
The Book of the Unnamed Midwife (The Road to Nowhere 1) de Elison, Meg

de Elison, Meg - Género: English
libro gratis The Book of the Unnamed Midwife (The Road to Nowhere 1)


Elison, Meg Publisher: 47North, Year: 2016 ISBN: 9781503939110,1503939111

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Disappointed in the Production and Marketing: A Review of Fragile and Distant Suns by Poul Anderson.

This book interested me because I was a fan of Poul Anderson when I was in my teens, so I bought this anthology for a dollar from Amazon. Described as "beautifully formatted (searchable and interlinked)" on the Amazon website, this book contains the text of five Poul Anderson stories that are evidently in the public domain. It is hard to know their exact age or source because there is no title page. Story four has the word "[illustration]" in various places to let you know what you are missing.

Even more disappointing to me is a note from the author's widow posted in the review section: "My livelihood depends on income from authorized editions of my husband's works. Payments for this edition go only to the person who is selling it. Please, instead, buy editions 'Call Me Joe' from Trigonier Trust (my own), or from Baen Books, Tor Books, or NESFA Press. --Karen Anderson".

In general, I am a big fan of relaxing U.S. copyright law, because I believe the restrictions are too broad and the length way too long. If it is reasonably to be expected that a work will be lost before it can be copied, copyright is too long. I believe this is especially true for digital media were all hardware and software needed to access such media will be long gone before copyright expires. But in cases where the work is still in print and the new publisher is just selling cheap knockoffs and avoiding royalties, I am far less charitable.ebook fiction in-hand ...more Susanna Duffy204

Classic Poul Anderson Jim446 23

An interesting collection of stories. Before beginning I must point out that the description about the contents of this book appear to be in error as the first included story is "The Burning Bridge" and not "Duel on Syrtis".

As has been pointed out some of the material is dated as Anderson wrote these some time ago. The world and our knowledge of it has changed. It was nice to revisit this view of SciFi's past.e-books-read read-2016 scifi Dave Brace15

A fine Sci-Fi story from one of the masters of the genre.
This was a re-reading of the book as I first read it at school. It has lost none of it's brilliance and the short stories contained within cover many many aspects of future times.
Thoroughly recommend this as a break book, you can dive in a read a story in between other thing.s Nick215 2

O ?esz.all-time-favourites in-my-home-library post-apo ...more508 s Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube)580 65.1k

Best post-apocalyptic book I've read in a while. So bleak but so different from the other ones I've read.

*It made it to my best books of 2022: https://youtu.be/WmTndjsYFIcfavorites374 s RoxaneAuthor 122 books164k

One of the most utterly absorbing books I've read in a long time. A post apocalyptic novel that doesn't forget that before the apocalypse people were LGBT and full of yearning and need. Grim but lots of pockets of warmth. Really interesting protagonist, an unnamed midwife, who begins to create a written history that will survive her for generations. Loved this novel. 288 s Shelby *trains flying monkeys*1,674 6,357

A dark as night apocalyptic novel? That's actually good? All the stars going up.

She wakes up in the hospital after being sick to realize that they are no people around. Just some dead bodies and the remembrances of a sickness that was rampant. Mostly all the women were dying and the babies and children were all gone.

She ventures home shell shocked and is almost raped in her bed. She discovers that there are a few men still alive but the rules have changed.
She poses as a man because those are her best chances of making it anywhere without being made into a captive.

When the sirens quit, the rules gave out. Some people had been waiting their whole lives to live lawlessly, and they were the first to take to the streets. Some people knew what would happen; they knew better than to open their doors when they heard cries of help. Other's didn't. What disease cannot do, people accomplish with astonishing ease.

This book takes on this type of story differently than I've seen it done. It seems by reading the blurb and a few of the that you are getting a story that's been told before but not that I've read. The unnamed woman sets out on her journey and I became entranced by it. I usually gripe and whine about not knowing all the tidbits.. what the disease actually was and what caused it. But not this time. It is done PERFECTLY. The author does take the time to wrap up the stories of the characters she introduces. (Even when you wished she hadn't...dark stuff)
Then genders are blinded when the world is thrown to shit.
Women are basically trade items at times and then 'hive' masters the next.

This is a whole new set of worms.

Read this book.

(It looks it might be a series but fear not my fellow series haters..this is a full meal on it's own.)

Booksource: Netgalley in exchange for review.dark-as-night end-of-the-world netgalley ...more173 s Melanie1,225 101k

ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

“There are battles and accidents; there are collapses and plagues. There is silence only when one side wins or everyone has died.”
This book was perfection, and probably the easiest five stars I've given all year. This was so thought provoking, meaningful, eye-opening, and important. This was also, as a woman, the scariest dystopian I've ever read.

What made me initially request an ARC of this was that it had won an award in 2014, even though it is just being republished in 2016. Now that I've read this, it deserves every award - all the awards. If I could have people read one book this year, it would be this.

This book changed me.

I should preface this review by telling you there are many trigger warnings in this book: Rape, genital mutilation, physical abuse, sex trafficking/trades, stillbirths, and probably more things in the same vein. (You can ask me for a more specific trigger, and I will always reply back.)

Basically, 98% of Earth's population of men and 99% of Earth's population of women has died from an autoimmune disease. Even though most of the Earth's population has be wiped out, the ratio of men to women is immense. Women become a very sought after commodity. Most are raped, sold, and treated dogs.

“What disease cannot do, people accomplish with astonishing ease.”
The unnamed midwife makes it her goal to travel to a safer place, while pretending to be a man, and giving women healthy options to not get pregnant. She also is willing to help with births, to try to save the lives of the pregnant woman, because all the children being born are stillborn.

Since the main character of this book is impersonating a man, we get to see all the gender roles, and characteristics they have in this "new" world. Spoiler alert, they aren't pretty. Many men take many steps back in progression, and have become more scary and animalistic, while trying to prove their alpha status.

This book heavily talks about gender roles and their impact on any society. They are obviously enhanced because of the ratio of men to women in this new post-apocalyptic society, but the parallels within our own society are so real and so scary.

The midwife is also very open about her sexuality. She identifies as bi, but I think she is most ly pan, too, and her take on being attracted to souls, and not bodies, hit really close to home for me. We also get to see juxtaposition with the Church of Latter-day Saints in this new post-apocalyptic world, and those chapters would be pretty eye opening, and very needed, for some people in today's world.

“Expiration date of body > expiration date of canned tuna.”
We also get to see the different stages of progressiveness around the world, and how others are dealing with this disease. I loved looking at all the different cultures, and their reactions. I also loved how the author let us see what happened to the characters our midwife meets along the way, even though she never gets to know their fate.

Two of the characters she meets along the way really hit home for me. One is from Michigan, where I was born and raised, and the other was from Vegas/Henderson, which is where I currently live. Seeing two people, in the same terrible situation, from the two places in the world that I consider home, really hurt and scared me. The impact of the situation felt so real and will haunt me from some time to come.

