
All Aces de Ellie Marney

de Ellie Marney - Género: English
libro gratis All Aces


Carnival glamour and swoon-worthy romance in this dark YA contemp series by the author of Every Breath...

A teenage contortionist and a young cardsharp risk danger to right a family legacy of injustice.Â…

Nineteen-year-old contortionist Ren Putri is committed to circus, study and self-discipline  – in that order. But after being rescued from a carnival fire by cardsharp Zep Deal, she's overwhelmed by some highly disorderly thoughts. Zep has a history of trouble, and now he's been suspected of sabotaging the circus that's become his whole life. Ren is already coping with family, and keeping secrets of her own – but she can't resist a mystery. Will Ren's penchant for solving puzzles bring the case against Zep to rights, or will digging further into the bad blood between rival carnivals only put them both in danger?

Circus Hearts - Step. Right. Up.

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***Actual rating: 4/5 Bravo Stars***

”Let me tell you, once you learn to win by cheating, it’s damned hard to play square.”

As the Circus Hearts series continues, Ellie brought us the incredible story told from Zep Dealer (the cardsharp) and Ren Putri (the contortionist)’s POVs. After the sabotage in Fleur’s circus, pretty much everyone in the crew suspected that Zep and his notoriously evil father were the culprits, except Ren. Even though Ren showed tremendous slight interest in Zep’s mysterious exterior at the beginning, un ordinary cliché, she didn’t fall for him right away after a couple of encounters. Instead, Zep and Ren took some quality time getting to know each other, while preparing for the reopening of the circus.
ItÂ’s nearly two a.m. by the time my thoughts are properly ordered, but once I understand everything and I know what IÂ’m doing, my brain quiets enough to let me sleep. But my dreams are in red and black, with slithering snakes and whirling cards, spades and diamonds and clubs and hearts that dissolve, tingling against my skin, falling around me rain.
Well, it was quite adorable to see the all-so-organized Ren struggle to get a certain male out of her head throughout the book. In order to stand by ZepÂ’s side, Ren showed a great amount of fearlessness and bravery while trying to collect evidence for ZepÂ’s innocence regarding the sabotage. That being said, I absolutely loved those features in her character since they shaped her into a distinctive protagonist.
And thatÂ’s when I know. This boy with the crowÂ’s-wing hair, with a history of struggle and sadness, who bests me in cards and kisses me senseless and considers my needs, and asks me about my heartÂ’s desiresÂ…This is the boy for me. And I can hardly believe he is mine.
Frankly, Ren and Zep spent 80% of the time in this book proving that someone they knew was indeed the saboteur so undoubtedly, I was more interested in their relationship for the rest of the story. As you could tell by now, there was real chemistry between Ren and Zep and neither could they deny the sexual tension in the air. To be honest, I was super excited about their slow brewing romance because it was what IÂ’d been waiting for since book one. Sadly, after they became VERY comfortable in each otherÂ’s company, their relationship status skyrocketed from the first base alllllllllllll the way to the fourth. AND I COULD HARDLY BRACE MYSELF FOR SUCH A HUGE PROGRESS, which let me down a bit for that the sudden rush in their love story sort of stained all the dreamy expectations I had.

Luckily, Ellie once again amazed me with her magical storytelling skill by adding some highly unexpected plot twists and putting a wonderful end to the entire Circus Hearts trilogy. Hence, I would still RECOMMEND the trilogy because of all the intriguing circus references and memorable characters. It was a true delight to read this series and I was sure it deserved much more readers. So, quit hesitating and go pick this up! In fact, you could now read the first book HERE for free before Dec. 20th! Go, go, go!

***Thanks to the lovely Ellie for kindly providing me with an e-copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.***beautiful-stories deserve-more-readers diverse ...more9 s K.4,137 1,145

Trigger warnings: violence, physical assault, medical emergency, mentions of fire (in the past).

Ren is a precious little bean and I love her.

