
All Fall Down de Ellie Marney

de Ellie Marney - Género: English
libro gratis All Fall Down


Carnival glamour and swoon-worthy romance in this dark YA contemp series by the author of Every Breath.

A ringmaster's daughter and a bearded lady's son join forces to stop a saboteur…

Nineteen-year-old Fleur Klatsch is loyal to her trapeze team and her ringmaster father, dedicated to the circus, and tough on everyone around her. After a series of accidents at Klatsch's Karnival, Fleur is left holding the ball: she's running the show, trying to stop a saboteur, and taking care of her dad. She doesn't need anyone's help, least of all Eugenia Deloren's son, Marco, who's been trying to break out of the circus life since the moment he was born into it. All Marco needs to do is get Klatsch's back on its feet so he can leave. But after one fateful kiss with Fleur, will he really want to? And will Fleur and Marco figure out who's trying to kill the show before someone kills them…

Circus Hearts - Step. Right....

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Personally, I don't it with series which has different MCs for each serial book. I think mostly because sometimes, it portrays the earlier character that you love in an unlikable light. Or sometimes, the case here, because the protagonist in this book was so very much UNlikable in the first book. I truly wondered if I was going to be pulling my hair out reading this book.

I'm glad to say that there was no hair-pulling head-banging moments at all. I loved how Fleur recognised her mistake (and we've all made stupid mistakes at one point or another) and didn't run away. And when push comes to shove, she pulled out all the stops to make sure things happen.

Once upon a time, Marco and Fleur were inseparable until the day Marco left to find a steady home-life. He returned to help when Fleur's dad was injured in a sabotage incident. While Fleur is still angry at him for leaving, she recognise that he's making her feel everything she's never felt for any boys before. But will she risk all for someone who'll be leaving her again soon?

I d the mystery better in this one as there is actually one. I think my problem with this series is that the books are just too short! I'd love a couple extra more twists in these stories. I am very much looking forward to book 3!! I was disappointed that Ren was mostly missing in this instalment but can't wait to read about her next.

All Fall Down is a story of redemption; of trust and loyalty. The characters in this book is a little bit older (19+) so again I'd say this borders on New Adult though there is limited sexual content (lots of smooching, peeps, relax!). Sometimes, I find New Adult books to be too much so if you're looking for a clean-ish sort of New Adult book, I'd highly recommend this one.

Thanks to the author, Ellie Marney, for copy of book in exchange of honest review. australian-author read-on-kobo romance ...more15 s Jasmine464 877

***Actual rating: 4/5 Stars***

Did you ever realise that you were always the best part of my whole day, Fleur?” His words come out quietly.

All Fall Down picks up shortly after what’s left in the previous book, All the Little Bones, and the story goes on quite smoothly. Apparently, this book’s told from the ringmaster’s daughter, Fleur Klatsch, and how she deals with all the tragic events—happening one after another—in her precious circus. Long story short, there’s a saboteur trying to ruin her family business but the real question here is: WHO’s the saboteur? Is he/she someone on the lot or is that sneaky person a notorious enemy?

In order to probe deeper into every odd accident, Fleur finds herself a little overwhelmed by everything around her. Therefore, ENTER Marco Deloren, Fleur’s childhood best friend, who gives her a hand during the most frustrating part in her life, helps her clean up the mess, and rekindles their romantic friendship.
The carnival was only a pitstop for him. Something he agreed to do on his mother’s request, not something he’s committed to. His Duplo van, with nothing but the bare essentials, is only a rental, and so is he. Marco’s only on loan. He’s only temporary.
And I am the world’s biggest idiot.

To be honest, it’s hard not to compare this book to its first instalment, All the Little Bones, when the general story background is the same; thus, I'm both happy and sad to say that All Fall Down slightly disappoints me. For starters, if you'd read my review for All the Little Bones, you'd know that I HATE Fleur, who happens to be the main character in this book. She's a overly spoilt daughter, an ungrateful brat, and also a shuiv@839#$%^ snitch. Granted, someone Fleur serves the role of a villain perfectly, but I'm just not interested in her own story, a.k.a. this book.

Even though All Fall Down gives us other information about the series of tragedies in the circus, there are still too much portion of Fleur's personal love life with Marco, her former best friend who left her abruptly when she needed him most, and her daddy's accident. Call me heartless, but I really don't feel bad for her at all. *shrugs*

What truly captivates me in this book is the entire process of searching for the circus saboteur. The thorough investigation, the shocking unveiling, and the creepy full disclosure are the most delicious elements that add spice to Fleur's story. Despite the Fleur-drama in 60% of the book, the last part of the story seriously makes me reconsider giving this book a solid 4/5 stars. *heehee*