Again, this book is so important. This book honestly touched, and shook me to, my core. I don't use these words lightly, but I will carry this book inside me for the rest of my life. This book is so needed, and I hope it wins every award there is.

“Good old Planned Parenthood. Saved my life.”
Oh, and that quote made me decide that I loved Meg Elison, and I will read everything she creates. Honestly, the main and recurring theme of this book is how important it is to give girls options and keep them safe. Again, I'm repeating myself constantly, but everyone should read this book.

It's scary to be a woman in today's world, but it's downright terrifying to try to survive as a woman in this book's world. This main protagonist is one of the strongest and most empowering woman I've ever had the privilege to read about, and I don't even get to learn her name.

Blog | Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram | Youtube | Twitch arc dystopian favorites ...more154 s Annet570 857

The Book of the Unnamed Midwife.... a really, really good apocalyptic book. If you can stand it. Dark, grim, bleak, scary but also hopeful... in the end. The world is in the grasp of a global flu. Many people get killed, mostly women. No more babies born. The Midwife survives the flu, wakes up in a deserted hospital, only to discover that the world is ruled by a lot of horrific, nasty men. Who rape, enslave women in a brutal way and terrorize the world. Only a handful of women seem to be left in the world.
'Jane', the unnamed midwife cuts her hair, covers her breasts with a tight vest and poses as a man, while travelling the devastated world, searching for food along the way in deserted houses and shops. Always on alert, gun in hand always... She chooses to be solitary, suspicious of everyone, but meets people, weird communities and 'hives' along the way. Weird, shocking and grim. But really good. Echoes of The Road.... Makes you wonder how the world can get really grim and the people in it. It is a hopeful book too. We witness it through the diary stories of the Midwife... and others. Wow....impressive though worried to turn the next page and wonder what you will find there..... More than 4 stars. I recommend this one. Read it, if you dare and can stand the darkness....apocalyptic creepy dark ...more121 s Kaceey1,252 3,963


Not my usual genre, but wow, so powerful and so very frightening. Even though this is a work of fiction, it's disturbing to think this could happen in our future.

Something has wiped out most of the world's population and only a small fraction of the survivors are women. It's a story of strength and survival in a post apocalyptic world. Very dark and violent at times, especially to women.
Between Ebola, Zika, super bugs or even biological warfare, are we that far off from something that would devastate our society? The thought is almost too scary to think about. Especially given the present state of our world today.

I was pulled into this book very quickly and sat wide-eyed late into the night not wanting to turn off the lights. This book will stay with me for a very long time.top-reads-for-2017100 s John Elison2 7

Full-disclosure: I am married to the author. However, she did not ask me to review her book. But she did ask me to read it many times during its development and I must say it never became tedious or a chore.

I was immediately pulled in by the prologue and I found myself nodding, quietly yet triumphantly by proxy, at the end.

Obviously,I have a personal stake in this, but having read it and the newspaper lately, even if I weren't married to its amazing author, I would recommend this book.

We need books that look at injustice, misogyny, feminine strength, queer alternatives, and the value of life and we need others to read them, too. 95 s ?Misericordia? ?????? ????2,482 19.1k

I haven't the slightest idea why this is so lauded and hyped and all. In all seriousness, why?

A very plain, very disjointed tale of Apocalypse, the one that took mostly women and rendered the survivors infertile for the largest part of the novel. I get that we got a preview of the Doomsday and full view of feminism but... frankly, if something happens, both men and women will be in deep shit, together. So no need to antagonize the sexes.

Anyway, everything felt the book was staged specifically to show men as some kind of beasts. It's basically misogyny in reversal.

Imagine that the Doomsday is here, underway, and the only thing you can think about is who you're gonna have sex with. Nice, huh? That's how most men in this book operate. I don't find it particularly believable, or even partially, or at all. Frankly, I sort of think that if it does ever strike, there will be other issues, where are your families/relatives/friends, what to eat, how to deal with illnesses, where to live, what to wear (and this is not gonna be about any fashion statement choice) and where to put all the decaying bodies of the people that didn't survive?

Genital mutilation seems to be the upcoming trend in case of the Apocalypse. Yeah, right, is that an extinction event looming over there? Women are rare? Yeah, let's cut some or other stuff down there just to see if this one dies too?

The text organization. It's not impressive. Original but not functional. We got a bunch of Chapters across which go journals, the Books and plain text. The Books include 'The Book of Histories and Hives', 'the Book of the Dreamless Ones', you get it. Pretentious, that's what it is.

Too many equal signs. I am a fan of them myself, in personal notes. But then I use a lot of mathematical and logical signs to shorthand. In this text the '=' looked particularly out of place. I get it was supposed to be original and give the feel of authenticity but it didn't. The 'and's should have been replaced with '&' or reversed 'U's and the 'or's with '|' or 'U's, 'any's with upside down 'A's, 'more's with '>', 'less'es with '<' and so on... THEN the text would have looked as original scribblings (and incomprehensible for most people bar the most die-hard fans).

I don't believe there were only the handful of deadborn babies and people willing their life stories to get told that were mentioned in the above-listed Books. So, these looked scrimpy, out of proportion.

The text being framed in all the scribal version of boys working overtime to rewrite this drivel? Come on. They should have been taught something useful instead, since this material, they could have covered with a sane educator in, , a couple of hours.

And I'm not gonna get started on the wooden belly that that gal puts on to symbolize what? Fertility? What for? Scare the poor boys? Respect is best gained when women demonstrate they have fully capable brains and, had I seen some gal put that gear, I would have been the first to suspect her mental faculties aren't quite top-notch.

Overall, 2 stars is plenty for this sorry tale.

Even without working plumbing, they all felt compelled to use the bathrooms for their intended purpose. (c) Awkward?
Lone wolf. Lone ranger. Cowboy. Work alone. Great savior. Magic man. Got your magic right here. Don’t need anybody. Fine by me. Fine. (c)
She gave herself the luxury of a few days of madness. (c)
Wish I had an almanac. Wish I had the SF public library. Wish I had the right batteries for this CD player, even if the only thing I have to listen to is this Destiny’s Child CD in it. Wish I had a prime rib and a chocolate cake. Wish I had Netflix. Wish I had a friend. Wish I had Jack. Wish into the fire burn it a djinn. Wishes into the fire. Fire. (c)
Everyone you know is dead, but let’s focus on my language. (c) Well, 98% of male population's dead along with 99.99% of female but you're choosing to concentrate on sex.
The cities stopped burning. The stars filled the skies of places that hadn’t seen them since man started burning coal. Herd animals took the plains. Salmon swelled the rivers. The earth grew quiet and everything seemed to teem with life and hold its breath, waiting. (c)
I don’t the term Hive. I don’t think of it that. We’re more a web. (c) Come on, give me a break with all the hive-y things, will you?
They lived together the rest of their lives and never again saw another human being. (c)
A harem of three women in the Ukraine chose that day to kill their captor. (c) I don't think it's a good portrayal. The author obviously has no idea just how spirited Ukrainian women are. The guy would have gone bonkers and/or dropped dead the very first day.
Men = dime a dozen.
They always were. (c) Okay, that's misandry. Imagine someone saying that about any gender/sexuality/race, except men? About women, asexuals, Latinos?lgbtqia92 s Adina1,057 4,312

The book of the Unnamed Midwife is tragic dystopian post-apocalyptic survivalist novel. I read a more or less corresponding to this type and I consider this to be one of the best (right after Blindness).

