
Bamboo Kingdom #5 de Erin Hunter

de Erin Hunter - Género: English
libro gratis Bamboo Kingdom #5


Explore the secrets of the Bamboo Kingdom in the fifth installment of this thrilling new series from bestselling Warriors author Erin Hunter, perfect for fans of the Wings of Fire and Endling series.

The three Dragon Speakers must face their own troubles before they can help the Bamboo Kingdom regain peace.

After being forced out of Rain's camp for a murder he did not commit, Ghost is still determined to prove his innocence. And though Rain isn't convinced Ghost is guilty, she knows that if it wasn't him, that means the killer is still at large—and still targeting her loved ones.

As Ghost sets out to reunite both of his families, Leaf is nowhere to be found, and the monkeys are watching their every move. With only piecemeal guidance from a Great Dragon that's been split in three, how can they hope to stop what Brawnshanks is planning?

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3,5 ?? bardzo przyjemne fantasy dla dzieciaków.20226 s Robin Loves Reading2,393 402

Leaf, Rain and Ghost are a trio of panda siblings ho were seperated at birth. However, they are forced to find one another again in order to save their home. This engaging story has the pandas remembering the great flood that tore them apart from one another. In this engaging read, each of the pandas were raised in different forests in the Kingdom. Will they be able to work together in order to fulfill a long-ago prophecy?

Erin Hunter is new to me, and it is a rarety for me to read middle grade books. However, this story (and series) caught my attention. Told entirely in the voice of the pandas, readers are pulled into an animal kingdom enduring the trials and changes presented before them to save the Kingdom. I will be sure to get the other books in the trilogy as they are released in order to see if they will meet their goals.

Many thanks to HarperCollins and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.2021-challenge audiobook kindle ...more6 s The Reading Raccoon924 118

Book Review: Creatures of the Flood (Bamboo Kingdom #1) by Erin Hunter

Creatures Of The Flood is a middle-grade novel about a collection of animals trying to survive after a devastating flood.
A trio of pandas plus other animals are thrown into disarray and struggling to find food after a flood turns their forest upside down. This is told in alternating points of view from the pandas as they navigate this world.
We did this as a family audiobook and sometimes I struggled keeping the viewpoints straight and staying interested in the plot. The book took itself a little seriously and there werenÂ’t any moments of levity to break up the monotony of seeking out food, animal squabbles and details about the landscape.
Three stars ??????listened-as-audio read-as-an-arc with-marie3 s Christina Zaucha clement33 1 follower

From the author of the very popular Warrior series Creatures of the Flood is the first in a new series called the Bamboo Kingdom. the Warrior series the story is told from the point of view of animals. Even as an adult I truly enjoy these stories and I can't wait to read the next in the series. 2 s Grace147 1 follower

It was an ok book. Lately I've noticed, for Erin Hunter's latest books(second Survivors arc, Bravelands, and now this series) that she seems to be using the same plot points. Hero is part of a group, there is sometimes a group bully that is mean to the hero for no reason, the hero finds a seemingly wise mentor/friend who later is bad and power hungry, hero does something good and everyone admires them, something bad happens or the hero is framed by bully and gets kicked out, hero is upset but then musters enough courage to go back, suddenly everyone supports the hero who reveals the villain, villains loses and hero wins. It has to take about 4-6 books to go through this whole plot whereas it takes some novels to just do it in one book. I know that at the core most adventure/hero's journey's stories are in essence the same, but this just uses the exact same formula every time. You know, how some books have a kind of cliche plot but put interesting things in it that makes it engaging. What if the animals are warring against a different species a Romeo and Juliet scenario? What if they discover and explore an urban environment? What if they get relocated to a new foreign environment? What if a hero looks for a lost treasure? I also don't how they leave us on a cliff hanger and we have to read the next book several months later. It would be better if they could just release the whole series at once. I know, I could just wait until they all come out but by the time I wait for them all to come out an entire year has passed already! That's 365+ days to wait until the whole series is released. I am not that invested in the characters or the plot so I'm not at the edge of my seat. I just feel that this strategy for her books is getting old. Where we get a new animal world, read it until we finish, wait several months, and in the end it's already the same story line. I could point out several similarities between her recent book series she's done but this review is already long enough. I give it two stars only because of the effort put into writing the book. (Even then it most ly might've been ghost written.)2 s Thecanaryreadss126 12