With everything being said, what are you waiting for? The next and final book in Circus Hearts trilogy will feature my second-favorite characters, Ren Putri the contortionist and Zep Deal the cardsharp, so I'm beyond thrilled to read it soon! Anyway, so far I highly recommend All the Little Bones and mildly recommend All Fall Down. Hopefully All Aces will pique my interest as much as the first book and I'll probably end up loving the whole trilogy eventually. :D

***Huge thanks to Ellie for sending me an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.***

P.S. Sorry for not linking the books I mentioned above since I have problems linking them at the moment. If anyone knew how to solve this, please, please, please let me know! I appreciate your help! <3 Thanks in advance. :)beautiful-stories childhood-friends-turn-lovers cliffhanger ...more9 s RachaelAuthor 8 books431

I can’t get enough of this circus and these love stories. Marney knows her stuff. Fleur & Marco are so well matched in sass and smolder. Queen of the kissing scene, Marney does not disappoint in this high tension, high wire, high stakes tale of circus sabotage. 7 s nick (the infinite limits of love)2,120 1,524

The Circus Hearts companion series is turning out to be one of my favorite reads of 2018. Not that I had any doubts that Ellie Marney would impress me yet again. This series is different from her previous books, but the books still contain that addictive quality that is quintessential of Ellie Marney's writing. Deeply romantic and character-driven, All Fall Down was a luscious read.

All Fall Down follows the story of Fleur, trapeze artist, daughter of the ringmaster and pseudo mean girl of the first book. I was a bit wary of Fleur as a protagonist as she nearly destroyed Sorsha's life in the previous book, but my goodness, her character development here was just brilliant. We get to know her thoroughly in All Fall Down and it becomes easier to understand her drive and motivations. I have to say, I grew very fond of Fleur. She wasn't a bad person, only an incredibly driven one who would do anything to ensure the success of her circus. She had a fire to her that almost made it seem she was cold and not very emotional. We experience a hidden and much different facet of her personality in this book and I loved all shades of what made Fleur Fleur. After an accident rendered her dad in the hospital, she was forced to become a much stronger version of herself. She deftly managed the circus and even when faced with obstacles, she'd put her life on the line to ensure its success. It was really interesting to see both her confident and vulnerable sides.

Fleur finds a love interest in the form of Marco. How I adored this guy! He is the son of the circus costume designer and he comes in to help with the show while Fleur's dad is hospitalized. As with any Ellie Marney hero, he was just complex and wonderful. I love how her heroes are always gentle and genuinely good. It makes me swoon so hard! Fleur and Marco had some history between them. They used to be good friends before Marco left the circus life. On his re-appearance, she was understandably hurt and upset, especially since he hadn't made an effort to keep in touch. The two work through their issues for the sake of the circus and find themselves falling for each other. The romance was so so good. It was awkward and sensuous and so gentle. My heart is racing just thinking about how perfect these two were for each other. Ellie Marney is brilliant at writing chemistry between her couples and the kissing scenes in this book were simply incendiary! Besides all that romance goodness, All Fall Down continued the thread of the circus sabotage that began in All The Little Bones. More revelations are made, suspects are found, and more chaos ensued. It's not all wrapped up yet and I'm excited to see what happens next.

If you love your books romantic, atmospheric, and well-written, I can't recommend Ellie Marney's books enough. They are just out of this world!5 s Emily WrayburnAuthor 5 books41

Review posted on A Keyboard and an Open Mind 5 October 2018:

After reading the first book in this series last month, I was really excited to find out more about the characters in this universe. I didn’t enjoy it quite as much as the previous book, but it was still a really enjoyable read.

All Fall Down centres on Fleur Klatsch, the daughter of the proprietor of the Klatsch Karnival. After a streak of accidents, one of which finds her father in hospital, she finds herself trying to run the show and keep it all together. She is reunited with childhood friend Marco, who comes in as a PA to help.

I really loved getting to know Fleur in this installment. I wasa a bit wary of her in the first book because I thought she was just going to be a typical “mean girl” type, but there is much more to her than that. As Sorcha says in this book, she did the wrong thing for the right reasons.

I really loved Marco! I don’t know, he was just caring and sweet and really put together with his paisley waistcoats. And he has a really good job and a good head on his shoulders. I totally undestood his reasons for leaving the circus, but I also appreciated Fleur’s hurt and sense of abandoment. The only thing that bothered me a bit about Marco was that he called Fleur “Petal”, which I got was a reference to her name meaning flower, and in the context it was a childhood nickname. But I associate it with “Settle, petal” and my niece calling my mum “Petal” when she’s being cheeky and other condescending things, so it did jar me a bit when he called her that in the middle of an otherwise serious conversation. But I can let it go.

While the sabotage that begins in the first book continues here and the characters are investigating it, I felt that not a huge amount happened in the first half. But both the romance and the investigation took off about the second half, and the climax had me flying through the pages.