The story does not sound so new. A fever wipes out 98 % of the human population, the women and the unborn babies being the most affected. A terrible world to live in. The main character is a nurse who wakes up in the hospital bed where she was left to die with the disease. Thanks to her fighting instincts and skills she battles for survival in a world were there are no more rules and nothing to strive for. Disguised as a man, she travels from San Francisco to the north in search for safety. During her journey her path is crossed with people who react differently to the tragedy around them and who will mark her life, no matter how much she struggles to avoid any contact.

The first thing that I admire about this book is the beautiful writing and the harsh realism. One of my main problems with Station Eleven, although beautifully written, was the lack of realism of the post-apocalyptic world. In this novel, everything seems so real and I imagine that the end of the world could look exactly the author wrote it. Rape and the hunting of women to become sex slaves or currency is one of the main themes here. It might be horrific but so plausible. Throughout the history women have been treated as a commodity and it is not hard imagine what would happen if only a few of them remained in the world. The lust for sex will probably be defining when there is nothing else left, no other entertainment, no rules, no civilization, no hope. It is a grim world out there but the author manages to describe the surviving efforts of the MC and of the other characters without being boring and repetitive, un what I read in the Road.

This is a book about survival, hopelessness, death, lust, pain and in the end, a bit of hope. I admired the courage of the author to discuss subjects that I did not see in other similar books For example, she touches suicide and the inability to cope with the destruction and loss.

Finally, I thought the mix between third person narrative and 1st person journals to be of effect and made the read a lot more compelling and me feel deep about some of the characters.

I loved this book and I do not understand why it has so few ratings on Goodreads, having also won the Philip K. Dick Award. Highly recommended for dystopia fans and not only.

I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
dystopia fantasy-sf netgalley89 s Lyn1,919 16.9k

A gritty post-apocalyptic tale told with stark realism and frank sexuality.

Un other post-apocalyptic books that wash over the disaster and cleanly describes later events down the road, author Meg Elison tells the good, the bad and the ugly of the immediate days afterwards. The reader follows the travels of a lone female survivor after a cataclysmic epidemic has targeted women and babies, leaving a very ugly and stinky male post-pandemic world.

In writing vaguely reminiscent of Fritz Lieber, the plague against women and reproduction also reminded me of Vonnegut’s brilliant Galápagos. The world that is left is predominantly male after a fast acting fever attacks pregnancies, killing the mother and child. Elison’s midwife protagonist displays some tough but mindful survival instincts to help humanity crawl back.

This is more Mad Max than Station Eleven, more post-apocalyptic than dystopian. Elison describes the lone female heroine, staying alive and taking care of business.

While we are still skittering along on the edge of the abyss, dystopian and post-apocalyptic stories will continue to mesmerize readers, this one is all the more real and terrifying as the Zika virus creeps onward. And while this sub-genre may be getting hackneyed and somewhat overdone, Elison’s voice is fresh and purposeful.

Not for the squeamish, but highly recommended.

*** A free copy of this book was provided in exchange for an honest review

90 s Nika188 224

2.75 stars

The book portrays a world after the plague that killed most people in the world.
The past seems remote and too good to be true. The present is bleak and fraught with dangers. The future looks hopeless and grim.

How did it all begin?

Some unknown virus hits humanity. Scientists try to stop the spread of the infection, but their efforts are in vain. The world population is decreasing at a huge speed. The pandemic is, however, asymmetrical. If one looks at the data regarding numerous lethal cases, one will see that the virus is particularly severe towards women and children and much more lenient to men. This leads to a considerable gender imbalance in the number of survivors. Very few women and children are left alive. Most of those who managed to survive the dire health crisis are men. Worse, children are no longer born. One may think that humanity is doomed, and perhaps it is.
Most houses and buildings lie empty. On the streets of deserted cities, there are mainly corpses and, worse, gangs of rapists.
If you happen to be a woman in these post-virus surroundings, you are at a grave risk. Women are so rare that they become an object of hunt. They are caught, turned into sex slaves, sold and resold.

The main character, having survived the disease, wakes up to a new reality. This "brave new" world is governed by the law of the jungle when force is everything and nowhere is a safe place.
She feels vulnerable. Ergo, she decides to disguise herself as a man to avoid becoming a target.
In her previous life, she worked at a hospital as a midwife. While her profession now seems useless, her medical training may be of great help to survivors.
Nobody knows the real name of the protagonist. She is the unnamed midwife who is bound to change her identity several times, at the same time remaining herself.
That said, I could not connect with the protagonist. At the end I was even more indifferent to her than at the beginning. I would have loved to see the character development, but it was lacking.

As the story unfolds, we see how rapidly a sophisticated social system begins to fall apart at the seams.
"Some people had been waiting their whole lives to live lawlessly, and they were the first to take to the streets. Some people knew that would happen; they knew better than to open their doors when they heard cries of help. Others didn’t. What disease cannot do, people accomplish with astonishing ease."

Some groups of people manage to maintain the previous order, or, perhaps, the illusion of that order. Among such groups are the Mormons with their strict rules of life and a community living in an equipped fort, run by a former military man. In the fort people can receive assistance, including medical care.
Which community will be luckier in keeping itself alive and preserving civilization?
I think we can guess.
What is clear is that is highly unly that one will be able to survive alone. Cooperation and mutual assistance become the key to survival. The importance of a community, a group of people getting along together is hard to overestimate.

Although I did not regret reading this book, I was somewhat disappointed. I expected more from this read. The concept was good, but the way it was executed was not.
Many passages in the story were not well-written. I found some of them raw and others redundant.
The writing was at times vaguely reminiscent of The Road, but I d Cormac McCarthy's dystopian novel much better.

Too often the text returns to the topic of sexual violence. Yes, we remember, the number of women remaining on the planet is minuscule. We can refer to the thesis about how thin the patina of civilization is and how easily it may come off given force majeure circumstances. However, it may seem rather doubtful that most men have turned into rapists or start fantasizing about it, preparing to pounce on the first person they meet, and that such a transformation happened to them in a short time. The dark side of male sexuality? It may have had something to do with the effect of the virus on the libido, though. Could the virus be harsher or more lenient toward potential victims depending on their testosterone levels? It is possible.

