
Developmental de Emily Fox-Douglas

de Emily Fox-Douglas - Género: English
libro gratis Developmental


A new mother watches shadows transform into something more while she sits awake with her young son.

As Rudy grows older, she frets about his development challenges and his silent world.

But her deepest dread centres on the enigmatic and menacing figure lurking at the garden's edge.

This ominous man's haunting calls resonate with Rudy, drawing him closer to the garden gate—a portal to a foreboding realm unknown. Inexplicably drawn to this otherworldly danger, Rudy teeters on the precipice between two worlds, while his mother's desperation to protect him reaches a fever pitch.

Supernatural thriller from Emily Fox-Douglas

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“Developmental” by Emily Fox-Douglas is an enthralling novella that delves into the complexities of motherhood, the uncanny, and the thin veil between reality and imagination. The story is narrated by a mother, grappling with postpartum challenges and the growing strangeness surrounding her son, Rudy.

The narrative begins with vivid descriptions of sleepless nights filled with eerie sounds of wolves, encapsulating the protagonist’s postpartum state. Fox-Douglas masterfully portrays the intensity of mother-child bonding, heightened by the protagonist’s fear and protectiveness. As Rudy grows, his behaviour and the world around him seem to warp, with odd occurrences and mysterious figures appearing, adding layers of psychological suspense.

One of the most striking aspects of the novella is the portrayal of the protagonist’s relationship with her partner, Riya, and her struggle with motherhood’s demands. This struggle is compounded by the surreal events unfolding around her, casting doubt on her perceptions and straining her relationship with Riya.

Rudy’s development and behaviour are central to the story, with moments of tenderness juxtaposed against unsettling incidents. His interactions with his mother and the world hint at something extraordinary and possibly otherworldly, underscoring the novella’s theme of the extraordinary within the ordinary.

The novella crescendos with surreal and harrowing scenes that blur the lines between reality and hallucination. These moments are deeply rooted in the protagonist’s psyche, exploring themes of maternal instinct, fear, and the unknown.

Fox-Douglas’s writing style is immersive, with a keen ability to weave a sense of unease and curiosity throughout the narrative. The reader is drawn into the protagonist’s world, experiencing her fears, doubts, and protective love for Rudy.

“Developmental” is a gripping read that skilfully combines elements of psychological thriller, horror, and a deep exploration of maternal bonds. It’s a compelling narrative that leaves readers pondering the delicate balance between reality and perception, and the profound impact of motherhood on one’s sense of self. Jodi JensenAuthor 37 books68

Developmental by Emily Fox-Douglas is a one-of-a-kind horror story you won’t soon forget. Full disclosure, I was the editor of this book, and I can tell you with certainty this book stayed with me, haunting me in the dark of night. The MC is a post-partum mom whose journey with her new son blurs the edges of reality. Paranormal, dark speculative fiction, horror, this story has it all. Highly recommend! L.N. HunterAuthor 19 books5

A disturbing, dream tale

Nice progression of paranoia and fear, then desperation, all presented in a dream (perhaps I should say nightmarish) reality-blurring voice. I d how the boy's language developed along the story's short trajectory, along with Mum's realisation of what he's saying. I did feel it was a bit short, and would really to know what comes next - maybe there'll be a sequel. Rosetta YorkeAuthor 5 books102

Deeply disturbing and all too convincing, this nightmarish progression of one exhausted, postpartum young mother's battle not to succumb to the *cracks* in the plaster her own mother did haunted me long after I finished the story. Convincingly written, especially the gradual development of her baby/toddler's speech -- 'ella, eh, ville' was simply brilliant. An excellent supernatural thriller.books-i-ve-reviewed horror-short-reads supernatural-thriller S.Author 28 books8

What can a new mother do when she finds her child drawn to a derelict, haunted building? And when those ghosts follow the child home...?

This story delves into realms of horror not often touched on.
A deft combination the personal, quiet horror of the post-partum psyche, and the strain of parenting a special needs child, with the terror of the paranormal.

Pauline YatesAuthor 24 books91

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