
The Reckoning: A Family Drama in Hitler's Berlin in the 1930s (The Lion's Den Series Book 6) de Eoin Dempsey

de Eoin Dempsey - Género: English
libro gratis The Reckoning: A Family Drama in Hitler's Berlin in the 1930s (The Lion's Den Series Book 6)


Eoin Dempsey Year: 2023

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What a wonderful, heart-wrenching, exciting ending to the series!
I'm so happy I found out about this series and was delighted to discover that the author plans a new one starring Maureen. I'm a Jew and a descendant of Holocaust survivors, and I don't think I've ever understood what Kristallnacht really felt till I read this book. Other parts of the novel and the entire series helped me understand what everyday life must have been during the period from the Nazi party's first steps to the beginning of WWII. I'm not quite sure how Dempsey managed this, but obviously his research was comprehensive and deep.
I really can't recommend this series enough. It may not be a literary masterpiece, but it is intelligent, informative, highly engrossing and suspenseful. Keep them coming, Demps!5 s Thomas George Phillips456 31

Unfortunately for fans of "The Lion's Den" Series, this novel will be the last. Mr. Dempsey's next series will feature Seamus Ritter's eldest daughter, Maureen, in post World War Two.

The story picks up in Berlin/Paris during 1938-39. War is imminent in Europe. Seamus decides to help his Jewish employees at the Ritter Factory escape to other countries. But obstacles are a plenty. First, what to do with his company, that was left to him by his late uncle. Seamus shares ownership with the factory with his dire hard, Nazi cousin, Helga.

After Kristallnacht, the Nazis make it increasingly difficult, in not impossible, for the Jews to move out of Germany.

Seamus and his daughter, Maureen, who lives in Paris, devise a plan that may just work: smuggle the Jewish factory employees out of Germany through the mountains into France. Time is of the essence. Maureen hires a French guide to help with this escape. But it is now or never; winter is setting in.

This latest Lion Den Series is part history; with continuing suspense and intrigue. 3 s Siobhan D1,910 25

I enjoyed the narration of Joff Manning, who brings out the suspense and action.

Seamus is determined to keep the Jews who work in his factory safe from what is happening in Germany. n Paris , Lisa and Hannah are living in Paris, so is Maureen. Michael and Monica have moved to New York . Each facing dangers and fighting in there own fights. You can feel the pain of the time.1 Frank Callahan10 1 follower

The Reckoning concludes Eoin Dempsey’s The Lion’s Den series as a complete and exciting read. It portrays the history of the rise of the Nazis in Germany through the personal experiences of each member of the fictional Ritter family and individuals who become very real and personal. Each chapter becomes more of a page turner than the previous chapter.

Every member of the Ritter family, maybe 8 including spouses, live on the edge of becoming victims of the powerful Nazi movement in some way. The growth of Hitler’s influence has always been questionable. How could one person gather the support of an entire nation to rally with him, defining themselves as the superior Aryan race, and define the Jews as an inferior population who are a drag on society and must be eradicated? (It is upsetting for me to write that, and I didn’t use the despicable adjectives the Nazis used.)

I worked in Germany and see it as a country of civilized, good people. And yet, Hitler rallied enough of the population to commit unspeakable atrocities. Insight into the techniques successfully used by the Nazis is vividly portrayed through the Ritter family, their personal relationships with others as well as how they experience their own life under the Hitler regime. The good German people were incapable – fearful – of resisting the horrible movement unveiling in their daily lives.

The Reckoning portrays actual historical events with clarity and exploitation of the methods used. Youth in much of history are so influenced by ideals which they embrace with enthusiasm, support with great energies and yet do not see the lies intermingled with the ideals.

It is a comfortably written novel for me and is sprinkled with interesting $100 words which I highlight while reading on my Kindle Fire for a popup definition, i.e.: lebensraum.

I was as fearful for the Ritter family as though they were my own in this most exciting series!