There were some insightful observations in this book. We are told that public services that failed killed more people than the virus. People were dying from a lack of clean water and untreated diseases.
Some descriptions of snowy winter days were immersive.

The ending leaves the reader with hope. With hope for the future. With the hope that civilization will be revived and that the chronicles written by the unnamed midwife and some others will find their readers.dystopia fiction science-fiction91 s30 comments Kelsey162 24

So far this is the biggest contender for "Biggest Disappointment of 2016".

I was so excited for this book, and it's not even that I was too excited that it was a letdown. This book sounded everything I'd love; an epidemic that wipes out 98% of humanity, and 99% of women. The book opens it up to be this interesting journalistic look into the fall of humanity, of society as we know it. Plus an image of what a world may be when there are way more men than women, and what that could result in. "The Handmaids Tale" meets "Children of men or even grittier".

It sounded so interesting, great title, won the Philip K Dick award, I was sold. So when I received it from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review I was looking forward to it crazy.

However, this book was just terribly written. The author says herself in her about me that she "writes she's running out of time" and honestly, you can tell. This book feels it wasn't planned at all, that she just wrote everything that came to her mind and shoved it in there with little concern about what it would do to the story. Or she wrote down all these interesting bits, and then shoved them together and said, "it's a book!". It felt it was supposed to be important, it was supposed to make you see harsh truths and feel uncomfortable. The set up meant it'd explore rape and women as possessions, a chance at a truly powerful story. But it was so empty, nothing important or powerful whatsoever. How an editor approved the glaring issues in this book is beyond me. How it won the Philip K. Dick is even further beyond. I plan on seeing what then other nominations were, unless there were none.

This story opens up in the future when a group of children are given the task of scribing an important series of journals. These journals are known by everyone and have been read by all, they are a sacred window into the early fall of society. The author then goes straight into the expected journal (why have the framework of the kids scribing journals if she wasn't going to have her book be in journal form right?) following a woman who is unnamed (but goes by many throughout the book) who is a nurse and midwife describing the early stages of the epidemic. Society has begun to panic a little as there is a 100% mortality rate in pregnant women, and woman and men are coming down with the fever everywhere. Our story then abruptly changes from journal format (after maybe three paragraphs) and then goes into 3rd person (I'll... complain about this later) and switches back and forth between journal, 3rd person, and omnipresent throughout. Our nurse wakes up on a cot in her break room at the hospital. Supposedly weeks later, as all her food in her home is decaying and moldy. She wakes up with no life support or IV (ok at this point I'll look past this) and wonders into the completely wrecked world. The city is empty and partially burned, looted, bodies all over. She goes home, is immediately almost raped by some random man (cause men get super rapey within weeks, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'll wait till later). Then takes off on a journey to who knows where, encountering few on the way, dressing as a man, and administering birth control to the woman she can find (all slaves and controlled).

That's literally all I can say without spoilers. Also, I cannot contain my rant, sooo let us start with the major issue with this book. The frame the author created using the kids. She set it up to be an important story, she set it up to be a journal. But then she doesn't commit. She ditches the journal nearly immediately, writing in a style that has things the kids cannot know, so what is the point. What's worse is the majority of the stuff in the 3rd person view could have easily been rewritten to be in journal form. Having just finished "We" by Yevgeny Tarteskovy (sp?) which was completely done in a stream of conscience journal form, the whole story, and done well, this bothered me extremely. But giving the debut a chance I convinced myself to look past it. Then the unrealistic start to the story. She wakes up (while admittedly at a hospital) in the BREAK ROOM on a COT, no simple "she pulled the IV out" to make it remotely plausible she was unconscious for a long time. The body can only survive 3 days without water. So without any assistance, she couldn't have been out for longer than 3 days. However when she goes home, her food is rotten, and she talks about how it's been weeks. WEEKS. Okay, okay, I'll look past it, it's a debut, it won an award, it'll get better. Immediately things get rapey. I get it, not a lot of ladies, SOME men will get rapey, but the chance that the first man she meets is rapey after only a few weeks of pure societal collapse seems slim. It doesn't help that nearly every man she encounters is rapey. The character also thinks about men in a TERRIBLE way, a way that if it was being written about women would cause a lot of angry people. The portrayal of men, and thoughts regarding men, just seem the author is projecting some Man-Hate. I tried to look past this too. In this world, all men are crazy sexual, or maybe the epidemic killed all but the over sexual, rapey, couldn't last a few weeks without sex before becoming a monster people. So now I'm at overlooking two major aspects of the book, and one arguably minor one.

The other HUGE problem with this book for me was the mid-wife herself. I hated her, I could not find any level to connect with her. She was mean, cynical, the kind of person that is judgemental and holier than thou. Rather than just saying she's pan-sexual (I get it, cause I consider myself pan-sexual it's about people, not genders) she thinks " I could educate them about gender fluidity but I doubt they could understand it", give me a break. She thought she was the last real person on earth, she was so full of herself it was sickening. Her actions and responses rarely made sense, and honestly, by the end of the book, she just seemed a garbage person. She cursed a sailor and not in a fun way, in a Jesus, you curse a lot way. Which feels weird coming from me (I curse a lot haha). She tried to be fiercely independent but instead came off as stubborn and ridiculous. But whatever, debut, I'll look past it.

So back to the journal. Seriously, what is the point of setting up the book with a framing mechanism, the children transcribing her journals, if you aren't going to stick to your framing mechanism. It didn't help that when she did write in her journal she wrote in a style= terrible= weird weird weird style. No joke, I've never seen so many "=" and she had a habit of repeating words three times. I started to think it was a tick. A sentence would seriously go " Lake house= cool vacation home= raid potential= people, want to avoid people, avoid people, avoid people" it was... obnoxious. I think the author was going for a stream of consciousness kind of writing, but there are much better ways of doing that.

I found myself highlighting multiple passages, not for great quotes but to add a note: "what" "this doesn't make sense" "but that's not what the person is saying at all". One passage literally had a character admit they know that their companions will never come back, only to have her think two sentences later "he refuses to admit they aren't coming back", but... he did admit it, two sentences ago... The book was horribly disjointed. It gets worse when she gets to the Mormon town when she's constantly belittling them for trying to have a semblance of normalcy, it's not that they don't admit to what happened. They call themselves survivors and call travelers refugees and are absolutely aware of what happened, they just are trying to create a town and live again. She seriously spends the whole time going "they're so blind, pretending nothing happened, pretending the world isn't over" literally giving them crap for wanting to find some kind of happiness. I wanted her to move on from this part of the book only to realize I was nearly 80% so this was the main part. I also began to realize that I spent 80% going " I'll overlook this issue and see if it gets better" but I'm overlooking essentially the whole book by this time. It's that broken, I had to overlook everything. I may as well have been given a piece of paper with bullet points of the story.