These books have been such an absolute delight. Having had two books in the series from the perspective of trapeze artists, it was great to get one from the perspective of a contortionist as well. I loved how Ren's family featured in the story and how she had to balance her goals for the future with the expectations of her mother especially. I love how she and Zep complemented each other's personalities, and the romance was hella cute.

Basically? This entire series has been an absolute delight from start to finish. I loved that we got to see the characters from the previous books and see how their relationships developed. I loved all of the protagonists. I loved the circus/crime combo. I loved all of it, basically. ALL OF IT.2018 5-star audience-new-adult ...more5 s RachaelAuthor 8 books431

I loved this book! It’s my favourite of the three! I told Ellie about my weakness for knife-throwing bad-boys and she promised me that I would not be disappointed with her card-sharp equivalent, the unfathomably delicious Zep Deal. She was right. Zep is swoon-worthy and his love story with quirky contortionist Ren is completely delightful. If you need me, I’ve run away to join the circus. 4 s Emily WrayburnAuthor 5 books41

Review originally posted on A Keyboard and an Open Mind November 12, 2018:

I canÂ’t really explain why I wasnÂ’t as into this final installment of Circus Hearts as I was the first two. I think it is partly because I am coming out on the other side of my really enthusiastic desire for circus and carnival books. I crammed a lot of them into the last couple of months and I have may have finally worn myself thin on them.

There is still plenty that I d in this one. I really enjoyed the descriptions of Zep DealÂ’s performances. IÂ’ve never seen a cardsharp perform before but I trotted off to YouTube after finishing this to find something akin to what is described in the book because it sounded amazing.

Ren, our narrator, is a bit different to the narrators of the previous two books. SheÂ’s more awkward, which I enjoyed, and single-minded, which leads to trouble (of the good variety, of course). I really felt for her in the scenes with her family where she felt torn between family obligation and her love of the circus.

I guess one of the things was I just didnÂ’t get an immediate sense of the chemistry between Ren and Zep the way I did with the couples in the previous two books. But I did love the scene where Zep demonstrates his pickpocket abilities while distracting Ren with his proximity, and also, Ellie Marney continues to be the queen of the steamy make-out scene.

As you can see, there is plenty still to , and I think itÂ’s more to do with me than the book that I wasnÂ’t more into it. If you are in the mood for YA contemporary, this is definitely a series I recommend.

(Thanks to Ellie Marney for including me in her review crew and providing me with a free copy of All Aces in exchange for a review)arc aussie-books ebook ...more3 s Ella614 108

Thank you to Ellie Marney for giving me a review copy in exchange for an honest review.

I'm so sad to say goodbye to this trilogy...I'm so attached to it and it really surprises me seeing as the first book only came out in September. But now I'm so attached to the characters and story in a way that I would normally only feel if it was a series I'd been following for year or two! I WANT MORE OKAY! I've grown to love everything about it so much and it breaks my heart a little (ok A LOTTT) that it's over!

I'm happy to say that ALL ACES is an incredibly strong end to this trilogy. After liking the first book, being really wowed by the second book, I approached AA hoping for a bang not a fizzle and I got neither because this book is a FIREWORK. It was everything I wanted and more and I was a satisfied (and a bit sad) bookworm by the time I got to the last page.

I thought the romance from the second book, ALL FALL DOWN, couldn't be beat BUT I THINK I WAS WRONG?! I'm torn over if if this romance is my fav or ALL FALL DOWN's one still owns my heart (hate-to-love, you get me) but what I DO KNOW is that ALL ACES' romance just as good. The perfect amount of cute where you've just got a giant smile on your gob the whole time you're reading it, I LOVED it!

I LOVE all the circus stuff contortion and card sharping! Especially as the first two books focused mainly on the main characters being trapeze artists, it was a nice change for this book to focus on not just one but two completely different circus skills.

I'm torn over if this is my favourite book of the trilogy...I think it might be. Great cast of characters, excellent storyline and writing, squeeworthy romance...it has it all! Definitely pick up this trilogy if you're looking for something that ticks all those boxes!3 s Stef (Noveltea Corner)508 179

(I received a copy of the book from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.)

