
The Island Love Song de Emma Cowell

de Emma Cowell - Género: English
libro gratis The Island Love Song


Emma Cowell Publisher: HarperCollinsPublishers Ltd, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9780008624514,9780008624521

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“Maybe on Hydra, I will find a way back to me and the island will release me from my secrets.”

Feel escaping to the Greek islands? Some of us are in desperate need of a slice of sunshine right about now!

Emma Cowell writes beautiful novels set in Greece. This time she invites readers to return to the Grecian shores of Hydra, and while it may seem beautiful to us and a sanctuary, it’s where sisters Ella and Georgia’s secrets reside. Returning to scatter their mom’s ashes brings the past crashing into their present.

Two sisters.
Decades of secrets.
And a love song that changed everything.

Ella, 37, just wants peace to mend her broken heart so that she can move on with her life. Hydra was her happy place and Harrison had ruined it for her. She avoids her birthplace to keep the unhappiness at bay and when she finally agrees to return with Georgia, it’s as if fate arranged it.

Georgia, 43, pretends all is well, but she’s hiding a secret. Wrong. Secrets. Plural. It’s an “ever-growing pile of destructive deceit.” She’s hoping a return to the island will give her closure, even without the support of her husband. Georgia and Ella are vinegar and water. Can they put aside their differences for two weeks and scatter their mom’s ashes? Or is being trapped on the island more than they can handle? Will Georgia finally break the cycle of fixing her sister’s mistakes?

What you’re going to get:

??Romance, forgiveness, legacy, fate, sacrifice, confronting the past
??A haunting love song
??Sibling secrets and family drama
??Infrequent dual timeline; London and Hydra in both 1997 and 2015

This book about a secret legacy, the damage we can do in the name of protecting someone, and the warning about not letting love from someone else define us, has a spectacular double-meaning title! I was swept up in this emotional story and couldn’t set the book down. Just when I thought there were no more secrets, BOOM. Another one. I love how Emma Cowell writes and can’t wait for another story.

I was gifted this copy by Avon Books UK and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.2024-reads netgalley15 s1 comment Anna Nightingale12

I copyedited this, so this is an entirely biased review.edits2 s1 comment Lesley N141 4

This is the third novel by Emma Cowell which I have read, all set in Greece. "The Island Love Song" is set on the island of Hydra, south of Athens. At the heart of the story are two very different sisters who travel to the island to scatter their mother's ashes. Georgia is married with a daughter called Phoenix and is very much the stay at home wife and mother, as well as being a bit of a control freak. Ella, five years younger, is a free spirit who travels the world as a professional photographer. Through the course of the story we gradually get to understand the family dynamics, and fall in love with Hydra.

This is a complex and thoughtful book which will keep you engrossed.

Thanks to Net Galley and the publishers for the opportunity to review this book.1 Sue1,085

Sisters Ella and Georgia have never resembled each other, either in looks, or temperament: olive-skinned, Ella is a free-spirited photographer who travels the world and has never put down roots; while fair-skinned Georgia is a stay-at-home mother who keeps a tight rein on herself, careful to cultivate an image of the perfect, conventional existence. They seem to have always rubbed each other the wrong way, but the shared love of their mother and of Georgia's daughter Phoenix, who resembles her Aunt Ella, has kept them tied together.

When Ella and Georgia's mother dies, they are brought together with a bump. They must set off on a journey with Phoenix to fulfil her last wish - to scatter her ashes on the Greek island of Hydra. Hydra is a place that both sisters have been reluctant to return to, despite spending happy childhood holidays there, because of the difficult memories the island now holds for them - Ella due to the heartache she feels over the musician lover who abandoned her in her darkest hour, something she is constantly reminded of by the hit song he wrote about their relationship; and Georgia because of guilty acts she wishes she could forget. But Hydra has been waiting for their return... the time has come for them to confront the past, reveal the secrets they have kept from each other, and find a way to move on.

Emma Cowell's third enchanting novel, The Island Love Song, returns to beautiful Greece, this time for a heartfelt story on the picturesque island of Hydra. The story unfurls mostly through the narratives of Ella and Georgia, immersing you in the past and present of the difficult relationship that has developed between them, interspersed with delicious little snippets of prose from Hydra that thrum with mythological vibes of Gods and Goddesses looking upon the fate of the sisters from Olympian heights.

It is tricky to talk about how beautifully Cowell weaves the threads of the story without giving the game away, but essentially this is a tale of how the weight of secrets has built barriers between the sisters, resulting in tricky family dynamics that have them taking barbed pot-shots at each other every time they meet. Being forced together on Hydra brings matters to an explosive head, as multiple, shocking skeletons in this family closet start to work their way out into the dazzling sunshine, especially when a face from the past intrudes upon an already tense situation.