Shortly after the Mormon town, the book takes a complete and utter dive off a cliff. It has random passages telling what happened to characters she has no way of knowing what happened to, these are done in a god perspective, taking us all over the world, once again rendering the children and that framing mechanism completely useless. Not only this but it got... awkward and explicit. I thought when warned it got explicit that it would be in a "you need to read this and be uncomfortable because this is the reality of rape and sexual abuse" kind of way. But it wasn't. It was in a "she is just a sex-crazed as the men and starts talking explicitly with someone's husband" way. Describing sex and lady bits graphically, and thinking about sex and lady bits, and using unnecessary terms to do it. I'm not an "oooh nooo sex" gal. I read raunchy books, but I am a girl who hates unneeded explicit sex or reference to sex that detracts and doesn't add to the story at all. This literally takes up the majority of the remaining book. If you're going to add explicit sexual descriptions, make it worth it, don't make it random and out of place. This book could have used that to make a point of sexual abuse. But rather chose to play that card for some weird self gratification and obviously just for the, well, sex. It added nothing.

So by the end, nothing important happened. Nothing important enough that every future person would read this book and act it was important. She didn't encounter enough people to be a good story of the end of the world as we knew it. She didn't learn anything, she was a pretty nasty person till the end. The majority of the book is spent not on what the world is , but her describing sex to a Mormon guy in detail. Why would that be important to the future? I spent the majority of the book trying to make excuses for the book, and the rest being angry and annoyed. This book was a waste. A wasted chance on a good concept, a wasted chance traded for absolute worthless drivel and characters and interactions that are shallow and unrealistic. The author was all over the place. She had no idea how to put her thoughts together. She wrote the same story as multiple types of books than just shoved them all together. She didn't have a plan for her character. She had a cool title and couple of passages and just tried to make it work. It didn't.

I literally can't think of another book that made me this angry. "The Last One" got close (another amazing concept wasted, but far better written), and was #1 for worst of 2016 for me before this, and everything I've read by Fritz Lieber I've hated. But honestly, this book made him look a fine author.

This needs to go to an editor and be re-written and 75% of the plot needs to change. Then maybe this won't be a waste of a concept.

I'm done for now with this rant. I've got to move on from this book.

Worst of 2016 for sure.

I'm sure many will go, Oh you're being too harsh, it's great for a debut. Or, It's better than how you write this review is littered with grammatical errors.

But honestly, when do we stop lowering our expectations and ignoring glaring problems for debuts. I've read amazing debuts and bad ones where the author improved later. That doesn't mean we need to pretend the bad one is better than it is because it's first. Also just because I can't write for anything doesn't mean I can't tell bad writing.

If you this style of book, I swear to you there are better ones out there.negative-stars72 s BradleyAuthor 5 books4,428

Thanks to Netgalley for this ARC.

Post-Apocalyptic survivalism, featuring perhaps the very last midwife upon the planet.

This wasn't a particularly easy novel to get through, mostly for the emotions and the horror of what would ly happen to the surviving women after 98% of all men die from a virus and only 1/100 of that counts as women.

The author makes a pretty convincing case that what would result would be massive maltreatment of the rare women, mirroring what still happens today, but much worse, with enormous ignorance, rape, and misogyny the s that we haven't seen since that freaking rally last week or GamerGate. Only instead of words, it's pure hellish actions.

The novel has a large number of journalism-ish stories making up the early days all the way to through the first viable children after so many died with their mothers, even after the grand majority of the human race kicked it.

In these respects, the novel is a cross between The Children of Men and The Handmaid's Tale and a large crop of The Walking Dead, Book One.

I really appreciated it. I've been missing some serious and deep look at what it would mean to be so necessary to life and be so disrespected. It was also horrible and fascinating at the same time, but I suppose that is to be expected. Wow.

2016-shelf dystopia-yes-pls sci-fi70 s Alex.andthebooks445 2,292

Pozamiatane kochani 64 s Beverly892 350

This was a bit of a trudge for me, even though I love post-apocalyptic fiction. I was into it for about three-quarters of the way, the main character is a kickass nurse, who starts living as a man as the population of women and girls plummets. She is awesome and strong and deadly, even though she would rather birth babies, then kill rapists and murderers. She travels by herself through most of the book looking for safety and a reason to live.
So far so good.
When she takes up with the Mormons and then a young Mormon couple I started to find this side story a tad tedious, also the "hive" groups I found preposterous, which was one woman who takes up with a bevy of men. I felt the ending made up a bit for this, so it was a solid 3 overall.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review61 s Emma2,606 1,000

4.5 stars.
This was a bit different from other post apocalyptic books because the outbreak that causes it wipes out almost all the women. This means that the women become prized commodities. Now this is a recurring theme in post apocalyptic stories, but it has more of a focus here: how the sexual dynamics of a community (where they survive or have organised themselves) pan out- where women are enslaved or sex is traded for booze or cigarettes or guns; where birth control is even more important when not all sex is consensual; hives where women are the queen bees, men are the drones....

At one point our unnamed midwife is taken into a Mormon community which has 3 women and the Mormons had their own way of dealing with the shortage of women.
Throughout the 20 or so years that the book spans not a single infant survives the birthing process and almost no mothers either.

'Enjoy' is not the word for reading most if not all post apocalyptic literature and this is no exception. However if you're a fan of the genre I strongly recommend this one.post-apocalypse54 s SVETLANA291 47

A very dark post-apocalyptic book based on a diary of an unnamed midwife.

A plague killed nearly all of Earth's population. Died 98 % of men, but women died 10 times more often than men, and only a few of them left in the world. Survived women are often kept as slaves by groups of men and are abused every day. Children are stillborn and mothers are often dying at birth giving. Cities and towns lay in ruins.

The story is very sad but it is read easily and makes you think about the nature of humanity.2023-challenge audio dystopia ...more47 s Althea Ann2,240 1,120

Upon reading this, I was immediately reminded of PD James' 'Children of Men' - after all, how many stories are there which feature a near-future in which universal sterility has afflicted humanity, with the exception of one solitary pregnant woman, who is escorted through a dangerous journey by a former professional midwife? Well, there are at least two!

However, by happenstance, my post-apocalyptic book club was reading 'Children of Men' this month, so I re-read it after about two decades. (Which was interesting, thoughts here: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...) The two stories are far more different than I'd immediately realized, treating their themes in very different ways.

While James used the sterility as a jumping off point for a musing on faith and the corrupting nature of power, Elison is far more concerned with gender issues. 'The Book of the Unnamed Midwife' lets us know right off that the post-apocalyptic future is matriarchal, with women in charge, and pregnancy revered - perhaps even worshiped. This future society, still struggling, looks to an 'ancient' text as history and guide. This text is the diary of the title's 'midwife.' And from there, we jump into said diary...