It's hard to believe that the final book in the Circus Hearts series (for now, I hope!) has been released and that there's nothing more to read from the circus I've come to know and love so much. It's been a wild ride and so worth it.

After the events in All Fall Down, contortionist Ren is dealing with the after effects of smoke inhalation all while trying to maintain her regular, routine-driven life. She's committed to her studies, her family and her work, and her rescue by Zep Deal from the carnival fire has thrown all of that in disarray. Zep, on the other hand, is dealing with the fallout from his family's past, and is being looked upon with suspicion by members of the crew even as he's trying to move forward and do something positive with his life. Their two paths collide and they must work together if they want to stop their secrets from causing further problems for the carnival - or danger for themselves.

Can I just say how adorable Ren is?

She really is. Despite being a contortionist, she's a realist who knows that no matter how much she loves her work, she can't do it forever and so she's studying for a life after being a performer that still keeps her in the business by being a positive influence in the lives of future performers. I think she totally rocks. She's also a perfectionist, which comes out not only in her studies, but also in her performances and the pressure she puts on herself to be back at peak performance level after a serious medical issues - she keeps pushing and pushing herself, which many people do, and there are ramifications for that which she ignores until she can't anymore. It felt very real.

Zep, on the other hand, is the tortured soul of the story, haunted by past misdeeds and a notorious father who won't stay gone. But he's a good guy who wants to move past all that and find his place in the world and showcase his talents (and his performances sound AMAZING). He doesn't quite understand why Ren keeps trying to help him at first, but as they grow to get to know one another the chemistry is there and sparks begin to fly and honestly, it's just great.

I love the trouble the two of them find themselves in, and the minor appearances by past lead characters, especially Fleur, who seems to have continued to grow as a character since her book, which I really appreciated.

Ellie Marney has done a great job describing the various performances and I really wish this carnival was real because I would love to see all of it in person.

I can't wait to get my hands on a physical copy of these books in December. They've been on of the absolute highlights of my reading year in 2018.all-time-faves4 s Laura Trenham325 6

I really enjoyed reading Circus Hearts: All Aces by Ellie Marney. the other two books in the series, this one follows two different characters and their story over a short period of time. We follow Ren, the contortionist, and Zep, the circus dubbed trouble maker, as they both attempt to come to terms with their own family troubles while juggling circus life and the issues it throws at them. This book takes place approximately a month after the second book and follows on with the story of the circus. Throughout the book, the two main characters have to deal with a number of issues that are thrown at them, including: injury, family expectations, avoiding criminal activity and romance. I will discuss some of these below.

I really enjoyed reading through the eyes of Ren as the narrator. Un the previous two books who had strong female narrators, Ren is more anxious and awkward, which made her point of view more interesting to read. At the beginning of the book, she is coming to terms with an injury which was sustained at the conclusion of the previous book when the circus was set on fire. She has been out of action due to difficulty with breathing and thinks she is ready to return to performing. Throughout the book, I admired RenÂ’s determination to return to form and be ready for performing again. While she may not have been ready to do so, she showed her utmost strength and determination to be a part of the team and not let them down even though she was still injured (and to more of an extreme than she first thought). Her countless hours of practice in her room were a prime example of this.

Another aspect of the book I was the inclusion of RenÂ’s family. In the previous book, there was the father/daughter relationship between Fleur and Terry and mother/son between Marco and his mother. Both of these pairs were close by the end of the book and the parents were supportive of their childÂ’s choices. In comparison, RenÂ’s parents differ. They are at the head of a very tight knit and loving family who want the best for their daughter. In this case though, they want their daughter to leave her home at the circus and work in Bali at her uncleÂ’s hotel. While this wasnÂ’t a huge story line within the book in comparison to others, I felt it had the largest impact. Ren wanted to impress her parents and made them proud but her mother had a one track mind of her moving away to work as she believed it would be a once in a life time opportunity. This situation is one so common in everyday life and its inclusion in the book makes it relatable to so many people.