Cowell delves beautifully into the opposing natures of the sisters, with heartsore Ella contemplating 'what could have beens', and a neurotic Georgia terrified of what she might lose, while a wise beyond her years Phoenix sits in the middle. A lot of cleverly contrived drama results, on an island which may or may not have a magical influence on the Greek tragedy-esque spectacle playing out on its stunning rocky stage. Luscious themes of family (both blood and found), motherhood, loss, love and fate echo through the story, which are used to build layers of mystery around decades of secrets, and there are very clever twists and turns to be negotiated on the way to the most poignant of endings. I absolutely adored how Cowell uses music to heighten the emotional content throughout, in suitably pitch perfect style, and the thread about 'twin flames' will pierce you to the very core.

I loved this story from start to finish. It is Cowell's most complex novel, and my favourite of her books to date. Sweeping, escapist, tender, and drop dead gorgeous. Tears were well and truly shed!
Frankie Q95 1 follower

This was a lovely story, and would be a nice beach read.

There's a lot going on in this book. The relationship between the sisters, Georgia and Ella, the past that haunts them, their relationship with the daughter, Phoenix, as well as a second chance romance for Ella. The setting was described beautifully and almost transported you to the island of Hydra in Greece. I enjoyed how the relationship between the sisters was explored, especially considering the fraught nature of their past and the secrets that Georgia was holding on to.

Unfortunately, I didn't connect with any of the characters in the book. The daughter, Phoenix, seemed to be far older than 17 and was probably the most mature person on that island. Both Georgia and Ella were written as extreme versions of their personalities. Georgia was selfish, rigid, overbearing and refused to take any accountability for any of her actions- which would be normal for a 17 year old, but not so much for a 40+ woman. Ella, on the far other end, was flighty and immature, and I cannot imagine -nor were we given any believable reason- that she would be in love with Harrison for 20+ years. None of their actions made any sense either- they jumped from one emotion to another in the span of the same conversation without any transition, which was very jarring.

I know that this will be popular for those who love a great setting and an emotional story. I did enjoy reading this book and have several people in mind that I would recommend it to.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this arc. All opinions are my own and without bias. Karen Axnick342 9

I thoroughly enjoyed the author’s previous novel, “The House in the Olive Grove” (5 Stars), so I was looking forward to this next offering. It turned out to be a good, not great, read for me.

Two sisters return to the beautiful Greek island of Hydra to scatter their mother’s ashes. Georgia, the older of the two, is the driving force behind the trip, making all the arrangements and compulsively creating an itinerary that accounts for every hour. Ella, the younger sister, is a photographer, who was born on Hydra and based on a heartbreaking experience has no desire to return. The conflicting personalities and lifestyles of these siblings is reflected in their (at times) tumultuous relationship. A third “voice” in the narration is the island itself, which adds a touch of magical realism to the storyline.

Overall, the story was interesting, but I deducted one star because it felt too melodramatic – just too many convoluted relationships and “events” leading up to the conclusion.

My thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for the privilege of reviewing this book. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

This review is being posted immediately to my GoodReads account and will be posted on Amazon upon publication. Jade aka MrsTosh959 62

Let me start by saying I love this book cover and the beautiful colours. Just seeing it made me long for some Greek sunshine. And is definitely the perfect beach read.

Two sisters Georgia and Ella travel to Hydra in Athens, Greece to scatter the mother's ashes. The sister are very different. Georgia the perfect Wife who stays at home and looks after her husband and daughter and Ella who is very much her own person and a bit of a free spirit. all families there are rifts and differences but the sisters must come together for their Mum. This is a beautifully written book and I really enjoyed the character development and the flow of the writing. I felt I was in Greece. I also could connect to the characters as I am the youngest sister of three and totally feel that age gap and the vast difference between our lifestyles and beliefs.