Bambusowe Królestwo zostaje zalane przez ogromn? fal? i ?ycie wielu zwierz?t wywraca si? do góry nogami. Zmuszone zostaj? do znalezienia nowego domu, w którym b?d? czu?y si? bezpiecznie. M?ode pandy musz? stawi? czo?a przeciwno?ciom losu i odnale?? swoje miejsce w ?wiecie.

Erin Hunter mo?e by? znana wielu z was z cyklu „Wojownicy”, którego nie czyta?am, cho? przez moment mia?am na to ochot?. Kiedy jednak zobaczy?am zapowied? nowej serii, w której pierwsze skrzypce graj? pandy musia?am po ni? si?gn??.

Historia jest niezwykle prosta i skierowana do m?odszego czytelnika, jednak im dalej, tym bardziej okazuje si?, ?e opowie?? niesie za sob? bardzo istotne warto?ci. Zwierz?tom nadane zosta?y ludzkie cechy charakteru i czytelnik mo?e z ?atwo?ci? uto?sami? si? z bohaterami. Autorka podejmuje temat dyskryminacji, nietolerancji czy braku akceptacji samego siebie i ten aspekt ksi??ki bardzo mocno uj?? mnie za serce.

Istotn? kwesti? w ?wiecie stworzonym przez Erin Hunter jest duchowo??, pandy wielkim szacunkiem darz? Smoczego Mówc?, który jest ich ??cznikiem ze Wspania?ym Smokiem, natomiast irbisy ?nie?ne zwracaj? si? do ?nie?nego Kota.
Opowie?? poznajemy z trzech ró?nych perspektyw, dzi?ki temu o wiele lepiej mo?emy pozna? ?wiat wykreowany przez autork?. Ksi??ka jest napisana prostym i przyst?pnym dla m?odego czytelnika j?zykiem, jednak dla mnie okaza? si? on by? nieco zbyt lekki.

Je?li szukacie wzruszaj?cej historii, która niesie ze sob? cenne warto?ci to „Bambusowe Królestwo” jest w?a?nie dla was!2 s Sarah Hanson252

After loving the Bravelands series, I was overjoyed to be selected to receive an ARC from Netgalley and the publishers.

In Bamboo Kingdom, pandas are revered for their Dragon Speaker, to keep the peace in the ecosystem. The story starts off with a flood that changes everything and sets all animals a bit on edge. This series follows three panda cubs separated during this flood as they learn about the world around them. Some of the animal cast includes pandas, a tiger, leopards, red pandas, and more.

I love the continuation of animal characters with some factual dietary details mixed in. The names and clan set ups always keep myself and students invested.

I was a little disappointed that part of the plot line so far reads as very similar to the monkeys in the Bravelands series. However, I think Bamboo Kingdom will be just as wonderful of a series and I am looking forward to recommending these books to all of my animal-loving students. 2 s Shaylin Maxwell734 8

I got this book for my daughter who absolutely loves the Warriors books by this author. Here is her review;
The story was great and I loved the plot. It was hard to keep the characters straight sometimes since I had a digital copy and not the physical book. I donÂ’t know how the physical copy will look, but hopefully it will have a list of the character names in the front the Warriors books do.
I loved that these characters were pandas since I love pandas. I enjoyed reading it and canÂ’t wait till there are more in this series! 2 s books_by_brunette 148 10


"Nie ocalimy wszystkiego, co by?my pragn?li. Ale uratujemy o wiele wi?cej, ni? mog?oby ocale?, gdyby?my w ogóle nie podj?li naszych stara?."
Sir Peter Scott

Status pand w Czerwonej Ksi?dze Gatunków Zagro?onych  to „nara?ony na wygini?cie". Wcze?niej te urocze misie by?y nawet gatunkiem zagro?onym. Czy na co dzie? o tym my?limy? Oczywi?cie, ?e nie. Tyle dzieje si? teraz na ?wiecie, do tego dochodz? nasze prywatne problemy, ?e w tym po?piechu i nat?oku spraw zapominamy o innych, równie istotnych kwestiach.