In this final instalment in the series, I also loved hearing more from the ‘bad boy’ of the circus, Zep. In the second book, he was dubbed the trouble maker of the circus and criticised for bringing his personal problems into the circus. In this book, Marney shares another side of Zep that was less evident in the other books in the series. Zep is portrayed as a caring individual who wants to help out, while also remaining wary of his father and his henchmen. I enjoyed seeing Zep’s faith in himself grow throughout this book as he did not believe his skills were up to the standard to perform.

One other thing I found interesting was the relationship between Ren and Zep. At the beginning of the book, they barely know each other. The only real contact they had was Zep saving Ren from the fire. Then, very swiftly, they have fallen for one another through a series of events. While they seemed quite an unconventional couple due to the difference in upbringings, Marney was able to easily develop a relationship between them that was believable and meaningful.

Overall, I did thoroughly enjoy this series and this final instalment. I loved seeing how the relationships were built, how they were adjusted and how problems were faced head on with great determination. If you are after a YA contemporary, circus book with romance, please donÂ’t hesitate to check out this series!

I rated this book 3.5 Stars

This book is available for purchase from the Amazon as an e-book and will be released in paperback in December

(Thank you to Ellie Marney for providing me with a copy of the book in return for an honest review)
2 s Cassandra PageAuthor 11 books66

I read this book hot on the heels of All Fall Down (book two in the series) and I loved it almost as much. I've spent a bit of time thinking about why it wowed me slightly less -- and don't get me wrong, I still gave it 4.5 stars, and it was still awesome. I mean, it has a main character who is, if anything, even more interesting than either Sorsha or Fleur from the previous books. Sorsha was struggling with trauma but is overall very sweet, and Fleur is an alpha personality who doesn't to ask for help, but Ren shows the signs of having obsessive compulsive disorder.

I love that Marney and the other characters don't make a thing about it -- this isn't a book about OCD, if that makes sense -- it's just a book where the main character has these traits but is also an awesome contortionist and a very determined young lady who is out to save a hot guy she knows and has decided, against the advice of her friends, to befriend.

The relationship between her and Zep is a bit more of a slow burn than either of the previous two, but they had some awesome chemistry and Marney's ability to write a hot kissing scene has not diminished as this series has progressed. Oof! As with the first book, especially, I loved the description of each of their talents: Ren's contortionism and Zep's cardsharp skills.

One of my tiny niggles with the book -- and there are slight spoilers for book two here -- is that it seemed to start off on a slightly odd note; I don't know why the circus folk would be giving Zep side eye and assuming he might have been directly responsible for the accidents in All Fall Down when the perpetrator had been arrested at the end of the previous book. (Maybe they assumed he was a co-conspirator and I missed it? I mean, it could have been true -- but he did save Ren during one of the incidents, so he'd have had to be in two places at once.)

Another thing I found a bit jarring but that was 100% in character was Ren's decision-making around the trouble she gets herself and Zep into over the course of this story. Talk about stirring up a hornet's nest! But given the way that she thinks about the world -- as a puzzle or a problem to be solved -- I can also see her wanting to take charge the way she did. She also comes from a complicated, more traditional family situation where her mother is trying to pressure her to leave the circus, and her perceived inability to break free from that was definitely a contributing factor.

Overall, I'm sad this book has ended and that the series was only a trilogy. You should 100% check it out if you books that blend romance, crime and carnival life into a spangled, steamy whole!
****4.5 stars****aww2019 contemporary 2 s Tara601 3

After finishing the third book all I want to do is continue living in this world with Sorsha and Colm, Fleur and Marco....and of course Ren and Zep. I laughed, I cried and I sure did swoon. I love these books and think I might just go back and read them all again. books-i-own contemporary e-books-i-own ...more2 s Lara4,185 345

Sooooo my fave of this series! I’ve loved Ren since her introduction in book 1, and Jep...Jep is kind of perfect! I don’t know, just everything about this one worked so well for me—the way Ren deals with the aftermath of the events of book 2, the way she and Jep get to know each other and find they are both trying to escape from their families’ expectations (or in Jep’s case, just escape from his family), Ren’s friendship with Sorsha, the banter, the card tricks, the practice sessions, the sneaky parts and the suspenseful parts and the steamy parts...

