
Summer Sparrow de Emmerson Hoyt

de Emmerson Hoyt - Género: English
libro gratis Summer Sparrow


Emmerson Hoyt Series: Jackals and Vipers Duet 02 Publisher: Emmerson Hoyt, Year: 2023 ISBN: 9798987288726,9798987288733

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"I´m still so in love with you that sometimes I think my bones will break beneath the weight of it."

This is a two POV book, told by the POV´s of Rylee and Colton.

I loved Rylee´s character. She is resilient and so strong in every aspect. Her journey with the traumatic events and her processing everything felt quite realistic. Also I love that the other characters suggested therapy for her and told her that it is nothing to be ashamed of. Really loved that aspect of her journey. I d her character development and how she became more independent. Colton is still broody, possessive Colton. I d how he always looked out for Rylee or tried to to his best capability. I also love how he didn´t pressure her into anything.

Regarding side characters, I love Mac. That man is a gem. That irish accent paired with the dark haired and his overall golden retriever personality and him looking out for the people he loves; you just have to love that man. I loved Holly and the journey she went on as well in this book, dealing with her grief and becoming more trusting of the people around her, especially her sister.

Regarding the plot, I´d say romance is getting paired with some good character development and a lot of emotional journeys and some emotional growing that the characters undergo. It definitely feels more dramatic and more heartbreaking than the first book. And at one point I was fearing I wouldn´t get a HEA, but don´t worry it has one. I loved the groveling in this one, the spice scenes were good and I love Colton´s "tiger" for Rylee because of the "beautiful and fierce", it really does fit her. I d the mental health rep in this, as well as the angst, chemistry and yearning between the characters. My only slight issue is the pacing. As much as I enjoyed the first half of the book, it does feel a bit dragging somewhere towards the middle but picks back up towards the ending. I have to say I´d definitely love a separate book about Holly and her journey after the events in this book, but maybe that´s in the works!?

Overall a great book that I really enjoyed.

trigger warnings: death/murder, PTSD/dealing with trauma 4 s2 comments Marcelle (Books Checked)97

What a satisfying conclusion to an absolutely remarkable duet by a debut author.

Part 1 caused a bit of emotional turmoil, but I understand why the author chose to write the story this way. One of the main themes in the book is “how far will you go to protect the people you love?” and boy, did she push these characters. At times it was hard to read, but I knew their HEA was coming.

Part 2 balances Part 1 perfectly. To see the character growth achieved due to their time in the trenches of Part 1 was oh so satisfying. Colton and Rylee are such a good pairing, and the Jackal family has my heart.

Even though this is book is on the larger side, I almost wished for more content at the end. I hope there are some bonus epilogues coming in the future because I’m not ready to say goodbye to Eden or any of the Jackals. 4 s Mandy1,329 139

I received Summer Sparrow in return for an honest review from the author.

First off let's talk about how amazing this cover is it's just stunning one of my favorite covers.

I loved Rylee and Colton they have overcome over the course of this book. I love all of the Jackals as well as Holly they have special places in my heart for the whole crew. I love the connection between Rylee and Colton even when they are apart the connection is undeniable.  We've also got dual point of view so we can see both of there stories at they are apart. 

I really enjoyed Summer Sparrow it pulls out all the emotional feelings I found myself blushing and tearing up a few times. The author has created a beautiful story that captured my heart and my soul. The characters are engaging and I was able to connect with them all. 

I ended up devouring Summer Sparrow in just 24 hours it was hard to put down and I had to know what would happen next to Rylee and Colton. This is a powerful story filled with tough situations, emotions just the right amount of spice and a story that will blow your mind. I loved September Doves it's one of the best books I read in 2023 but this one was even better. The author has a gift for storytelling and I can't wait to see whats up next. My only complaint is that it's over. I want more I'm not ready to say goodbye to my favorite characters.
arc-ebooks contemporary contemporary-romance ...more3 s Danielle167 27

4.5 stars

Summer Sparrow by Emmerson Hoyt is a sequel worthy of September Doves, which had me hooked for every page. A bonus for the final book in the duet; it’s basically twice the length of the first and it’s worth every page written as it doesn’t suffer from slow points or unnecessary feeling scenes. Each moment matters, and if anything I just want more.

Summer Sparrow particularly intrigued me with its setting in the thick of the Vipers as I was very interested to learn more about the Jackals opposition. Not to mention this inside looking into the Vipers was also really the first chance to get to learn more about Rylee’s father, while also giving more of a chance for Rylee and Holly to connect.