I also really appreciate how much research Ellie Marney puts into her stories. I ended up going and googling another circus after a mention of a disaster that took place there in the 50s. And even just how much detail there is in the general circus atmosphere. It’s pretty great.

(I am grateful to Ellie Marney for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.)

This review is part of my 2018 Australian Women Writers Challenge. Click here for more information.arc aussie-books ebook ...more5 s Tash1,273 107

Review copy kindly provided by the author in exchange for a honest review
Honestly this series get better as we dive further into this world that Marney has created. I enjoyed the first book but All Fall Down took things into darker territories and that meant find out more about the dark side to the circus. Whilst the seediness element was there in the first book. Fleur and Marcus’s escapade meant no stone was left unturned and meant that for few of our favourites some home truths were learnt that made this world exploded.

Fleur was an interesting choice for a lead considering her history and the fact she wasn’t the most pleasant character in the world. I must admit I hated Fleur in the first book. She came across the typical spoilt brat. One of those people who has had their way since childhood and doesn’t realised the consequences when they does something wrong. Sorcha showed what powers she was abusing in the first one but I wasn’t sure if she was a redeemable character given her attitude and the facts we were presented with.

She was would you would could consider antagonist and it was interesting to see her positioned in this new role. Whilst the last book hinted at more troubles , this book thrusts them into the open as Fleur takes certain stage and readers are forced to get into her head and learn the real Fleur.

Fleur has hidden her feelings away of the world, not wanting to show herself weak. She fights for her position and doesn’t want any help. She can be superwoman and solve the problem of the circus. It’s quite the change and you have to wonder she is not as bad as you thought.

Especially when Marco is in the picture and this boy is the one you want to know.. He is the total opposite of this world, someone who has escaped and made a name for himself the horror of those who love him as being a normal.

It creates quite a picture as Fleur is carnie through and through and Marcus well, he is suave and makes you want to snap him up for yourself. He sees there something in Fleur which seems almost laughable given Fleur’s personality so far.

There is a close bond which lends it’s to making this book work and digs till we get to the core of things. Fleur does redeem herself and it’s interesting journey. It’s not overnight but the fact Marney doesn’t let her apologise for being herself. She uses the others to show that even Fleur can have happiness in her life and that she doesn’t need to carry herself above everyone else. That there can be a balance

Marco was the breath of air that was need in her life. Their shared bond meant things weren’t going to be easy but it was worth it in the end.

For more of my , visit Thoughts by Tash.And drop by the blog's Facebook page4 s Stef (Noveltea Corner)508 179

(I received a copy of All Fall Down from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.)

After last month’s release of All the Little Bones, the first book in the Circus Hearts series, I knew that I was going to enjoy All Fall Down, but I was left wondering how it could possibly top it.

I don’t have that problem now.

All Fall Down was a wonderful, tension-filled young adult romance set against the backdrop of Klatch’s Karnival, just All the Little Bones, only this time we’re not following outsiders Sorscha and Colm. Our main characters are Fleur, the ringmaster’s daughter, and Marco, her childhood friend who left years earlier and has come back to help when a series of mysterious ‘accidents’ plague the carnival, including an incident that leaves Fleur’s father in hospital and Fleur juggling the duties of running the carnival, performing nightly and caring for her injured father.

All Fall Down was such a delight to read.

In Book 1, Fleur was one of the ‘unable’ characters – she’d taken an instant dis to Sorscha who’d come in and started making changes to the trapeze show she was a part of and she didn’t it, which lead to a series of poor decisions on Fleur’s part, which she’s spent the time between Book 1 and Book 2 atoning for. Now learning the ropes (pun intended) for running the carnival from her father, she’s grown up and accepted judgement from her peers and worked hard to regain her standing in the group. She’s a tough cookie and she s to be in control, which is why all the accidents and her father’s injuries place such a heavy burden on her shoulders. We see her struggle to maintain control, to maintain the heart of the carnival she’s grown up in, and to navigate relationships with workers and friends.

Enter Marco, Eugenia Deloren’s son, and Fleur’s former best friend. They grew up in the carnival until Marco moved away with his father to the U.K. Now he works in event management and when Eugenia calls in a favour, he returns to help Fleur manage the show and help curb some of her overwhelm.

Their relationship was fantastic.

It was a bit of a blend of the friends-to-lovers and enemies-to-lovers tropes, because Fleur is very hostile to Marco’s interference in the carnival to begin with, but their relationship was so very earnest and easy-going once they got past that, and once the romance starts? Swoon-worthy!

The mystery element tied in nicely to the narrative as a whole. Every night the carnival ran a performance, I was left wondering what would go wrong, and the stakes were very high for everyone. Even some minor disruption could cause serious injury or even death, and so that keep the tension up the whole way through the book.

But the heart of the story, of course, was the developing relationship between Fleur and Marco, and it was just wonderful.all-time-faves4 s Laura Trenham325 6

3.5 Stars
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