. I honestly can’t wait for this series to be over.

**??** there is also no real trigger/content warning page for this book and dark themes are discussed literally within a few pages into chapter 1. Im not someone who pays much attention and If you’ve come this far you’re familiar with the story but TW/CW are crucial for the mental health of readers! The author puts such a heavy focus on the topic in the story but doesn’t give her readers the same curtesy. The warning sentence had to be hunted down at the end of the book blurb.2 s1 comment Diana66 8

All the feels with this one
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