Eoin, please apply your creative talents and energies to exploit more of this time in history.
1 Kayla Lambert152 7

The great ending

This was a fantastic ending to an extraordinary series. I have followed The Lions Den series since book one and I fell in love with the Ritter Family from the very first page. The author, Eoin Dempsey, magnificently created such impressive and intriguing characters. No matter which character a chapter followed, it was always unputdownable. For Historical Fiction lovers, if you haven’t read the Lions Den series, I strongly suggest that you do. It follows the American Ritter Family as they move from America to Berlin, Germany in 1932. The series follows their time in Berlin from 1932-1939 as the family experiences raising young, impressionable children in Nazi Germany, the coming of age of the eldest Ritter children and their joining of resistance networks, and the patriarch, Seamus, finding his new wife Lisa and building a life together. They navigate through anti-semitism, hatred, murder, corruption, and so much more during their time. Each characters experience is so well-written, you will fall in love with each character and their story, guaranteed!

This book was a perfect ending to their journey and I am so excited that one of the main characters, Maureen, is getting a well-deserved spin-off of her own! Eoin Dempsey is a remarkable and truly talented writer and I am eager to read future books and series by him! This is definitely a must read. 1 Gail Herman99 33

I finished the Lion's Den series and was glad to have read them all! I must review Dempsey's list of books b/c I thought I'd read them all but my count was 12 books. Goodreads says there are 14!

I am well informed about the Holocaust through reading and volunteering for years for the Holocaust Council at Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ. I have known many Survivors. The reason for mentioning this is that I felt the author really did his research. I knew about the student who murdered the diplomat. The events surrounding Kristallnacht were what I knew. Dempsey added his fictional story but I recognized Kristallnacht.

The character development was gradual throughout the novels. Seamus's life was complicated but he acted in ways to save both his family and his Jewish employees. We saw throughout the books his struggles and conflicts leading to seemingly impossible choices he needed to make.

Also, people during WWII did what they needed to do to stay alive. Dempsey portrayed examples of bravery, survival and risks. After having read the six books in this series, I felt invested in the characters. I've come to know them and how they have evolved with the changing times. At times, I felt as though I were witnessing their struggles first hand. Kudos to Eoin Dempsey!

I am looking forward to the forthcoming series about Maureen.

Now, I'm going to check the list of Eoin Dempsey's books to see if I missed reading any of them!

1 Ave Jeanne Ventresca45

Want to climb inside a time machine headed into the past during the onset of WW2, to experience historical events for yourself ? When an author makes this possible….jump aboard!
Best-selling author, Eoin Dempsey, makes it possible for his readers to visit the 1939 of Berlin and Paris, in his latest release, The Reckoning. Those familiar with this author, expect to be emerged in a good read….and there is no disappointment! As the title infers, this historical fiction presents the coming to fruition of all that is family fragmenting and earth-shattering, due to the onset of war.
Throughout chapters, the author keeps the dialogue believable, and the action is tense. Become mesmerized by the sights and sounds of Kristallnacht, a significant and explosive facet of WW2. This historical date, becomes a reality we share with the callous, the innocent, and the brave.
This title will be the last for this series of six. It will be sad to let go of these appealing characters, which over this series, have come to hold our affection and attention.

Thanks is extended to the author and BookFunnel for an advance review copy.1 Desney KingAuthor 2 books21

It says a lot for Eoin Dempsey's skill as a storyteller that I have waited avidly for each book in his Lion's Den series. This final volume, The Reckoning, was as heartstopping and satisfying as the five that came before it.
These novels are best read in series order, as we follow the characters through their ups and downs during pre-war Nazi Germany.
The thread that runs through them all and binds them together, and to us, their readers, is heart.
Despite the darkest of settings, and horrific events, the main characters are relatably human - flawed but good people. I particularly enjoy the roles played by strong, courageous women, one of whom is set to have a series devoted to her.
Well done, Mr Dempsey!1 Mary Kay Wooten87 2


