
Neverlander de Elora Burrell

de Elora Burrell - Género: English
libro gratis Neverlander


The stories of the infamous Peter Pan have been passed down Wyn's family for generations.

But now the tales hang over her like a shameful reminder of their entwined history with the fabled place. That is, until she discovers that the stories were in fact true.

Lost in a Neverland much different to the tales she'd been told, she must find a way home. But when the evil that lurks there rears its ugly head, she finds herself inescapably caught up in the midst of it all.

With the fate of Neverland hanging in the balance, Wyn must decide which path to take; the one that leads her home or the one that leads to trouble.

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4 1/2 stars out of 5 from me!
Great story, exciting and I loved the characters!
The ending was amazing and I’m eagerly waiting for the next instalment in this series!3 s Jay WolfAuthor 7 books28

Neverlander was such an intriguing twist to one of my favorite tales as a kid. I loved the world building behind this and the idea that there are generations of "darlings" and that it's not just Wendy and her siblings that went to Neverland.

The main character, Wyn, is over her mundane life and finds herself thrust into a new world with Lost Boys who have grown up, a missing Peter, and a pirate worse than Hook. The story telling was well done and the writing itself was great. I was a little bogged down in certain parts but due to the pacing and characters I was able to enjoy it nonetheless.

I do have to point out that I fell in love with Maya! I don't know what it is about creatures/beasts that save an MC and become a welcomed companion but I am here for it and Elora made me shed tears on one particular spot in the book where I worried for Maya's life!

The ending was so frustrating and yet so satisfying that I couldn't decide whether I d it or not! Honestly, it leaves a great opening for book two and I am SO excited to read it. Great job by Elora!2 s Sophie354 13

This book is a spin off from Peter Pan. Wyn the great granddaughter of Wendy is carried off to Neverland, Pan has disappeared and Wyn has to find her way back home to London, with the help of friends she meets on the way.

This book was absolutely fantastic and I thank the author Elora Burrell for sending me a copy. I have not read a fantasy/adventure book for about 10 years and I am definitely going to start reading them more. I loved being immersed into such a wonderful world, but a world i partly knew from my own childhood. This spin-off whilst having complete originality and individuality, also holds true to a lot of what we know of Neverland.

This story was exciting throughout, there was constant action and adventure and fantasy magical creatures.

The character of Wyn who the story follows is a strong, independent female lead and I that there is no “male hero” needed and she often saves her own skin and that of her friends. My only dis is she is quite violent towards her love interest and I would to see this be expressed differently in the remaining books.

The other main characters: Curly, Slightly and Khara are also strong characters and I felt I cared deeply for them.

I am so excited to read the next books in the series! This book has set it up so nicely and I have so many questions that I can’t wait to find out what happens.

If you love Peter Pan, fantasy, adventure and strong female leads then this is definitely the book for you.2 s Sam Raywood2

Amazing I couldn't put this book down now can't wait to read the second book and other books this author has wrote.1 Sengagh Hill135 2

I love a good retelling and particularly when it’s a retelling of Peter Pan.
This has been on my radar for a while and I’m so glad I got round to it. I loved this unique take on a classic story that everyone knows. I loved meeting Curly and his relationship with Wyn was so endearing. I found that I was intrigued as to where the story was going as it brought new elements that I’ve never experienced in a Neverland retelling before. The end was a cliffhanger that means I need to read the next one right away - which I love but only if it’s available to read!1 Bethany183 3

Whew. What a spectacular debut. A Peter Pan spin-off, I loved LOVED that the story didn't have Peter Pan as a main character- I love Peter Pan don't get me wrong but this was totally refreshing- and instead focused on some of the Lost Boys. Curly, Slightly, and, eventually, Nibs.

It follows Wyn, the great granddaughter of Wendy Darling, who is suddenly swept away to Neverland. Wyn is a strong, wonderfully independent female lead. She gets herself out of predicaments without the help of a male character. It's just *mwah*
Only thing I didn't about her is how easily she doesn't really question her sudden placement in Neverland, how she is harsh towards Curly. She is quick to anger and quick to jump to conclusions when it comes to him. There would be a happy scene where everything this going great between them nand BAM she's mad about something thus breaking them apart.

I freaking loved Curly. He's a big ol teddy bear. He can be just as stubborn as Wyn is, but his heart is sweet and caring.

Slightly and Khara are amazing. Slightly witty and flirtatious, Khara a strong and fierce heroine in her own right. I love them both.

I love his the author took original characters and made them mature; she took hold if the Lost Boys and brought them into the spotlight, pushing Peter aside. I never knew I needed this until now.

A fun, magical and quick read with a new spin. That cliffhanger actually made me gasp in outrage. I can't wait to see what happens next. No. I NEED to see what happens next. My life depends on it!

Overall rating: 4/5
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