I still want more! But I get the idea that this is the last one in the Circus Hearts series, at least for awhile, and it kinda makes me want to cry. IÂ’ve just enjoyed my time with the Klatsch crew so much more than I expected to and I donÂ’t want to let them go, so IÂ’m going to hold out hope that perhaps one day there will be more to come. I definitely feel this circus family has more stories to tell.

Anyway, if you enjoy YA/NA romances, great characters, a little intrigue, and can get behind a good circus story, seriously—give these a try. ASAP.
SECONDED!contemporary-teen-romance e-books faves-from-2018 ...more2 s Sarah FairbairnAuthor 3 books35

All three books are set in KlatschÂ’s circus, with the times lines of the charactersÂ’ lives continuing from one book until the next. That being said, all books could stand alone, but I think you would be doing yourself a disservice if you didnÂ’t read them all and you may as well do that in order.

I was captivated with this series right from the start. In book one I adored the POV character, Sorsha.
With Fleur as the POV character in the second book it took me a little while longer get into the groove of the story, as I didnÂ’t really her in the first book, but I got there in the end.
Ren is the POV character of the third book and I d Ren right from the moment Sorsha met her in book one, so I connected with her voice immediately.

Oh, adorkable Ren. Overthinking, overstressing, hardworking to the point of breaking, world on her shoulders and in desperate need of some good loving, Ren.

And I can’t forget the other star of this instalment – Zeb! Delicious Zep Deal, with his A****** of a father and his dark past. I love me a bad boy who is trying to break free of his past and make good for himself. Zep made a fantastic love interest for Ren.

A connection of sorts sparks up between Ren and Zep rather early in the story. One good dead is returned for another, that then turns into a tentative friendship, that then develops into the two of them partaking in some sneaky and very risking business together, which leads to them falling hard for each other.

Ren learns she has limits and how far she can push them. She learns how to stand up for herself and fight for the things she wants – she also learns what the things she really wants are.

Zep gets the break he deserves and a good woman to help him heal his heart – aww.

Damn, IÂ’ve made this sound its all mushy romance, but it not. There is plenty of action, punch ups with bad guys, revenge on the circus saboteur, and just more circus life in general!

Yes All Aces has a rather adorable first love romance for Ren, but it also has a you-gotta-fight-for-the-things-you-want vibe going on the whole way through. We also get a conclusion to the circus saboteur storyline that has ran through all three books.

I said this in my for the previous books and I’ll say it again for book three as it still holds true – Fast paced action. Hot romance. Circus life. What more could you want people. Do yourself a favour and check the series out.loveozya-mg1 Sue243 37

This is my favourite in the Circus Hearts series so far. Contortionist Ren and card-sharp Zep are a great combination. Both trapped in some way by family ties, looking to make their own way, on their terms, in a hostile world that seems to put obstacles up at every turn. Zep is smart, sexy, sensitive, and - despite having the despicable Angus Deal for a father - a straight shooter. Ren is struggling to prove to her family that circus life is what she wants and is a worthwhile career option. She is also recovering from severe smoke inhalation from a fire; a fire Zep Deal saved her from.
Zep and Ren develop an unstoppable attraction and along the way they put themselves in danger to make sure Angus and the saboteurs from the past two novels, go to prison for a long time.
The beautiful, vulnerable, but resilient Ren and the savvy, handsome, and protective Zep are the best romance in this series yet.
More please!adventure australian circus ...more1 Trisha2,031 113

Great romance, great story, and great characters.

I will always associate this trilogy with my father's funeral. I read them all as I traveled there and back again, and in between moments of sadness, and great joy I shared with my siblings and mother.

#upsanddownsarty australian-ya conflict ...more1 Elly1,054 67

No one sustains and then breaks romantic tension Ellie. australian-author ebook romance1 NicoleHasRead384 16

My only complaint about this book is that it's the last one and there's no more.
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