This review covers all 6 books in the Lion's Den series. This was a wonderful series. It covers the lives of an American family beginning in 1932 when the US was in the throes of the Depression. An unexpected job offer from a relative takes them to Germany. The story line revolves around their lives during Hitler's rise to power from 1932 until the beginning of WW2 in1939. This was a different book for me given it's setting & timeline. The characters are well developed. There is plenty of suspense. I highly recommend these 6 novels. Looking forward to the next series.1 Linda957

The Lion’s Den Series, Book 6 The Reckoning, by Eoin Dempsey. A great ending for a very intriguing series. The series follows a family from New York to Berlin to work with a relative to run a manufacturing plant. As the Nazi’s come to power, the plant becomes a munitions plant and makes bullets and weapons for war. The six books are about the father, Seamus Ritter, his 4 children, and their lives in Berlin until 1939 when they leave for America. It is a very good and well written set of books. The good thing is the length of each book is less than 300 pages so you don’t have to set aside a week of your life to read each one. Enjoy!american-theme e-books historical-fiction ...more1 Carey Mundy750 4

I have loved this series and this was the final book in it. The Ritter family is separated - Seamus and his son and youngest daughter remain in Berlin in the final years of the 1930’s and are faced with the rise of the Nazis. His wife and remainder of his children have left for France and are facing their own difficulties there. The day of reckoning is coming and tough decisions will have to be made if the family is to survive. I am sorry to see the series come to an end but happy the story will continue in a new series. Highly recommend 1 Elizabeth C96 2

Wonderful Conclusion To An Unforgettable Series

I have enjoyed Eoin Dempsey’s writing ever since I read Finding Rebecca several years ago. The Ritter family series is top-notch and I eagerly awaited each installment. The final volume is no exception. I couldn’t wait to find out what happened to each of them and simply couldn’t put the book down through the countless surprises and plot twists. I look forward to reading Maureen’s series when it is released! 1 Margaret Wray357

What a brillant series I have read. Absolutely gob smacked! The final book The Reckoning was heart stopping in many parts and I was unable to put down. The whole series helped me understand how the Germans really had no way to avoid the Nazi’s and could not see the horrors that one man in his madness could destroy a country and the people.
Highly recommend and will be looking forward to Maureen’s story when released. Thankyou Mr Dempsey for a wonderful series, love your work! 1 Michelle Schulten144 1 follower

I love his writing style and subject matter. This series was very enlightening in regards to my poor knowledge of WWII. I thoroughly enjoyed every character, the expansive news of their personalities was amazing. I can't wait for the next series. This is an author that makes you want to read everything he's written!!!1 Elizabeth21

Wow! I can’t say much else because of spoilers, but this book had me on the edge of my seat!! I read it all day, the minute it downloaded, just finished it. Best line of the book? “Maureen will return, with her own series!” I really want to see this story continue until the end of the war. And I’d love to see Seamus get control of his factory and home in western-controlled Betlin, I hope!This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Debbie Trammell718 5

Wonderful book/series

I read this book in a couple of sittings could not put it down. Eoin has a masterful way with words. It is evident he has done alot of research!. Can't wait for Mareen's books. I highly recommend this series if you are interested in W W 2 and an American family who had a different take on things!1 Preston16

A Great Accomplishment

The kind of series one can't escape from. When you have time you are drawn to this continuing saga, and once again you open the book to see what happens. The books are that good.

When reading this series the world around me stopped and I was transported back in history. Please send email when Maureen's adventure continues. 1 Ervin B. Jones32

Moving series

I have now completed the entire series, and thoroughly enjoyed all six books. Mr. Dempsey is a accomplished author, and the storyline never wandered. It was at times exciting, and othertimes incredibly sad, as that time in history actually was. I am looking forward to reading the next chapters in Maureen Ritters life!1 Melba Hard406 1 follower

I can't say that I actually enjoyed reading this book..

This book was so well written that you felt you were actually there. It was not pleasant reading in places but you knew that there would be drama and hope villagers thing would work out well in the end.
It was compulsive reading.1 Michael5 1 follower

This series is a must read.

Eoin Dempsey is a fantastic historical fiction writer. This Lions Den series I could not put down. I now have read all of Dempsey’s books and my only regret is that there are no more, at this moment…1 Thomas Brazeil50

Excellent series!!