With the events that took place at the very end of September Doves, the first part of this book spends a good deal of time with Rylee coping with the trauma of it all which is so heartbreaking to witness. On top of this is the difficulty of being separated from Colton and not knowing where things stand, if he’s safe, or generally what is going on. This does create one upside however, which was one of my favourite things about this sequel; Colton point of view chapters.

These chapters were particularly enthralling because it gives an inside look into the Jackals goings-on and how they work from the inside. His chapters were so insightful and getting to know more about this club from an insider was such a beneficial addition to this duet. Colton’s story isn’t any easier than Rylee’s however, as he has to endure some of his own horrors in order to keep both the Jackals and Rylee safe. Both points of view were so heartbreaking in their pains and had me feeling so deeply connected to the characters.

These two go through so much. At times it was even hard to let the story play out not knowing where things were going to end up. The struggle is what makes Summer Sparrow so raw and real, however, and is what makes the characters so easy to love and invest in. And most importantly, it’s integral to their growth and who they become. Seeing the strength they gain and the people they become, particularly throughout the second half of the book is so satisfying and helps justify the struggle.

As with September Doves, the side characters were once again a great strength of this book. From Minho, to Danny, to Alex, and even new characters introduced such as Mac. I couldn’t help but love these more minor characters as well, and was so deeply invested in their stories as well as Colton and Rylee’s. I couldn’t get enough of all of them and seeing characters after periods of time without them on the pages had me so happy and filled with relief, I hadn’t seen them in ages. The characters for sure make this duet the incredible, impossible to put down work that it is.

Suffice it to say, I loved the conclusion to this duet. I legitimately could not put it down once I settled in with it and blasted through a huge chunk of it in one go. Summer Sparrow was somehow even better than the first book in the series and I’m so sad to see this world and these characters go. I just want more and am definitely going to be stuck in this world for a bit mentally as I miss it already. 2 s Clara177 5

If there is one contemporary duet I could recommend you to read it would be this one. Summer Sparrow is brilliant and that is solely down to the wonderful storytelling that Emmerson weaves throughout and the painstakingly rawness in the way Rylee and Colton are written in this book.

Picking up where Doves ended I was prepared for the personal journey both Rylee and Colton had to take separately and in their relationship to finally get back to each other and wow what a journey these two take. I loved Rylee so much more in this book, she was strong when needed to be and then there are moments that had me crying and especially one scene in particular that resonated on a personal level, it was written with so much care and thought that made her so relatable.

The storytelling in this book is superb and that is down to the writing and artistic way it is interwoven giving you answers to those secrets that doves gave an insight into but then adds even more depth to them that when you really learn the answers it’s done in a realistic way, there is no slow parts everything is fast moving and without giving anything away is a fulfilling conclusion that won’t leave you disappointed.

Everything I loved about september doves, was even better in this one the fantastic character developments, the plot and world building development, perfect found family, all the angst and the delicious slow burn that finally pays off with the spicy moments were just chefs kiss and so worth it and the rawness and emotional portrayal of two individuals who finally find each other.23-of-2023 arcs-2023 favorites2 s Gabrielle (belle.bookcorner)735 179

“He was mine for the season, but never mine to keep.
My summer Sparrow...”

Jackals and Vipers duet finally comes to an end with this sequel, Summer Sparrow!
I had a wonderful time reading this duology and I’m satisfied with how it ends.

The plot started right after the end of the 1st book, Rylee is struggling to deal with herself after going through a traumatic event and being away from the family she just found is making it harder.
Such an emotional journey for Rylee to build herself back up again and moved on but I admire her strength and compassion for her loved ones.

There’s also a new character addition – Mac, I absolutely adore him! He’s a softie despite the brooding stone cold face he gave to everyone else.
At first I kinda wish Rylee and Mac got together instead with Colton (MMC) cause I don’t his choice of action towards Rylee in the first half of the book. I get that Colton is trying to save everybody but, the miscommunication slightly annoyed me.
I have to admit, seeing him grovel his way back to his family and girlfriend is kinda worth it though.

The ending is wrapped up nicely, justice is served with the evil mastermind behind bars. All the hard works and sacrifices of the Jackals are finally paid off. I’m glad to see they got the ending they deserved!

Overall, this is a good conclusion to this duology. Love the plot and the writing style, I’m looking forward to read more books from this author in the future!
Maybe a prequel of how Mac and Holly met would be nice ?!

I received an advanced review copy for free from the author, and I am leaving this review voluntarily!

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