
Delivered to the Devil de Ella Jacobs

de Ella Jacobs - Género: English
libro gratis Delivered to the Devil


Ella Jacobs Year: 2024 ISBN: 9788797418291

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I can see Ella Jacobs growing with each story she writes.
It’s in the details,the depth,the feelings,basically everything a story needs.
So,having received the ARC of Delivered to the Devil was a real treat.
One i looked forward to reading,very much.
The blurb and the trigger warning promised a dark story,and boy was it ever!
It made me doubt my sanity as well as my moral compass,because i loved every dark and depraved second….even if i shouldn’t.

Rebecca left Denmark because her family and friends couldn’t understand her deepest desires.
The condemned her for her needs,called her sick,wanting to “cure” her.
Budapest was the place where she could breathe,where she felt free to be who she was.
Until Janos noticed her…..and basically delivered her to the devil….his boss,Gabor.
A corrupt politician,with dark and depraved needs he unleashed on innocent girls until they were broken,or worse….were killed by him.
Janos was a sadist himself,he enjoyed the pain his boss caused,and didn’t really care about the girls.
But at the same time,he was the voice of reason,stopping him before he went too far.
The first time he and his partner in crime prepared Rebecca for Gabor something strange happened,though.
She looked at him,pleading for comfort and some sort of support with her eyes.
And each time she’s abused and raped by Gabor,her eyes seek him out with the same silent plea.
Even though he’s responsible for the situation she’s in….
Janos becomes her beacon in the dark,the one that keeps her sane…..mostly.
He cares for her after she’s been used,he gives her the comfort she so desperately needs.
Until Gabor goes too far……
The cuts he makes with his knife turn out to be the ones to end her life.
Will Janos’ loyalty to Gabor mean she won’t get the medical treatment she needs to survive??

This was a tough story to read,the confusing and conflicting emotions Rebecca experiences were painful to watch.
She knew Janos was the one that put her in Gabor’s path,but at the same time,he was the one that cared for her,showed her kindness.
Having Janos’ pov helped,seeing how he started to care about her,how he felt guilty for putting her in this awful situation.
So,was it a case of Stockholm Syndrome?
Not really….not in my mind.
Janos fulfilled her needs,kept her safe,and in the end he did what was best for her.
Even if it meant he’d never see her again.
And that’s what tipped the balance for Rebecca….

End conclusion?
If you don’t mind the triggers,this is a story that’s worth reading.
A rollercoaster ride from start to finish,a real dark beauty.
One that will haunt you for a while after you finish…..
abuse anti-heroes-we-love careful-what-you-wish-for ...more10 s4 comments Ashleigh Bush21 1 follower

I don’t have words… this wasn’t just dark, this was a multilevel, beyond the trigger warnings, mind game. I usually look at trigger and content warning pages and laugh because they just give basic expectations of the book. No, not this one. This one outlined what’s going to happen but then really hits every one of those flags home - repeatedly. I hit every emotion - fear, hate, anger, love, compassion, loathing, you name it you will experience it. Ella Jacob’s does an amazing job really giving you a full range experience when she writes her scenes and develops her characters and this one just upped the ante. At first thought all I could see was Stockholm syndrome but there’s this connection between two lost and broken souls that find each other in a horrible situation and make do with the way things are. There’s all of these layers that I will be thinking about for a while. I may even amend this along the way as I sort through these emotions and thoughts. 3 s Pamela Rosen18 2

So this was my first real deep dive into the dark.

The trigger warnings scared me a bit, but I still wanted to dive in

It was not as bad as I figured. Do not get me wrong, this book was honestly horrifying, and I hope that this stuff does not happen in real life. However, I have no doubt somewhere in this world it does.

The FMC was so well written that you are brought into her life, and you could feel her suffering.

The MMC was conflicted with his loyalty vs. his feelings, which he was confused about but made some good and smart decisions.

This book is definitely not a HEA. It is the best possible outcome, though, for both the main characters.

You really should give this book a read, but read the triggers first.2 s Brianne444

Ella Jacobs is quickly becoming a favorite author of mine. She is able to write a very dark, and disturbing story in a way that grabs hold of you, embeds itself in your mind, and refuses to let you go, even after the story has ended. While this may not sound pleasant, I love authors and books that can do this.

Delivered to the Devil is an incredibly dark story. Rebecca experiences some horrifying things and Janos plays a large part in it. However, the way Jacobs writes the story and the characters is nuanced and complex, which leaves you torn. You wish you could reach through the pages to comfort Rebecca and while you'd to call Janos the villain, something makes you pause.

What I've grown to love about Jacobs' writing is that you are in the characters' minds and experiencing everything with them. Yes, it makes for a heavy, emotional read, but I love how you can't escape the story and the emotions of the characters. While they question what they're thinking and feeling towards what's happening to them and the people doing it, you're also questioning yourself and your reactions.

Jacobs' books will not be for everyone at all because they deal with dark, emotionally heavy themes and triggering events. For the people who are ok to read these stories, I highly recommend them. I know I will read anything Ella Jacobs writes!

arc books-2024 contemporary ...more1 Margaret Anne Mitchell15

This book is heavy on non-cons / SA and control so check trigger warnings.

This was actually an okay book hence the 4 stars. But I have to be honest and say that I did struggle to get into it. After about the first 150 pages I consider not finishing it but I keep going and it did get better.
This is me thing but I need to connection with the characters and escape into their world and it just didn’t happen with this one not until near the end anyway.

Rebecca ends up leaving Denmark after her mother snoops one her computer and discovers her sexual taste. And what do you do when you discover your child kinks. You tell your church group and pretty much shame your child into leaving the country. So Rebecca ends up in Hungary.

She doesn’t realise it but she catches the attention of Janos and his boss Gabor who just so happens to be a government minister and pretty much untouchable. Janos owes Gabor his life and will do anything for him including breaking into women’s apartments and preparing the women or new toys as Gabor s to call them for his sexual pleasure whether the women want it or not.
The thing is Rebecca isn’t a normal toy and Janos ends up caring for her more than he should.

There was a few times when I wanted to scream at Janos to save Rebecca. But then when he finally does the right thing and saves her. She doesn’t want to be saved.

I really wanted there to be a HEA and I suppose in a weird way there was they weren’t going to get a better outcome not when Janos refused to go against Gabor no matter his feeling for Rebecca.
I would have d for there to have been more. The story ended a little too abruptly for my liking. But the that does leave for the possibility of there being a second book.

This was an advanced copy after seeing the author looking for readers on tiktok or facebook. This is 100% my honest opinion of this book.

1 Frida Hemborg315 17

This is my fifth novel by Ella Jacobs, and I’ve been honoured to have gotten to read an ARC of every single one of them. Very grateful that you want to keep sending me your books Ella
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