
The Heron Kings Rampant de Eric Lewis

de Eric Lewis - Género: English
libro gratis The Heron Kings Rampant


Eric Lewis

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The Heron Kings Rampant is a thrilling installment in author Eric Lewis' "Heron Kings" fantasy series. This read dives into violent extremism through technological advancement that has found its way into the hands of treacherous individuals, organized to penetrate open civilizations through harmonized schemes and approaches.

Master Alchemist Castamar and the Cynuvik widow who manages his house are in deep distress after an explosion in their city causes unfathomable harm to his apprentice. The attack is undoubtedly a Vril attack - a mysterious energetic substance thought magic because of its deadly energy, and most dangerous if mishandled. The brilliant alchemist stands aware of its strict production and restrained movements and can't help but initiate an investigation to establish its source. Castamar's curiosity has him make an abrupt visit to the dangerous, old, and broken-down fish cannery building taken over by Gouger Nebb's gang, in hopes of getting more information about the Vril. Knowing that Castamar wants justice for his apprentice's serious injuries, Nebb takes advantage of the protagonist's desperation by asking him to steal two variable chemicals, Thermite and Antisepsis, for the gang's use in making incendiary bombs and treatment of infections, respectively.

As Author Lewis comes to reveal, teamwork by Castamar and a Heron Kings' agent, Ellyx, has them face off against bloodthirsty villains at the College of Alchemy, where an inspection regarding the Vril has professors and research students chilled down their spine by the duo's commanding demeanor. However, unknown to the pair, a chilling discovery lies in wait at the Engineering lab, regarding additional belligerent onslaughts by ruthless radicals who are devoted to the implementation of a new period in history, one that would introduce dramatic changes in world political thought.

Fantastic themes of mythology, folklore and breathtaking action will warm a reader's heart throughout the story. Author Lewis' work displays the central fantasy arc of the battle between good and evil, with epically powerful forces confronting each other. On the first pages, the characters' roles are well laid out, and readers will not find it difficult to connect with them. Of equal interest is the distinctive world-threatening hazard that can enslave everyone and alter life irreparably, as highlighted in the first pages of this volume. The Heron Kings Rampant is largely a dialogue-driven plot that boasts sophisticated ideas and survival by wit concepts. The author also does an excellent job of giving readers the characters' backstories that explains why they are capable of exceptional abilities.

Quill says: The Heron Kings Rampant is a deeply invigorating fantasy read due to its unpredictability and irresistible plot.1 Viking Jam1,197 15

Genre: Fantasy/Steampunk

Review: I was really impressed with this work by a relatively unknown writer. This reeks of Holmes and Watson's pursuit of the arch-evil network, replaced with Cast and Ellyx as our daring duo. The cover art is confusing as the descriptions of our duo is one of an older (graying) alchemist and a grown woman, not a little girl.

There is a tinge of the Steampunkian throughout this novel that plays really well with setting the impression of the world. Alchemy bridged with the mechanical and contraptions that are self-powered, as well as Vril powered gaslights invigorate the story line. Why even an airship is forthcoming. YES!

The character development is what really drives the story, as it is coupled impeccably to the movement.

Get this!

Rating: 4.6/51 B.L.Author 5 books25

Lewis delivers with the third installment of The Heron Kings. Set in a gaslamp era, Cast the Alchemist inhabits a world where technology and science are advancing at a rapid pace, a hinge point where the old clashes with the new, and the bounds of ethical technology are pushed to a breaking point.

Equal parts gaslamp fantasy, political thriller, and action/adventure, The Heron Kings Rampant delivers on all fronts. The pace is whip-crack, and the twists and turns are unpredictable but never unbelievable. This is a wild ride from the first page.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Bowen GreenwoodAuthor 24 books29

brilliant gas lamp fantasy!

The first half of the book flew by, feeling a lot Carnival Row but without the fantasy creatures. I couldn’t stop turning pages. Memorable characters, fast-moving plotting, it’s really good. It slows down just a smidge in the middle, which is also where you might pick up a tiny smidge of politics, but not enough to hurt anything. Then you’re caught up in an irresistible ending with twist after twist, each bigger than the last. I really enjoyed this book, and I think you will too. Grab your copy today! Tiffany Ewald189 16

This book was a fantastic read. I really couldn't put it down. It's unique and engaging all the way through. The author did a great job with this story and I enjoyed his writing style. I would love to see more this. The Reading Ruru (Kerry) 446 24

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