Dzisiaj mam okazj? przedstawi? Wam ksi??k?, która by? mo?e zwróci cho? na chwil? Wasz? uwag? na ?ycie dzikich zwierz?t, a mimo tego zapewni Wam dobr? zabaw? i przypomni chwile beztroski.

Bambusowe Królestwo to bezpieczna przysta?, w której zwierz?ta ?yj? w harmonii, spokoju i komforcie. Pewnego dnia ich codzienna rutyna zostaje zaburzona przez Potop. Katastrofa ta odbiera pandom ich przyjació?, rodzin? oraz na zawsze zmienia ich ?ycie. Misie b?d? musia?y poradzi? sobie w nowej rzeczywisto?ci i stawi? czo?o czyhaj?cym na nie zagro?eniom.

Musz? przyzna?, ?e na pocz?tku by?am dosy? negatywnie nastawiona do tej ksi??ki. Co prawda nie czyta?am wielu ksi??ek Erin Hunter, ale fabu?a ?udz?co przypomina?a mi t? ze „Sfory”, a imiona pand takie jak: Ulewa czy ?odyga zupe?nie do mnie nie przemawia?y! Ku mojemu pozytywnemu zaskoczeniu historia okaza?a si? zupe?nie inna – oryginalna i bardziej z?o?ona, a na imiona wkrótce przesta?am zwraca? tak wielk? uwag?. Nie spodziewa?am si? równie?, ?e b?d? tak wci?gni?ta w przygody m?odych pandek,  co wi?cej zdarza?y si? plot twisty, których w ogóle nie przewidzia?am!

Zdaj? sobie spraw?, ?e jest to jednak ksi??ka dla m?odszych czytelników - niektóre sceny by?y dla mnie ju? infantylne i zbyt proste. Poza tym nie ka?dy jest fanem zwierz?cych bohaterów i mimo, ?e w dzieci?stwie by?abym zachwycona, to teraz zdarza?y si? chwile, podczas których mnie ju? to lekko dra?ni?o.

 Mimo tych wad jednak jest to bardzo dobra pozycja. Napisana lekko i przyjemnie, czyta si? j? te? bardzo szybko. Chocia? jest to historia dla dzieci, bohaterowie i ?wiat s? bardzo dobrze wykreowani, wcale nie tak pobie?nie jak mog?oby si? wydawa?. Pomi?dzy uroczymi momentami i ?wietn? zabaw? znajdziemy równie? warto?ciowe tematy i ?yciowe lekcje. Ksi??ka nie tylko u?wiadomi nam o zagro?onych gatunkach, ale poruszy tak?e inne wa?ne kwestie: ?mierci, samoakceptacji czy przyja?ni. Idealne b?dzie wi?c stwierdzenie: Bawi?c uczy, ucz?c bawi. Zako?czenie jest równie? bardzo ciekawe i zdecydowanie zach?ca do si?gni?cia po kolejny tom!

Warto zapami?ta? ten tytu?, nawet je?li sami nie jeste?cie nim zainteresowani. Uwa?am, ?e jest to ?wietna pozycja, któr? mo?ecie sprezentowa? m?odszym czytelnikom. Kto wie, mo?e dzi?ki tej lekturze pokochaj? czytanie? A mo?e b?dzie to po prostu kolejna ?wietna i cenna pozycja do ich kolekcji? O tym przekonacie si? ju? sami!
Za zaufanie i mo?liwo?? recenzji dzi?kuj? bardzo @wydawnictwonowabasn
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