The midwife wakes after illness to a changed world. A plague (which she'd been researching) has wiped out nearly all of humanity. Survivors are few and far between - but only 1 out of 100 survivors are women. On top of that, no new babies are being born. The illness is particularly fatal to babies, and it seems that even if a woman has survived, she will definitely die if she becomes pregnant and attempts to give birth. Soon, it's a world of lawless thugs and dangerous gangs where the few women are viewed as commodities to be bought, sold and of course, gang-raped. To protect herself, our narrator disguises herself as a man, and wanders the post-apocalyptic landscape, trying to find other women and to help them with knowledge - and birth control - when she can.

The writing is very good - I found the book riveting, even though the plot was rather meandering. However, once I took a step back from the direct experience of reading it, I did have some criticism. My main one does have to do with the rather aimless meandering. In the introduction, we're given a "Point B." Then, we flash back to "Point A." However, the book never takes us from Point A to Point B. How did a world of women as abused commodities transform into the matriarchal society of respected women that we first glimpse? Yes, the 'midwife' sees in passing, the emergence of 'hives' - groups of men who cluster around one "Queen Bee" in hopes of her favor, but that phenomenon isn't really deeply explored by the text. The main character finds this mildly interesting, but not something she's interested in pursuing for herself. While I did find the wanderings interesting, I feel the book set the reader up to expect something that it never delivered.

My other quibbles probably just have to do with my reading so much post-apocalyptic fiction, and seeing the same themes crop up over and over: the aimless journey, the pockets of religious groups who may hold it together longer, but who might get weirdly cult, & the future characterized by violent gangs and violence toward women. In some stories, this treatment can often feel somewhat misogynist, but in this book swung toward the misandrist. Actually, with few exceptions, humans in this book are really portrayed as falling into negative stereotypes. Men are either violent oppressors, or weak and ineffectual. But other women are also portrayed as self-interested backstabbers. I don't think of myself as having a particularly sunny view of human nature, but this book exceeded even my cynicism. Again, I wish that it had taken the reader a bit further, through the days of disaster and into the days of rebuilding and cooperation.

Still, regardless of its flaws, this is still a book that I would recommend - and have recommended - to other fans of post-apocalyptic fiction.

Many thanks to 47North and NetGalley for the opportunity to read. As always, my opinions are solely my own. 50 s Char1,770 1,655

4.5/5 stars!

Just in the novel REBECCA, we never learn the main character's name in this book. Hence the title!

I discovered Meg Elison through a few short stories she's written for horror anthologies and magazines and I decided that I wanted to try one of her novels. This one was recently on sale and to add the audio to the Kindle version didn't break the bank, and here we are.

THE BOOK of the UNNAMED MIDWIFE was a bleak post-apocalyptic tale wherein a disease wipes out nearly every woman on the planet. The scarcity of women soon becomes a problem for those that did survive the disease. Will they also be able to survive the wandering groups of men, many of whom haven't seen a woman in over a year? You'll have to read this to find out.

I loved the main character in this novel. Yeah, she swore a lot, was bisexual and independent. (These are a few aspects other have pointed out as being negative; I actually enjoyed them.) I d how her previous work as a nurse and midwife helped her to try to save other women she came across in her travels. I also respected her intelligence-dressing as a man to disguise her gender and doing whatever else needed to be done.

I enjoyed the way the story was presented with one exception. This tale was introduced as being the main character's diary, and a woman is having some young boys transcribe it decades later. As such, this is mostly a first person narrative; except that in a few spots the tale slipped into a third person narrative and that did not quite make sense to me, as there was no way our heroine could know these things. (Though I was happy to learn the facts related during those portions, to be sure.) That is the only gripe I had with the book.

Post apocalyptic fiction doesn't capture my attention as much as it once did, but this book rose above the normal PA tale. I was engrossed and invested and I wanted our unnamed hero to win, though "winning" was hard to classify-other than just surviving.

I should also mention that the narrator was most excellent and managed to believably deliver a number of different characters and accents. Kudos to Angela Dawe!

To wrap up here, I highly recommend this book and/or the audiobook if that's your thing, most especially to fans of post apocalyptic fiction and strong female characters!

*I bought this book & the audiobook with my hard earned money and this is my honest opinion.*dark-fiction plague post-apocalyptic ...more44 s Choko1,308 2,641

*** 3.75 ***

A buddy read with the MacHalos, because we wanted something out of our comfort zone!!!

"...“Find some people, wish you were alone. Live alone, wish for people.”..."

Well this was very different than what I was expecting... Different means just that, different. Not better or worse... I almost never read anything that has to do with plagues, because I just can't handle it usually. This was not exactly the case here. Once I started and got over the shock of the first several pages after the MC wakes up from her ordeal with the fever, alive among thousands of those who did not make it, with 98% of the population of the world dead and only a very small percentage of those who made it women, I knew I was in it to the end. This was not an easy read. It was written in the form of the journal of this young woman, a maternity nurse, who tries to make it in a world gone mad. As many authors before her, she tackles the question of what will happen if the world's female population was minute compared to the males. And to make it even more interesting, the women survivors, having had the illness or not, are unable to give birth to alive babies - either they both die during childbirth, or the child does and hope for humanity dwindles... Suicides are plentiful, which is understandable seeing the horrors of existing in this doomed anarchy...

"...“I would be happy to defend you ladies,” Duke said with a shine in his eyes. Every man on earth thinks his dick is magic. Alex could hear Roxanne saying it in her head the day they had met.”..."

What made me so angry, probably because I can see it happening, is the way the majority of men became treating women as possessions, without a voice or personality, just an object used for trade, work, slave, a wet hole, and a way for the diminished "men" to take out their frustration and make themselves feel better and in control... I have to say, there were many times I was tempted to put the book down and leave it, because it was too much at times... Humanity really gets challenged in moments of adversity and unfortunately, the most basic, monstrous insists prevail... However, the story was a car-crash - you just can't stop staring, or reading in this case. I d the MC and the way her character developed as time went by. She was very imperfect and there were things, were it under normal circumstances, I would have hated on principle ( cheating). But seeing how low the level of morality had gotten, to mostly non-existent, I would say this was a very small indiscretion... However, the not complete 4 stars comes from the constant repetition of the word "EQUALS"... As in "this plus this equals this"! I was ready to kill her myself for afflicting this on the reader!!!! It bugged the heck out of me!!!

Overall, it was much better than I expect form this Post-Apocalyptic genre. However, I would not recommend it to the faint of heart, to those who have issues with implied rapes, and to those who have low tolerance for violence. I would not to think that children or those under 18 would read this - I rather they wait until more mature, and no, I am not a prude.

"...“Books in, books out. Read novels, write a diary. Paper in your hands and silence in your mouth.”..."