All six books of this series are excellent! As a history enthusiast, I would say that Eoin Dempsey hit the nail on the head. As an avid reader, I would say that this series is one that you can't put down.1 Annette Acker136 1 follower


A super book being someone who loves history I really admire any person who stopped Hitlers decision to rid Germany of the Jewish faith. There are many courageous people who helped and kept people away from the camps lest we forget . 1 Rosemary Dufek11 1 follower

I loved all the books in the Lions Den series. Great characters and good storylines. I was totally immersed in the books. It was interesting to view the Nazis rise to power from the German people’s point of view and how society at large was affected by the manipulations of Hitler and his cohorts. 1 Patricia Dioguardi16 1 follower

A Wonderful Series

I do not usually read any book series. I am so happy I started this one. I enjoyed each one. I looked forward to the next one and actually was sad when I completed the 6th book.
I love this author. 1 Stefanie Shilliam gonzalez4

The Lion’s Den Series

My spouse turned me on to this series. I couldn’t hardly put it down!! Great story with great characters. This, so far is one of the best stories I have read. I would totally recommend this series to family and friends. 1 Tina Galli51 5

Not really a series type of girl

With that being said this entire series was awesome, kept me interested and kept me looking forward to next book. So far I have read all of this authors books and can honestly say he’s quickly becoming one of my favorites! 1 Richard41 1 follower

This is Book 6 of a saga of the Ritter family, whose father's origins were in Germany.
The first book starts out in Newark, NJ during the great depression.
The family after many trials and tribulations moves to Berlin, Germany in 1932. The family goes from rags to wealth when they move to Germany.

Then the family ends up in a very different environment with the rise of Hitler and The Nazi regime. The story continues thru 1936 Olympics. Part of the family moved to Paris for safety reasons. You feel they are sitting in your home relating their life story.

In this 6th book the family gets reunited after Kristallnacht and make life altering decisions as the saga continues. While this is the last book in the series, it is not the end of the story. Seamus Ritter’s, the main character, daughter’s role in saving people in Europe is about to be written.

I am looking forward to their continuing history, as with this book and the prior ones you feel you are connected to the characters and hope all goes well for them.

The accuracy of the details in these books makes you feel you were there during this time period. They are all terrific historical novels.

The author has written other books which are also terrific, but this series is A++++.

1 LeAnne Montgomery170

This is book 6 (final) of the Lion's Den Series. This series was remarkably well written and completely engrossing. It follows a family's lives beginning in poverty in the Depression in America, then a life of great wealth in Germany. The early days of Hitler coming into power was described in very real, believable words. You felt as it must have been in Germany. I admit, I was reluctant to read further after the 1st book knowing what history had in store. But the character development, the view of life through Seamus (the father), a daughter who was a Resistance fighter, another daughter caught up in the Nazi "truth", the son who strived to be an Olympian, Jewish workers,.... and so much more. I was unable to put down the books. No spoilers - but I was thrilled to learn there will be more coming featuring Maureen, the Resistance fighter! I'm so glad Amazon Kindle Unlimited made these books available. I read "The Longest Echo" by Eoin Dempsey some years ago, and recommended to my book club. Everyone loved the book. I would highly recommend to all.... 1 Annie McDonnellAuthor 1 book111

Eoin Dempsey walks us through parts of history that I’m very interested in learning more about. The human experience he shares is so touching and tough at the same time. I felt so moved by Seamus and all he does in each book in this series, but this one was different emotionally to me because I knew it was the last.
I was excited to see where we would be headed, with his family being all over the world, and him feeling so sure of his choices.
I was led to ask myself a lot of things, would I go here? Would I help with this? Would I be able to let go? Would my heart break?
This series is a great book club series.
I am still haunted by many moments in this book. Isn’t that what a great writer does? Imprints their characters into your soul so you won’t forget them. This is one of those families.
I highly recommend “The Reckoning”.1 Cindy506 1 follower

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