It is the first book I have read by the author but I would definitely look out for her other books.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.jades-nbrc-district-12 romance travel ssloves books - Sheila606 4

This was a lovely read which many readers would love to take on holiday and enjoy. Its about family and secrets which have lain hidden for a long time.
Set on a beautiful Greek island it follows Ella and her sister Georgia, along with Georgia's daughter Phoenix as they travel to the island where they spent family holidays to scatter their mother's ashes.
I enjoyed the story told from both sister's perspectives and the sister are very different from each other. Georgia is organised and her actions clash with those of her sister Ella.
The setting was wonderful, a warm and inviting Greek island which transports the reader to somewhere relaxed and sunny.
Once the main secret is revealed as a reader it makes the dynamic between the sisters perfectly clear.
Part of the story focuses on Ella's love life where her heart was broken was emotional and her feelings and actions made perfect sense.
The revelations from long-held secrets take the well-crafted plot to a crescendo.
This is a book with depth, there is discussion around some difficult themes which I enjoyed and overall I thought this was a very enjoyable read which I devoured over the course of one day. Morgan Masters10

As someone who is really obsessed with Greece, I was very excited to receive an ARC copy of this book! And what a journey it took us on. It traverses the histories of an eclectic mix of characters who become quite the blended family, and explores many different shades of motherhood and found family.

The novel is set on the beautiful island of Hydra, and definitely made me want to visit. Whilst I really wanted to adore this novel, it unfortunately wasn’t quite in my favourite style that is more “show, don’t tell” - and sometimes felt we as the reader were being spoon fed
too much information. I also found the constant repetition that there were big secret reveals on the way to be distracting at times.

All in all a lovely story with many twists and turns though, and a great summer escapist read.

Many thanks to Avon Books U.K., Emma Cowell & NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review. Colin Bell825 10

Sisters Ella and Georgia, plus Georgia's daughter Phoenix, travel to the Greek island of Hydra to scatter their mother's ashes. Ella was born on the island, where their mother had a summer home, but for reasons that are gradually revealed isn't keen on travelling back there. Whilst Georgia is married Ella has never settled, but has a very successful career as a photographer.
This is basically a family saga, not always my favourite genre, but I did enjoy this one with its wonderful Grecian setting. The relationship between the two sisters is very strained, the reason for this is gradually revealed. Ella's first boyfriend was a budding pop star and one of the reasons for the two's struggles, his involvement gradually becomes clearer. Again this is a slow burn book that does deserve to be read.
I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley, however this did not influence my review of the book. Marie Kane64 5

Emma Cowells third book which once more takes us to Greece, this time the beautiful island of Hydra….

Ella and Georgia spent their early years visiting Hydra with their mother, who owned a home there, and after her death it seemed the perfect place to scatter her ashes.

Super organised Georgia has the trip planned to perfection and not so organised Ella is happy to go with the flow and joining them is Georgias 17 year old daughter.

Both sisters have mixed feelings about returning, as so much has happened there in the past and sometimes the past and it’s secrets shouldn’t be revisited.

But Hydra has other ideas and the sisters are about to face a few truths which have been long forgotten!

A must read for summer, a wonderful story with lots of twists, turns and revelations all
set with Hydra as it’s beautiful backdrop.

Highly recommended to read on your sun lounger this year.

Thank you to NetGalley for the early copy to read. Claire1,577 15

A tale of family, relationships and secrets set in the beautiful Greek island of Hydra. I was instantly taken with the plot to this novel which sees two sisters, Ella and Georgia along with Georgia’s daughter Phoenix as they return to Hydra to scatter their mother’s ashes but whilst there, the sisters also need to confront their past. There’s a lot going on in this book but it kept me entertained with each turn of the page. The plot unfolds beautifully and add in the picturesque location, you’ve got a fabulous beach read. Thank you to NetGalley, Avon Books UK and the author for the chance to review. Always Happiest Reading 217 1 follower

Set on a Greek Island called Hydra, the book has three main female characters Ella, Georgia and Phoenix.
The story is told in past and present chapters which lead up to the culmination.
I very much enjoyed reading this book, I loved the descriptive writing about the island, could see the donkey’s, pictured the island perfectly.
I could almost hear the waves, and smell the Greek food. I wanted to be transported there in real life, other than by my senses.
This is the first book I have read from this author, and now wish to read more.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Publisher for an advanced e-book copy. Opinions about the book are entirely my own. Ros Carling17

A beautiful setting for a very deep book at times. So many family secrets . It is a very deep love story. Two sisters go back to a Greek island to scatter their mothers ashes with one of their daughters and you follow their lives unravel and come back together .A very moving read and I loved it. An author to follow and read Cheryl2,110 21

4.5 stars
This was a very enjoyable read, a bit heartbreaking at times. The two sisters, Ella and Georgia were completely different characters. Georgia was quite bossy and d to be in control. Ella was more free and more spontaneous.Then there is Georgia’s daughter, Phoenix, who seems to be vey sensible and grown up for her age. There are a number of secrets that are revealed, I was glad that I didn’t have to wait until the end to find out all of them. The setting was on an idyllic Greek island and the characters certainly stayed with me for some time. I received a copy and have voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Julie Williams417 76

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