Now I wish you all Happy Reading and may you all find what you Need in the Pages of a good Book!!!!
dystopia post-apocalipse39 s Shelby45 114

I'm a big fan of the post-apocalyptic genre, and this book was the best I've read in a while. Elison manages to create a fictitious futuristic world plagued by disease, death, and desperation without going overboard and forcing it down the reader's throat. The story flows and makes sense. Just the right amount of Mad Max-esque situations allow Elison to paint a detailed picture of the world post-plague. Gritty but not gratuitous, The Book of the Unnamed Midwife presents a realistic depiction of a world that is haunted but still hopeful.books-i-own post-apocalyptic38 s Trish2,141 3,659

I received an ARC of this book from netgalley in exchange for an honest review (honestly, that phrase is so stupid, my opinion is always honest).

I've read my fair share of apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic books and seen an almost equal number of movies/TV shows of the same genre, but this novel is exceptional! And to think that it's a debut novel too!

The beginning is a little bit in "28 Days Later" (there is a reason I'm naming that movie, namely the rape theme) with the protagonist waking up in a hospital to find the world in ruins - only in this book she knows roughly what happened because it had already progressed quite a lot when she got sick and thought she'd die.
The woman walks first through San Francisco, then through other parts of what was formerly known as the USA. She meets a few people on the way and, naturally, some encounters are very dangerous. Humanity is not just dead and dying physically because of that ominous plague but also dead and dying emotionally.
We get to experience those travels and encounters partly through the MC's journal entries and partly through an all-knowing narrator.

In order to do this book justice, I'll have to get into detail about a few things.
First, right at the beginning the tone is set with the rapist coming into the MC's apartment, forcing her to kill him. That aspect of events was to be expected of course since so many people died and only very few women survived the initial outbreak of the plague. Nevertheless, it is a very difficult topic and the author was very brave in how she portrayed the different viewpoints on it throughout the entire book!
Moreover, I d that the MC was level-headed and capable but not too capable and not always level-headed. Someone not having trouble living through the end of the world would not have been realistic.
After having been back in familiar territory (her apartment), the MC's (and therefore the reader's) focus widens as the MC wanders through San Francisco. We get a feel for what type of person she is and I hope her sexuality wasn't chosen that way because the book sells better that - too many authors include an LGBTQIA aspect because it's "in".
The focus steadily broadens with every mile the MC travels, at one point even addressing events in other parts of the planet that the MC cannot have known about (some disjointed, some about characters the MC had met previously).
Although this broadening is slow progress, it is never boring. The author instead takes her time to paint a thorough picture of the world in general and the human condition, portraying many different people from all kinds of backgrounds. It struck me at some point, I don't remember exactly when since it was a sneaking feeling, that Meg Elison shows her true mastery in those characterisations because she reminded me of none other than the master of creepy and seemingly innocent hints that gut you once you recognize them for what they truly are: Stephen King.

Honestly, one example was the whole Jack story. First he gets mentioned and you think it's to ground the MC, to show her loneliness, and to give a medical perspective on the virus. Nothing too detailed, no sappy love story (thank goodness), we barely know anything at all. But then we get to know why he left the way he did (not voluntarily) and where he ended up - only for him to commit suicide shortly later in heartbreakingly bleak and understandable circumstances - and the OF COURSE that was in exactly the camp the MC ended up in at the end of the book! I had a sneaking suspicion when the sign said it was a former military base and Daniel was introduced but the confirmation ALL THOSE YEARS LATER when Daniel died and what it meant for the MC was a blow!
Or the whole end to Roxanne and that biker guy. Predictable, but still utterly devastating - especially because it was told in an almost clinical way ( Jack's end)!

Oh but there were some characters I just wanted to see dying for their stupidity. Honestly, sorry to any Mormons out there who are decent people or if the representation was inaccurate (which I cannot imagine from this author and considering that she was awarded for the story), but Jodi and Honus and that whole community of theirs??? FUCK THAT! *clears throat* Sorry, I know exactly where that came from and there is plenty more.
I mean, the way the community went was more than predictable. It's a classic trope. But it always gets my blood boiling when people claim the moral highground only to be even more debased than any obvious human monster out there.
And Honus!!! Who d to be oh-so-innocent! The lamb! PAH! Cheating on his wife just because she wasn't into sex (which he could not talk about *rolls eyes*) and he was lonely and horny. Don't get me wrong, I'm blaming the midwife too, but at least she didn't pretend to be oh-so-righteous! All his talk because of the awfulness of that hive he encountered, his constant sobbing a baby. The only time he did the right thing (rescuing Patty) was prompted by his wife and then he couldn't finish the job and she had to shoot that pervert! And as if that wasn't pathetic and enraging enough, he ended up fucking said girl (although she was several years older by then) after his wife died in childbirth! FUCK THAT!!!

As you can see, this book made me very emotional. *lol* Which made the whole reading experience so real. As much as I hated certain characters or aspects of them, they were all extremely realistic (which probably is exactly why their behaviour got my blood boiling). It's amazing how affected I often was, even by things happening to people I didn't even really get to know much.

What is also noteworthy is that the rapes are never portrayed in an obvious tear-inducing sort of way. No pity party, just the facts. Clinical. Which, in my opinion, made it all the more impactful. Stated facts of a case. Real.

The journal entries, by the way, were quite unique. No "clean" prose but a mess of thoughts and emotions, raw and unedited (written in a way that made them look an actual journal by an actual person). Real. Just the rest of the book (there actually is no better word to describe this story).

This book is dark, make no mistake. But it's so rich in detail and realistic exactly because of it. I mean not many authors address unsexy hair growth in armpits, a woman's period during the end of the world, or they cut to the good times after a baby is being born without addressing the messy after-birth. Not this author. Everything was written true account. The "clinical" descriptions might also have been a deliberate style because the MC was a nurse/midwife - in any case, they had the (probably desired) effect of making me shudder.

No moments of pure action in an action movie but plenty is happening, some things shocking the reader to the core, all of it taking its toll. A fantastic if devastating world in which to immerse oneself for a few hours.34 s Jenny (Reading Envy)3,876 3,510

Everyone knows I'm a sucker for apocalypse, but I almost didn't read this one. I was not sure I could take yet another breeder-apocalypse novel, one that focuses on women not being able to reproduce (a la The Handmaid's Tale or forces the women to become breeding machines to save the human race (every apocalypse novel, it feels .) And this is present here, in fact the central character is an unnamed midwife who is one of the few survivors after some kind of virus has wiped out 98% of humanity, and the majority of the survivors are male. Somehow, she survives. Her name changes as she encounters different people in different situations (and even still, I hadn't really realized I didn't know her actual name; I just went back and checked for one!)

One interesting element of the novel for me was the issue of sexuality. The unnamed character is bisexual, although most of this comes up in her memories. To survive in a male-dominated society, she tries to be as gender-neutral as possible, trying to rewire her brain to move her body in a different way, to lower her voice, etc.

But that's not the only way. What happens where there are almost no women? Does male sexuality change? For some in the novel, it does. And in another story, some women form hives of a sort, with a queen bee, a bunch of men, and a lot of sex and drugs. In other situations, women are sexually assaulted, traded, and kept as slaves. The commodification of women in post-apocalyptic situations is not new. But in this novel, the unnamed midwife helps to fight it when she encounters it. Because of her unique background, she helps people through quick thinking but also birth control. Women are still dying from childbirth, almost every time.

There is a framing story where a small group of boys is tasked as scribes, making a copy of the nineteen journals making up The Book of the Unnamed Midwife. It is the society's history, it's start, and they have built in ways to preserve it. The journal entries permeate the novel and help break up the sections. At first it is just the midwife's journal, but it is joined by others.

Other parts I d - the Mormons attempting to live exactly as they had before, and of course they are the most prepared with all their canned food and supplies. But there is more going on under the surface, and the elders continue to send out missionaries, but the reason may not be what you expect. The descriptions of the silence in a world without people also really stood out to me.

This book won the Philip K. Dick Award in 2014. I recently received a review copy of it from the publisher, so I can only guess that it is being re-released. And it looks there will be a sequel early next year, which I will definitely be reading. (The Book of Etta.)ebooks philip-k-dick-award-nom-or-win post-apocalypse-and-dystopia ...more34 s Andrei(Drusca)262 62

A dark apocalyptic tale. So bleak2022-reads audiobook32 s Emily297 1,627

A new favorite!!!!!

Are you looking for The Handmaid's Tale with a wider world and none of Margaret Attwood's problematic feminism? WELL HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS, BECAUSE I HAVE THE BOOK FOR YOU.

I loved this book. ADORED it. And I'm particularly happy about that because I once met Meg Elison at a book event and she was just lovely. It's always wonderful when a person you d writes a fucking phenomenal book.

So, what did I ? Beyond a generic EVERYTHING? Let's discuss.

The world: I love that this book feels simultaneously very wide and very intimate. It's a bit of a road novel (our protagonist, the titular unnamed midwife, travels from SF to Utah), but the moments of quiet domesticity counter the vast bleakness of the world. I love that we get glimpses of the world outside of the midwife's point of view--it makes sense that different cultures would react differently to a plague that kills off most people, but especially women and children. Those little snippets make the world seem wider, make the apocalypse seem more realistic.

The character of the midwife was just SO BRILLIANT. First of all, I loved that the diary sections truly read someone is journaling--it's full of fragments, shorthand, swearing, random ALL CAPS (truly relatable, for me). Layer on the fact that Elison chose to use these diary portions sparingly, and you have perfection. I don't know that I would have enjoyed an entire story in that format. Because it's switched up between journaling and traditional narrative prose, it never feels a gimmick. The diary entries are also a brilliant lesson in empathy. They fee raw, and I DARE you to not connect to them deeply. I also loved the fact that she is unnamed. Elison toes the line perfectly between using the unnamed midwife as a stand-in archetype and crafting a genuine, authentic character. It's brilliant.

I could go on and on forever about how brilliant this book is, but I'm going to end by saying JUST READ IT ALREADY.absolute-favorites favorites32 s aPriL does feral sometimes 1,998 462

Meg Elison's 'The Book of the Unnamed Midwife' describes the most intelligent science-fiction dystopia I have read this decade. I thought it brilliant. She has extrapolated from current reality an intense speculative book based on some current civilization trends and a deep understanding of human nature.

The eponymous Unnamed Midwife was a nurse in San Francisco when the killer pathogen struck. She was not concerned at first when sick people began to flood her hospital. Everyone believes it is a normal flu - until no one seems to survive it, especially pregnant women and children. When almost everyone has died in only a few weeks, leaving behind one woman alive per hundreds of men, when all electrical grids have stopped delivering electricity and water has stopped flowing, when cities of 700,000 people have only a few hundred people left alive, the midwife understands she cannot trust anyone, especially the packs of surviving men looking for food, water, guns and the few women, girls or female toddlers still alive.

Everyone is grieving. But not everyone feels being civilized has any value anymore...

If anyone feels scoffing once the premises of the story become clear, simply Google search for college fraternity hazing deaths and party rapes, Russian military hazing and military college hazings. Look up Central American countries which have been overwhelmed by ex-American gangs, or read about how Afghanistan, Pakistan and other Islamic theocratic States support the enslavement of women by law or practices culturally disguised as 'customary religious practices'. Inform yourself by searching for the degenerate Mad Max military/police practices of warfare in Africa. Gentle reader, you will see stories about unleashed hierarchical male cruelty and dog-pack gang behavior in male-only institutions that are dated 2017, not 1817, or 1017.

I understand many men are not patriarchal or naturally hierarchical in their natures. I know most men do not have strong cravings to be in sexual control over women. However, it is obvious many men are. It is also clear not enough of the men who are not patriarchal by nature stand up to those who are, too.best-if-read-cold favorites horror-and-bloody-screamfestivals ...more28 s Hannah616 1,153

This book was too dark for me. Yes, I'm a wuss, and yes I should have known before I started it. But it sounded intriguing, came highly recommended and won a prestigious award, so I read it anyway.

This is a more or less classic take on the dystopian genre. But while most books I have read concentrate on the "after" of a specific society-ending event, this book tells the story of that event and the early years after. Our heroine is a midwife and one of the very few women who survive a pandemic outbreak of some disease. The author very successfully imagines what would happen to a society where there are about 100 men per woman; and what she imagines isn't pretty. The book more or less starts with the attempted rape of the heroine and only gets bleaker from there. And while this might very well be realistic, for me it made the reading experience rather unpleasant in parts. Call me hopelessly optimistic, but I really hope this is not how our society would evolve.

In the beginning we follow our heroine closely and only learn as much as she learns, which was a very effective way of telling this story. I still very much enjoyed when the author started showing more of the rest of the world and how different people coped or didn't cope with the experiences.

The unnamed midwife (who stays in fact unnamed for the whole book) is a brilliant, kick-ass, but still flawed protagonist. I d that she wasn't some damsel in distress, but that she was still allowed to be vulnerable and griefing and human.

Overall, it was a great book, just not the book for me. I am still intrigued by the following book - because Etta seems kinda bad-ass! So, I would definitely recommend this book; unless me you prefer your fiction on the less brutal side of things.

I received a copy curtesy of Netgalley and 47North in exchange for an honest review. Thanks for that!arc dystopia30 s donna backshall744 207

The Book of the Unnamed Midwife is absolutely my favorite read thus far in 2019.

The diary format was fascinatingly effective for this novel: "This is supposed to be my personal scripture" said one character, when she was caught copying his diary into hers.

For such a stark and difficult world portrayed, I found an odd comfort in the Midwife's genuine and intimate journey. Her diary spoke to me in the same way The Road did, leaving me both hopeful and hopeless for mankind, should there ever be a near extinction level event.136-in-2019 best-of-2019 dystopia ...more31 s Alice819 3,011

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